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20th November    Lush in Norfolk ...
Licence granted for village sex shop
East HarlingA businessman who imports and distributes porn videos across the country was granted a licence for sex shop in an industrial unit on the edge of a Norfolk village.

Chris Bottrell, of East Harling, currently runs a wholesale video operation from the village's Cloverfield Industrial Estate at Lopham Road.

He wants to open a shop called Lush XXX on the first floor of the unit, which would sell sex products to personal visitors and by internet sales and mail order.

Breckland Council's general purposes committee agreed on Wednesday to grant a sex establishment licence but Bottrell will still need to get change of use planning permission.

Members heard objections from another local businessman as well as being told there had been opposition from four villagers. There were claims that many local people had not been aware of the plans as they had not seen the application notices. But the committee decided there was "no sustainable reason to refuse it."

Bottrell's solicitor Brian Hardy told councillors the business would be "discreet" and there would be no windows or a shop front and the advertising signs would only be on display when it is open between 9.30am and 9pm.

Solicitor Nigel George, who was representing Andrew Taylor who owns other units on the estate, said it would be close to a large housing development and schools and the church: It is a wholly inappropriate place for a sex shop. If you have got people driving around the country lanes trying to find a sex shop which they cannot find, are they the type of people you would want asking directions from children?


15th November    Rights Abuse in Ireland ...
Hardcore DVD censorship without justification
Shauna's Adult ShopThe owner of an adult shop in is seeking a court order to allow a certificate for a pornographic movie described as "obscene" and "indecent".

Jaqueline Byrne, of Capel Street, Dublin, who is the owner of Shauna's adult store, has taken proceedings against the Official Censor and the Censorship of Films Appeals Board.

Ms Byrne is seeking a court order quashing the censor's refusal to grant her a certificate for a pornographic movie entitled Anabolic Initiations No 5 .

She claims the Appeal Board's decision, which she was informed of in July 2006, amounted to unfair procedure and contrary to natural justice because it gave no reasons for its decision.

The defendants deny the claims. They claim that reasons for the refusal were given to the applicant.

Yesterday, Anthony Collins, for Ms Byrne, told the High Court that in April 2004 his client was informed by the Official Censor that her application to have the film certified was being refused. The censor said in his decision that the work was unfit for viewing because it contained material that was "obscene or indecent", that would "deprave or corrupt persons who might view it".

That decision was appealed. A report prepared by UK-based psychologist and academic Denis Howitt, who has written extensively on the effects of pornography, was submitted to the board.

Howitt said that the type of pornographic material depicted in Anabolic Initiations No 5 could be classified as erotic as opposed to pornography deemed to be either sexually violent or degrading and dehumanising.

However, on July 12, 2006, Ms Byrne was informed that the Appeal Board was upholding the Censor's earlier decision to prohibit the work.

Collins said that the board gave no reasons why certification was refused. He said that Ms Byrne was entitled to know why a certificate was not awarded.

The court also heard that the film was available from licensed operators in the United Kingdom.

The action continues.


7th November    Doddering Old Worthing ...
Third attempt for a sex shop licence

Kathy Sutton, owner of Secret Desires in Rowlands Road has submitted her third application for a licence to Worthing Borough Council, having been unsuccessful in 2006 and earlier this year.

Ms Sutton first opened the shop in 2005, sparking nutter 'outrage'. Her first licence application was refused in January, 2006, because licensing committee members felt it would be inappropriate to have a fully licensed sex shop in the area, because of objections received and because there are two children's homes and a nursery nearby.

Despite this, Ms Sutton decided to run Secret Desires as though it was licensed, as a fully licensed shop had more regulations to follow she allowed only over-18s inside and had the windows covered up. The idea was to show residents how little effect it would have on the area.

But after her second application was refused on the same grounds in January this year, she started running it as the unlicensed shop it was. This meant uncovering the windows so people could see inside and allowing people of all ages to shop there.

According to Ms Sutton, the only difference having a licence would mean would be she could stock R18-rated adult films.

She said: There is a demand for what we sell and since we opened there have not been any problems. House prices have not dropped and there has not been an increase in crime. When is the licensing committee going to start listening?

Nutter Steve Stevens has been fighting against the shop since it first opened: I will put on an even stronger campaign this year and, if needed, I will bring down a barrister for the licensing hearing. Ms Sutton is very foolish if she thinks she will be successful. We have kept this town without a licensed sex shop since 1984 and we intend on keeping it that way. She wants to make money out of perverted people who want hardcore porn. This town does not want a licensed sex shop.

The licensing hearing is expected to be held in February.


29th October  Update:  Belfast council MissBehavin' ...
Sex shop to be prosecuted after Euro court option lapses

  Belfast ArmsL Morality above the law

Belfast City Council officials are determined to finally prosecute an Ulster sex shop this week.

The council's court case against adult entertainment outlet, Miss Behavin' was adjourned at Belfast Magistrates Court last Tuesday.

That makes the fourth time this year the charge against the Gresham Street shop of using premises as a sex establishment without a licence has not been heard!

But the case against Miss Behavin's owner is almost certain to be finally heard on Tuesday.

Proceedings against the Smithfield sex shop ground to a halt last July after Miss Behavin's legal team revealed that it was planning to bring Belfast City Council to the European Court of Human Rights, for refusing to grant it a licence.

Court hearings were adjourned in August, September and last week - as a result of the mooted action.

But, with the deadline for lodging the Strasbourg application passing last Thursday, insiders at Belfast City Council are now optimistic that the case will be heard with this week.


31st October  Update:  Applying for Freedom of Expression ...
Belfast sex shop owners goes to European court

  Belfast ArmsL Morality above the law

The owner of a Belfast sex shop trading without a licence is taking his case to the European Court of Human Rights, it has been revealed in court.

Earlier this year the House of Lords backed Belfast City Council's blanket ban on sex shops.

However, a number have continued trading in the Gresham Street area.

A lawyer for the owner of one, Miss Behavin, who is being prosecuted by the council, told Belfast Magistrates Court he was taking his case to Europe.

The defence was applying for an adjournment of the case as an application was being made under Article 10 of the European Convention, the right to freedom of expression.

The council's solicitor opposed an adjournment which he described as an exercise in prevarication.

Resident Magistrate Ken Nixon granted an adjournment until 13 November for confirmation that the European court hearing was going ahead.


26th October    Jesus Loves Us All ...
...Except sex shop employees
Nice 'n' Naughty carA Liverpool priest has given adult lingerie store Nice N Naughty a dressing down for parking one of their delivery vans near his church.

Father Kenny Hyde from (we think) St Vincent de Paul Church slapped a warning notice and a handwritten letter on the van after seeing it parked on St James's Street.

It threatened to have the vehicle towed away and report the company to the police.

This is a catholic church. If there was a funeral on today I would have had your car towed away. Don't park here, said the note which was signed Father Kenny Hyde, Parish Priest.

The priest also phoned the store to tell staff he felt it was "disrespectful" to park a Nice N Naughty van near a church.

