The best and worst TV advertisers for 2015 based upon recommendations by Parents TV Council
 | 23rd November
| See article from w2.parentstv.org |
The Parents Television Council announced the companies that it chose for its annual Best/Worst Advertisers List. The Best companies on this list have demonstrated willingness to support positive TV programming including TV shows that routinely
feature sex, violence, and profanity, and have not responded to moralist calls to reevaluate their sponsorship behavior. Some of those shows include: Family Guy , which over the past year has featured 'jokes' about sexually assaulting children;
Wicked City , a serial killer-focused drama that routinely shows graphic violence and sex; Scream Queens , which shows graphic gore akin to R-rated horror movies. PTC asks Americans to use this list as they begin their holiday
shopping, to reward the good ones and avoid the bad ones.
INDUSTRY | Worst miserable gits | Best fun filled sponsors | Computers/Software |
Google | Microsoft | Candy | Nestle; Mondelez International (Trident, Dentyne, Bubblicious, Toblerone) | Mars; Wrigley |
Pharmaceutical | Sanofi; Johnson & Johnson | Bayer; Merck | Consumer Brands | P&G (Cover Girl, Luvs, Swiffer,
Bounty, Tide, Crest, Pampers, Olay, Duracell, Gillette, Always, NyQuil) | Unilever (Dove, Axe, Lipton, Suave, Vaseline, Hellmann's) | Beverages | Coca Cola |
Red Bull | Fast Food | Wendy's; Dunkin' Brands | McDonald's; Burger King; Yum! | Insurance |
Prudential | Nationwide | Office Supply | Office Depot | Staples | Jewelry/Retail |
Helzberg Diamonds | Kay Jewelers | Clothing/Retail | TJX (Marshalls, Home Goods, TJ Maxx) | L Brands (Victoria's Secret, Bath &
Body Works, La Senza) | General Retail | Sears; Walmart | Target; Best Buy |
US TV channel, FX-Network, which contains some of 'the most violent and most sexually explicit content' the group has ever seen
 | 13th November 2015
| See article from
breitbart.com |
In an interview Breitbart News Daily, Tim Winter president of the US morality campaign, Parents Television Council, discussed how the Hollywood echo chamber is responsible for pushing increasingly violent and sexualized television programming at
families and why adult-oriented cable channels like the FX Network should not be included in basic cable packaging. Winters whinged: It used to be, when you turned on the TV, you could see something during most times of
the day that the family could watch together. And sadly, that just isn't true anymore,
Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon spoke of TV programming during times when families now watch as being: so edgy, so in your
[face], and anti-authoritarian. He asked Winter to explain why it is this way instead of being designed to keep families across America in the viewing audience. Winter claimed: The folks who program
the cable networks, really are a small group of folks who are [well] acquainted with each other, and they mostly like the same thing, and they are able to program the way they want to program for themselves.
He pointed out that this
poses a problem for families that subscribe to cable for an array of television programming like news and sports because channels which he claimed would have once been considered pornographic are now lumped in with certain standard news or sports
packages. He repeated his commonly aired gripe: If you want to get Fox News, you also have to take and pay for some of these pornographic channels.
Winter specifically cited the FX Network as a
supplier of content that children should be shielded from. He said it contains some of the most violent and most sexually explicit content that the Parents Television Council has ever seen on basic cable. Of course Winter had to get
in a big but. He said it isn't about being a censor or a prude ...BUT... about letting children be children without simultaneously having them exposed to things that their parents are trying to shield them from seeing.
US morality group convinces companies to block their employees from being able to access websites on a censorship hit list
 | 6th November 2015
| See article from dailydot.com |
A new US morality group has started up to try and convince companies to extend their corporate website blocking lists to include sites that the campaigners don't like. Called the BEST Employer Alliance (BEST stands for Businesses Ending Slavery and
Trafficking ), the group has partnered with the City of Seattle, King County, and a slew of private companies in an anti-sex trafficking effort. The groups aims to have sites like backpage.com blocked in offices and other workplaces. BEST Executive
Director Mar Brettman said in an interview with the Daily Dot after the initiative launched in September: We have partnered with both the county and the city of Seattle, which are both significant employers in the
region. And we have 18 employers total representing 125,000 employees.
