16th November | |
| Christian Voice recommends LGBT History Month
| Based on article from
christianvoice.org.uk See also lgbthistorymonth.org.uk
The British Museum, that prestigious bastion of archaeology and things historical, is to devote a day next month promoting perversion to school children. On 19th November, the Museum, home to such famous artifacts as the Rosetta Stone and the
Elgin Marbles, is hosting a whole day programme to advance next February's LGBT History month . The LGBT History Month website says smugly: The year 2010 will bring us The Equality Act with its greater legislative demands of schools and
all public institutions thereby increasing the relevance of LGBT History Month. According to the website, the day will begin with a morning session in which local school pupils will learn about objects in the Museum with relevant LGBT
themes . The afternoon session is called Exploring Best Practice (or worst, depending on one's point of view). It is for teachers, youth workers and other practitioners and will provide inspiration and practical suggestions as
to how your school, educational institution, pupils, students and service users can share in LGBT History Month . We are told that 12 practioners (sic) of the primary, secondary, and university sectors as well as members of a youth group, a singer
who works in schools, and a Connexions worker will be at hand , who come from all over the country, both urban and rural . Next, a Teachers surgery from 5 - 6pm will offer a relaxed and informal session for teachers who want
to begin LGBT celebrations in their school to come and discuss with teachers who have already had successful results. The panel will consist of representatives from primary and secondary schools who have tried and tested ideas to help kick start your
celebrations for February 2010. The day will conclude with a Formal pre-launch from 6.15 - 9pm. Highlighting art, history and culture, the evening will be an opportunity for networking, and to hear from prominent speakers including
Trevor Phillips, Chair of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, Rt. Hon. Ben Bradshaw MP, Secretary of State for Culture, Media & Sport, Michael Cashman MEP and Cllr Keith Moffit, Leader of Camden Council. Interestingly, Trevor
Phillips is on record for his concern that Muslims should be able, even under equalities legislation, to express themselves on the matter of homosexuality. We shall be looking for Phillips to spell that out to the gays and to extend those
provisions to Christians, Jews and indeed anyone who cannot see how sodomy benefits a nation. We are urging Christians to apply for tickets to any of the events. Make your protest felt inside the event, and when you are thrown out, join us in
witnessing and leafleting outside! With leaflets; outside the British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG from 9am to 9pm. Whatever hours you can give to the Lord's work on this day will be valuable time spent. Please let us know when
you expect to be there. Pray that our witness will convict someone of sin and the grace of God, that he or she will turn to Jesus Christ and be saved. Pray that many parents will join this campaign.
14th September | | |
Stephen Green inspires theatre group to a production of The Censor
| Thanks to blackjaques Based on
article from
The Censor Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff 16-19th September, 8pm Challenging and unsettling, the latest production from controversial theatre group Faction Collective looks set to spark plenty of
debate. But, as director Chris Durnall says, that's exactly what they want
Featuring pornographic films, frank discussion of sexual acts and a shocking denouement, The Censor is not what you would call an easy watch.
Being staged
by Faction Collective, the theatre company formed to perform writer Patrick Jones' 2008 play Revelation , the roots of the decision to bring The Censor , by Scottish playwright Anthony Neilson, to Cardiff next week lie in an incident that
took place late last year.
Patrick Jones was due to read a selection of his poetry at a Cardiff branch of Waterstone's. This was cancelled after some protests by a Christian pressure group, Stephen Green's Christian Voice, and after some Assembly
Members took up the cause they held the reading at the Senedd.
Director Chris Durnal said: So when we started looking around for something to perform this year, The Censor seemed an obvious choice as it picks up on some of the issues
surrounding that whole incident.
The play deals with the burgeoning relationship between a female director of pornography and a film censor and the effect this has on his wife. The Censor features what can only be politely described as
quite a supremely unsettling coup de theatre involving an act normally performed in the solitude of the smallest room.
1st July | |
| Censorial Glasgow finally relent for a showing of Life of Brian
| Based on article from
For almost 30 years, one of the classic comedy films has been unofficially banned in Glasgow, after it was branded blasphemous by councillors on its release.
Monty Python's Life of Brian will finally get a screening after it was
granted a licence by the city council – the last of 39 across the UK that imposed the initial ban.