Nice N Naughty area manager Lindsay Tweddell said: There's a real lack of on-street parking in the city at the moment, so I decided that on the day I wasn't going to be using the van for a few hours I'd park away from the traffic restrictions and walk to work.

I went back to move the van and saw a large orange sticker had been stuck to the windscreen saying Don't Park Here. I also notice the letter which had been placed behind the wiper,
added Lindsay.


22nd October    Fear of the Night ...
Nutters mount petition against Romford shop
Petition at Night ThoughtsMore than 6,000 people have signed a petition against a proposed sex shop inside Romford's Liberty shopping centre.

Nutters claim the shop, Night Thoughts , would put people off visiting Romford and affect the local economy.

Residents Association leader Eamon Mahon met with Havering Council leader Michael White (Con) and a Phillip Wallis, a representative from GHP Group, which is the firm behind the proposal, on Friday.

Mahon said: We hope this petition will convince everyone who needs to be convinced that a sex shop is not wanted in this town. I believe this shop would be the further erosion of a family-orientated town.

If this shop gets permission, then the floodgates would open for others and it would become like a red light ghetto. A shop like this would have a captive audience already, so it could relocate on an industrial estate.

GHP hopes to open the store in a double-fronted unit – formerly home to Littlewoods – in the Liberty.

The matter reached the High Court earlier this year when Liberty officials erected hoardings in front of the store to hide mannequins holding 'provocative' equipment in the shop window. A judge ruled both the hoardings and the mannequins be removed.

The store currently displays large blue banners, saying: Coming soon. Night Thoughts. An exciting new concept for the broad-minded.

The firm would need to be granted a licence to open the shop by Havering Council. A spokesman for the authority said no decision has yet been made.


29th October  Update:  Distracted by Inanity ...
Sex shop window display turned down as distracting

  Simply Pleasure

Plans for a window display at a Kidderminster sex shop have fallen at the first hurdle after councillors refused to give them their backing.

Simply Pleasure had asked for permission to put lingerie and skimpy clothing in the window of its Horsefair store.

But members of Wyre Forest District Council's licensing and environmental committee said an "explicit display" would not be in keeping with its location. There were fears a saucy shop window could be distracting for drivers and inappropriate because of the amount of people, including children, walking past.

Councillor Peter Dyke said at the meeting yesterday: It would be distracting to people on what is a busy and quite narrow road.

Simply Pleasure's area manager for the West Midlands, John Simpson, said: If Marks & Spencer or Ann Summers want to display lingerie in their windows they can but because we have a "sex establishment licence" we can't.

The committee's decision is now expected to be rubber-stamped by the council.


18th October    Immoral Objections ...
Nutter councillor cites moral objection to sex shop
Private Shops UKBradford nutters have objected after two sex shops on the same street applied to have their licences renewed.

Darker Enterprises has applied to Bradford Council for the renewal of a sex shop licence for premises at 149 Manningham Lane, Bradford, while Kevin Haigh has applied to renew the licence at nearby Scene One, located at 145 Manningham Lane.

A petition, signed by 96 nutters, has been raised on the grounds that sex shops are inappropriate for the local community and businesses in the area, as well as being a bad influence for children.

Meanwhile, Councillor Qasim Khan has submitted a letter of objection to the Council's Miscellaneous Licences Panel, which will consider the applications during its next meeting on Friday at City Hall.

Khan said: As a local businessman, chairman of governors at a local primary school and a ward councillor, I hereby object to the renewal of licence to operate an adult shop at 149 Manningham Lane, Bradford.

The local community strongly objects to having this sex shop in the area. I believe the licence should be revoked because this sex shop would have and has had detrimental effect on the young children.

The children need to be protected from the immoral and corrupting influence.

A Council officers' report, to go before the licensing committee, points out case law has stated moral grounds are not a relevant consideration when determining an application for a licence. The report said previous applications for renewal were processed without objection.


23rd October  Update:  Bradford Renewal ...
Morality councillor upset at sex shop licence renewals
Private Shops UKTwo sex shops in Manningham have been given the green light to stay open after Bradford Council renewed their licences.

Councillor Mohammed Ishrat Mirza said: They have ignored our petition and our opinions. We are not happy and are planning to have a demonstration next week.


Update: Protest

28th October 2007

Objectors stood outside the Manningham Lane shop yesterday hoping to prevent the store from staying open


Update: Sundays

8th December 2007

The Private Shop on Manningham Lane has been granted a licence to trade between 10am to 4pm on Sundays after a mistake on a renewal application form earlier this year.

Bradford Council's Miscel-laneous Licences Panel heard how a "typographical error" on the form meant the Sunday opening hours were omitted.

Yesterday, the panel agreed to reinstate the hours despite objections.


26th October

    Update: Playing Pickets ...


Nutters picket London Playboy Store

Based on an article from Bin the Bunny  

Only two days after its official launch, the Playboy store in Oxford Street was subject to a demonstration by the Bin The Bunny campaign.

Nutters picketed the store from 12 to 6pm on Saturday 29th September and handed out hundreds of leaflets, postcards, stickers and Playboy quizzes with information about Playboy Enterprises. The main aim for the day was to raise awareness amongst the public about the pornography behind the Playboy brand and bunny logo.

Nutters noted that the new Playboy store did not attract much custom. Whether this was due to the protest or simply down to shoppers not taking an interest in the store and its merchandise remains to be seen.


11th October    Lady Love Story ...
Exeter sex shop pioneer dies
police raidAn Exeter sex shop pioneer, Peter Spokes, has died aged 65.

Spokes, who ran the Fantasy World fancy dress shop in Fore Street, earned his place in Exeter's retailing annals after he opened the Lady Love sex shop in Fore Street.

That prompted a long-running and, at times, bitter battle with city council licensing officials.

In 1980, Spokes was cleared at Exeter Crown Court of having obscene articles for publication for gain and awarded costs.

He had always denied a charge of having seven magazines and 17 hard-core pornographic films hidden at the back of his Lady Love shop and that he hired them out or sold them for gain.

In 1984, the council again took on Spokes banning Exeter's three sex shops, including The Lady Love medical goods store he owned in Fore Street.

Spokes angrily denounced the move at a behind-closed-doors decision and threatened to appeal through the British and European courts: I believe people have a right to read what they want, but soon we will be watched over by a "big brother" with police breaking down doors and burning the books councillors do not like.

In 1990, father-of-two Mr Spokes was ordered to pay more than £20,000 and forfeit 50 films after he was found guilty of supplying unclassified sex videos at his sex shop. It followed a swoop by trading substandards' officials on Mint Carnival Supplies and Exe Medical Supplies, of Fore Street.

In October, 1992, he was given a 12-month sentence by city magistrates for non-payment of the 1990 fine - but had the term halved on appeal after it was discovered he had been given the maximum sentence the court could have imposed.

Then, in January, 1997, Spokes was jailed for nine months at Exeter Crown Court after selling pornographic videos to an undercover trading standards officer.