That's a lot of people who can no longer access Backpage during working hours. And according to a study that King County prosecutors conducted in collaboration
with Google last winter, most sex work clients book appointments during the afternoon hours while they are at work. |
US nutter groups enjoy a week of whingeing about adult entertainment
 | 27th October 2015
| See article from endsexualexploitation.org |
Morality in Media seem to be the main organisers behind the campaign. You'd think the world has a few more pressing issues than worrying about people enjoying adult entertainment, but there you go. Morality in Media describe the campaign:
The National White Ribbon Against Pornography (WRAP) Week brings together hundreds of national, state and local groups, along with driven concerned citizens in a massive effort to educate the public on the harms from
pornography and the many resources available to aid those affected. National WRAP Week always starts the last Sunday of October.
Parents TV Council recommends American Horror Story
 | 21st October 2015
| See
article from moviepilot.com |
The Parents Television Council is hyaving a good whinge about gruesome scenes in American Horror Story: Hotel. The moralist campaign group has ranted at the show for the season premiere, which featured a bloody orgy between Matthew Bomer,
Lady Gaga, two ill-fated lovers, and a rape scene involving Max Greenfield in which his character is violated with a spiked sex toy. The PTC president, Tim Winter, wrote that the premiere featured an unbelievably explicit combination of sex and
violence and attempted to rouse support from other Americans to boycott the series, along with banding together to discourage advertisers from being associated with the show. He colourfully claimed: This is the
most vile and shocking content I've ever seen on TV. Ever. Most Americans have no idea this is primetime fare on advertiser-supported basic cable. And everyone is paying for it as part of their program bundle.
American Horror Story:
Hotel airs well after the watershed at 10pm, and with the word horror in the title, it's unlikely that there will be many accidental viewers. |
New US TV series Scream Queens on Fox
 | 19th October 2015
| See article from w2.parentstv.org |
The US morality campaign group, The Parents Television Council, writes: The Parents Television Council (PTC) is urging McDonald's to reconsider sponsoring Fox Broadcasting's new series, Scream Queens , which has featured
graphic gore and sexual content that would typically be seen in R-rated movies, and that airs as early as 7 pm in half of the country. McDonald's ads have appeared on the first four episodes of the new TV show. The PTC's review of
Scream Queens said, Parents are warned: mean-spirited, sexualized, gory horror show is unsafe for children of any age. Content in the show has included a character's face being fried in hot cooking fat; another character is sprayed with hydrochloric
acid, with close-ups showing her bloody skin burning and melting off; several young sorority pledges are buried in the ground up to their necks while the Devil drives over their heads on a riding mower. The episode that aired on October 6 th featured a
discussion about necrophilia. PTC President Tim Winter said: The Golden Arches brand now stands for sexual fantasies with dead people and with decapitating college coeds. No wonder McDonald's is
having problems attracting families, when millions of the company's media dollars underwrite such content on Scream Queens early in the evening on primetime broadcast TV. Not only is McDonald's financing a toxic media culture,
they are hurting their own pocketbooks. We urge McDonald's to do well and to do good at the same time, by changing course and recognizing what scientific research has already proven to be true -- that advertising on TV shows with explicit content can
truly be bad for business. One such study is from the Department of Psychology at Iowa State University and suggests that programs with high levels of violent or sexual content can actually repress the viewers' ability to recall
advertised brands. By contrast, subjects who watched 'neutral' programming were better able to recall the ads the following day. Nevertheless, and amid falling sales, McDonald's corporate marketing team has continued to compromise
its image and reputation as a family-friendly fast-food destination with poor sponsorship decisions; and those sponsorship decisions are hurting the McDonald's brand, hurting McDonald's reputation with families, and hurting their franchisees.
It's time for McDonald's to stop sponsoring offensive and harmful TV content, especially early in primetime when the content is so easily accessible to kids.
Utah moralists commission anti-porn billboards in California
 | 13th October 2015
| See article from breitbart.com
A group of young moralists from Salt Lake City, Utah have started a billboard campaign in California's Bay Area using the slogan Porn Kills Love. Fight For Love. They say they want to arouse people's interests as to how porn could be changing
and affecting their relationships. Clay Olson, CEO of Fight the New Drug, told the San Francisco Chronicle: Our goal is not to pass legislation or even attack the industry directly. Our goal is to spark a conversation
around the subject using science , facts, and personal accounts.
The group has reportedly started the hashtag #pornkillslove on social media, which has gained momentum with tweets from people on opposing sides of the porn spectrum.
