Reading Council gets all negative about a lap dancing club proposal
6th December 2017
| 5th December 2017. See article from
getreading.co.uk |
The owners of Kinky Koala in Friar Street, Reading want to turn it into a club called Black Diamond, but the council claims it is in an inappropriate location The owners of Kinky Koala in Friar Street have submitted a licensing application to Reading
Borough Council for a Sexual Entertainment Licence for a venue called Black Diamond. However, the council's licensing officer has raised concerns over its location, saying Friar Street has numerous restaurants and an ice cream parlour that are
used by families. More than 500 new homes also have planning permission in the vicinity of the club. The council's report, due to be discussed at a licensing meeting on Tuesday, December 5, claims the club is inappropriate to the locality, and
inappropriate due to the use to which other premises in the vicinity of the proposed premises are put. Update: Licence approved 6th December 2017 See
article from bbc.com Reading Borough Council has approved the licence application required to turn karaoke bar Kinky Koala in Friar Street into a
strip club called Black Diamond. Council officers had recommended the plans be refused and claiming that the club would be inappropriate in the area. Thames Valley Police recommended dancers do not consume alcohol while working to ensure that they
are able to fully conduct themselves in the correct and professional manner. PC Simon Wheeler said another lap dancing club in the town had minimal cause for police intervention. But he added the force had cause for concern in relation to
activities by dancers sitting on and touching customers. He said: Some incidents were reported where intoxicated customers were encouraged to pay exorbitant fees for dancers whilst they were so drunk they could not
make considered decisions.
The applicants said private dances would start at £20 for three minutes and go up to £400 to £500 for an hour. The club will be open seven days a week between 21:00 and 04:00. |
Sheffield Council decides not to cap the number of lap dancing and swingers clubs in the city
 | 24th November 2017
| See
article from thestar.co.uk |
Sheffield city councillors have voted not to cap the number of sex venues within the city, rejecting proposals to set the limit at two. \Sheffield is currently home to two sexual entertainment venues: the Spearmint Rhino lap dancing club, in the city
centre; and the La Chambre swingers club in Attercliffe. Plans to set that number as the limit, preventing any more from opening, were dropped following public consultation on the council's sex establishment policy. Sheffield Heeley MP
Louise Haigh was among those who had supported a ban on further vanues, as she claimed had been adopted by 10 other local authorities across the country whinged: This is not only disappointing because of the lack
of joined-up thinking it demonstrates, but also because of the current climate wherein sexual harassment and the entrenchment of inequality between men and women is so prevalent.
Liberal Democrat councillors had previously
labelled the council prudish and anti-business for proposing to limit the number of sex clubs. A council report had warned limiting employment in lap dancing clubs could lead women to seek work in less-regulated high-risk erotic dance environments. It
also stated the council was not permitted to take a moral stance on strip clubs. Councillor Paszek said: We have developed a policy that is fit for purpose and allows any sex establishment operating in Sheffield to be
properly administered and regulated to maintain the high management standards, the safety and safeguarding of staff, performers, patrons and members of the public, as well as ensuring these premises are located appropriately and in accordance with the
The council received 130 responses to the consultation, which it said included a range of opinions. The council's new policy states that sex clubs, shops and cinemas are not appropriate in certain locations,
including near schools, parks and places of worship, or in the city's cultural hub, which incorporates the Millennium Gallery and theatres. |
Local feminists kindly publicise Club XS in Hastings
 | 16th August 2017
| See article from
hastingsobserver.co.uk |
A Hastings lap-dancing club has come under fire for its use of mobile billboards. For the last few months adverts for Prospect Place-based Club XS have been parked around the area. The ads have been criticised by several feminist campaign groups
including the Bexhill and Battle Labour Party Women's Forum. Women's officer Anne Ruzylo whinged: At this time of year, Bexhill has many tourists coming into the town and inevitably, many of them too will have
seen these degrading ads at the side of the road. Posters like these not only leave a distinctly nasty taste in the mouth but also bring the entire area into disrepute at a time when we need all the visitors we can get. This isn't just about the rights
of one local business to make more money. These posters appear to suggest that women are on sale at a club just down the road from here and that is something that directly affects every person in this country.
