US moralists support the hype for an upcoming TV comedy from ABC
 | 12th December 2016
| See article from w2.parentstv.org |
The US moralist campaign group, Parents Television Council have kindly been hyping a new TV comedy series to be shown on ABC. Written by Nick Thune and frequent collaborator Kevin Parker Flynn, Holy Sh*t follows the staff of a struggling church
and their edgy new pastor (Nick Thune) as they fight to survive in the modern world. The morality campaigners have issued a press releasing whingeing about the title. The group writes: The Parents
Television Council haveurged ABC to reconsider using profanity in the title of a TV show in development, Holy Sh*t . PTC President Tim Winter spouted: ABC's primetime programs have become a home for explicit,
vulgar, and sexualized language, and this new show's title is yet more evidence that Disney-owned ABC is going in the wrong direction. Beyond whether the vulgar title would run afoul of the broadcast indecency law, it's absurd that ABC would even
consider exposing children to this explicit program title. While parents may steer their family viewing away from the program itself, the title would appear on program guides, marketing materials, and in network promos when families are watching other
ABC programming. Surely, ABC should have learned from experience that using profanity in a show title won't ensure a program's financial success. ABC and CBS have each attempted to use profanity in a program title and both
attempts resulted in advertiser embargoes, and in only one season of each of those shows. With ABC Entertainment President Channing Dungey saying just last week that 'in recent history we haven't paid enough attention to some of
the true realities of what life is like for everyday Americans in our dramas,' we have to wonder why ABC would immediately alienate those families with this show title. ABC should immediately change the title in order to protect
children from this explicit language.
Morality campaigners try to get magazine banned from Walmart
 | 5th
November 2016
| See article from onenewsnow.com
The morality campaigners of Morality in Media (now calling themselves The National Center on Sexual Exploitation) are calling on Walmart to ban Cosmopolitan magazine for being a bit sexy inside. Spokesperson Haley Halverson whinged:
For those who don't know Cosmo magazine, on the front it might just look like another woman's magazine - but inside it has a large number of very explicit sexual images and, more importantly, instructions on different sexual acts. So
it's actually a very explicit magazine Some stores actually have the magazine at checkout stands. In 2015, the Center received an agreement from Walmart regarding the magazine. Walmart said that it would
shield it in the checkout aisles, but they have not been enforcing this policy standard - and we hear reports from all over the country that Wamart's not doing it, she says. So now we're asking that they just stop selling the magazine altogether.
Morality in Media is now waiting for a response from Walmart.
The Walking Dead Season 7 censored for UK TV
 | 31st October 2016
| Thanks to Andy 29th October 2016. See
article from gamesradar.com |
[This article contains spoilers about the spoiled episode]. The Walking Dead Season 7 started n UK TV on Monday night on Fox UK. However the first episode was cut for violence. In both the US and the UK
versions, Negan beats the heads of Abraham and Glenn into a bloody mess with his personalised barbed-wire baseball bat, Lucille. But the censored UK version is missing a dying promise from the gruesomely injured Glenn and the subsequent scene showing
Negan enthusiastically finishing him off. Fox cited the violence and gruesome injury details as the reason for the cuts soon after the 9pm watershed. A FOX UK spokesperson told Digital Spy: As Fox Networks Group
is regulated by Ofcom, we have a duty of care to ensure all our programmes broadcast adhere to the parameters of the Ofcom Broadcasting code,
However, the scenes were restored for additional late-night broadcasts.
Update: Recommended by Parents TV Council 31st October 2016. See
article from w2.parentstv.org
US morality campaigners are gushing with praise for the new season of The Walking Dead saying it was one of the most graphically violent shows they've ever seen on TV. The group wrote: Last night's season premiere of
The Walking Dead was one of the most graphically violent shows we've ever seen on television, comparable to the most violent of programs found on premium cable networks. PTC President Tim Winter said: It's not enough
to 'change the channel,' as some people like to advocate, because cable subscribers -- regardless of whether they want AMC or watch its programming -- are still forced to subsidize violent content. This brutally-explicit show is a powerful demonstration
of why families should have greater control over the TV networks they purchase from their cable and satellite providers. Programs with violent content are proven to be harmful, especially to children; and most parents agree that
having greater control over violent content coming into their homes is vital to protecting their family. When a basic cable network like AMC edges or even surpasses the premium networks in terms of explicit content, consumers must be afforded more
control over which networks they purchase and which networks they don't.