They are not religiously-affiliated, although the founders are Mormons . |
The return of The Muppets, now supposedly for adults only
 | 19th September 2015
| See article from onemillionmoms.com
One Million Moms, a christian morality group, spout: ABC's New Adaptation of The Muppets is for Adults Only! One Million Moms (IMM) suspects there are going to be a lot of shocked moms and dads
when they discover that the family-friendly Muppets of the 1970s are no more. It appears that no subject is off limits. ABC's new Muppet Show, airing on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm ET/7:00 pm CT, is not what Jim Henson imagined and created. The new show
is aimed at a mature, modern audience and addresses subjects not suitable for family viewing. It's sort of an adult Muppet show, Kermit the Frog said during a promotional video for the show. One ad read, Finally, a
network TV show with full frontal nudity. Technically, the advertisement is correct -- seeing how Kermit doesn't wear pants. The mature version of The Muppets will cover a range of topics from sex to drugs. Miss Piggy
came out as a pro-choice feminist during an MSNBC interview. The puppet characters loved by kids in the 1970s and 1980s and beyond are now weighing in on abortion and promiscuity. ABC hopes children watch the show and predict they
would enjoy some of the humor, but 1MM would disagree. It is not the show it once was. ABC has ruined The Muppets. How many parents want to explain the punchline of sexually charged jokes to young children? Many parents
unknowingly will let their children watch an episode only to find out its perverted nature too late, unless they are alerted ahead of time. 1MM and others need to get the word out to families to avoid this program at all costs. |
Hindu spokesman whinges at comicbook featuring creatures called the Kaliratha
 | 5th September 2015
| See article from bleedingcool.com See
article from oyetimes.com |
Perennial Hindu whinger, Rajan Zed, has turned his attention to a Doctor Who comic book, The Twelfth Doctor: Volume 3. Doctor Who fan site Kasterborous described the storyline of the episode: The
Kaliratha are like the demon Raktabija, an innumerable threat that seems to increase in size whenever one of its horde falls. Unlike Raktibija, however, the Kaliratha are the servants of Kali, Goddess of time and death. One would be hard pressed to find
a more apt villain for a Doctor Who story taking place in India.
Zed took easy offence at a website description of the episode: Kali, oldest and deadliest of these creatures, was thought defeated
long, long ago; her body scattered throughout time to prevent her return.
Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, in Nevada, called for Titan Comics to withdraw the comic, both from stores and online, and offer a public
apology from all those responsible. He said that the goddess Kali was meant to be worshipped in temples or home shrines and not to be thrown around loosely in reimagined versions for dramatic effect in comics. And that calling her a creature was
hurtful to her devotees. Zed spouted that Hindus are in favor of free speech as much as anybody else, if not more so ....BUT... faith is something sacred, and any attempts at belittling faith hurts the devotees. Titan comics
apologised for any 'offence' caused by the representation of Kali in this comic and said: This particular character is an alien that uses the iconography of Kali to infiltrate India in the 1800s. The story eventually
reveals that this entity is not the goddess of the Hindu faith. Titan s Doctor Who comics draw inspiration from historical events and cultural traditions from all over the globe .
Whilst the Daily Mail revels in the opportunity to publish lots of sexy images from the event
1st September 2015
| See article from
w2.parentstv.org See
article from
dailymail.co.uk |
The Parents Television Council has enjoyed a good whinge about Miley Cyrus being sexy at the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs). PTC President Tim Winter spouted: MTV had an opportunity to use its powerful VMA platform to stir
a young audience to aspire to something positive and uplifting. Instead they chose to perpetuate blatant sexualization -- much of it self-inflicted by the artists -- and to celebrate the use of illegal drugs. MTV rated the content of the program as
appropriate for a child as young as 14, though most parents of teens that age would find such a content rating preposterous. In the end, the network succeeded in what it wanted to do: stir up controversy without regard to its impact on an entertainment
environment that is increasingly toxic for children. Are we surprised that Miley Cyrus exposed herself to millions of viewers, and to more people who will inevitably see the news in the mainstream media? About as surprised as
we'll be if the sun rises in the east tomorrow morning. We had hoped she would have proven us wrong and demonstrate her considerable talent as a performer, rather than rely on her own sexuality to entertain the audience.?? It's
also unfortunate that the VMAs were underwritten by the vast majority of Americans who were forced to pay for MTV on their cable bills, but who don't give a damn about the VMAs.?? MTV and Cyrus could both be forces for something
positive, but tonight's VMA partners relied on exposing millions of children to graphic, inappropriate and far-too-frequently offensive content.
The Daily Mail reported the PTC statement and added a little about Miley's nipple:
MTV had promoted the probability of outrageous goings on at the VMAs ahead of time by letting it be known there would be a delay and a dump button if necessary. Despite that, much of the bad
language managed to make it through and Miley was briefly exposed while changing backstage partially concealed behind a curtain. The camera cut away, but not before she was heard saying, Oh, what's happening? Oh sorry, my tit's
out? Following the show, the 22-year-old went backstage where she lit up a joint as she talked to the media. She then offered to pass it around the press corps and according to TMZ , some of the
reporters and photographers indulged.
