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The People in decline...

Australian lads' mags close after convenience stores ban them

Link Here23rd October 2019
Full story: Magazine Censorship in Australia...Barely Legal winds up Australia'n nutters
Australian men's magazine the Picture and the 69-year-old People magazine will close at the end of the year, ending decades of printed weeklies featuring topless models and readers' sex stories.

Their publisher, Bauer Media, was forced to axe the magazines after retailers lined up to ban them from sale at service stations; and readership fell to 0.02% of the population over 14 for People magazine and 0.01% for the Picture. They are already banned from sale in supermarkets.

Discussions to close the Picture and People magazines have been taking place, as the magazines have lost ranging [visibility], which has affected their commercial viability, a spokeswoman for Bauer Media told Guardian Australia.

The magazines will be closing at the end of the year and we're working closely with staff to find suitable redeployment.

The latest retailer to ban the publication is BP who own 350 stores at petrol stations. BP's statement followed a decision by the 7-Eleven chief executive, Angus McKay, last month to order all 700 franchisees and store managers to urgently pull the magazines from sale.



Offsite Article: Gender Fluid Playmate of the Month...

Link Here10th August 2019
Full story: Playboy Magazine...Evolving with the times
Are you ready for a woke Playboy?

See article from



Two points of view...

The Daily Star ends its topless glamour pictures

Link Here13th April 2019
The Daily Star has stopped featuring topless glamour pictures. In a statement, the newspaper's editor Jonathan Clark explained that it had been testing out a new strategy for its Page 3 format since 2 April.

We've listened to reader feedback and are currently trialing a covered-up version of Page 3.

The publication will continue to have a page dedicated to featuring young women, but they will appear in either lingerie or swimwear as opposed to being topless.

The newspaper's announcement comes four years after The Sun abolished its Page 3 Girl feature, something it had maintained for 40 years.



Asset strippers...

Advertising agency buys long running Polish porn mag to close it down

Link Here10th March 2019
The advertising agency VMLY&R has teamed up with the Polish newspaper to buy out Poland's longest-running erotic magazine and to close it down.

VMLY&R and Gazeta bought Twoj Weekend to close it down to do a little virtue signalling in opposing porn. They will produce one final issue without any of the magazines signature erotic content and will instead bang on about 'progressive' issues like gender, sexism etc.

This last issue will be promoted by an advertising campaign, including outdoor, media, cinema, radio, press, social media and online with support from client partners including Mastercard and Bank BGZ BNP Paribas.


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