HBO's Westworld which 'uses brothels as a backdrop for full frontal nudity'
 | 10th October 2016
| See article from endsexualexploitation.org
Morality in Media are gushing over a new HBO TV series Westworld based n the novel by Michael Chrichton. The campaign group writes: HBO is building a legacy of rape culture entertainment. The new HBO series, Westworld ,
premiered Sunday night and wasted no time before building upon this new great tradition in television of commodifying and consuming the female body. The first episode of HBO's latest series, Westworld , contains a reference
to the raping of a corpse, uses brothels as a backdrop for full frontal nudity, and includes a disturbing rape scene. Why does HBO insist on making sadistic themes of sexual violence against women the key ingredient in its
entertainment formula? No corporation that so regularly promotes the degradation and abuse of the female body can respect women. Actress Evan Rachel Wood spoke out about the violence against women in Westworld. She stated:
We don't actually show any violence against women, although it is implied...(Co-creator) Lisa (Joy) was very passionate about not showing gratuitous violence against women and I think the reason why it's in the show is to
push us to take a look at ourselves and humanity and why this sort of thing is an epidemic that people get pleasure out of.
Of course, there is nothing implied about a scene in which a woman is brutally struck
across the face--not once, but twice--and grabbed her by the back of her dress and literally dragged dozens of feet across the ground while she screams in terror. If being hit, a drug off screaming isn't violence against women I don't know what is.
While it's true that Westworld did not explicitly show the rape scene (making it marginally less offensive than Game of Thrones ) the makers of Westworld are kidding themselves if they believe they're providing social
commentary on violence against women in the media. Rather than providing insightful, empathetic, narrative around these themes, Westworld uses them for the end of titillation and entertainment. |
A whinge about pornography
 | 7th
September 2016
| 2nd September 2016. See
article from telegraph.co.uk |
Pamela Anderson, a former Playboy Playmate, has described pornography as a public hazard that affects men's ability to function as husband, and, by extension, as father . She made the claims that pornography was corrosive in
an opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal written with Shmuley Boteach, an American Orthodox Jewish rabbi and author. They whinged: This is a public hazard of unprecedented seriousness given how freely available,
anonymously accessible and easily disseminated pornography is nowadays. We are a guinea-pig generation for an experiment in mass debasement that few of us would have ever consented to, and whose full nefarious impact may not be
known for years. How many families will suffer? How many marriages will implode? How many talented men will scrap their most important relationships and careers for a brief onanistic thrill? How many children will propel, warp-speed, into the dark side
of adult sexuality by forced exposure to their fathers' profanations?
Anderson has appeared on more Playboy covers - 15 - than any other model. She has had two sex tapes leaked, the first with ex-husband Tommy Lee in 1995 and the
second with Bret Michaels. Update: Pamela Anderson is right: there's too much porn 6th September 2016. See
article from spiked-online.com by Brendan O'Neil
Brendan O'Neill writes many commendable articles championing the people's rights to liberty and the choice of what to do in life. As with many others on the left, the principles become a bit hypocritical when it comes to people choosing what sexual
entertainment that they would like to enjoy. Somehow every choice in life is to to be supported except the right to enjoy porn. Nevertheless O'Neill makes a few interesting observations about the prevalence of porn being a reflection of the
control freakery and political correctness of society making more traditional sexual relationships into something that is more trouble than its worth. Actual one of the commenters, HappyCheese, writes a more interesting analysis of this crisis of
intimacy: A basic biological truth is that women desire as high status a man as possible with whom to form the pair bond that leads to children being born and getting a healthy and socially useful upbringing. Yet
thanks to technological change neither gender is anymore chained to its biological destiny - this has created feminism for women and allowed the retreat into a virtual reality for a significant number of low status men. Meanwhile high status (whose
definition will vary) men are fornicating with as many women as they can well into middle age thanks to the pill, viagra and the sexual revolution (that destroyed the necessity of marriage as a prerequisite for hetro sex). This has led to more women than
ever before sleeping with a high status man, but also failing to secure them as their alpha Romeo moves on to the next woman. Cue gnashing of teeth, declarations that men are all useless and women don't need them in the Huffington Post etc etc.