And of course the Daily Mail printed all the best and sexiest pictures (except Miley's nipple which was pixellated). See
article . |
Hilton Hotels join Marriott in banning porn on hotel room TV
 | 20th August 2015
| 18th August 2015. See article
from business.avn.com See also Why Hilton is phasing out on-demand
porn in its hotels from economist.com |
Morality in Media is wetting its pants over the fact that Hilton Hotels & Resorts has announced a policy change: They will no longer give guests the choice to watch X-rated fare on their in-room TV system. In an emailed announcement to supporters,
Morality in Media crowed: Thanks to thousands of complaints from customers, and our leadership, Hilton has decided to make their hotels a safe environment and to no longer profit from sexual exploitation.
We want to publicly thank Hilton for its decision to create a safe and positive environment for all of its customers.
Update: Worldwide 20th August 2015. See
article from travelweekly.com Hilton Worldwide will phase out pornographic programming from its hotel rooms' video-on-demand inventory. The company said that it currently doesn't offer pornographic films in
the vast majority of its hotels and will phase it out at the remainder of properties subject to the terms of their contracts. Hilton said in a statement: We have listened carefully to our customers and
have determined that adult video-on-demand entertainment is not in keeping with our company's vision and goals moving forward.
Victoria Hearst and Morality in Media campaign to get Cosmopolitan magazine covered up in US stores
 | 1st August 2015
| See article from endsexualexploitation.org
See article from
dailymail.co.uk |
The US morality campaign group, Morality in Media (now misleading calling itself the National Center for Sexual Exploitation), is campaigning for US retailers to cover up the magazine. The group whinges: Cosmopolitan
Magazine glamorizes things like public, anal, group, or violent sex in nearly all of their issues. We are asking that Cosmo be sold to adults only and have the cover wrapped like all other porn magazines in retail shops. This
staple of the supermarket checkout line is as pornographic as Playboy magazine. While it may not have many nude pictures (though they have started throwing them into recent issues), this publication has steadily declined from a somewhat inspirational
women's magazine to a verbally pornographic how-to sex guide. Cosmo is leading the way in further desensitizing young women and girls to accept and participate in the pornified and sexually violent culture around them. Pornography desensitizes and entices the user to try harder and more deviant material. Cosmo, like Playboy, Hustler and other mainstream porn, is trying hard to keep up with this fact by writing even more provocative and explicit articles. Common themes of the last year include repeatedly inviting women to participate in anal, oral, public, and violent torture sex and each issue tauts that it has more and better sex tips than the previous issue.
In recent years, Cosmo has started to blatantly target young girls to expand their audience and increase profits. Many of their covers feature teen idols, meant to entice young girls into buying the magazine. They include feature
stories from Disney stars and teen icons. A search of #MyCosmo or #CosmoGirl on social media yields pictures, tweets and comments from teen girls around the world gushing about trying Cosmo's tips and trying to be like women of Cosmo Magazine.
Join us in the fight to get supermarkets and other family-oriented stores to put wrappers on Cosmo Magazine and to stop selling it to children and teens.
In response a few US retailers agreed to cover up
Cosmopolitan. All stores owned by Rite Aid and Delhaize America (Food Lion and Hannaford Stores) agreed to censor the latest issue of the magazine. The campaign was initiated in April by Victoria Hearst, the born-again Christian granddaughter of
the Hearst Corporation founder. The campaign aims to force all retailers to censor the publication, and also stop selling it to under 18s. And bizarrely Cosmopolitan is owned by the Hearst Corporation. |
The Green Inferno
 | 24th July 2015
| See article from
change.org |
The Green Inferno is a 2013 USA horror thriller by Eli Roth. Starring Lorenza Izzo, Ariel Levy and Aaron Burns.
 A group of student activists travels to the Amazon to
save the rain forest and soon discover that they are not alone, and that no good deed goes unpunished.