Forum members have
written to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to raise complaints about the billboard. Club XS managing director Peter Eldridge responded: I see that once again Club XS being disparaged for being nothing
more than a perfectly legal business operating in the town with the full consent of the council, which grant us our license each year. A license that has now been renewed for the seventh time without a single objection.
Birmingham authorities assemble mass raiding party on the scent of trafficking at a lap dancing club...and inevitably can't find any trace but there are multiple complaints of overcharging
 | 4th August 2017
| 10th July 2017. See article from birminghammail.co.uk
A report at a Birmingham Council licensing committee meeting claimed that a concerted, sophisticated and highly organised criminal operation was being run from the Broad Street branch of the Legs 11 lap dancing club.. This was said to include financial
fraud and human trafficking. A mass raid resulted comprising of a campaign group, Hope for Justice, city council officials, trading standards, Revenue and Customs officials, police and even the Red Cross. Inevitably the raid failed to find
evidence of trafficking. No arrests were made, and the campaign group Hope for Justice said no hard evidence of people trafficking was uncovered. A spokesman said that none of the girls wanted to engage with us, or with the police. Some of the girls
talked about having to 'pay to work', maybe £100 or something, but then potentially being able to earn more than that. Some of them earn very good money -- £1,000 a night perhaps, but others much much less. He added: In this particular case, we didn't see clear cases of girls being forced to be there.
However the club has been closed anyway, with the authorities citing allegations of fraud. Update: Licence Lost 4th August 2017 See
article from bbc.co.uk A lap dancing club which allegedly drugged customers and took more than £90,000 in credit card overcharges has had its
alcohol licence revoked. Legs 11 on Broad Street, Birmingham, had the licence suspended on 3 July over police claims it was associated with serious crime. Barbara Dring, the city council's licensing sub-committee chair, said it was revoked
to protect public safety. In the committee's report, he said two men had claimed they were drugged, with one testing positive for methadone with a home testing kit. The club was being investigated over 17 fraud-related allegations since 2013,
police said. Some customers paid for dances in a private area but additional transactions were taking place that they had not authorised, Supt Parsons added. One victim claimed he had lost as much as £19,417. |
The Royal Navy bans sailors from possessing anything but BBFC approved porn
 | 19th February 2017
| See article from dailymail.co.uk |
The Royal Navy has banned posters of glamour models so as not to offend women sailors after some complained of feeling intimidated by the soft porn. Perhaps the banning of public space pin ups is understandable in these PC times but the Navy's
rules go further and effectively ban sailors from all but a tiny portion of available porn. Sailors were told about the ban when they were given an amended version of the Royal Navy's Queen Regulations. A new section titled Pin-ups and Pornography
reads: Possession of films/videos and all forms of digital media (e.g DvDs, or downloads from the internet) that have been certified by the British Board of Film Censors is permitted. All other pornographic
material is prohibited.
A Naval source told The Sun about these miserable rules: To be fair, this is part of the service coming into the 21st Century, being more inclusive and not offending women.
But a lot of the lads are moaning about this because porn has been rife across the fleet for generations, and this is the result of a few people complaining.
Southsea lap dancing club win appeal against a council ban to takeover old Conservative Club
12th February 2017
| See article from bbc.com |
Permission to turn a former Conservative club in Southsea into a lap-dancing venue has been granted after Portsmouth Council's original decision to ban the move was overturned. Elegance, currently in Granada Road, will now be allowed to move to Albert
Road and open between 9pm and 4am. An appeal against the council decision was granted by planning inspector Jo Dowling who explained that the proposed venue would not be out of character : I acknowledge
that the presence of a lap dancing venue may deter some people from visiting this part of Albert Road. However, as already highlighted due to its first floor location the proposed lap dancing venue would have a very limited
physical presence on the street. Being a late-night venue the proposed use would not operate at the same time as the majority of the daytime businesses.
More than 1,300 people had signed petitions against the
move and the city council received 63 objections at the time of the original decision. |
 | 7th February 2017
Secrets lap dancing club lose unlikely sounding tax appeal about paying tax on commissions charged to dancers for redeeming lap dancing vouchers See
article from ibtimes.co.uk |