...this has led us to the crisis of intimacy that we see in the Western world - women still want men, and men still want women, but the neurotic feminist campaigns to control male sexuality and undermine marriage and male economic
power have fatally undermined both men's prestige (which is what drives female desire) and the socially approved paths that used to bring and keep couples together into a stable relationship.
article from spiked-online.com
Offsite Article: Adult actors and filmmakers speak out after Pamela Anderson essay 7th September 2016. See
article from independent.co.uk |
August 17-19 2016. Hilton hotel censors adult expo after moralist campaigners claim that it facilitates prostitution and trafficking.
 | 6th August 2016
| 25th July 2016. See article from endsexualexploitation.org
TEXXXAS: The Show was an adult expo was scheduled for Houston, Texas, next month. Morality in Media, now calling themselves National Center on Sexual Exploitation, reported that they had asked Hilton executives not to host the event. The group
claimed that the event had the potential to facilitate an increased demand for prostitution, and sex trafficking, in the local area. This would have partly resulted from the demand for commercial sex both at the expo and surrounding after parties at
local strip clubs. Hilton Worldwide apparently responding to the Morality in Media call cancelled the expo. Along with Hospitality Ventures Management Group (HVMG), a third-party management services provider, Hilton Worldwide decided to no longer
host this event. In a communication informing Morality in Media of the cancellation, a Hilton representative stated: Hilton is committed to respecting human rights and preventing sexual exploitation and we
continuously review our policies to ensure we provide a welcoming environment for guests, employees and members of our communities.
The TEXXXAS fan expo, which will make its debut Aug. 17, has relocated to the Holiday Inn Southwest.
The hotel is located at 11160 Southwest Freeway in Houstonâ?�10 miles from downtown Houston and five miles from the Galleria area. The three-day event, officially called TEXXXAS The Show, will feature more than 30 adult film stars.
Update: Relocated 26th July 2016. See article from business.avn.com
The TEXXXAS fan expo, which will make its debut Aug. 17, has relocated to the Holiday Inn Southwest. The hotel is located at 11160 Southwest Freeway in Houston, 10 miles from downtown Houston and five miles from the Galleria area. The
three-day event, officially called TEXXXAS The Show, will feature more than 30 adult film stars. Update: Moralists persuade Holiday Inn to ban the event too 28th July 2016. See
article from business.avn.com
The inaugural TEXXXAS fan expo, scheduled for Aug. 17-20, is looking for its second new venue in less than a week after the Holiday Inn Southwest cancelled its agreement to host the event. John Gray, organizer and president of TEXXXAS The Show,
told AVN Wednesday he is considering several options for the new venue and assured the show will go on as planned. Holiday Inn capitulated after being approached by Morality in Media campaigners. Dawn Hawkins, executive director of NCOSE
crowed: InterContinental Hotels Group and the independently owned and operated Holiday Inn Southwest hotel took an important stand against sexual exploitation by refusing to host this pornography expo. After we heard
that the TEXXXAS event had been cancelled by Hilton, we reached out to remind IHG executives of the potential harms such an event could have on the local community and of IHG's own policy on pornography. In a clear display of corporate and social
responsibility, IHG took immediate action to address the situation.
Update: A new home 6th August 2016. See
article from patch.com The TEXXXAS adult expo has finally settled on a new venue at a local strip club. The
inaugural event will be held at Cover Girls, 10310 West Little York Road, with a $5.99 steak buffet. Promoter John Gray said: All of the after parties are still on and the show is still being sponsored by Adam &
Eve, the high-end sex shop. The expo will be on the second floor of the club and will feature no nudity.
Rajan Zed whinges about the use of hindu deities to decorate a wide range of items for sale via Amazon
 | 31st July 2016
| See article
from rajanzed.org |
The professional complainer, Rajan Zed sets out a rather extensive complaint about Amazon, He writes on his website: Despite removing over 60 doormats carrying images of Hindu deities last month after Hindus protested,
world's largest online retailer Amazon.com continues to sell products with images of Hindu deities which upset Hindus find highly inappropriate. Images of various Hindu deities--Shiva, Vishnu, Lakshmi, Ganesha, Kali, Hanuman--were
seen on Mens Briefs, Legging Tights, Bedspread/Bedcover, Cigarette Case, Waist Pants and Women's Capris; when searched on its website on July 29. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada today, urged Amazon.com and its
President Jeffrey P. Bezos to show some maturity, immediately withdraw the objectionable products and offer formal apology. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, indicated that it was shocking to visualize that a
company like Amazon.com, for its mercantile greed, would apparently sell anything without caring for the feelings of a considerable segment of world's population. Rajan Zed further said that Hindus were for free artistic
expression and speech as much as anybody else if not more...BUT...faith was something sacred and attempts at trivializing it hurt the followers, Zed added. In October 2014, Amazon.com removed the women's leggings carrying images
of various Hindu gods and goddesses, and in January 2014 also, it removed the pants carrying image of Lord Ganesha, from its website after Hindus protested.