The US group Amazon Watch is petitioning people to boycott Eli Roth's The Green Inferno (which seems to be already being boycotted
by distributors). The group writes in a petition: Films like this have always portrayed negative stereotypes against indigenous people as brute savages. These films have psychological effect as indigenous people have
been through colonial trauma assimilating to white culture being taught self hate. Westerners are unfortunately ignorant about Amazonian indigenous cultures and depicting them in such a violent story dehumanizes their peoples and couldn't be farther from
reality. Shame on you. ... It's a shame, we should be creating stories than accurately depict indigenous way of life which is holistic, sustainable, spiritual and harmonious with our earth and brothers and
sisters. If you want to save the Amazon and stop China from buying leases to drill oil, make a story depicting the corporate shills for the murderers that they really are. You don't have to create racist, offensive, inaccurate crap to get people to care
about the most biodiverse place on the earth.
 | 22nd July 2015
US anti-games campaigner, Jack Thompson, talks video game violence and censorship See article from viralglobalnews.com
US TV comedy, Impastor
 | 6th June 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Christian campaign group, One Million Moms writes: TV Land calls their new program Impastor an irreverend new comedy. Christians are calling it disgusting! Impastor is a show set to air
July 15 10:30 p.m. ET/9:30 p.m. CT that includes a man stealing someone's identity who happens to be a pastor. The main character, posing as a gay preacher, recently hired sight unseen by a church that was aware of his lifestyle choice, but then start to
notice other characteristics not typical of a pastor. The previews which air earlier in the evening are including the pastor having extensive knowledge of the quality of drugs and insinuating sexual relations with fruit such as cantaloupe. The church
secretary catches the pastor sleeping around with women and other behaviors not typical of a Christian, much less a pastor. This show not only depicts pastors in a negative light, but the entire program will also be based on lies
about Christianity. TV Land has crossed the line by belittling the Christian religion with foul jokes.
'It is almost impossible to describe the depth of depravity found in the new TV Land sitcom, Younger'
 | 2nd May 2015
| See article from
The christian morality campaign group, One Million Moms, gushes over a new TV sitcom: It is almost impossible to describe the depth of depravity found in the new TV Land sitcom, Younger . It airs on Tuesday nights at 10:00
p.m. ET/9:00 CT. This new program is horrendous. Younger is the new version of Desperate Housewives or Sex in the City , which doesn't come as a surprise since it is written, produced, and directed by
Darren Star (Sex and the City). TV Land network describes the show in these words: Younger follows 40-year-old Liza, a suddenly single mother who tries to get back into
the working world, only to find out it's nearly impossible to start at the bottom at her age. When a chance encounter with a 20-something guy at a bar convinces her she looks younger than she is, Liza tries to pass herself off as 26 not only to land her
dream job but also to date a much younger guy.
Every scene is filled with sexual innuendos, implications, or encounters. It is impossible to list them all, so here are a few scenes from this TV-14 rated
- Pixelated nudity
- Woman is completely topless during lunch at outdoor café
- "Topless Tuesday" = a slogan for women's empowerment
Gives vagina pep talks
- Graphic bedroom scenes
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- Homosexual attraction
Main character helps friend remove feminine product stuck inside her
This comedy is anything but funny! |
 | 29th April 2015
The film Scientologists don’t want you to see See article from theguardian.com |
Taco Bell
 | 23rd April 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com See video from YouTube |
Christian morality campaigners have whinged about a Taco Bell TV advert: Taco Bell is following a trend in crude commercials. While a few fast food restaurants are cleaning up their ads, Taco Bell decided to air
a new ad named Flash to advertise Chickstars. The ad shows an elderly couple eating Chickstars in their car when the woman lifts up her shirt, implying she is showing her bare chest to the man. Showing a female flashing a
man during a television commercial is completely inappropriate. This act has nothing to do with the food product. Even if the couple is supposed to be married, this ad is in poor taste. It would be something children would
duplicate. Everyone knows children repeat what they see. This disgusting advertisement is airing during primetime when children are likely watching
Sky cancels Scientology documentary over fears of libel claims via Northern ireland
 | 19th April 2015
| Thanks to Nick See article
from theguardian.com |
Plans to broadcast HBO's Church of Scientology exposé, Going Clear , have been shelved by Sky Atlantic in a virtual repeat of events two years ago, when UK publishers abandoned publication of the book on which the new TV documentary is based.
Sky originally indicated that the Alex Gibney-directed film, which alleges abusive practices at the 'religion''s US headquarters, would be transmitted in the UK earlier this month in step with its American release. However, the Observer has
learned that because Northern Ireland is not subject to the 2013 Defamation Act, the broadcaster could be exposed to libel claims from David Miscavige, the leader of the church, or others. This appears to have caused the company to postpone transmission,
if not to cancel it entirely. Sky is unable to differentiate its signal between regions, rendering the same programme potentially exposed to pre-reform libel laws in Northern Ireland, but shielded in Britain where, among free-speech safeguards and
reforms designed to limit frivolous claims or libel tourism , people or organisations must now show serious harm to reputation. Scientology leaders said in a statement: The Church of Scientology
will be entitled to seek the protection of both UK and Irish libel laws in the event that any false or defamatory content in this film is broadcast within these jurisdictions.