The stars of the film, including Michael Palin, John Cleese and Terry Jones, will be invited to a special screening at the Glasgow Film Theatre in
In sharp contrast to the furore of 29 years ago, the city council's licensing committee did not receive a single objection to the application heard yesterday. The move was welcomed by film experts for bringing an end to a
cinematic anachronism. Allison Gardner, head of cinemas at the GFT, said: The film has been widely available to the general public on video and DVD and has been screened on terrestrial television. None of these events has caused
widespread offence, or in any way destroyed the sanctity of the Church or undermined its place in our wider society. I believe the film is seen as an affectionate and inspired depiction of the life of Jesus from a perspective that is humorous, rather
than blasphemous.
But Christian nutters said the decision to grant the film a 15 certificate was a reflection of declining standards in society, and called it a sad day.
Stephen Green, director of the radical campaign group
Christian Voice, which has organised protests against shows such as Jerry Springer: The Opera , said: We know Glasgow was the last place in the country to keep the ban in place, as the only other area, Aberystwyth, had a screening a couple of
months ago. It is a bit of a shame it's now been granted a licence in Glasgow, but it shows how much we have let standards slip. Comment: Scotland 'Rogered' 6th
July 2009, thanks to Chris Life of Brian was shown on the welsh language channel S4C when it was banned in Swansea and Aberystwyth sure that the same would be the case in Scotland being it was shown on channel 4.
21st April | | |
Freethinker notes near silence from Christian Voice
| From freethinker.co.uk
Something's been bothering us over the last few months: A deafening silence from Stephen “Birdshit” Green.
Goodness knows there’s been enough in the media to prompt another piece of nutty prose from the head of Christian
Voice, but his website has been utterly devoid of any statements since February 11, when Green posted a piece headed “Kent Police undermining families in gay essay stunt.”
Is there any truth in an anonymous note we received suggesting that
Christian Voice was no more; that it had been absorbed into an outfit called the National Council for Christian Standards in Society.
20th April | | |
One man Christian Voice protest at latest production of Jerry Springer: The Opera
| From thecourier.co.uk
Around 20 supporters of a nutter Christian group last night held a peaceful protest against the staging of the musical, Jerry Springer The Opera , in St Andrews.
It was in stark contrast to Saturday’s opening night of the production, a
centrepiece of a new arts festival organised by students at St Andrews University.
Only one member of the national Christian Voice group, which had branded the institution a cesspit , turned up to demonstrate on the first night of the
Lecturer Dr Charles Ferguson mounted his one-man protest outside the students’ union where the show was staged. The doctor of theology handed out leaflets condemning the production to members of the audience entering the Union
building and to passers-by, said: This show degrades Jesus and it is offensive and blasphemous. The Lord’s name is taken in vain and it degrades his person.
However, last night he was joined by a party of supporters of the Christian Voice
organisation from the East Kilbride area, many carrying placards and banners, who travelled to St Andrews to participate in the peaceful demonstration.
Also taking part was the national director of Christian Voice, Stephen Green, who said, This production is just filth. It is a great shame that the St Andrews students have put this on and I hope and pray it will be the last time.
15th April | | |
Whinging at Coronation Street for mention of christian indoctrination
| Based on article
from express.co.uk
Coronation Street producers have defended the TV soap against claims that it was anti-Christian after a character’s attack on the faith during an Easter Sunday episode.
Viewers complained after Street veteran Ken Barlow, played by
Bill Roach, said Christians forced their views on vulnerable people.
At one point Ken accused his grandson Simon’s school of indoctrinating him, before vowing to tell the youngster the truth about religion.
Ofcom confirmed
it had received dozens of complaints and fans of the show posted comments on ITV1 message boards labelling Ken’s rant completely unacceptable.
Stephen Green, of campaign group Christian Voice, said: What is it about Christianity that is
so scary for these people. I don’t know if they do it out of ignorance or antipathy but it is not the kind of example television should be setting.
1st February | | |
Miserable sinners whinge about student production of Jerry Springer: The Opera
| Based on article from
scotlandonsunday.scotsman.com |
St Andrews university in Edinburgh is about to be hit by a wave of nutter protest as the first ever amateur production of the notable West End musical Jerry Springer: The Opera rolls into town.
