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This is a tolerant country...BUT...

A British court prosecutes a man for blasphemy

Link Here5th February 2025
Campaigners have warned Sharia law is being brought to the streets of Britain following the case of a man who burned a Quran at the memorial to the Manchester Arena bombing victims.

The man admitted a racially aggravated public order offence after he was filmed tearing pages from the Islamic religious book and setting them alight on Saturday. He had publicised the event online beforehand, and it was streamed on social media. He was filmed tearing pages from the Quran and setting them alight whilst holding an Israeli flag.

The case has since been criticised by free speech campaigners, however, who have warned it could also leave Frost at risk of retaliation. Stephen Evans, chief executive of the National Secular Society, told The Telegraph:

[The case] brings us perilously close to reinstating blasphemy laws.

The man's name, date of birth and the borough where he lives were all disgracefully published by Greater Manchester Police on X in a post announcing he had been charged.

In a letter to the force, Lord Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union raised concerns about the defendant's safety as a consequence. He claimed that the case should never have been a police matter, adding the decision to name the man 'may well have placed him in great jeopardy.

District Judge Margaret McCormack asked for a pre-sentence report and adjourned sentencing. She told the man:

The Quran is a sacred book to Muslims and treating it as you did is going to cause extreme distress. This is a tolerant country ...BUT... we just do not tolerate this behaviour.

She bailed Frost on condition he does not post anything further on social media and will pass sentence on April 29.



Offsite Article: Islamic blasphemy laws have come to Britain...

Link Here4th February 2025
Full story: Public Order Act...Enabling police censorship
By arresting a man for burning the Koran, the authorities are doing the bidding of Islamist reactionaries. By Fraser Myers

See article from




A cut version of Crocodile Dundee has premiered in Sydney without the transgender jokes

Link Here30th January 2025
Crocodile Dundee is a 1986 Australia comedy adventure by Peter Faiman.
Starring Paul Hogan, Linda Kozlowski and John Meillon. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb

A 4K remastered and cut version titled Crocodile Dundee: The Encore Cut , premiered in Sydney in early 2025. It will be re-released in cinemas in May.

In the new cut of the film, two and a half minutes of footage has been edited out.

  • Among the moments removed is the scene in which Paul Hogan's Mick Dundee grabs a bar patron in the groin and declares that was a guy, dressed up like a sheila, while someone else yells 'faggot'.
  • A callback to the scene later when Mick does the same thing to a woman at a party, telling her, I was just making sure, has also been removed.

Paul Hogan agreed with those scenes and others being edited out of the film. He said:

I heard about it years ago, it started, it wasn't about being woke. They pointed out to me and said, 'This guy is a folk hero around the world. He shouldn't be groping people.'

And I thought, 'Yeah that's right, he shouldn't be', so take it out. I mean, he did it in all innocence, in naivety, but it's better without it.

Production company Rimfire Films said:

Some years ago, Paramount Pictures and other distributors requested the reference to the crossdresser be edited from the original film, as they found it offensive. We agreed to that request.



Offsite Comment: Good riddance to Justin Trudeau...

Link Here6th January 2025
The Authoritarian Legacy of Justin Trudeau by Christina Maas

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