My Fight/Your Fight by Ronda Rousey
 | 12th April 2015
| See article
from sports.yahoo.com |
Wal-Mart has banned in-store sales of a book by UFC women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey. The upcoming book titled My Fight/Your Fight is scheduled for release on May 12 but won't be sold in stores. However Walmart does stick
the book for wensire sales. The book will undoubtedly highlight Rousey's meteoric rise to MMA superstardom and the Olympic run that preceded it, but if her career has shown us anything in these brief four years since her professional debut, it's
that Rousey isn't afraid to speak her mind. |
Neighbours with Benefits, a US TV show about swingers
 | 12th March 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The religious moralists of One Million Moms write: A & E's new reality series Neighbors with Benefits is a show about neighbors and friends who attend parties as married couples for the purpose of switching
spouses and having sex. The premiere is expected to air on Sunday, March 22 at 10:00 pm ET/9:00 pm CT. This inappropriate program glamorizes cheating and having affairs. Why get married if you do not plan on being faithful?
This immoral show belittles and makes a mockery of marriage.
Going Commando with Cottonelle wipes
 | 25th February 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The moralist campaign group One Million Moms whinges: In Cottonelle's newest advertising campaign Dare to Go Commando, a company spokeswoman asks individuals if they feel cleaner after using Cottonelle because of
the ripple texture. The Cottonelle spokeswoman goes so far as to ask another woman if she feels clean enough to go commando now. The woman agrees and walks back into the restroom to return with her undies in a small shopping bag. The commercial ends with
both women pulling down the waistbands of their pants just enough to reveal they don't have panties on. Cottonelle is encouraging consumers to go without underwear. Oh, please! This is ridiculous. This type of advertising is
extremely inappropriate. The tissue paper company also has a similar ad, Go Cottonelle. Go Commando. In this ad, the spokeswoman asks a man to go commando, and it ends the same way.
Easily offended Armenian campaigners whinge about Starbucks poster
 | 23rd February 2015
| See article from
theguardian.com |
Starbucks has withdrawn a poster showing Armenian women in traditional clothing drinking coffee under the crescent and star of the Turkish flag and apologised to customers for causing offence. The posters, displayed at at least one coffee shop in Los
Angeles , angered easily offended Armenian Americans because of supposed sensitivities around the deaths of more than a million Armenians at the hands of Turkish Ottoman forces in the early 20th century. The Armenian National Committee Of America
(ANCA) whinged on Facebook: Why is Starbucks selling coffee using an image of women, dressed in traditional Armenian costumes, celebrating a Turkish state that systematically victimized Armenian women during the
Armenian genocide, and that still denies this crime against all humanity?
As 'outrage' grew this week, the company posted an apology on the ANCA's Facebook page and promised to remove the offending images. |
Parents TV Council takes offence at an episode of Family Guy
 | 15th February 2015
| See article
from nerdreactor.com |
The moralists of the Parents Television Council are up-in-arms about the jokes in an episode of Family Guy. In the episode, Quagmire sleeps with what he believes to be a 23-year-old female who ends up actually being 15. A whole slew of
situations occur up to the point where Quagmire ends up in court, and his mother gives the judge a fellatio in order to save her son from jail time. The Hollywood Reporter got a hold of a statement from the Parents Television Council:
We believe that Family Guy 's description of this explicit sexual terminology violates the broadcast indecency law. And we believe that joking about statutory rape, as Family Guy did throughout this episode, exceeds
contemporary community standards of decency for the broadcast medium. As such, we urge our members, as well as other Americans who agree that the broadcast was legally indecent, to file formal indecency complaints with the FCC. Sexual assault is an increasingly troubling problem across America. Joking about child rape on TV shows and using such patently offensive sexual dialogue -- especially when they air at such an early hour and when they attract such a young viewing audience -- is a gross violation of a broadcast licensee's public interest obligation.
