Captain Underpants author withdraws graphic novel after claims of racism
 | 29th March 2021
| See article from theguardian.com
Captain Underpants author Dav Pilkey has apologised for suuposed harmful racial stereotypes and passively racist imagery in one of his graphic novels for children, which has now been withdrawn by his publisher. The Adventures of Ook and Gluk:
Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future , first published in 2010, follows two cavemen who travel to the year 2222 and meet Master Wong, a martial arts instructor. The book's publisher Scholastic announced that it would stop distributing the book and
remove all mention of it from its website. Scholastic said: Together, we recognise that this book perpetuates passive racism. We are deeply sorry for this serious mistake.
In a letter, Pilkey
apologised: But this week it was brought to my attention that this book also contains harmful racial stereotypes and passively racist imagery. I wanted to take this opportunity to publicly apologise for this. It was
and is wrong and harmful to my Asian readers, friends, and family, and to all Asian people.
I hope that you, my readers, will forgive me, and learn from my mistake that even unintentional and passive
stereotypes and racism are harmful to everyone. I apologise, and I pledge to do better.
UK blasphemy rules enforced by implicit intimidation results in a teacher being suspended for teaching a factual lesson about the Mohammed cartoons
 | 27th March 2021
| See petition from change.org
See We must stop capitulating to this intolerance from spiked-online.com by Tom Slater |
One of the most illogical, unjust and unreasonable of the rules of PC culture is that muslims are granted the privilege of the authorities turning a blind eye to violence and threats of violence. Credible fear of violence is very much a trump card in
governing people's behaviour, and so an informal modern day blasphemy prohibition has been allowed to trump historic rights to free speech. The latest example from Batley in York is described by campaigners petitioning in support of a well meaning
teacher who was caught up in a supposed transgression of the UK's de facto blasphemy law. The petitioners explain: Keep the Religious Studies Teacher at Batley Grammar School. The teacher
was trying to educate students about racism and blasphemy. He warned the students before showing the images and he had the intent to educate them. He does not deserve such large repercussions. He is not racist and did not support the Islamiphobic
cartoons in any manner. This has got out of hand and due to this, students have missed out on lessons because of peaceful protestors . Them blocking off entrances did not allow teachers to work or enter the school. Think of those
who would be affected due to this lesson spiralled out of hand? Teachers, The School, The Community, Children, the RS Teacher's family and his own financial stability since he will no longer be able to land a job due to the fact that his reputation has
been tarnished. See petition from change.org
Lee Hurst briefly suspended from Twitter over a joke about Greta Thornberg
 | 24th March 2021
| See article from chortle.co.uk
Lee Hurst was briefly suspended from Twitter over a tweeted joke about Greta Thunberg. The comedian wound up the easily after posting his joke about the 18-year-old environmental activist. He tweeted: As soon as
Greta discovers cock, she'll stop complaining about the single use plastic it's wrapped in.
But his account - which he headlines desperately trying to be relevant is now back up and running again. |
 | 24th March 2021
Woke trans propaganda from the BBFC draws an inevitably critical response from the Daily Mail See
article from dailymail.co.uk |
Victorian MPs recommend a state ban on Nazi insignia
 | 14th March 2021
| See article from theage.com.au
Displaying the Nazi swastika would be a criminal offence in Victoria if the government implements a recommendation of a cross-party parliamentary inquiry into anti-vilification laws. After a year-long investigation the final report from the
legal and social issues committee urges the government to legislate tougher laws against hate speech and racist insignia. Premier Daniel Andrews said that the government was open to criminalising Nazi symbols. It would be the first jurisdiction in
Australia to impose such a ban. The committee said it believed limitations on freedom of speech were justified when it impinged on the human rights of others, citing recent events, including the storming of the US Capitol by far-right groups and
social media giants banning former US president Donald Trump's accounts.
Oxford English Dictionary continues to include factual usage definitions such as 'bitch' and 'bint' that offend woke sensibilities
 | 12th March
| See article from telegraph.co.uk
One of the recent targets of the cancel culture lynch mobs is to ban derogatory terms for women from dictionaries. However Oxford University Press [OUP], publishers of the Oxford English Dictionary have said that terms such as bint and bitch, will
remain in the Oxford Dictionary of English because to remove them would amount to censorship. Speaking at an event to mark International Women's Day, Katherine Martin, head of product for Oxford Languages,said: 'Bitch'
is quite a common word in English. Part of what we do as lexicographers is to show the full range of meanings that it has. To not show any aspect of a word's use would be akin to censorship. Lexicographers want to make facts
available to the public, and the more synonyms and information [a word] has, the better.
Eleanor Maier, OUP's executive editor, said context was all-important: As dictionary makers, we have a
responsibility to accurately describe how language is used and that means we should include sexist and racist terms. But it's really important for us to contextualise them. So if a term is derogatory or highly offensive, we should say it.