Dating Naked on US VH1
 | 16th July 2016
| Thanks to Nick See article from adage.com See
article from w2.parentstv.org |
The US morality campaign group, Parents Television Council, has had a whinge at a new VH1 series, Dating Naked. Of course viewers never get to see anybody naked, only pixellisation. The Parents TV Council is attacking the show via its
advertisers and write: The Parents Television Council is urging its members and the public to contact Samsung and Sprint to reconsider advertising support for a sexually-explicit dating show that's rated for children
as young as 14. Both companies sponsored the first two episodes of VH1's Dating Naked, a reality show in which the contestants are completely naked all the time. VH1 rated the episode TV-14, meaning that VH1 execs believe that it
is acceptable for 14-year-olds to watch. PTC President Tim Winter said: Most parents would be shocked to find their young teenagers watching this sexually-explicit nude dating show. But VH1, in all its wisdom, believes
this kind of content is appropriate for middle school and high school aged children. Samsung and Sprint must agree, given their ad buys on the first two episodes and despite our warnings about the content ahead of time. Surely, parents will take pause at
these companies for sponsoring 'Dating Naked,' and at VH1 for marketing this nude reality show to their children.
Most of the sponsors from last week's episode chose not to return this week, and for that we are
grateful. But companies like Samsung and Sprint chose to align their corporate brands with the loathsome content on Dating Naked. Teen-targeted explicit programming would not exist but for corporate sponsors that support them with their ad
dollars. As such, we are urging our members and public to contact these companies to express their concerns.
Later Parents Television Council scored a further wind when advertisers pulled out. Mondelez, Hhgregg and Henkel told VH1 to
stop running their ads during the reality show. Mondelez said in an email to the PTC We have specific guidelines in place to help steward our media spend, which should prevent our ads from appearing in this type
of programming Mondeleez International did not purchase this program specifically and has not previously aired ads on the program. In keeping with our policy, we have directed our media partner to ensure that we do not run advertising for any of our
brands on this program in the future. Out of an abundance of caution, we have also requested a programming schedule for rotation buys to ensure that the specific programs are acceptable to Mondeleez International.
Hhgregg chipped: Our buying guidelines are very specific in terms of program content, precluding the inclusion of shows that feature the kind of gratuitous sexuality in 'Dating Naked.' Unfortunately, errors do
occasionally occur and our spot mistakenly ran within the program. We have informed VH1 that this program, and all similar programming on their network, is to be specifically eliminated from all current and future hhgregg television buys.
McDonalds cedes to censorship pressure and filters its WiFi service
 | 16th July 2016
| 15th July 2016. See article from business.avn.com
McDonald's executives this week made the decision to filter its free WiFi service for customers. The headline reason is to block porn but no doubt thousands of useful, non-porn, websites will be caught up in the censorship. McDonald's joins a number
of fast-food chains to block customers' ability to view websites with adult topics; others on the list include Subway and Chick-fil-A. The censorship is attributed to a hassle by a use morality campaign group called Enough is Enough.
Not every nationwide chain has given in to pressure from the group, Starbucks has not issued any response to numerous requests from Enough Is Enough to filter wi-fi in their locations. Update: Enough Coffee 16th July
2016. See article from business.avn.com You can cross Starbucks off your list of
WiFi hangouts. The coffee shop has now joined McDonald's and has caved into puritanical pressure from Enough Is Enough. |
Hollywood takes legal action against another film service that self censors movies
 | 20th
June 2016
| See article from qz.com
Hollywood is never very keen on people disfiguring their movies. Presumably they don't want people telling their friends that a movie is rubbish when the reason for the rubbish is badly censored dialogue or missing scenes. Disney, 20th Century Fox and
Warner Bros. Entertainment are suing a video streaming site that lets home viewers censor Hollywood movies to their personal moral preferences. Utah-based VidAngel launched in 2015, with the stated goal of letting viewers watch self-censored
versions of popular films and TV shows. As the company describes its service, customers buy movies on the site for $20 that they can sell back for the full purchase price after viewing, minus a $1 fee for standard definition films or $2 for HD. They then
check filters showing what content they want censored, nudity, profanity, violence and watch a movie pre-scrubbed of anything they'd find objectionable for moral or religious reasons. The company has argued that their service is legal under the
Family Movie Act of 2005, a law that specifically exempts from copyright law any technology that hides or mutes portions of audio or video during at-home viewing. The movie companies argue that VidAngel is using the Family Movie Act to make
money by renting out movies without permission. VidAngel contends that its services are legal. CEO Neal Harmon said in a blog post: We've hired great Hollywood attorneys. We're as confident now as we were when
we launched that filtering a DVD or Blu-ray you own on your favorite devices is your right. We're ready.