The play, which caused a nutter storm for
supposedly ridiculing Jesus Christ, God and the Virgin Mary, is to be performed by a group of students from St Andrews, who claim the musical will show the ancient institution is daring enough to promote religious debate.
The Just So Musical
Society at St Andrews University will stage its production in April as part of the On the Rocks arts festival, which launches this year at the university. The show, which will follow the original script and score with a cast of 25 students, will have a
three-night run at the students' association from April 19 to 21.
The student director of the show, John MacLean, who is a practising Christian, denied he was courting controversy. I've decided to put it on because it's a fantastic show. I
think the score is incredible, and I went to see it in Edinburgh and I laughed out loud throughout. .
Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice, remains implacably opposed to the show. His organisation's campaign against the
earlier, professional tour using leafletting and the threat of legal action against theatres meant the show lost £500,000.
Green said his organisation would try to do the same to the St Andrews production. It is disgraceful that in the
birthplace of the Scottish Reformation, St Andrews University is putting on a production that insults the Lord Jesus Christ. Ridiculing Jesus Christ will bring shame and God's judgment on what should, with all its history, be a devout seat of learning,
not a cesspit.
He called all Christians to take action against the musical. We must pray that this show is cancelled, but if it is not, may the Lord bring Christian people out on the streets of St Andrews to witness and evangelise at all
the events during the arts week. If many sinners repent and turn to Jesus Christ, some good will yet come from this evil.
Solicitor Michael Phillips, who represented Christian Voice when they sued the BBC for blasphemy after broadcasting the
musical in 2007, said: It's a worry that this production is rearing up again, and it's sad that something with so little artistic merit was given such a lot of attention because it used profanity and blasphemy. St Andrews University could be opening
themselves up for protests which could lead to legal action if there is somebody with the right funding behind them.
Gordon Macdonald, of Christian Action, Research and Education in Scotland, said: We would ask people not to see it or give
them any encouragement by attending the performance. We recognise people's freedom of speech, but at the same time that has to be exercised responsibly, and they shouldn't go out of their way to offend people unnecessarily.
29th January | | |
ASA to censure Christian Voice for dangerous and nonsense claims about HPV vaccine
| Based on article from christianvoice.org.uk |
The Advertising Standards Authority has recommended that a Christian group be censured for predicting that Government initiatives on teenage sexuality, including the HPV vaccine, will increase infertility among the young.
Christian Voice's Advertorial
in the New Statesman earlier this year, which was headlined VIOLENT CRIME - SOWING AND REAPING, will be found to breach ASA codes on principles, substantiation and truthfulness.
The text of the advertorial said: There is a
Biblical principle that we reap what we sow. It applies to nations as well as to individuals. What politicians sow, the people reap. When politicians sow evil, the people reap misery, and the poorest reap it the worst. The ad went on to describe the
detrimental impact of government policies and legislation on society. It included the text Now we have the disaster of teenage infertility. Every government initiative, including the HPV vaccine, will increase it, but as all the targets revolve around
pregnancy, no-one in power knows how many young people they are making sterile and nobody cares.
The officials demanded robust, scientific evidence that the HPV vaccine caused infertility in teenagers , missing the nutter view that it
is the encouragement of promiscuity in Government teen sex initiatives which spreads the infections which do the damage, not the vaccine itself.
Their draft ruling says: the claim "Every government initiative, including the HPV vaccine,
will increase it [teenage infertility]" was a statement of fact that was capable of substantiation. Christian Voice say requiring the substantiation of a future prediction in an opinion piece is preposterous and an infringement of freedom of
Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice, said today: It is a good job the Advertising Standards Authority was not around when the Old Testament was written, or we would be missing half the Christmas story. The ASA would
have wanted Isaiah to substantiate his claim that 'a virgin shall conceive and shall bear a son' (Isa 7:14). They would have demanded 'robust, scientific evidence' that virgins can conceive.
It is simple common sense to realise that with
the HPV vaccine, girls will think they are covered against everything, especially if they are on the pill as well, so promiscuity will rise and there will be even more Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia cases and even more infertility.