In recent years, Spokes has traded successfully in Fore Street with Fantasy World, a fancy dress store supplying many costumes for charity events.

The funeral will be held at the Devon and Exeter Crematorium on Friday 12th October at 3.15pm


9th September

    Undesirables In Brentwood ...


Nutters celebrate sex shop licence refusal

From This is Total Essex

Plans for a licensed sex shop in North Hutton, Brentwood have been rejected by the local council.

Nutters supported by the local rag, The Gazette, claimed that Brentwood's first sex shop would attract "undesirables" and undo vital community work tackling the anti-social behaviour plaguing the area.

Leading critic Cllr Louise Monnickendam said: This has been a battle won for decency and for residents living in the area - particularly those young and elderly. I didn't want to see people who were going to go down there for perverse reasons. Not everyone is an undesirable, but a shop like this will attract them if it is there.

Addressing the Brentwood Borough Council planning meeting on Monday night, she had argued the shop could have left surrounding paths - including a cut-through leading from the shop's home on the Tallon Road industrial estate - littered with the remnants of sexual deviancy.

Monday night's no-vote from Brentwood borough councillors follows a failed bid in 2004 for a sex shop close to Brentwood railway station.


20th June

    Moral Highgrounders ...


Belfast ArmsL Morality above the lawBelfast council refuse sex shop licenses and then persecute resulting unlicensed trade

Based on an press release from DETI

A Belfast sex shop owner was fined a total of £2000 at Belfast Magistrates' Court for offences under the Video Recordings Act.

In two cases, brought by the Trading Standards Service of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment, Brian Hope, trading as 'Naughty Butt Nice' at 2 Smithfield Square, Belfast and as 'Gresham Bookshop' at 2 Gresham Street, Belfast, pleaded guilty to sixteen charges under the Act.

Mr Connor, Resident Magistrate, imposed a £2000 fine in relation to two charges and gave a conditional discharge for three years for each of the remaining fourteen charges.

In June 2006, as part of a Trading Standards Service exercise into the trading practices of the adult entertainment outlets, commonly referred to as sex shops, in the centre of Belfast, trading standards officers visited the premises of 'Naughty Butt Nice' and the 'Gresham Bookshop'.

Over 500 videos and DVDs were seized, either because they were unclassified or were marked with an 'R18' classification. Hope was not in possession of a sex shop licence.

The court also agreed to a forfeiture order in respect of the seized items.


4th July

    Update: Belfast Bollox ...


Belfast ArmsL Morality above the lawRights abusing council persecutes sex shops

Based on an article from

Sex shop opponents demanded tougher punishments today after six outlets in central Belfast were fined a total of £3,000 for operating without licences.

Magistrates ordered the owners to pay up in cases brought by the City Council.

Kevin Robinson and Ian Oglesby, trading as Private Lines and Perfect Pleasures respectively, were each fined £500. Sharman Enterprises received the same penalty for separate premises trading as Miss Tique and Private. Belfast Magistrates` Court also imposed two £500 fines on Brian Hope, trading as Naughty Butt Nice and Gresham Book Shop.

The prosecutions followed the House of Lords earlier this year backing the City Council`s decision not to grant a sex shop licence.

Jim Kirkpatrick, a DUP councillor who chairs the authority`s Licensing Committee, said: It`s a bit of a joke. Porn videos can be purchased for one euro in Amsterdam and will sell in this country for £50. [yeah yeah]

Kirkpatrick questioned whether the courts knew just how much money can be made through the porn business: Perhaps if they were they would adjust their penalties to be in line with what`s required.

[Perhaps the magistrates suspected that the council had refused to grant any at all licenses on moral grounds, which is of course illegal].


7th July

    Update: Radio Ulster Debate ...


Belfast ArmsL Morality above the lawRights campaigner vs rights abuser

Thanks to Ian

If you have access to BBC Radio Ulster, the Nolan Show on Monday should feature a skirmish of sex shop proprietor, Ian Brown, against the machine, in the shape of the councillor who made the comments against the fines being too low in Belfast.

Update: Prudishness in Belfast

8th July

Based on an article from the The Sunday Business Post

Belfast's sex-shops, all of whom trade illegally, look set to move from their downtown locations to an industrial estate on the edge of the city, following a House of Lords decision to uphold the city council's refusal to license the shops.

The council maintains that the shops must be at least 500 yards from churches, schools and residential areas.

But with huge legal bills, and the threat of a hefty fine for continued trading, Gresham Street's sex shops now look likely to move to Duncrue industrial estate, en masse.

That means that Belfast would be the first city in Ireland with a designated zone for sex shops.

The decision follows news that Newtownabbey Council, ironically one of the most conservative in the North, recently granted a licence to a sex shop in Mallusk industrial estate, on the outskirts of north Belfast.

A city council source said applications for sex shops in industrial estates would be looked at with an ''open mind''.

'People are under the misapprehension that our decisions are based on prudishness; that is not the case, said the source.

Comment: Sexclusion Zones

From Alan

Fascinating idea - not allowing sex shops within 500 yards of schools and churches.

Couldn't this be turned around? I think it would be an excellent idea to ban schools and churches within 500 yards of sex shops. Then punters wouldn't be disturbed during their deliberations on which mucky video to buy by the sound of out-of-tune hymn-sing or squealing ankle biters in the playground.

Update: No Complaints

21st May 2007

The license was renewed in 2009 with no issues raised


13th August

    Update: Rights Abuse in Belfast ...


Belfast ArmsL Morality above the lawCouncil may be taken to European Court

From the Belfast Telegraph see full article

A Belfast sex shop is set to square up against the city council in court again next month.

For the long running legal bust up between Smithfield adult entertainment outlet Miss Behavin' and Belfast City Council is set for its latest chapter at the Magistrates' Court next month.

Last week, the sex shop licence saga, which has been running since May 2002, was adjourned until September 4. The reason given in court was that the defence was "not ready to proceed" with the case to face a charge of using premises as a sex establishment without a licence.

Last month, Sunday Life revealed that the owner of the Gresham Street outlet is investigating the possibility of taking the case to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

It is believed that they have until October 25, 2007 to lodge an application with the European Court.


14th August

    Update: Licence 001 ...


Belfast ArmsL Morality above the lawFirst Northern Ireland sex shop licencee

From the Belfast Telegraph see full article

One Ulsterman supplies stock for most of the sex shops throughout Ireland. He has also recently obtained the first ever licence for a legal sex shop in the province.

David Christie runs CBC Distribution, which is Ireland's only cash and carry distributor of goods for adult shops. He also owns the only licence for a sex shop in Ulster, recently granted to him by Newtownabbey Borough Council for his Mallusk base.

This means that in addition to his wholesale business, selling stock to more than 40 adult stores across Ireland, members of the public can now walk through the front door and purchase over the counter a wide array of sex toys, lingerie and 'R18' films.