Update: Details of legal action 3rd August 2016. See
article from variety.com In a joint statement, the studio plaintiffs said: VidAngel is an unauthorized VOD streaming service, trying to undercut legitimate services like Netflix, Hulu and iTunes that license movies and TV shows from the copyright owners. This case isn't about whether filtering is lawful and we are not challenging legal uses of the Family Movie Act.
The Real O'Neals, and reports the programme to the US TV censor for including jokes with adult references in a PG rated broadcast
 | 9th May 2016
| See press release from w2.parentstv.org |
The Parents Television Council urged the FCC and Congress to reform the TV Content Ratings System, in light of Disney-owned ABC giving a PG rating to content on The Real O'Neals which has included explicit language, jokes about child molestation,
and discussions of pornography. The Real O'Neals airs as early as 7:30 pm in half the country. By comparison, Disney films Cinderella and The Good Dinosaur were rated PG. PTC President Tim Winter said:. ABC's PG
rating of the adult content on 'The Real O'Neals' is a prime example why we have been urging reform of the TV Content Ratings System. This kind of adult content should not be given such a low rating, especially when you compare this content to PG-rated
Disney films Cinderella and The Good Dinosaur. It's a slap in the face to all parents that TV discussions about pedophilia, genitalia, and explicit language merit the same rating as child-friendly films.
Dialogue on
the Tuesday, May 3rd Real O'Neals episode included lead character and minor Kenny saying, They're gonna saran-wrap your balls to your face, and his brother Jimmy urging him to steal people's phones and take pictures of our junk. Also
included was dialogue by a Catholic school vice-principal about molesting his male students. Addressing Kenny, Vice-Principal Murray says, If you're not comfortable sleeping with all those boys because of your â?¦ blossoming sexuality, you can sleep
in here. Not with me, of course. I will be sleeping with all the other boys, in a manner that makes light of child molestation. On the April 26th episode (also rated PG), the family's father, Pat, remarked, I was married
for 18 years. You know, there's so many new things out now. It'sâ?¦ I guess the sexting and the snapchat. I mean, I've never taken a picture of my junk, while Kenny realized, Oh my God, I've been making Mom porn. In a
March study , the PTC found that The Real O'Neals contained an instance of adult content every 43 seconds. Eighty-three percent of all the adult-themed content was sexual (83.3%), and most of it involved the 16-year-old Kenny, a minor. In light
of this new evidence, we urge the FCC and Congress to overhaul the TV Content Ratings System. It clearly needs to change to better serve parents and families, and not the self-serving entertainment industry.
The Game of Thrones
 | 2nd May 2016
| See article from endsexualexploitation.org
Game The campaign group Morality in Media now calls itself The National Center on Sexual Exploitation. For some reason the group feels compelled to whinge about the incredibly popular TV sensation, Game of Thrones :
The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) held a press conference calling on HBO executives to stop promoting pornified entertainment in the TV series Game of Thrones. Dawn Hawkins, Executive Director of the National
Center on Sexual Exploitation said: Game of Thrones has excelled in turning brutal sexual violence into mainstream entertainment,. Since 2011, HBO has relentlessly brought the ambiance of torture pornography into
American living rooms through Game of Thrones' explicit depictions of rape, incest, prostitution, and sexual violence. This cocktail of pornography and twisted plot lines must be denounced as socially irresponsible, especially in an age when American
society is struggling to combat the crises of sexual assault and rape culture. While the 6th season premiere refrained from explicit sexually violent content due to backlash from the last season's gratuitous rape scenes, one
episode does not constitute a trend -- the show runners must consistently work to prove that Game of Thrones is no longer dedicated to normalizing sexual violence, Hawkins continued. Some associated with the Game of Thrones franchise have claimed that
scenes depicting sexual violence merely represent real-to-life, historic scenarios, but it is clear that the show's creators are fixated on producing unjustifiably sexually graphic scenes, Hawkins continued. In stark contrast, films like The Shawshank
Redemption and The Color Purple manage to convey the gravity of rape in a plotline without exploiting it in a way that is salacious or dehumanizing. Game of Thrones, however, has consistently crossed the line of decency by grotesquely
depicting rape, incest, prostitution, and sexual violence in a manner that turns viewers into vicarious participants. For its incessant themes of sexual violence, Game of Thrones would be more aptly named Shame of Thrones.