The Non-Crime Hate Incident is a recent and chilling restriction to free speech.
 | 10th March 2021
| See article from freespeechunion.org See
An Orwellian Society. report [pdf] from freespeechunion.org |
The Non-Crime Hate Incident (NCHI) is a recent and chilling restriction to free speech. An NCHI means any non-crime incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice. NCHIs can be recorded against
someone's name without their knowledge. NCHIs were never created by government, but by a limited company called the College of Policing (CoP), a quango which provides guidance to police forces. Parliament has never passed legislation calling for NCHIs.
This is speech-control and surveillance created away from democratic oversight. See An Orwellian Society. report [pdf] from
 | 10th March 2021
Twitter sues Texas Attorney General to avoid investigation into its censorship practices in silencing right wing speech See
article from reclaimthenet.org |
US cable channel assembles a collection of movies that have offended the politically correct
 | 7th March 2021
| See article from dailymail.co.uk
The cable TV channel Turner Classic Movies has kicked off Reframed: Classic Films in the Rearview Mirror , a series where it says it examines the troubling and problematic aspects of the classics, which were released from the 1920s to the
1960s. 18 selected movies include Breakfast at Tiffany's, Psycho, Gone With the Wind, My Fair Lady, Stagecoach, The Jazz Singer, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Several hosts will take turns holding roundtable introductions before
the start of each movie where they will discuss the history and cultural context of the movie. They will also provide trigger warnings about depictions of racism, sexism, and LGBTQ issues. Among the 'issues will be white actors portraying
non-white roles or blackface. This includes Mickey Rooney's performance as Mr Yunioshi in Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sam Jaffe playing the title role of Gunga Din, Al Jolson donning blackface for The Jazz Singer. For Psycho, the hosts talk about
transgender identity in the film and the implications of equating gender fluidity and dressing in women's clothes with mental illness and violence. During the My Fair Lady conversation, they talk about why the film adaptation has a less feminist
ending than the stage play, and Henry Higgins' physical and psychological abuse of Eliza Dolittle. For the discussion of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, the hosts will look at aspects of black actor Sidney Poitier's films that are oriented primarily to
white audiences. The movie list is:
- Gone With the Wind - Romanticized portrayal of antebellum life before the Civil War and portrayal of slaves as happy and content
- Seven Brides for Seven Brothers - Sexism controversy over plot of the film of kidnapping women and forcibly
confining them to marry
- Rope - Portrayal of two queer characters who have just committed a murder
- The Four Feathers - Racist views including the term Fuzzy Wuzzies to denote Arabs and take on British imperialism in Arabia
- Woman
of the Year - Sexism and the idea that a woman can only be successful in the workplace if she lacks femininity
- Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - Aspects of black actor Sidney Poitier's films that are oriented primarily to white audiences
- Gunga Din - White actor Sam Jaffe playing the title role of Gunga Din, who is an Indian character
- Sinbad, the Sailor - White actor Douglas Fairbanks Jr playing the Arab role of Sinbad and portrayal of Arabs
- The Jazz Singer - Al Jolson's blackface routine
- The Searchers - White actor Henry Braydon playing Native American
character and abuse of Native American woman by white character.
- Breakfast at Tiffany's - White actor Mickey Rooney's portrayal of Japanese character Mr Yunioshi
- Swing Time - Fred Astaire's blackface routine
- Stagecoach -
Portrayal of Native Americans and their being seen as a threat
- Tarzan, the Ape Man - Portrayal of Africans including one attack by ;a tribe of aggressive dwarfs'
- My Fair Lady - Sexism and Henry Higgins' physical and psychological abuse
of Eliza Dolittle
- The Children's Hour - Portrayal of LGBTQ issues when two female teachers are accused of sinful, sexual knowledge of each other;
- Psycho - Transgender identity and the implications of equating and dressing in women
Congress Democrats are attempting to bully US networks into dropping Fox News and the like
 | 5th March 2021
| See article from spiked-online.com See
letters [pdf] from eshoo.house.gov |
Last week, two 'Democrat' members of Congress -- Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney -- sent letters to AT&T, Verizon, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Charter, Dish, Cox, Altice, Alphabet and Disney-owned Hulu 203 all the major cable carriers. They
effectively demanded the carriers explain why they host conservative news networks such as Fox News, One America News Network (OAN) and Newsmax on their platforms. They wrote: Experts have noted that the right-wing media
ecosystem is much more susceptible...to disinformation, lies, and half-truths.Right-wing media outlets, like Newsmax, One America News Network (OANN), and Fox News all aired misinformation about the November 2020 elections.For example, both Newsmax and
OANN ran incendiary reports of false information following the elections and continue to support an angry and dangerous subculture [that] will continue to operate semi-openly.As a violent mob was breaching the doors of the Capitol, Newsmax's coverage
called the scene a sort of a romantic idea.Fox News, meanwhile, has spent years spewing misinformation about American politics. ... It is for these reasons we ask that you provide us with responses to the