It is
preposterous for the ASA to think they can outlaw Christian freedom of speech and free expression of opinion. The ASA may not like the fact that sodomy is an abomination in holy scripture, but they cannot alter it. Nor can their officials change God's
word that sex outside marriage brings judgment. The Free Presbyterian Church will not back down, and by God's grace neither shall we. We shall keep telling Government and the teen sex industry that they are betraying young people in this country and that
only God's ways of chastity and fidelity will halt the rise in teenage pregnancies and infertility. Update: ASA Censure Confirmed 29th January 2009. From
asa.org.uk An advertising feature in the New Statesman, on behalf of a religious group, had the headline VIOLENT CRIME - SOWING AND REAPING . Text underneath stated There is a Biblical principle that we reap what we sow. It applies to nations as well as to individuals. What politicians sow, the people reap. When politicians sow evil, the people reap misery, and the poorest reap it the worst.
The ad went on to describe what the advertisers considered to be the detrimental impact of government policies and various pieces of legislation on society. It included the text Now we have the disaster of teenage infertility. Every
government initiative, including the HPV vaccine, will increase it, but as all the targets revolve around pregnancy, no-one in power knows how many young people they are making sterile and nobody cares. Text at the bottom of the ad stated: Christian Voice. Working for Godly government; praying for national repentance.
One complainant challenged whether the implied claim that the HPV vaccine would result in teenage infertility was misleading and could be substantiated. ASA Decision We considered that the
claim Every government initiative, including the HPV vaccine, will increase it [teenage infertility] was a statement of fact that was a matter open to substantiation. We noted the webpage submitted by Christian Voice, but we did not consider that
that webpage in itself was sufficient to support the claim. Because we had not seen robust, scientific evidence that the HPV vaccine caused infertility in teenagers, we concluded that the claim had not been substantiated and was misleading.
ad breached CAP Code clauses 2.2 (Principles), 3.1 (Substantiation) and 7.1 (Truthfulness).
The ad must not appear again in its current form. We told Christian Voice not to repeat the implied claim that the HPV vaccine would result in teenage
26th January | | |
Stephen Green whinges at the ASA
| From christianvoice.org.uk |
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled in favour of newly-launched bus advertisement which claims there is There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.
Surely religions should be breathing a sigh of
relief that they don't have justify religious claims before being able to erect posters and beg money etc. But Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice claims in a press release that the advertisements broke the ASA's codes on
substantiation and truthfulness:
The ASA website says: Advertisements are not allowed to mislead consumers. This means that advertisers must hold evidence to prove the claims they make about their products or services before an ad appears.
But in a
ruling today, the ASA says the claim that there is probably no God is not capable of objective substantiation. It says further that the complaints were not 'serious' or 'widespread' enough.
Stephen Green said:
If the ASA had
thought the humanists could provide evidence for their claim, they would have asked them for it. As they know there is no evidence for the proposition that 'there is probably no God', they have let their secularist friends off the hook.
The ASA have finessed Code 7.1, which says a ad should not mislead or be likely to mislead, ruling it would not be likely to mislead, so avoiding the thornier question of whether it actually does mislead. Which it does.
On 'taste and decency', the ASA have simply taken a subjective decision to dismiss the complaints of offensiveness. On planet ASA, complaints from people of faith are not given the same weight as those from secularists. But what do you
expect when the ASA Council is appointed and run by a campaigning homosexual, Chris, Lord, Smith of Finsbury?
We always knew the ASA was just another tool of the politically-correct secularist establishment, but here's the proof. Their
ruling is a good example of how the deck is stacked against Christians today, and the Church needs to wake up to the anti-Christian agenda right now. The good news is we now know that when the secularists decided to say: "There is probably no
God", they had no reason for making that absurd claim, and time has not helped them come up with one. The bad news is that if Christians don't start standing up for their Faith and their Saviour soon, we shall see religious liberties trampled on,
and the secularists will take us further down the road to their hell on earth.
22nd January | |
| Advertising censor wisely finds in favour of atheist bus adverts
| From telegraph.co.uk |
Atheist bus adverts have wisely been given the green light by the advertising censor, Advertising Standards Agency. So far, 326 people have objected to the posters that have been placed on 800 buses around the country, which state: There's
probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.