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2015
 | 7th February 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The US moralist group gushes with praise for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2015: The 2015 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue features a model wearing a string bikini top and bottoms so tiny that she is just about
n-ked. The bikini bottoms are not much bigger than a Band-Aid plus she has both of her thumbs at the sides pulling them down as far as she can get away with. It is beyond ridiculous! The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is
nothing but soft p-rn and most closely resembles Pl-yboy magazine than resembling an issue about swimming attire. This soft core p-rnography is displayed in many family stores, often at checkout counters which is offensive, disgusting, and disrespectful
to families. This type of publishing is also extremely degrading to women. Families should be able to enter supermarkets, convenience and drug stores without being subjected to indecency. Since Sports Illustrated is pushing
p-rnography, this magazine needs to be removed from stores immediately. Not only should Sports Illustrated be ashamed, but so should the stores that carry this filthy magazine. Why would a store risk hurting their reputation of being a family-friendly
store by being associated with this dishonorable publication?
Rajan Zed whinges at chocolate store
 | 6th February 2015
| See
article from
indiawest.com See also bondstchocolate.com |
The professionally offended hindu activist Rajan Zed has urged the Bond Street Chocolate company of New York to withdraw its Ganesh Chocolate, a figurine of the religious character Ganesh made with chocolate, calling it highly inappropriate.
Said that Ganesh was highly revered in Hinduism and was meant to be worshipped in temples or home shrines and not to be eaten casually. Zed urged Bond Street Chocolate to show some responsibility, respect and maturity by understanding the
hurt feelings of Hindu community and stop manufacturing Ganesh-shaped edible chocolates. It was highly insensitive to create an edible deity, he said. Other chocolate figurines made by the company include three types of a Chocolate
Buddha, Dark Chocolate Jesus, Virgin of Guadalupe, and Dark Chocolate Moses. |
Carl's Jnr burger advert for the 2015 Super Bowl
 | 31st January 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms whinges: Carl's Jr. and Hardee's, both owned by CKE Restaurants, are at it again by using sex to sell burgers. Their new ad is extremely inappropriate to air
at any time, but especially while families are likely watching. Their All-Natural commercial will surely ruin family time once again. The commercial that will be shown at the Super Bowl features a woman who appears to be
naked as she walks through a farmer's market. This is as close to complete nudity as you can get because she appears to be nude until the end when she is in full view wearing a string bikini top and tiny shorts while eating a hamburger from Carl's Jr.
The only indication of who sponsored this ad is in the final few seconds of the commercial. Carl's Jr. and Hardee's regularly bank on the sex sells philosophy. There is no need for a burger to be promoted by sex appeal, and this
advertising ploy is why 1MM will not give up. Families should be able to watch the game together if they choose. Last year's game was remarkably improved from years past because viewers were not bombarded with sexually explicit
and disgusting ads during every commercial break. Parents should remain on guard, but it is encouraging to see that our voice kept crudeness to a minimum. That is 1MM's goal again this year.
GoDaddy bullied into pulling Super Bowl advert featuring a puppy
 | 28th January 2015
| See article from
bignewsnetwork.com |
Website hosting company GoDaddy has upset puppy lovers. It said that it would pull its latest Super Bowl ad over complaints that it somehow promotes inhumane breeding practices. In the ad, an adorable golden retriever puppy falls off the
back of the truck, then travels day and night to return home to his owners. I'm so glad you made it home, the puppy's owner says when she greets him. Because I just sold you on this website I built with GoDaddy.com. The
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals whinged: If you can buy a puppy online and have it shipped to you the next day, it's likely you're supporting inhumane breeding.
The PC lynch mob bayed for blood on
Change.org in petition that raised about 40,000 signatures: Essentially, Go Daddy is encouraging private breeding/puppy mills while shelter animals wait patiently for their forever homes or worse -- to be euthanized.
Animal rights are no laughing matter and to portray them as such is cruel and irresponsible.
GoDaddy CEO Blake Irving responded. What should have been a fun and funny ad clearly missed the mark and
we will not air it.
One Million Moms recommend Kellogg's Pop Tarts
 | 25th January 2015
| From onemillionmoms.com |
Christian morality campaign group, One Million Moms has taken easy offence at a trivial Kellogg's advert. The group writes: Kellogg's new Pop Tart commercial includes a double entendre that is inappropriate and
unnecessary. Foul language or the implication of it is not needed in this commercial, but that is exactly what Kellogg's intended with their play on words. The animated commercial has a mom pop tart and a dad pop tart admiring
their newborn baby pop tart at the hospital nursery when a nurse walks in. The dialogue includes: He so has your peanut butter. Well, he's got your jelly. Then the nurse, while rubbing her hands together ready to devour the baby pop tart, says,
Time for a feeding. The parents say, No! Ah, Jam It! The advertisement could have ended with No! but Kellogg's chose to include a phrase that sounded just like a curse word. Kellogg's should be more responsible
in their marketing decisions. Let them know that as a parent and consumer you are offended the company cares more about financial gain than the impression made on our children.