following questions about AT&T's policies toward content carried on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV by March8, 2021:
What moral or ethical principles (including those related to journalistic integrity, violence, medical information, and public health) do you apply in deciding which channels to carry or when to take adverse actions against a
channel? Do you require, through contracts or otherwise, that the channels you carry abide by any content guidelines? If so, please provide a copy of the guidelines. How many of your subscribers
tuned in to Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV for each of the four weeks preceding the November 4 2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 attacks on the Capitol? Please specify the number of subscribers that tuned in to each
channel. What steps did you take prior to, on, and following the November 3,2020 elections and the January 6, 2021 attacks to monitor, respond to, and reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement
of violence by channels your company disseminates to millions of Americans? Please describe each step that you took and when it was taken. Have you taken any adverse actions against a channel, including Fox News, Newsmax, and
OANN, for using your platform to disseminate disinformation related directly or indirectly to the November 3, 2020 elections, the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, or COVID-19 misinformation? If yes, please describe each action, when it was taken,
and the parties involved. Have you ever taken any actions against a channel for using your platform to disseminate any disinformation? If yes, please describe each action and when it was taken. Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, Newsmax, and OANN on U-verse, DirecTV, and AT&T TV both now and beyond any contract renewal date? If so, why?
Estate of Dr Suess estate cancels six books over ludicrous logic that would make the Cat n the Hat proud
 | 5th March 2021
| See article from cnbc.com |
Books by Dr. Seuss have flooded Amazon's U.S. bestseller list after it was announced that six of the author's publications were being cancelled over ludicrous woke claims of racist imagery. The Cat in the Hat is currently the bestselling
book on Amazon's U.S. store, closely followed by One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and Green Eggs and Ham , along with several other titles by the late Theodor Seuss Geisel. In total, 15 Dr. Seuss publications were in Amazon's top 20
list on Friday morning. This comes after Dr. Seuss Enterprises, the business running the late author's estate, said Tuesday it has cancelled publication and licensing of six of his books:
- And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
- If I Ran the Zoo
- McElligot's Pool
- On Beyond Zebra!
- Scrambled Eggs Super!
- The Cat's Quizzer.
Dr. Seuss Enterprises claimed in a statement that these books portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong. Chief of Woke Staff Joe Biden notably left any mention of Dr. Seuss out of his Read Across America Day proclamation on Monday. Former
Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama both mentioned Dr. Seuss in their previous speeches.
Comment: Why the cancellation of Dr Seuss matters 5th March 2021. See article from spiked-online.com An
example of the ludicrous claims about racism in Dr Suess: As it happens, until recently Dr Seuss books have had a reputation for encouraging tolerance. The Sneetches and Other Stories , in particular, has been praised for
its messages about overcoming differences. But today's anti-racist campaigners find even the Sneetches problematic. According to Learning for Justice , an 'education' advisory group: As a result, they accept one
another. This message of "acceptance" does not acknowledge structural power imbalances. It doesn't address the idea that historical narratives impact present-day power structures. And instead of encouraging young readers to recognise and take
action against injustice, the story promotes a race-neutral approach.'
You read that right. The Sneetches are apparently racist because they look at the world in a race-neutral way, and because they learn to accept
one another. |
The National Secular Society calls for the Scottish Government to restore free speech protections to its disgraceful Hate Crimes bill
 | 28th
February 2021
| See article from secularism.org.uk
The National Secular Society has urged Scotland's justice minister not to renege on a commitment to ensure a strengthened level of protection for free speech on religion in the current hate crime bill. A vital free speech
provision around religion has yet to be determined, even though it had appeared to be settled and a final vote on the legislation is likely to be just days away. The NSS has long warned that plans to criminalise 'stirring up
hatred' on the grounds of religion within the bill pose a threat to freedom of expression. The Scottish parliament's Justice Committee had agreed to an amendment to protect expressions of "antipathy, dislike, ridicule and
insult" of religion or belief during previous consideration of the bill. However, this now appears to be under threat after the launch of a last minute consultation on freedom of expression provisions in the bill. The consultation, which closed on
Monday, lasted just four days. The NSS and Edinburgh Secular Society have now jointly written to Humza Yousaf, Scotland's cabinet secretary for justice, over the issue. The NSS said a free speech clause
covering religion that only protected "discussion or criticism" would be "too imprecise" and go "nowhere near far enough to protect robust debate, satire, comedy and commentary about religions or beliefs".