In reality, most of what is in David's shop is not at all shocking and, porn films aside, similar to what you might find in any Ann Summers shop on the high street. There are various lines in lingerie, PVC and rubber outfits and a range of novelty adult gifts which would be popular for hen and stag nights. As you move further into the shop the shelves stock multiple condoms and lubricants as well as sex toys. Right at the back are the magazines and DVDs.

The battle for legitimacy for the sex retail industry in Ulster has been difficult.

Belfast City Council has turned down a series of applications for licences for sex shops in the city centre and recently won a case in the House of Lords which ruled it was not a contravention of a sex shop owner's human rights to deny a licence. The council has followed up this court victory with a string of prosecutions against a number of adult entertainment outlets which operate without a licence. Councillors have argued that the city centre is not a suitable location for sex shops.

However, David Christie has managed to sidestep many of these difficulties with a simple solution. Because his shop is in an industrial estate the argument that innocent people who happen to be passing can be corrupted is negated. His shop is so remote and inconspicuous that it would be virtually impossible to find by accident.

David believes what he has done has opened the way for sex shops across Northern Ireland. I believe this opens doors. Up to now councils have always had legal arguments for turning people down.

I think it will lead the way for other councils and others might look at the idea of having it in an industrial estate. There could be lots more applications and lots more sex shops opening up. You could have legal sex shops in most towns in a few years.


15th August

    Update: Immorality ...


Belfast ArmsL Morality above the lawCouncillors commit the crime, shopkeepers get the fine

Belfast council refuse to give licenses seemingly without adequate justification, then they blame the shops for trading without a licence.

Based on an article from the see full article

The owner of Belfast sex shop, Misstique, has been fined a total of £546 at Belfast Magistrates' Court for offences under the Video Recordings Act.

In a case brought by Trading SubStandards, Christopher Hallam, who trades as Misstique at 27 Gresham Street, Belfast, today pleaded guilty to eight charges under the Act.

On 19 June 2006, Trading Standards Officers visited the premises of Misstique as part of an exercise into the trading practices of sex shops in the centre of Belfast.

Over 300 DVDs and videos were seized, either because they were unclassified or were marked with an R18 classification.

DVDs and videos are required to be marked with a classification and those marked with an R18 classification can only be sold in a licensed sex shop. Hallam was not in possession of such a license.

The court also agreed to a forfeiture order in respect of the video tapes and DVDs, which had been seized.


25th July

    Three Cheers ...


Nice 'n' Naughty, Adult Retailer of the Year

Congratulations to our sponsors Nice 'n' Naughty

From Nice 'n' Naughty

Champage corks have been popping for the UK's fastest growing adult store after it firm claimed the Retailer of the Year title for the third year running.

There were cries of delight from the team and the loudest cheer of the evening from the audience as the Nice N Naughty team rushed to collect the sought after prize at the Erotic Trade Only (ETO) awards, held at Birmingham NEC.

The rapidly expanding company, which has grown from humble beginnings in Chester to an 11-store business empire, beat off competition from five other short listed companies to seize the title and company directors Simon Prescott and Trish Murray are thrilled at winning.

It's absolutely incredible, said Simon: I was so nervous, it's the most sought after award, like the best film category at the Oscars. The tension was unbelievable and when they read out our name I just couldn't believe it. To have won it twice was fantastic but to get the treble is unheard of.

The award is voted for by the industry itself and it's the second time Nice 'n' Naughty, which is the only adult store accredited with the prestigious Investor in People Award, has beaten, amongst others, high street retailer Anne Summers to the coveted title.

Trish added: It's such an achievement to think where we are today from where we started eight years ago to the day next week. When we opened the Chester branch on July 31st 1999 we really, really struggled but the public's attitude has changed. This award is voted for by the industry itself its great to know we are so well respected and acknowledged by our peers. But it demonstrates the high quality of our modern and appealing stores and also our friendly and knowledgeable staff.


7th July

    Temptations to Nutters ...


Nutters protest at licence renewal but website readers think otherwise

Thanks to Claude & 'contact al - the punters pal'
Based on an article from Halifax Courier

A supposed volley of protest has been lodged against a Halifax sex shop's attempts to renew its licence.

Several people have sent letters to Calderdale Council, demanding that Temptations, at 51 Crown Street, be closed down.

They claim it is a danger to society, encourages crime and disorder and harms children. But former licensing committee chairman Grenville Horsfall said there had been no problems with the business since it was first licensed in 2004 and no objections from police.

Most people walking past would not even give it a second glance, said Councillor Horsfall

Temptations director Alan Brook of Manchester, people were entitled to their opinions about sex shops.

However, it is not my intention to upset residents and if there are any problems I can rectify I will do so.

In letter to the council, one objector said: I am a Bible-believing person and consider sex, in a married relationship of one man and one woman, should be sacred, fulfilling and unique.

Another attacked the "damage" the shop could have on teenagers. It said: I consider it harmful for children to be exposed to this type of establishment within shopping areas of town, especially as many young teenage girls like to browse shops.

The letters are among 10 in a report to the licensing committee which meets on Monday. The licence for Temptations, which costs £2,191, was renewed in 2005 without objection and again last year.

Update: Where's the fun gone out of life?

Based on an article from Halifax Courier

Courier website readers have rushed to the defence of a sex shop which wants to renew its licence.

Since we reported a protest lodged against the attempts of Temptations at 51, Crown Street, Halifax, to have its licence renewed, we have been inundated with comments from readers.

Over 60 messages were posted on our website yesterday, and our website vote – should we allow licensed sex shops in Halifax – returned a verdict of 73% in favour. More than 200 readers voted.

NHSHaron posted a message saying: Some people need to get back to the real world, what difference is this shop going to make? Do people think their innocent little children aren't going to get all this from the internet and friends. Are the Anne Summers shops going to be closed down too? Where's the fun gone out of life?

Dave1986 said: What is all the fuss over the sex shop in Halifax? It's not offensive or rude. Sex is a part of everyone's lives. These people need to stop being uptight and relax.

Update: Renewed

July 10th

See also Halifax Courier

Just come out of the Council meeting at Halifax. We've had another positive result despite some opposition.

Most things that are wrong with sex shops can be put right but surely they could not be held responsible for everything from "murder" to "breach of public safety" as was implied by the nutters.

Press reports to follow...

As always, Al says FREE ALE to all farmers in the Sparking Clog for
tonight's Tuesday Club!


10th July

    Update: Renewed ...


Halifax council ignores nutter temptations

Thanks to Claude & 'contact al - the punters pal'

Just come out of the Council meeting at Halifax. We've had another positive result despite some opposition.

Most things that are wrong with sex shops can be put right but surely they could not be held responsible for everything from "murder" to "breach of public safety" as was implied by the nutters.

Press reports to follow...

As always, Al says FREE ALE to all farmers in the Sparking Clog for
tonight's Tuesday Club!


30th June

    Sex Shop Sanctuary ...