MPAA argues against anti-smoking campaigners who want children's movies to be rated R for smoking
 | 30th April 2016
| See article from hollywoodreporter.com
The MPAA representing Hollywood's major studios along with theatre owners are contesting a lawsuit ludicrously calling for an R rating for children's movies that depict smoking. The MPAA notes that it doesn't want to be held hostage to any misguided
morality play that seeks to force them not to have any movies with tobacco imagery rated G, PG or PG-13. Court papers have been filed asking a judge to reject a putative class action that blames them for children becoming addicted to nicotine.
Anti-smoking campaigners have flagged such films as Dumb and Dumber To , Transformers: Age of Extinction and Iron Man 3 as among those featuring tobacco-related imagery that are being seen by young audiences. The Hollywood
defendants warned the judge that, soon, they might be forced to give R ratings to all films that depict alcohol use, gambling, contact sports, bullying, consumption of soda or fatty foods, or high-speed driving. |
Special Olympics organisers demand that a comedian is censored for using the word 'retard'
 | 28th April 2016
| See article from chortle.co.uk |
The organisers of the Special Olympics have launched a campaign against comedian Gary Owen for using the word retarded on stage. They are 'demanding' American cable TV station Showtime censor his stand-up special I Agree With Myself from their on-demand service. They have also launched an online petition to back their cause whihc has about 3000 signatures at the moment.
Gary Owen's show includes a routine about the comedian's cousin, Tina. Tina's retarded, he says. She's not slow. It's full-blown. It is what it is. He then goes on to make jokes about her having sex. His routine also mocks the
Special Olympics, for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. He said: The 100-metre dash is the funniest shit you'll want to see, because it's literally eight people running with no arm swing. The petition reads:
We live in an era where bullying has become public sport, where public figures and leaders from dozens of walks of life seem to believe that humiliation and viciousness are acceptable ways of communicating.
[Gary Owens] mocks [people with intellectual disabilities'] speech, mocks their love, mocks their sexuality, mocks them as people and worst of all, does so without any qualms or hesitation. He can pick on his cousin. Why? According to
him: because she's "retarded." Apparently, she isn't worthy of even the most basic dignity. None of this is funny. At all. It is callous and gratuitous verbal violence.
ABC's TV series, Once Upon a Time
 | 24th April 2016
| See article from onemillionmoms.com |
The Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms whinges: ABC's Once Upon a Time introduced a lesbian couple during this week's episode which 1MM and parents find completely unnecessary. On the other hand, the producers
said the inclusion of homosexuality in a show popular with kids was important. Many families watch the program based on beloved children's fairytales, but unfortunately, ABC has distorted and twisted the storylines in these fables.
In Sunday's (April 17) episode, named Ruby Slippers , classic fairytale characters continue to push the envelope as Ruby from Little Red Riding Hood and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz lock lips and introduce
the show's first LGBTQ couple. In a series of flashbacks, a romance brews between the two women. A sleeping curse leads Ruby to bestow true love's kiss on Dorothy to wake her. One kiss breaks the spell, but many follow in a brief
make out session as the munchkins from Oz watch. Once Upon a Time is a far from innocent fairytale entangling favorite Disney characters in a new, modern storyline. When it debuted in 2011 it was called the most family-friendly
drama on any broadcast network in the past ten years and Common Sense Media rated it for children 12 and up. So naturally, with its family-friendly 8:00 pm ET/7:00 pm CT Sunday night time slot, it attracts younger viewers and parents who still think
of Disney as wholesome. Of course, 1MM knows that Disney has not been wholesome for some time and, once again, they are purposefully pushing a gay agenda. |
Parents TV Coincil claims that family TV is all but extinct in the US
 | 11th
April 2016
| See article from w2.parentstv.org |
In a new campaign article analyzing the past 20 years of the TV Content Ratings System, the Parents Television Council has found widespread, systemic problems that render the system inadequate for protecting children from graphic sex, violence, and
profanity on television. PTC President Tim Winter spouted: Parents who rely on the TV Content Ratings System to make informed decisions about what to watch on television have been deceived, as our new research shows that
the ratings system has systemically failed to provide accurate and consistent information for its entire 20-year existence.
The campaign group claimed:
- Regularly-scheduled series rated TV-G (appropriate for all audiences) have been eliminated from prime time. In all practicality, family shows rated for all audiences do not exist;
- There are fewer programs on prime time broadcast television
rated TV-PG;
- There are fewer differences between the content of programs rated TV-PG and those rated TV-14;
- Graphic content on television is increasing in both amount and intensity; yet
- Every hour of content on broadcast
television is rated as appropriate for a 14-year-old child, or even younger ages. Despite containing explicit content, no continuing program on broadcast television is rated TV-MA, appropriate for mature audiences only.