It added that the law should "in no way serve to criminalise people for their opposition to ideas or protect people's beliefs from antipathy, dislike, ridicule and insult". The letter argued that the
"wide consensus and strong support" for the additional protection for speech about religion or belief should be reflected in the legislation. And it says it would be "unconscionable at this late stage to renege on additional free speech
protections already agreed to".
Amazon takes sides on the trans debate and bans a book that criticises the trans movement
 | 23rd February 2021
| See article from reclaimthenet.org |
The trans debate has become one of the most bitter and toxic confrontation across the whole of the social justice sphere. Maybe it is hardly surprising that some the most outspoken contributions will cross lines amongst the internet giants who are
proving to be the prison warders of modern culture. As an example Amazon has removed the bestselling book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment without giving its author, Ryan T. Anderson, any notice or explanation.
Anderson is the President of the Ethics & Public Policy Center which describes itself as D.C.'s premier think tank dedicated to applying the Judeo-Christian moral tradition to critical issues of public policy. Anderson told the Daily Caller that
he noticed the book was unavailable on Sunday. He said: No one from Amazon notified me or my publisher, Anderson said. My publisher has reached out, but still no response. It's not about how you
say it, it's not about how rigorously you argue it, it's not about how charitably you present it, he said. It's about whether you dissent from a new orthodoxy.
Offsite Comment: Amazon: from book-selling to book-burning 10th March 2021. See article from spiked-online.com by Tim
Black Its decision to stop selling a book criticising transgenderism is part of an alarming trend. |
Disney tags the Muppet Show with a ludicrous trigger warning
 | 22nd February 2021
| See article from dailymail.co.uk
The Muppet Show is the latest victim of political correctness gone mad with new trigger warnings over its historic content. When airing on Disney+ the show now come with an alert about supposedly offensive content and can only be seen
on an adult account. Viewers are greeted with the disclaimer: This programme includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now.
Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together. The warning is believed to refer to Muppet characters
designed as stereotypes of Native Americans, Arabs and East Asians. In another episode, the singer Johnny Cash plays on a stage adorned with the Confederate flag. Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: I would like to know
which bunch of muppets thought this one up. It would appear if this continues kids won't be able to watch any TV programmes which are not newly made. Is nothing safe?
Scottish police arrest a man for insulting Sir Tom Moore on Twitter
 | 20th February 2021
| 8th February 2021. See
article from boingboing.net See
article from bbc.co.uk |
Captain Sir Tom Moore is a retired British soldier who has been canonised by the British media for good work in fundraising for the NHS' coronavirus campaign. Of course the over the top praise has led to the occasion ironic comment, joke or even the
occasional insult. But be warned contrary views do not go down well with the police. Now a man has been charged in Lanarkshire in connection with an offensive social media tweet about Captain Sir Tom Moore. A Police Scotland spokeswoman said:
On Friday 5 February 2021, we received a report of an offensive tweet about Captain Sir Tom Moore who died on Tuesday 2 February. A 35-year-old man has subsequently been arrested and charged in connection with
communication offences and is due to appear at Lanark Sheriff Court on Wednesday 17 February. And BoingBoing notes the irony. Of course the police boasted about their arrest to the press, so now millions of people worldwide have read the
illegal tweet: The only good Brit soldier is a deed one, burn auld fella, buuuuurn.
Update: Charged 20th February 2021. See article from reclaimthenet.org A Scottish man from Glasgow has
been charged over a tweet against Sir Tom Moore. The man pleaded not guilty in court. On February 3, a day after Moore's death, the man tweeted: The only good Brit soldier is a deed one, burn auld fella,
buuuuurn. A few days later, Kelly was charged under the Communications Act of 2003 , which prohibits the sending of electronic communications that could be deemed grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing, nature. The
decision to charge Kelly caused a stir on social media. Actor and political activist Laurence Fox tweeted: The police should do their jobs, which is to investigate actual crime, not arresting idiots who tweet idiotic
things. Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of any open society. Protect it, even if you don't like or agree with it.
Morality campaign group recommends a woke Cadbury's Creme Egg advert
 | 20th February 2021
| See article from citizengo.org |
CitizenGO is a religious morality campaign group. They have taken issue for a rather aggressively woke Cadbury's Creme advert that features two gay men being very sexual about sharing a chocolate egg. CitizenGO has organised a petition against the
advert currently signed by about 30,000 people. The group writes: Petition to Guy Parker, Chief Executive of the Advertising Standards Agency and Louise Stigant, Managing Director of Cadbury's UK:
I wish to register a complaint about the Cadbury's Creme Egg advertising campaign currently being distributed across mainstream media which features a gay couple engaged in a sexually intimate act. Cadburys are
a well-established household name who deliberately market their products towards families and children; therefore, it is unacceptable that they should seek to expose children to an image which is so clearly hyper-sexualised. Given
that children often copy what they see on screen, the advert constitutes a form of grooming, exposing children to inappropriate and graphic sexual content. By featuring a gay couple, Cadbury's are aiming to escape criticism by
using the cover of inclusiveness and diversity. Still, this sexually graphic advertisement has no place being shown on mainstream media where children can view it. Such sexual objectification is against the ASA's code of conduct.