Rotherham's Pulse & Cocktails will provide refuge in case of floods

From Pulse & Cocktails

Pulse & Cocktails would like to announce that their 7,000 Sq Ft premises in Rotherham have just been assessed by the Police as a potential place of refuge for local residents should the floods worsen in the area.

In the event of a crisis people might have to take refuge at the premises of nearby businesses; the local sex-shop superstore being one of them!

Pulse & Cocktails would like to express their genuine offer of help by making the store a place of sanctuary if necessary.

In the event of such an emergency please head for the building as shown.

For those refugees who may be offended by sexually explicit material free blindfolds will be provided.


30th June

    Village Nutters ...


Objecting to sex shop licence for industrial unit in the sticks with no retail!

Based on an article from Your Local Guardian

Objections have been raised over plans for a mail order sex shop' business to be based at an industrial unit in North Weald.

Shazad Ahmed is seeking permission from Epping Forest District Council for a licence to operate a sex shop' at the unit at Chase Farm, Vicarage Lane East.

However the application - which states that no personal customers will be allowed - is being opposed by the village's two district councillors who are concerned at the amount of lorry traffic, delivering stock and collecting orders, that the new use would attract.

Council officers have raised no objection to the application which will be discussed by the district council's licensing committee on Thursday, July 5.

North Weald nutter councillors Dave Stallan and Anne Grigg are concerned at the traffic which will be associated with the use. [yeah is an industrial unit]

Grigg added: There is a right of way alongside the access road which has been used by children taking a short cut to the primary school.

Update: Green Light

13th July

Epping Forest District Council's licensing sub-committee has given the green light to a mail order sex warehouse run by Shazad Ahmed at a business unit at Chase Farm. Vicarage Lane, on the grounds that it will not be open to the public.


22nd June

    Cherry Picking ...


Cherry Pie hit by graffiti

Based on an article from Northern Echo see full article

A Darlington sex shop has had graffiti daubed on its walls by vandals opposed to its presence. The exterior of Cherry Pie, on King Street, has had Get out ya not wanted sprayed on its walls.

The shop has not been welcomed in the town. Another sex shop, Adults Only, paid for a public notice in The Northern Echo, which read: Does Darlington need another sex shop? Sunderland has none and apparently no other town in the North-East has more than three.

Cherry Pie is the fourth adult store in Darlington town centre - but its joint owner, Jez Grant, said he did want to be involved in squabbles: We were upset by the graffiti. We don't want to get involved in battles with other stores - it's not what were about - but we were upset.

Grant said that the market would decide which shops prospered. Cherry Pie sells costumes, lingerie, and novelty items, and hopes to gain a licence to sell DVDs soon.

The council covered up the graffiti and will have it painted over. The police confirmed yesterday they are investigating. There are at least four security cameras that could cover the vandalised wall.


22nd June

    Update: Licensed Cherry Pie ...


Darlington shop licensed despite opposition from rival

Based on an article from Northern Echo see full article

Darlington borough council have agreed that a fourth licensed sex shop can open in the town, despite a campaign by a rival store to have the application thrown out.

Cherry Pie, in King Street, which opened on May 12, will now be able to expand its fledgling operations to sell R18-rated DVDs.

The shop currently sells a costumes, lingerie and novelty items but applied for a licence to sell the DVDs.

Bosses at rival Adults Only, in Grange Road, had paid for an advertisement in The Northern Echo and handed out leaflets to businesses and town shoppers, asking people to object to the

The shop also had graffiti daubed on its walls saying: Get out, ya not wanted.

Owner Jez Grant said: We are trying to create an adult superstore. We have been doing a lot of research in the last few years into this type of store. We feel the seedy side street sex shop won't work. We want a 21st century sex shop that is open to everyone. It is easy and fun, vibrant and fresh.

Shareholder Zena Simpson said: We have had no objections from members of the public in Darlington, which I believe speaks for itself.

Terry Hamer, a solicitor acting on behalf of Adults Only, said: My client feels very strongly that the reality is his livelihood is being threatened by people who see Darlington as a soft touch to getting a sex shop. We are disappointed but, given the apathy by the Darlington public, it is not surprising.


16th June

    A First ...


Northern Ireland's First Licensed Sex Shop

Based on an article from the BBC see full article

Northern Ireland's first legally operated sex shop has opened on the outskirts of Belfast.

Newtownabbey Council has granted a licence for the business, which is located in Unit 2 Building 9, Central Park industrial estate in Mallusk.

Owner David Christie said: There were some councillors who had issue with the application. But I must applaud the council for making what is a brave decision, given all the hype and attention that has been focused around licence applications that have been made in the country.

It seems that the council originally tried to dissuade people from applying for sex shop licenses by setting the fee at the ludicrous charge of £20,000 but £2000 was eventually the figure.

The owner of another sex shop has applied for a licence to trade at an industrial estate in the docks area of Belfast.

Trevor Martin of Belfast City Council said the decision would be a matter for councillors. But certainly, if there has been one in Mallusk, it maybe sets a precedent, where they can turn round and say there is one there, so why not one in Dargan (industrial estate).


23rd May

    Open and Fun ...


A new sex shop in Darlington

This is the North East  see full article

The owner of a new adult shop on King Street in Darlington has vowed it will not be a "seedy sex shop".

The store sells costumes, lingerie, sex toys and novelty items for hen and stag nights.

The owners said: We want this to be open and fun, and not a seedy sex shop behind closed doors.

We worked very closely with the council and police before we opened.

We've had a very positive reaction from people around the town and we haven't had any negative comments.


19th May

    A Display of Prudery ...


Argument between sex shop and shopping centre

Based on an article from Romford Recorder

A sex shop has been ordered to remove its "very provocative" mannequins which left the Havering prudish Mayor "gob-smacked" and Romford shopping centre managers with red faces.

Growlers has also been ordered to remove its shop signs, but can trade if it successfully applies for a sex shop licence.

The High Court ruled on the row this week between the shop and the Liberty Shopping Centre.

Mr Justice Mann said it was "strongly arguable" that offence had been caused when the mannequins appeared in the former Littlewoods shop window, clutching bondage equipment, on May 2.

Liberty management don't own the shop and applied to the court to get the mannequins taken down. They hastily put up "modesty" hoardings after seeing the display and being inundated with complaints from the public.


9th May

    Naughty in Wednesbury ...



New store from Nice 'n' Naughty

From Nice 'n' Naughty A new fully licensed sex shop opened on May 8th 2007 in the West Midlands town of Wednesbury

Any customer printing the details from the Melon Farmers Website will be entitled to 10 % Discount in any of our shops.

Also there is a free Vouyer Media R18 DVD for the first 100 people through the door in the first week.


24th April

    Nutter Temptation ...


Sex shop licence renewed in Richmond

Based on an article from Richmond & Twickenham Times see full article

Richmond upon Thames Council gave Kew Road's Private Lines sex shop their blessing, approving the management's application to renew their licence.

But Chris and Rosemary Jarvis, of Twickenham Nutters Christian Concern, said the shop with its pornography, sex toys and bondage gear is a bad influence on sex offenders living at a nearby probation hostel.