Some claimed the adverts were offensive while others said that their central claim about God's existence could not be substantiated. The ASA has admitted that the adverts go
against the beliefs of many people. But it has decided that they do not breach any part of its code and is not launching an investigation.
The decision is a victory for the British Humanist Association, which organised the campaign, as it had
insisted the posters were only intended to reassure non-believers and not mock the religious. The slogan was created by Ariane Sherine, a comedy writer, as an antidote to posters placed on public transport by Christian groups that threaten eternal
damnation to passengers. The ASA said in a statement: The Advertising Standards Authority has concluded that the 'There's probably no God' bus ad campaign by the British Humanist Association is not in
breach of the advertising code. The ASA will therefore not launch an investigation and the case is now closed.
The ASA carefully assessed the 326 complaints it received. Some complained that the ad was offensive and denigratory to people of
faith. Others challenged whether the ad was misleading because the advertiser would not be able to substantiate its claim that God 'probably' does not exist.
The ASA Council concluded that the ad was an expression of the advertiser's opinion and
that the claims in it were not capable of objective substantiation.
Although the ASA acknowledges that the content of the ad would be at odds with the beliefs of many, it concluded that it was unlikely to mislead or to cause serious or widespread
16th January | |
| Religious homophobia exemption clause to be deleted from UK Law
| Based on article from
pinknews.co.uk |
The new injustice bill contains a measure to protect people from incitement to hatred on the grounds of sexual orientation.
In May the Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill created for the first time an offence of incitement to hatred on the
grounds of sexual orientation.
However, an amendment by Tory peer Lord Waddington, a former Home Secretary under Margaret Thatcher, was added to the legislation.
His amendment to the offence of using threatening language with intent to
stir up hatred on grounds of sexual orientation said that urging someone to change their sexuality should not count of itself as threatening or as intended to stir up hatred.
While he claimed his amendment was about free speech, in
effect it gives people leeway to claim they were just following their religious beliefs when inciting others to hate gay, lesbian or bisexual people.
If Christians can argue that their faith gives them a get-out clause, it could make a
prosecution more difficult.
The Coroners and Injustice Bill, part of the government's legislative programme for this session of Parliament, contains a clause removing the Waddington amendment.
A spokesperson for gay equality organisation
Stonewall, told PinkNews.co.uk:
Last year, the House of Lords voted to retain an exemption to the new incitement to hatred protections. Stonewall believes this is unnecessary and could mean that a very small number of people of extreme views
attempt to avoid prosecution by citing a 'religious defence'. Stonewall is pleased that the government is now seeking to remove this exemption. It will mean stronger protection for lesbian, gay and bisexual people from those who stir up hatred against
13th January | | |
Ofcom not offended by Jesus conjuring trick of turning water into wine
| Based on article from
We Are Most Amused ITV1, 15 November 2008, 20:35 We Are Most Amused was a special comedy gala performance held to mark the sixtieth birthday of the Prince of Wales. The show included many of the UK’s leading comedians.
Ofcom received 540 complaints concerning a sketch, included in the programme, featuring Rowan Atkinson. In the sketch, Rowan Atkinson played a Christian clergyman delivering a comedic version of a biblical miracle story – the Wedding Feast at Cana.
The complainants considered the sketch to be offensive and blasphemous, and some complainants questioned whether a similar sketch would be permissible if the subject had been one of the world’s other religions, such as Islam. There was
evidence that the complaints were part of an orchestrated campaign. [Stephen Green's Christian Voice being previously noted as organising such a campaign] Playing the clergyman, Rowan Atkinson delivered the sketch
as if reciting from the bible to a congregation. He described Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana, and said: And when the steward of the feast did taste of the water from the pots, it had
become wine. And he knew not whence it had come. But the servants did know, and they applauded loudly in the kitchen. And they said unto the Lord: ‘How the hell did you do that?’ And inquired of him: ‘Do you do children’s
parties?’ And the Lord said: ‘No.’ But the servants did press him, saying: ‘Go on, give us another one’.
Further on in the sketch, Ofcom noted there were the following passages:
…and he did place a large red cloth over the carrot and then removed it. And lo, he held in his hand a white rabbit. And all were amazed, and said: ‘This guy is really good; he should turn professional’. And there
came unto him a woman called Mary…and Jesus said unto her: ‘Put on a tutu and lie down in this box’. And took he forth a saw and cleft her in twain.