I urge you to take immediate action and immediately withdraw the advert from mainstream circulation
 | 20th February 2021
Some activists are now claiming that their free speech will be oppressed by no longer allowing them to silence voices. By David Flint See
article from reprobatepress.com |
Gavin Williamson outline plans for people to be able to sue universities that stifle free speech
 | 17th February 2021
| See article from
dailymail.co.uk |
Students and academics will be able to sue their universities for suffocating their free speech on campus under new Government plans to tackle declining free speech. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has warned of a cancel culture and a rising
intolerance within universities across the country. In response he has unveiled plans for a free speech champion who will have the power to defend academics amid rising fears institutions are trying to cancel people with differing views. Williamson
wrote in The Daily Telegraph : Last year, I warned our vice-chancellors and leaders of the very real and alarming threat of censorship and a 'cancel culture# within our universities. I made very
clear where I, and the rest of the Government, stood on the matter; that we were on the side of lawful free speech and academic freedom, and that we would back this commitment in law if we had to. The Education Secretary went on to
describe how despite repeated warnings, there were a growing number of cases whereby academics were being silenced and students wrongfully expelled. He added: Under this rising intolerance, students have found themselves
wrongfully expelled from their courses academics fired and others forced to live under a threat of violence.
Parler relaunches after being taken down following the storming of the US Capitol
 | 17th February 2021
| See article from
eu.usatoday.com |
Parler, the self-proclaimed free-speech platform taken offline after the riot at the U.S. Capitol last month, says it has relaunched. Mark Meckler is serving as interim CEO of Parler after its previous top executive was fired by the social media
platform. Parler had been pulled from app stores run by Apple and Google and dropped by Amazon's web hosting services after the incident at the US Capitol. Parler was one of the platforms used by supporters of former President Donald Trump to
coordinate and chronicle the event. |
The Law Commission drops its disgraceful idea to criminalise private comments made in your own house
 | 13th February 2021
| See article from telegraph.co.uk
Dinner table comments made in private that are deemed offensive by the easily offended will not now be classed as hate crimes, with law reform chiefs abandoning disgraceful plans to extend the offence into homes. The Law Commission had proposed that
the crime of stirring up division over race, religion or sexual orientation should extend to private dwellings. That would have meant controversial dinner table conversations could have led to the hosts or guests facing a police probe and a potential
prison sentence. Lord Injustice Green, the commission's chairman, acknowledged critics' concerns that the original plan to ditch the hate crime exemption for private dwellings could lead to people being prosecuted for comments made in the home for
the mere giving of offence. The criminal team is looking at alternative ways in which the law might be reformed, seemingly to pander to the easily offended.
Offsite Comment: The Law Commission is watching you 13th February 2021. See article from spiked-online.com by Joanna
Williams That it even considered criminalising dinner-table conversations is remarkable. |
Twitter bans censors Project Veritas after it reveals uncomfortable details about Twitter censorship
 | 13th February 2021
| See article from reclaimthenet.org |
Twitter has permanently banned the investigative reporting outlet Project Veritas which recently published several leaked videos exposing executives from Big Tech companies discussing censorship, hate speech, and more. Project Veritas had over 735,000
followers when it was suspended. The suspension follows Project Veritas's Twitter account being locked earlier today after it posted a video clip featuring a Project Veritas journalist confronting Facebook's Vice President (VP) of Integrity Guy Rosen
over comments that he made about Facebook's hate speech detection technology in a leaked video. Before publishing the leaked Facebook video, Project Veritas had also published several leaked videos from internal Twitter meetings including one
video where CEO Jack Dorsey discussed much bigger Twitter censorship measures after Trump's ban from the platform. |
To needlessly stir up racial resentment with ludicrous trigger warnings for Black Adder
 | 13th February 2021
| See
article from dailymail.co.uk |
The BBC has slapped ludicrous trigger warnings on episodes of Blackadder and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air because of jokes which it claims could be seen as offensive. iPlayer viewers will see: Blackadder, first aired in 1983, uses a slur in its second episode which the BBC decided warrants a content warning