The Dirty Dozen: Top companies, organisations and institutions that have wound up the morality campaigners
 | 22nd January 2015
| See article from
pornharms.com |
Morality in Media (MIM) has announced its 2015 Dirty Dozen List, the top contributors to what MIM claims as sexual exploitation. Dawn Hawkins, executive director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and MIM lauded the nominees:
The Dirty Dozen List has led to sweeping policy changes for past targets, including Google, Verizon, and Department of Defense. Despite the incontrovertible evidence of harm, many companies and organizations still choose
to engage in sexual exploitation to make a profit or push an agenda.
The Dirty Dozen: U.S. Department of Justice. The DOJ refuses to enforce existing federal obscenity laws against pornography despite the
fact that these laws have been upheld by U.S. Courts and previously enforced. Pornography is a public health crisis and DOJ must not be on the side of pornographers. Verizon. Verizon profits from sexual exploitation by pushing it into homes
through multiple ways, including pay-per-view movies on their FIOS TV, as an Internet Service Provider and as a wireless carrier. They've even defended child themed porn as a benefit to their consumers. It's time Verizon had a change in policy.
Fifty Shades of Grey. This bestselling series and film glamorizes and legitimatizes violence against women through sexual violence, abuse of power, female inequality, and coercion. Help us inform mainstream pop culture and news outlets that are
promoting the material and the abusive lifestyle it promotes. Backpage.com. Backpage.com is the leading U.S. website for prostitution advertising, generating nearly 80 percent of all the online prostitution advertising revenue. Law
enforcement officials say trafficked children and women are sold on Backpage daily and the site is even actively opposing laws that make it a felony to advertise sexual services of children. Hilton Hotels. This top hotel chain provides
hardcore pornography movie choices with themes that include: children, incest, rape, sexual slavery, and extreme violence. Other popular hotels, such as Marriott and Omni, refuse to profit from this exploitation. American Library Association.
For years, ALA has encouraged public libraries to keep all computers unfiltered and to allow patrons, including children, access to pornography. As a result, child sexual abuse, sexual assault, exhibitionism, stalking and other lewd behavior takes
place in libraries across the country. American Apparel. American Apparel's advertising strategy is to normalize the objectification of women. To sell products, the company regularly features nude or provocatively posed young girls with an
emphasis on women's breasts and buttocks. Sex Week. University campuses are overwhelmed with reports of sexual violence, yet many of these schools welcome so-called sex week celebrations where pornography, violent sexual practices
and the hook-up culture are promoted as harmless fun. Facebook. In recent years, Facebook has taken measures to curb exploitation, but they have a long way to go as the world's most popular social networking site. It has become a top place
to trade pornography and child pornography, as well as a place of prostitution and sex trafficking. CKE Restaurants. Owner of over 3,300 Carl's Jr. and Hardee's locations, CKE Restaurants utilizes sexual suggestions and explicit images of
the female body in commercials and print ads to sell hamburgers. YouTube. Google has worked to curb exploitation in other tools they offer yet they still allow hundreds of hours of porn videos to be uploaded to YouTube each day. Google does
little to enforce their policies prohibiting such content and the SafeSearch feature is far from reliable. Cosmopolitan Magazine. The staple of the supermarket checkout line is a porn magazine. Cosmo glamorizes things like public, anal or
violent sex in nearly all of their issues. It's time that Cosmo be sold to adults only and have the cover wrapped like all other porn mags in retail shops.
Naked and Afraid on the Discovery Channel
 | 20th January 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms spouts: Parents are under the assumption that the Discovery Channel is safe and educational, but this is not true. The title of this program is a give-away, and with a TV-14 rating,
you can be assured this is not a show for family viewing. The show Naked And Afraid has cast members who are dropped in the jungle with no food, no shelter, and no clothes. The two humans selected, one male and one female,
must work as a team but they have never met before in their lives. The program shows them stripped naked, blurring out frontal body parts but never blurring out their backsides. Even though the frontal body parts are blurred out, showing so much skin is
considered soft porn. In cold temperatures, they must survive by using each other's body heat, pressing their bare bodies together to keep warm. This decision to air a reality program full of nudity is harmful to the cast members
and their families, and to all children and families that happen to view the show. This ultimate sexual exploitation of families is disturbing and inexcusable. Discovery Channel has lost its moral compass and should be ashamed to
air nudity and call it entertainment. This program needs to be canceled immediately. Previews and promos for this show air all throughout the day and on many other networks. |