Winter said: The implications in our report are enormous and should give the TV industry significant pause. The industry should have to answer as to why TV-G rated primetime series are extinct; why the lines between
TV-PG and TV-14 shows are blurred; why more adult content is being shown on TV-PG shows; why nudity and violence are increasing on broadcast TV overall. One reason for the problem is that the TV networks rate their own shows,
creating an inherent conflict of interest. You don't see any TV-MA rated (the highest adult TV rating) shows on broadcast TV. It's not that some of the shows don't warrant the MA rating, it's that the networks are financially motivated not to rate
programs properly because most corporate sponsors won't advertise on MA-rated programs. Another conflict of interest is that the TV networks run the board that oversees the ratings process. That board, the TV Parental Guidelines
Monitoring Board, has enabled and sheltered this flawed ratings system rather than follow its FCC-sanctioned mandate to monitor the system and improve upon it where necessary. For years, we have addressed our concerns to the Board but to no real avail.
 | 29th March 2016
Another attempt at technology to self censor movies for the easily offended See article from qz.com
Religious vandals censor advert on back of a removals van
 | 23rd March 2016
| See article from nypost.com |
A New York removals company has had one of its trucks censored by religious extremists. Members of Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish community have painted over an advert on the back of the truck. The advert is used on a fleet of lorries used by the
Dumbo Moving and Storage Co. It shows a couple poised for sex whilst surrounded by removals boxes. Owner Lior Rachmany spoke of hundreds of angry calls he had received, many from rabbis in Midwood and Flatbush: Some people say we're going to burn in hell, we're going to pay for our sins,
Two weeks later one of Rachmany's trucks was defaced near a Flatbush yeshiva, where it had been parked for roughly four hours. The vandals painted the back of the truck gray to cover the ad. Rachmany said:
We received a phone call that was quite normal to us by now, [saying] if we don't remove the truck, we're gong to have to face some sort of consequence. We arrived a couple of hours after, and the back of the truck was painted with
gray color. |
Morality in Media write to the UN with the ludicrous claim that pornography is a form of torture
 | 23rd March 2016
| See article from endsexualexploitation.org See
Morlity in Media porn report [pdf] from endsexualexploitation.org |
The US morality campaign group, Morality in Media, now calls itself the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. It has now published a couple or reports to be sent to the UN ludicrously claiming that prostitution and pornography are somehow forms of
torture. The moralists write: The United Nations must recognize that all individuals have an inherent right to be free from the sexual exploitation, objectification, and violence which are inherently found in prostitution and
pornography. The experiences of physical, mental, and verbal abuse commonly experienced in both pornography and prostitution are consistent with torture and should be addressed accordingly. This is why the National Center on
Sexual Exploitation submitted two important reports to help inform the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Juan Mendez, as he formulates a thematic report on gender perspectives on torture. These documents, The Gender-Based Torture Found in the
Pornography Industry and On a Street Corner Near You: Pimps as Practitioners of Torture, addressed research and precedent in international codes that the UN ought to apply to a formal recognition of pornography and prostitution as forms of torture.
Due to the advent of the Internet, the problem of pornography has especially escalated to a pervasive and globe scale. An individual in Africa can watch the torture of an American woman, while someone in Germany can be downloading the
digital evidence of sexual abuse that occurred in the Middle East. One of the world's largest pornographic websites recently released an annual review that revealed statistics on porn consumption by country. By percentage of
traffic, the United States was the primary consumer of the videos, followed by the U.K., India, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, Italy, Brazil, and Mexico. The violent and sexualized torture that is inherently part of the nature of pornography must be
recognized on an international level. The treatment experienced by female pornography performers and prostituted persons is often identical to the treatment of women who are recognized as torture victims. It is therefore time for
the United Nations to take a stand, and to fight for the dignity of all.