In the episode, Rowan Atkinson's character clashes with Dougal MacAngus who has just returned from the Crusades and is awarded Blackadder's land as a result of his good service. Blackadder says: You come
in here fresh from slaughtering a couple of Chocos when their backs were turned and you think you can upset the harmony of a whole kingdom. Another episode of the sitcom also uses a derogatory term for a Spaniard. The Fresh Prince of
Bel Air's Reunion episode, filmed last year, also contains a warning at the start of the show. It is not clear what offended the BBC in this episode. |
Poland publishes a bill aimed at preventing social media companies from unfairly taking down people's accounts
 | 13th
February 2021
| See article from
natlawreview.com |
The Polish government has published a new draft bill on freedom of speech on social media platforms. The Minister of Justice said that freedom of speech and debate is the cornerstone of democracy and censoring statements, especially online, where most
political discussions and ideological disputes take place these days, infringes on those freedoms. Therefore, Poland should have regulations in place to prevent abuse on the part of internet tycoons, which are increasingly limiting this freedom under the
auspices of protecting it. The draft act envisages the appointment of the Freedom of Speech Council, which it claims would safeguard the constitutional freedom of expression on social networking sites. The council would comprise law and new media
'experts' and it would be appointed by the lower chamber of the Polish Parliament for a six-year term of office, by a qualified (3/5) majority. The draft act also provides that if a website blocks an account or deletes a certain entry, even though
its content does not violate/infringe upon Polish law, the user will be able to lodge a complaint with the service provider. The provider must confirm that the complaint has been received and will then have 48 hours to consider it. If the provider
dismisses the complaint, the user will be able to appeal that decision to the Freedom of Speech Council, which will consider the appeal within seven days. The council will proceed in closed sessions. It will not take evidence from witnesses, parties,
expert opinions and visual inspections, and the evidentiary proceedings before the council will boil down to evidence submitted by the parties to the dispute. If the council deems the appeal justified, it may order the website to immediately
restore the blocked content or account. Thereafter, having received the order, the provider will have no more than 24 hours to comply. Failure to comply with the council's order may lead to large fines. |
 | 13th February
Apple, Spotify, and the impossible problem of moderating shows By Ashley Carman See article from theverge.com
Campaign groups calls for Sia's movie, Music, to be banned over the depictions of an autistic character
 | 8th February
| See article from
reclaimthenet.org |
Music is a 2020 USA drama by Sia. Starring Kate Hudson, Hector Elizondo and Maddie Ziegler.
 Zu is newly sober and finding her way in the world
when she receives news that she is to become the sole guardian of her half-sister named Music, a young girl on the autism spectrum. The film explores two of Sia's favorite themes -- finding your voice and what it means to create family. The cancel culture lynch mob has turned its sight on a well meaning movie, Music, directed by pop star Sia. Its PC crime is to not use an autistic actor to play the autistic main character of the film. The movie then relates how music helps her cope.
A particular scene seems to have wound up the activists showing the autistic character in restraints. Zoe Gross, Director of Advocacy at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, said in a statement: Music doesn't just
promote harmful stereotypes about autistic people -- it shows restraints that have killed members of our community as necessary and loving acts. This film should never have been made, and it shouldn't be shown.
Sia acknowledged that
she had heard the complaints and said that she would add a warning label before the restraint scene. She said in a statement: I promise, have been listening. The motion picture MUSIC will, moving forward, have this
warning at the head of the movie: MUSIC in no way condones or recommends the use of restraint on autistic people,. There are autistic occupational therapists that specialize in sensory processing who can be consulted to explain safe ways to provide
proprioceptive, deep-pressure feedback to help with meltdown safety.
Later, she went further and said: I plan to remove the restraint scenes from all future printing. I listened to the wrong people
and that is my responsibility, my research was clearly not thorough enough, not wide enough.