Speaking at the licencing hearing, Mr Jarvis said: What is the point of having temptation on the doorstep? There are items of bondage in the shop - we are talking about articles for force and restraint.

Clive Sullivan, a management consultant for the shop, said they did not in fact need a licence to operate: The thrust of the argument is this - what is sold is perfectly legal although it might not be to everybody's taste. If there had been problems with sex offenders the police would have raised the matter. The licence gives the council greater control of opening hours and the shop's appearance.

Panel members renewed the licence for a further 12 months as there had been no complaints about the establishment, just moral objections.


7th April

    Update: Darker in Dagenham ...


Sex shop licensed

Based on an article from Barking & Dagenham Post see full article

A new Private Shop has been licensed to open in Becontree, despite objections from nutters.

Opposing the application by Darker Enterprises to open the shop at the junction of Becontree Avenue and Longbridge Road, Dagenham, one nutter, Joan Buckland, claimed that it would attract 'the wrong type of people' to the busy shopping parade.

But announcing their decision to grant the licence, Chairman of the Licensing Board, Cllr Lee Waker, said: This application is not illegal, we don't make the law of the land - it goes back some 20-odd years.

As councillors we live in the borough and we have the same concerns as you residents, but we are not in a position to throw out this application.


5th April

    Dildos at the BBFC ...


Get over excited by rabbits

From The Associates

Coming to DVD on June 11th, Rabbit Fever is one movie that isn't the slightest bit embarrassed about shamelessly stimulating the sex-comedy G-spot. It stars Tom Conti, Emily Mortimer, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Sienna Guillory, Stefanie Powers, Lisa B, Tom Hollander, Sorcha Cusack and Emma Buckley.

As the film contains no violence, no nudity and little sex beyond that implied by the title and references to sex toys, then the distributors felt that 18 was an unnecessarily restrictive certificate. They asked the BBFC to reconsider but the BBFC declined with the following statement:

This determination was formally reconsidered by the BBFC at the request of the submitting company. The BBFC carefully considered the arguments put forward by the submitting company and looked again at the relevant submitted material, but concluded that its original determination was appropriate. The BBFC did, however, amend the consumer advice.

Rabbit Fever takes a light-hearted look at the plight of the Rabbit Addicts, the unfortunate women who, having found fulfilment, now find they just can't get enough.

For marketing there will be interview opportunities and some stimulating merchandise available to support the release...


9th March

    Islington Green ...


Adult World extends to London

News from Adult World

Adult World has unveiled their latest sex shop retail development. Our new shop will be in the heart of cosmopolitan North London.

Islington green will be the location for our latest venture, our first licensed sex shop in the capital. The nearest tube station will be Angel on the Northern Line (City Branch).

Any customer printing the details from the Melon Farmers Website will be entitled to 10% Discount in any of our Adult World shops.

Based on an article from Islington Gazette

Licensing bosses at Islington Council approved an application from Adult World Ltd to trade from the basement of 23 Islington Green, Islington, at a meeting on Tuesday.

Nutter councillor Martin Klute (Labour) objected to the application. Speaking after the decision, he said: It's not the sort of place for a shop like that. The [Clone Zone] shop that was there before was very discreet about what they were up to. I worry that children will start to get a whiff of what's going on in there. At the best of times sex shops aren't very nice things, but they ought to be in areas that aren't frequented by families and children.


23rd March

    Update: Purple on Green ...


Whinges about Adult World in Islington Green

Based on an article from Islington Gazette

Plans for a "garish" shopfront at a new sex shop have angered nutter residents and traders.

Adult World Limited is preparing to open its first London branch at Islington Green, after getting the go-ahead from Islington Council.

But nutters living and working nearby are shocked by the bright design, and believe they were not given a proper chance to object to the shop's licence.

Christian Spittle said: A few days before Christmas the sign went up and I thought it was a bit cheeky because they put it up while everybody was away. When I tried to object I was told it was too late. And the signage is totally hideous. It is not in keeping with the area.

Adult World Limited defended its design. A spokesman for the company said: The new Adult World brand is modern, clean and fresh and has been carefully designed to be equally attractive to both sexes and is totally inoffensive. The new shop will open in about four weeks time and we are very confident that it will soon blend into the Islington retail scene. The two floor premises will stock a wide range of goods which appeal to a broad cross section of the shopping population.

Councillor Fiona Dunlop, chairwoman of Islington Council's licensing regulatory committee, said: The council takes all steps to give notice when we get a new licence application.

In this case the minutes of the licensing regulatory committee confirm that the correct notices were put up at the right time and that local people had the opportunity to make their views known.

Members discussed these views, including objections, and saw proposed images of the shop front. In granting permission, the committee recognised that there would be no window display and that the shop's signage was appropriate in size and format. There are no reasons to refuse this application.


8th March

    Swindon Swindle ...


Swindon refuse to grant licenses then whinge when the trade goes black market

From This is Swindon

Haedcore pornographic DVDs have been seized from shops in Swindon following an undercover investigation by Trading SubStandards.

So far 10 retailers have been caught stocking illegal material and the Advertiser understands that total could rise as Trading Standards officers continue to inspect between 50 and 60 outlets.

Operation Triple X was launched following an anonymous tip off and information provided by Trading Standards departments in Bournemouth, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire and Sutton, in Surrey.

The operation has led to one arrest after 19 boxes of DVDs were recovered from a van.

Intelligence indicated a firm was targeting ethnic-minority owned, independent shops and providing them with unclassified DVDs of adult material all over England and Wales.

Coun David Wren, Swindon Council's cabinet member for environment, said he was surprised by the size of the haul: Films of a more extreme nature should only be sold in licensed sex shops and are classified for the good reason that children should not be exposed to them, especially not while on a trip to a local corner shop.

Operation Triple X involved the Trading Standards team visiting newsagents, convenience stores, petrol station forecourt shops and other premises.

Shopkeepers in Swindon say they are not surprised hardcore pornographic material has hit the streets.

Peter Wannell, the owner of Exchange Bookshop, an adult shop in Gorse Hill, said: This is nothing new, it has been going on for 20 years. He had his application to stock hard-core material rejected by Swindon Council last year: There are people going round building sites and factories trying to flog these DVDs. Because Swindon has no licenses to sell this material it is being forced underground, he said.


5th March

    Moral Override ...


Belfast Council take their blanket sex shop ban to the House of Lords

From the Belfast Telegraph

The long-running bust-up between sex shops and Belfast City Council is due to be settled by the Law Lords within a matter of weeks.

For five of the country's leading legal authorities are currently considering the saga of Belfast City Council's battle with the city's adult entertainment outlets.

The council took its case to Westminster in a last gasp bid to overturn a Court of Appeal decision, which ruled that BCC had been wrong to reject a licence application from a Belfast sex shop.

Missbehavin', a Smithfield based adult entertainment store, first applied for a licence in 2002. But it was refused in March 2003 when Belfast City Council announced a blanket ban on sex shops in the Gresham Street area.