…And he did go unto Jerusalem, and he did his full act before the
Scribes, and the Pharisees, and the Romans. But alas, it did not please them in their hearts. In fact they absolutely crucified him.
Ofcom considered these complaints under Rule 2.3 (material that may cause offence must be
justified by the context).
Ofcom Decision Many complainants accused ITV of blasphemy. Ofcom is not required to determine whether the ITV committed blasphemy, but whether, in this case, the provisions of
its Code had been breached. Comedy has a long tradition of tackling challenging and sensitive subjects, such as religion. It is important and necessary, in line with freedom of expression, that broadcasters can explore such matters. Therefore
broadcasters are free to include treatments, comedic or otherwise, of any religion, as long as they comply with the Code.
In particular, this was a comedy sketch, by a performer well-known for his depictions of clergymen in comedic situations.
The sketch was an absurd interpretation of a well-known biblical miracle story, and was not intended as a serious interpretation of Christian belief, nor would it be realistic to make such an inference. It superimposed onto the original story, the
concept of how some people might react today, if Jesus were to appear in modern society. In making an analogy between miracles and magic, the comedian used the well-known comic device of placing theological figures in a contemporary and everyday human
situation. The overall tone of the sketch was affectionate and not abusive of the Christian religion.
Ofcom considered that the approach would have been well understood by the vast majority of the audience and would not have gone beyond what
would normally be expected in a programme of this type. Therefore, the programme was not in breach of Rule 2.3.
9th January | | |
Advert censor ponders the unlikely existence of a god
| Based on article from telegraph.co.uk See also
We must demand the use of 'allegedly' when promoting supernatural beings from
guardian.co.uk by AC Grayling See also Next stop the Vatican? from freethinker.co.uk |
The advertising censor is being called upon to rule on the likelihood of God's existence after complaints were made about the atheist bus advert campaign.
Censors at the Advertising Standards Authority are now considering whether to tackle the
question that has taxed the minds of the world's greatest thinkers for centuries.
It has recorded 48 complaints since Tuesday when buses first hit the streets emblazoned with the message: There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy
your life. At least 40 more people were understood to have made objections by last night.
Most of those who have contacted the ASA consider the adverts offensive and say they break guidelines on taste and decency.
Stephen Green, the
nutter behind Christian Voice is claiming they should be taken down because the statement in the adverts cannot be substantiated: If you're going to put out what appears to be a factual statement then you have to be able to back it up. They've got to
substantiate this proposition that in all probability, God doesn't exist.
The ASA is now considering whether to investigate his complaint, which could lead to it reaching a deep ontological conclusion about a supreme being. If it ruled that
the wording in the posters was unsubstantiated, it would be interpreted as effectively saying that in all probability God does exist. Ruling that the words were justified could be taken as an agreement that God probably does not exist.
Members of
the public donated ฃ140,000 to the Atheist Bus Campaign after its founder, the writer Ariane Sherine, suggested there should be an antidote to religious posters on public transport that threaten eternal damnation to non-believers.
Some supporters of the movement had wanted a stronger slogan that denied God's existence categorically. But the word "probably" was included in order to meet ASA rules.
The British Humanist Association, which is co-ordinating the campaign, said it was confident the chosen wording will not be banned by the censor.
The ASA said: We are assessing these complaints to see whether there are grounds for an
investigation. There's Probably No God in Spain Either Based on article from
guardian.co.uk Meanwhile the posting of atheist advertising on Barcelona's buses has been branded an attack on all religions.
Next week, Barcelona will become
the first city in Spain to copy the UK campaign when its buses use a direct translation of the slogan adopted in Britain. Madrid, Valencia and other cities are being targeted to run similar campaigns.
Probablemente Dios no existe. Deja de
preocuparte y goza de la vida, it reads, translating as There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy life.
The campaign has provoked a reaction from the Catholic archbishopric of Barcelona. Faith in God is not a source of
worry, nor is it an obstacle for enjoying life, it said in a statement.
It is an attack on all religions, said Javier Maria Perez-Roldan of the church's Tomas Moro centre, blaming the socialist government for the privately funded
campaign: The government has created an atmosphere of belligerence.