Free speech protection clause fails to convince the youngsters of the SNP
 | 2nd February 2021
| See article from reclaimthenet.org |
A free speech protection amendment to Scotland's disgraceful hate crime bill that would have allowed some discussion or criticism of matters relating to transgender identity has been withdrawn after members of the ruling Scottish National Party (SNP)
threatened to resign in protest. People can be convicted of an offense under this bill if they're deemed to have shown malice and ill-will towards protected groups via blogs, emails, podcasts, social media posts, websites, and more. Even people who
forward or repeat offending material can be convicted. Under this amendment, which was proposed last week by Humza Yousaf, Scotland's Cabinet Secretary for Injustice, there would have been a freedom of expression protection where behaviours and
materials are not to be taken as threatening or abusive solely on the basis that it involves or includes discussion or criticism of matters relating to transgender identity. But after Yousaf proposed the amendment, many younger and LGBT+ SNP members
threatened to resign their party membership. This prompted SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon to step in and plead for them to remain party members. This ultimately resulted in Yousaf withdrawing his amendment and meeting with opposition parties in another
attempt to write a new amendment that would give freedom of expression protection for all categories. |
 | 1st February 2021
David Flint comments on 'The Curious Angriness Of People Who Know Better Than You' with calm and well argued observations about the lynch mob mentality of the internet See
article from reprobatepress.com |
30th January 2021
Arch cancellers of the Socialist Workers Party are themselves cancelled by Facebook See article from
spiked-online.com |
 | 27th
January 2021
An introduction to private and encrypted messaging apps See article from reclaimthenet.org |
 | 24th January 2021
There concerns that President Biden will cancel a rule change banning banks from denying people bank accounts on grounds of morality and political correctness See
article from reclaimthenet.org |
Policeman is charged with making a joke about George Floyd on a WhatsApp group
 | 21st January 2021
| See article from independent.co.uk
A policeman has been charged with a criminal offence after allegedly sending a supposedly grossly offensive image of the arrest of George Floyd to colleagues. He will appear in court charged with sending the image by means of a public electronic
communications network, contrary to the Communications Act 2003, on May 30 last year. The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said the charge against the Devon and Cornwall Police sergeant came after an altered image of George Floyd's
arrest in the US was shared within a WhatsApp group that included a number of other police officers and staff. An IOPC spokesman added that they had investigated the image after it was brought to their attention by Devon and Cornwall Police. The
officer is due to appear before Newton Abbot Magistrates' Court on January 28, the IOPC said. Of course the public aren't being allowed to judge for themselves, and the joke has been kept secret. |
UK Government will require planning permission before taking down historical public monuments
 | 19th January 2021
| See article from art-critique.com |
The UK government is taking a stand against historical statues being censored or cancelled by woke militants. The UK Communities Secretary Robert Jenrick has set forth new UK laws that would make it more difficult to remove monuments across the
country. He explained: Latterly there has been an attempt to impose a single, often negative narrative which not so much recalls our national story, as seeks to erase part of it. This has been done at the hand of the
flash mob, or by the decree of a 'cultural committee' of town hall militants and woke worthies.
He then announced his plans to bring due process back to UK heritage to ensure that monuments aren't destroyed by woke militants or
removed on a whim or at the behest of a baying mob. Now planning permission will be required for the removal or alteration of any public monument. Additionally, local councils will need to consult with their residents and guarantee any changes abide by
council rules. These changes will not only affect public statues, but plaques and other monuments, as well. According to a government press release, the new laws will make clear that historic monuments should be retained and explained.
| 19th January 2021
Books pulled last minute and staff threatening to strike because they disagree with JK Rowling. By Katie Law See
article from standard.co.uk |
Democrat politicians and internet giants join in a massive coordinated action to cancel Donald Trump, his supporters, and anyone else with right leaning views
 | 17th January 2021
| |
In a mass censorship movement from politicians and internet companies, all sorts of measures have been adopted to silence Donald Trump, his supporters, and anyone else with right leaning views. Here are just a few of the most notable actions.
Right leaning Parler forum taken down by Amazon 11th January 2021. See article from
bbc.co.uk Parler has dropped offline after Amazon pulled hosting support for the right leaning free speech social network. The platform had been reliant on the tech giant's Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing service to provide its
alternative to Twitter. It is popular among supporters of Donald Trump, although the president is not a user. Google and Apple had already removed Parler from their app stores towards the end of last week.
Snapchat and Twitch cancel Trump See article from reclaimthenet.org Snapchat
and Twitch have joined other Big Tech companies in censoring Trump. Rachel Racusen, a spokeswoman for the company, said: We can confirm that earlier today we locked President Trump's Snapchat account. Until Snapchat lifts the restriction, Trump will not be able to share anything with his nearly two million subscribers on the platform.
Meanwhile the games based social network Twitch has similarly cancelled Trump. A spokesperson said: In light of yesterday's shocking attack on the Capitol, we have disabled President Trump's Twitch channel.
The company claims it will reassess Trump's account after he leaves office.
Shopify cancels Trumps merchandising outlet See
article from vox.com Shopify, the Canada-based tech company that makes popular software tools to help merchants
run online stores, shuttered the Trump Organization's TrumpStore.com on Thursday morning, as well as the e-commerce portion of the president's election website. So one less place to buy MAGA hats from.
Facebook cancels Trump and also the #WalkAway campaign
See article from reclaimthenet.org Facebook on Thursday said it will block President Trump on its platforms at least
until the end of his term on Jan. 20, as the mainstream online world moved forcefully to limit the president after years of inaction. Facebook has also banned the #WalkAway Campaign -- a popular grassroots movement that encourages people to
walk away from the divisive tenets endorsed and mandated by the Democratic Party of today. The far-reaching ban has impacted the campaign's main Facebook group (which had over 500,000 followers), its main Facebook page (which had over 182,000
followers), and every member of the #WalkAway Campaign team, including its founder Brandon Straka.