However, the sex saga took a dramatic twist in 2005 when the Court of Appeal ruled the council's decision had breached the applicant's rights under the European Convention and was ordered to stump up a whopping £396,00 in costs.

But Belfast City Council appealed against that ruling and was granted leave to challenge it in the House of Lords last week.

A House of Lords' judicial office spokeswoman said that five crossbench law lords - Lord Hoffmann, Lord Rodger, Baroness Hale, Lord Mance and Lord Neuberger - had considered Belfast City Council's submission at a hearing last Monday.

She added that a decision by the law lords will be issued within the next six to eight weeks. A Belfast City Council spokesman confirmed that it had made an appeal to the law lords and claimed that its sex shop licensing ban did not contravene the European Convention on Human Rights.

Six other shops are likely to be prosecuted if Belfast Council win their case


22nd February

    Moving On ...


S X Warehouse apply for a Shrewsbury licence after change of policy

Based on an article from Shropshire Star

The owners of a Shrewsbury sex shop which has been operating for 18 months without a licence have now launched a fresh bid to expand their business.

Peter Hughes and Mark Haines, owners of the S X Warehouse in Harlescott, have applied for a full sex shop licence to sell explicit R-18 DVDs and videos.

It comes after Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough Council scrapped rights abusing rules which banned new sex shops from opening.

Hughes today said: It will mean we can offer more choice, because we haven't got any videos at all at the moment. You can never be confident over the licence, but we've got more chance of getting one now.

At present the shop operates under the same rules as well-known party stores such as Ann Summers. In October 2005 the S X Warehouse was refused a sex shop licence. The licensing and safety committee refused to overturn a law which permitted only one sex shop to operate in the borough.

In 2004 S X Warehouse was granted a provisional licence, providing the council agreed to change its policy, but that did not happen until last week.


19th March

    Update: Weak Adults ...


Corrupted by religious nonsense about sex in Shrewsbury

Based on an article from Shropshire Star

A Shrewsbury nutter priest claims the opening of an exotic dancing club and more sex shops in Shrewsbury will lead to prostitutes openly walking the town's streets.

Reverend David Uffindell said "young and weak adults" would be corrupted if borough council chiefs allowed the sale of explicit R-18 DVDs at more shops and semi-naked lap dancing at a proposed new town centre club.

The non-stipendiary priest said sex was a "gift from God" and should not be used to make money.

He said he was appalled at a new application by the owners of S X Warehouse, in Harlescott, to sell R-18 films.

Uffindell also said he was outraged by the application to open an exotic dancing club on Castle Gates: I s there no end to the degradation of our society? Do we really want the possibility of nude shows and sexually arousing pole dancing in our town? Society may grumble all it wants about our prisons being full, but are we encouraging people to deviate from a reasonable and moral way of living?

He added: Where is the end? I feel in Shrewsbury we are going to have prostitutes walking openly in the streets like they do in bigger towns. We are rapidly descending to a country where the minority are cow-towed to by the majority for fear of being seen as racist, or even religious.


2nd March

    Crewe Nuts ...


Nutters whinge about Crewe's sex shops

Thanks to Claude who said that the story made front page of the Crewe Chronicle The manager of Temptations tried to get a 1/4 page advert offering a Free Porn DVD to the Chronicle readers to appear with the article but they declined. They did however let him put the same offer in he classified adverts. He says he's having a good week this week!

Based on an article from ic Cheshire

Sex shops and massage parlours are turning parts of Crewe into red light districts, nutter leaders have claimed. They say that since Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council's decision to license sex shops in Nantwich Road and Edleston Road, a string of brothels have opened in side streets off the two main routes.

After a number of complaints from residents, police community action teams have put a number of residential properties in the area under surveillance.

The Rev Rob Wykes, trust director of Christian Concern Crewe, said: I would say that allowing sex shops to open in the area has had a direct impact and is bound to grow. It may be that the council felt it was legitimate to issue licences to shops who sell items to do with sex.

Cllr John Dwyer, Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council portfolio holder for safer communities, said he would work with police to combat the growing problem. 'I'm disturbed that part of the town is becoming more seedy and we've got to put this right because we don't want to see any part of this borough becoming a red light district: We will also be looking into the number of massage parlours opening up in the area advertising attractive ladies, which means just one thing.

Barry Smith, who runs the Temptations shop on Nantwich Road, said: We were advised that this area would be best suited to our needs, that if we wanted to open a shop in the town it should be round here and nowhere else.

He said the shop, originally called the Love Boutique, has changed its frontage so people did not jump to the wrong conclusions. We did get guys coming in asking us if we had any girls when we first opened, but we told them we weren't in that market.

Council licensing chief Tony Leigh defended the council's decision to license sex shops: Objections on moral and religious grounds are not valid .


19th February

    Contemporary in Oxford ...


Adult World re-fit in Oxford

Any customer printing the details from the Melon Farmers Website will be entitled to 10% Discount in any of our Adult World shops.

News from Adult World

We've spent over £50,000 on a complete shop re-fit at our Oxford store. The store now has a contemporary feel with a dark wood floor and bright interiors.

With modern fixtures, we have specific areas targeted to ensure all customers are accommodated for when they come to shop at Adult World in Oxford.

Our prices are very competitive and you can source our product here at internet prices.

The shop was launched in Mid February in a blaze of local publicity.

A two week radio campaign was instigated with local radio station FOX FM . This was an outstanding success with offers and giveaways galore. Coinciding with a specific campaign in the local press, customers in Oxford and the surrounding areas have benefited, from our February launch.

Adult World's relationship with local business and the community was further strengthened when they sponsored Oxford Brookes Students' Union SHAG week campaign. We helped the students to populate some goodie bags with some free gifts, culminating in Adult World's entrance into the quiz on Valentines' night. We lost, even though we were represented by our best selling blow-up dolls and best selling lines of lingerie.

A special thanks to the Students of Oxford for their support of Adult World during our campaign. We've acknowledged their support with further discounts applied until the end of February and beyond.

We'd like to personally thank the local community for their continued support.


10th February

    Dagenham at Daggers ...


Usual bollox about sex shop application

Based on an article from Barking & Dagenham Post

Nutters in Dagenham say they are 'outraged' to discover that an application had been submitted to the council to turn a Chinese restaurant into a licensed sex shop.

A letter was posted outside the New Year restaurant at the end of last week giving details of the application from Darker Enterprises Ltd, and advising people how to register their support or objections to the proposal.

Hilary Burton, who lives opposite the restaurant, fears that having a sex shop so close to her home would be a danger to children: I'm worried about the type of people who would be attracted to the shop, and I have a 14-year-old daughter to think about.

Nutters have vowed to fight the application, and are currently writing letters of protest to the licensing department.

Anil Maisuria, manager of Bodsons, said: We tried to get a petition up and running, but the council wants us to get individual letters from individual people.