Of Kings and Prophets, a new US TV miniseries on ABC
 | 21st March 2016
| 14th March 2016. See article from w2.parentstv.org |
The Parents Television Council, a US morality campaign group is warning families about the violent content in a new TV miniseries, Of Kings and Prophets airing on ABC. The PTC's review indicated that the first episode contains a number of
battles with swords, knives, spears, and other graphically violent content that ranges between the type of violent content found in The Lord of the Rings movies and 300 . There is some mild sexual content in the first episode. As such, the
PTC cannot recommend this show for children. PTC President Tim Winter said: Despite the fact that the miniseries is based on a book that most families in America have at home -- that book being the Bible -- parents
should be forewarned that Of Kings and Prophets will not be appropriate for family viewing. While we are grateful that the show runner, Chris Brancato, personally invited us to preview the first episode, it remains difficult for us to recommend this show
to families given the graphic content. And given Mr. Brancato said that he'll be ' fighting with broadcast standards and practices ' and that ' we're going to go as far as we can' throughout the series, there's likely to be even more explicit content in
upcoming episodes The real question here is, why wouldn't ABC and the show's producers want to reach the largest audience possible by making a series, based on the Bible, able to be viewed by families? Instead it appears that
their primary objective was to be edgy and explicit, rather than to entertain with a biblical story. And in so doing, they're carving away a large percentage of their potential market. This further demonstrates a disconnect between what the entertainment
industry wants to produce and what family audiences want to consume. We hope that families will be forewarned about the content of this show and not mistakenly watch with their children. No doubt the network will rate the program
TV-14, suggesting to parents that the material is appropriate for children as young as fourteen.
Update: Cancelled 21st March 2016. See
article from w2.parentstv.org The Parents Television Council responded to the news that ABC cancelled Of Kings and Prophets after only
two episodes aired: The only reason networks cancel a show without burning off the remaining episodes is that there is no advertiser support. The dollars simply aren't there, and it is more economical for them to air
something else entirely -- despite the fact that they've paid for those unaired episodes. And based on the conversations we've had over the past few days with several of the most premiere sponsors in the country -- during which we questioned their
underwriting such over-the-top graphic violence in 'Of Kings and Prophets,' it was clear that advertiser support for the show was quickly evaporating. While we applaud ABC's cancellation of the show, we can't help but wonder why they would choose to air
it in the first place.
The Real O'Neal's
 | 13th March 2016
| See article from onemillionmoms.com
One Million Moms is a christian morality campaign. The group had a whinge about a new US TV programme saying: ABC's newest sitcom The Real O'Neals is described as: just your typical all-American, Catholic, divorcing,
disgraced, law breaking, gay family and continues on to say their family is a perfect mess. It is now airing on Tuesday evenings at 8:30/7:30 p.m. CT. The Real O'Neals
mocks Christianity and insults Catholicism. 1MM recognizes this show ridicules people of faith, and Christians across America are offended by it. It is almost impossible to describe the depth of depravity found in the
sitcom The Real O'Neals. It is impossible to list them all, so here are a few scenes from this TV -- PG - D rated show:
- Jesus appears where only the gay son can see and talk to Him, and He is annoyed by the mom's strict guidelines for her family.
- The daughter steals money she is supposedly raising for
- The daughter "attempts to prove" that there is no God in a science fair project.
- ABC network refers to this highly dysfunctional family as "the perfect
Irish-Catholic family."
- A statue of Mary is kept above the O'Neal's toilet to remind the boys to put the seat down.
- The first jab at Jesus comes only 52 seconds into the
first episode.
- The mother encourages her 16-year-old gay son to "try sex" with a girl.
- Vulgar language (ex. Vagina).
- The mom makes
pancakes shaped like the face of Jesus to guilt trip her anorexic son into eating.
- One of the show's producers is anti-Christian bigot Dan Savage, and the show is said to be loosely based on his life.
CBS TV show Angel from Hell
 | 29th January 2016
| From onemillionmoms.com |
One Million Moms is a US morality campaign that writes: CBS is now airing a Christian-bashing program titled Angel From Hell , about a not so good guardian angel starring Jane Lynch. The previews alone can make
believers sick to their stomachs with the blasphemous content including crude humor, foul language and distasteful dialogue. The new show airs on Thursday evenings at 9:30 pm ET/8:30 pm CT with a 14-DL rating. This program is a
new comedy that focuses on a holier-than-thou character who is anything but that. The network also cast children in scenes that are extremely inappropriate, such as the angel using foul language in front of them and then joking that she never promised to
be G-rated. The premiere also included the angel hiding liquor in the children's clothes and saying, My booze! followed by a little boy saying, That's so cool! Almost every scene included the angel drinking alcohol from a flask, even on
Sunday, and once at a bar. Not to mention the angel rides on a wrecking ball while busting up a concrete angel statue. Is nothing sacred anymore? Once again networks like CBS mock Christianity. Angel From Hell is a
demeaning show portraying Christians in a negative light. This program is another attempt to distort the truth about Christianity. |