Twitter cancels the US President, his close associates, and other right leaning voices See
article from nbcnews.com After permanently cancelling the account of the USA President, Twitter
moved on to cancelling Trumps associates. Twitter on Friday removed the accounts of Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell and other high-profile supporters of Trump who promoted the conspiracy theory that the elites from the Democratic Party coordinate with
the media, big tech and large corporations to override democratic processes. Twitter also removed the account of Ron Watkins, the administrator of the website 8kun, which was formerly named 8chan and hosts posts from Q, the false digital prophet at
the heart of the QAnon conspiracy theory. In a video leaked by Project Veritas, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey discussed Trump's account and stated: This is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it's going to
go on for much longer than just this day, this week. And the next few weeks and go on beyond the Inauguration.
He also cited the platform's mass censorship of QAnon as one such example of a much broader approach that we should be
looking at and going deeper on.
YouTube cancels the US Presidents channels for 7 days 14th January 2021. See
article from dailymail.co.uk YouTube has temporarily blocked Donald
Trump from uploading a video from his Texas speech on Tuesday where he said he was at zero risk of 25th amendment removal and warned Democrats be careful what you wish for.
Amazon cancels 'Stop the Steal'
merchandising 16th January 2021. See article from reclaimthenet.org Thousands of pieces of merchandise containing
Stop the Steal, a slogan that is used by those who believe Democrats stole the election, have been pulled from Amazon. T-shirts, stickers, masks, hats, and other products containing this slogan that were recently available to purchase on Amazon are
now gone. Many of these products are still visible in searches for stop the steal amazon.com but attempting to open any of these results now returns a Sorry we couldn't find that page message.
Comment: Angela Merkel denounces censorship by social media companies 11th January 2021. From the FT Angela Merkel, German chancellor, has sharply criticised Twitter's decision to ban US president Donald Trump, calling it a
problematic breach of the fundamental right to free speech. Merkel said through her spokesman that the US government should follow Germany's lead in adopting laws that restrict online incitement, rather than leaving it up to platforms such as Twitter
and Facebook to make up their own rules.
Comment: Australia criticises social media 11th January 2021. See
article from theguardian.com
Australia's acting prime minister, Michael McCormack, has accused Twitter of censorship for permanently suspending Trump's account for the risk of further incitement of violence, and he attempted to draw comparisons between the riots and last year's Black Lives Matter protests against racial injustice.
Comment: Poland criticises social media 17th January 2021. See article from
Poland has come forward to voice against the social media censor imposed on Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America. The officials of the government of Poland expressed their
denouncement concerning the ban of President Trump, imposed by several major companies of social media. Following the case, the Polish officials made it known that a draft law is being readied by them to cover the matter. The law will aim to protect
the people living in Poland against any form of social media censor. Such actions imposed by the technology companies will be considered to be an illegal deed.
Comment: The woke purge 11th January 2021. See article from spiked-online.com by Brendan O'Neill Twitter's suspension of Donald
Trump is a chilling sign of tyranny to come.
Canadian government to introduce new internet censorship laws in the name of 'hate speech'
 | 16th January 2021
| See article from reclaimthenet.org |
The Canadian government plans to introduce new internet censorship laws in the name of targeting hate speech on social media platforms. The laws will reportedly be tabled in 2021. A briefing note on the new regulations from Canadian Heritage
Minister Steven Guilbeault's department stated: We are working to introduce regulations to reduce the spread of illegal content, including hate speech, in order to promote a safer and more inclusive online environment.
We want to protect Canadians online. The briefing added that: Social media platforms can also be used to threaten, intimidate, bully and harass people, or used to promote racist, anti-Semitic,
Islamophobic, misogynist and homophobic views that target communities, put people's safety and risk and undermine Canada's social cohesion or democracy.
 | 16th January 2021
The president-elect wants to allocate Covid recovery funds based on race and gender. By Fraser Myers See article from
spiked-online.com |
9th January 2021
The UK TV censor is trying to deny airtime to critics of politically correct dogma. By Neil Davenport See article from
spiked-online.com |
 | 7th January 2021
Law Commission proposals will chill free speech, the National Secular Society warns See article from
secularism.org.uk |
The BBC offends viewers with silly trigger warnings about Dad's Army
 | 4th January 2021
| Thanks to Robert See article from chortle.co.uk
The BBC has added a trigger warning to the 1971 Dad's Army movie warning about offensive language. An announcement was made before the comedy classic aired on BBC Two on Saturday night, while viewers watching on iPlayer are told the film contains
discriminatory language which some may find offensive. In the film, Clive Dunn's character L-Cpl Jones's uses the term fuzzy-wuzzies, to describe the enemies he fought in the Sudan under General Kitchener. Arthur Lowe's Captain Mainwaring
also refers to Red Indians not attacking at night. A BBC spokesman said: Attitudes have changed significantly and guidance was given due to a specific discriminatory remark.
 | 4th January 2021
Nearly half of Brits feel it does not represent their values, according to new research. See article from spiked-online.com