A council spokesman confirmed that an application had been received, and said: We are undergoing a public consultation; if we receive any valid complaints the application will go before the Licence and Regulatory Board in due time.

Update: Opened

24th August 2007

The shop obtained a licence even though the nutters raised a petition of 1500 signatures. The council decided that there was no legal basis to deny a licence.

The shop opened in June 2007


8th February

    Rampant Crime ...


Rampant rabbits stolen as new Nice 'n' Naughty shop stocks up

Any customer printing the details from the Melon Farmers website will be entitled to 10% discount in any of the Nice 'n' Naughty licensed shops including the new Liverpool store


Desperate thieves have stolen a £2,000 haul of rampant rabbits.

The vandals struck as the Nice N Naughty adult sex shop vehicle was parked in Berry Street in the city centre on Tuesday night.

A total of 36 rampant rabbits, together with 18 tubs of chocolate body paint and 12 blow up dolls were taken at around 6.30pm. It is believed the thieves escaped in a van. The thieves also stole a satellite navigation system and an ipod from the van.

Simon Prescott, director of Nice N Naughty, said: The race is now on to import dozens of rampant rabbits and blow up dolls from our suppliers in Amsterdam. The business is extremely busy at the moment and it is crucial we get this stock replaced as quickly as possible, particularly as Valentine's Day is fast approaching.

Mr Prescott added: "hese items were due to go on display in our flagship store in Colquitt Street ready for its opening on Saturday. We are committed to our customers and I will ensure these shelves are filled as soon as possible. We will make sure we do not let anyone down.

I would like to appeal to the thieves who have taken these items to test their conscience and return them. A cash reward is being considered for the safe return of the products before Saturdays grand opening"


2nd February

    Unlicensed to Sell ...


Police raid unlicensed sex shops in London and Bournemouth

Sounds like more waste of money policing for 'crime' generated by unnecessarily restrictive state control on licenses

Based on an article from This is Dorset

Eight people have been arrested as part of an investigation into the illegal distribution of adult material.

Officers from the Metropolitan Police's Obscene Publications Unit raided 10 addresses in London and Dorset. Four men were arrested at four premises, believed to be operating as unlicensed sex shops, in Norbury, Wandsworth and Bournemouth.

The men were arrested on suspicion of the publication for gain of an obscene article and offences under the Video Recording Act.

A further four men were arrested at a business address in Verwood on suspicion of the publication for gain of an obscene article and offences under the Video Recording Act. Three were also arrested on suspicion of money laundering [now nothing to do with mafia connections, just a loaded term to describe anything to do with crime involving money...even over claiming on expense accounts is now defined as money laundering!].

The arrests were part of a five month-long intelligence-led operation codenamed Jabali.

Searches are now ongoing at the business address in Verwood and at a business address in East London. Officers have seized in the region of 4,000 DVDs and VHS cassettes.

A spokesman for the Met said: Officers have pieced together what is believed to be an organised business illegally distributing obscene material.


2nd February

    Shrewsbury Sees the Light ...


Council votes to scrap abusive one sex shop policy

In reality the council have no choice as the law states the criteria by which applications can be rejected. In particular the morality of saying 'no sex shops here' is not allowed and each application must be considered on its own merits. Moral pronouncements about 'not in my town' stray towards the territory of putting personal morality above the law.

Based on an article from Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury and Atcham councillors have voted it favour of ditching the borough's current one only sex shops policy.

The authority currently recommends only one sex shop is allowed and that there is no suitable location for such premises in the town.

But members of the borough council licensing and safety committee today voted in favour of scrapping the policy and paving the way for applicants to open controlled premises anywhere in the town.

The proposal will now be put before full council, and members will vote on whether to support the committee's recommendation.

Councillor Judith Williams said at today's meeting that it was important the council gets rid of any stigma attached to sex shops, which could be monitored by the authority's licensing team: We need to lift the shroud of horror from the sex shop issue. I've got no worries about having another sex shop in the town, or even in my ward. I say it with absolute confidence in our licensing team that it will be managed well and not become a free-for-all.

Councillor Christine Freestone also voted in favour of scrapping the existing policy. She said: I think it is about time we pulled ourselves kicking and screaming into the 21st century. It is time we got rid of this thing where we hear about a sex shop and run away screaming. I'm happy to go along with this and let's judge all applications on their merits as they come along.


31st January

    Worthing Prudes ...


Sex shop refused a licence

Based on an article from Worthing Today

The owner of a Worthing sex shop believes the council will regret its decision last week to refuse her a full licence.

Currently, Kathy Sutton, who runs Secret Desires in Rowlands Road, only allows over 18s into the store, which has blue screens on the window to keep it discreet.

She wanted the licence to allow her to sell censored hardcore DVDs, which she said would have generated more income.

But following the rejection of the application at a meeting of the council's licensing committee on Wednesday last week, she plans to change the way the shop operates.

Speaking after the meeting, Sutton said: For the past year I've run my shop like a licensed premises to show the council it wouldn't have an effect on the area or cause any problems, which it hasn't. But now, as I haven't been granted the licence, I'm not going to have an age restriction and will be putting bright signs in my window, advertising offers on things like condoms. I'm a businesswoman, so if I can make money by doing this, which is something I'm legally entitled to do, then, of course, I'm going to. Surely, it would have been better for the council to have a licensed premises they could regulate. They have possibly just caused themselves more problems this way.

Sutton's plans are likely to anger nutter campaigner Steve Stevens, who, along with several others in the public gallery, enthusiastically applauded the councillors' decision. He spoke at the meeting to say the granting of the licence would lead to "undesirables" being in the area.

Solicitor Peter Fortune, speaking on behalf of Sutton, spoke to say that giving the premises a licence would make little difference. He reinforced the point that the only thing that would change would be the content of some DVDs, stating the outer appearance of the shop would remain the same if it were licensed.

But chairman of the committee councillor Jacqui Marsh said: We believe it would be inappropriate having regard to the character of the locality where the premises is situated, which is mainly residential. We have not been persuaded by the applicant's argument.

Update: Poll

There is a poll on running on Worthing Today with the following vote so far:

Do you think the council were right to deny Secret Desires a full licence? We want to know what readers think in light of the plans revealed by owner Kathy Sutton this week.

10% Yes
90% No


9th January

    Perth Prudes ...


Ann Summers closes in Perth

Based on an article from Sunday Mail

Sex store Ann Summers has been forced out of a Scots town after locals complained about the window displays.

Nutters in Perth claim they were bombarded with embarrassing questions about skimpy undies and sex toys after the shop opened in the town's High Street. The firm then had to have their window dressing approved by Perth and Kinross Council.

Ann Summers have admitted defeat and shut the Perth shop.

The firm have 134 stores across the UK, including branches in Stirling, Falkirk and Dundee.

A company insider said: We have been dogged by problems since we opened in Perth. With our other UK stores there have been very few complaints. For some reason it has been different here.

The Perth closure comes as Ann Summers prepares to expand in Edinburgh after its Princes Street store clocked up the highest UK sales.

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