23rd February | | |
Achmed the Dead Terrorist ringtone advert not racist
| From asa.org.uk
A TV ad for Fox Mobile ringtones featured the American ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham, with his dummy, Achmed, the Dead Terrorist . The ringtones used some of the phrases from Dunham's act which included Silence! I kill you , Stop touching
me and Knock, knock. Who's there? Me. I kill you . A viewer challenged whether the ad was offensive because he believed it was racist towards Muslims. ASA Assessment: Not
upheld The ASA understood that the ad featured the puppet Achmed, the Dead Terrorist, which was a well-known part of Jeff Dunhams ventriloquism act. We understood that that particular
comedy act touched on the theme of terrorism and we also understood that there would be viewers who found the puppet character and comedy theme of terrorism distasteful or offensive. However, we noted that at no time did the ad make any reference to
terrorism or the Islamic faith. We also noted that, whilst the ad showed some footage of the act, its emphasis was on the phrases Silence! I kill you, Stop touching me and Knock, knock, whos there? Me, I kill you which were available to download as
mobile phone ringtones. Whilst we understood that some viewers might find those ringtones distasteful, we considered that the content of the ad accurately reflected the nature of the product being advertised. Because the ad itself contained no direct
reference to terrorism or the Muslim religion, we concluded the ad was unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence. We investigated the ad under BCAP Code rule 4.2 (Harm and offence) but did not find it in breach.
16th February | | |
New Zealand beer advert banned for looking like a real historical documentary
| See article from
stuff.co.nz See video from
A beer commercial which looked too much like a historical documentary has been criticised by New Zealand's Advertising Standards Complaints Board and the version will be barred from broadcast. The television and cinema campaign supported a
relaunch of Dominion Breweries' DB Export branded beer by telling the story of former DB brewer Morton Coutts' attempt to brew the world's best beer in New Zealand. A complainant objected to the use of real footage of the 1951 waterfront dispute
to illustrate violent protests that the advertisement says took place after Arnold Nordemeyer's Black Budget of 1958. A majority of the complaints board considered the television and cinema advertisements to be in a documentary type
style, achieved by the use of the contrasting black and white screen-shots, the music, and the accompanying authoritative narration . When coupled with the use of the actual footage of the riots, from a different historical event, the ad gave the
impression that the advertisements were portraying a credible and realistic depiction of history , said the board's decision. The majority of the complaints board was of the view that the television and cinema advertisements ... were
likely to mislead and deceive consumers given the realistic and accurate depiction of history conveyed in the advertisements.
15th February | | |
Australian nutters whinge at fitness centre billboard
| ee article from
A billboard promoting a fitness centre featuring the bottom of a whip-wielding woman has been slammed as sexist, led to complaints and 'polarised' the community. The Advertising Standards Bureau will review the billboard. Bureau communications
manager Alison Abermethy said a number of complaints had been received about the Health Club @ Newmarket billboard. Resident Virginia Druett claimed she found the image offensive: To portray a woman as just the bottom part of the body is
an insult to every woman in Australia Women have strived for centuries to be treated with respect and equality and this is just so demeaning. How this has passed through censorship just amazes me.
9th February | | |
Swedish advert censors think that men are as obsessed as women about body image
| See article from telegraph.co.uk
Sweden's advertising ombudsman upheld a complaint against the advertisement, promoting a television operator called Boxer, in which a photo shop character called Robert stretches out on a sheepskin rug wearing only a pair of straining, white boxer
shorts. Even if the intention was to present a humorous link between the man and product, the man is presented, through his posture and lack of clothing, as a mere sex object in a way that could be deemed offensive to men in general, the
ombudsman's office claimed in a statement. It added that Robert's legs, chest, arms and abdomen are very muscular, and the outline of his genitalia is visible through his underpants . A complainer argued that the focus on the
organ and its size had nothing to do with the product, and even if that was the case, it is no way to portray either a man or a woman . It was also claimed that Robert's physical shape could place pressure on impressionable men who aspire to have the
same physique. The advertisement sparked lively debate on internet comments sites, with many men stating they found it harmless and inoffensive, and that the ombudsman should get a life . An editorial in Aftonbladet, a leading
Swedish newspaper, said that the ombudsman had to act on equality grounds because it would have upheld a complaint if Boxer had used a female image.
8th February | | |
Australian advert censor dismisses complaint about the use of the acronym MILF
| See article from
It is okay to use the acronym MILF in adverts according to the Australian advertising censor. The Ad Standards Board (ASB) was considering a complaint over a Ticketmaster promotion for a tour by the actress Jennifer Coolidge. According
to the complaint: As this is a special offer, you need to enter a code word into the Ticketmaster booking engine to receive the discount. The code that you are asked to enter is MILF. This seems innocent enough except that MILF is an acronym commonly
used in the porn industry for MOMS I'D LIKE TO FUCK . My objection is about the casual and insidious use of pornography (in this case a term used in pornography) to sell to the general public. The ASB dismissed the complaint, ruling:
The Board noted the complainant's concerns that the word MILF is linked to pornography. The Board noted that the term MILF was coined in a film featuring Jennifer Coolidge and that it is an acronym for words
meaning a sexually attractive older woman. The Board considered that it is not a term directly related to the pornography industry but to Jennifer Coolidge's character in the film American Pie and has subsequently been used to describe attractive mothers
generally. The Board considered that whist the word MILF did relate to the sexual attractiveness of a woman, you would need to understand the meaning of this acronym in order to understand the sexual reference. The
Board considered that in the context of the advertisement for the Jennifer Coolidge tour, this word and implied reference is relevant and unlikely to be viewed or understood by children. Whilst some members of the
community may not like this word, it has become part of the common vernacular, is not generally considered offensive, and in this context is not inappropriate.
4th February | |
| ASA find accusation against Harrods Magazine to be false
| See article from
An ad, in Harrods Magazine, for clothing and accessories sold in the store, showed a woman lying at the foot of a staircase, with a blood stain on the floor near her head. A man holding a heavy candlestick was standing next to her and text below him
stated Professor Plum with the candlestick in the hall? One complainant challenged whether the ad was offensive and likely to condone violence. ASA Assessment: Not upheld Although we noted that the ad
depicted a scene which heavily implied that a violent act had taken place, we noted that the presentation was very stylised and the focus was on presenting the fashion and jewellery, rather than portraying a realistic image of violence. We considered
that readers would clearly associate the image with the well-known board game Cluedo and would understand, in that context, that the scene related to the object of the game, namely, discovering which Cluedo character had committed a murder, in which room
and with which object. We therefore considered that readers would see the image as a darkly humorous representation of a popular board game and, in light of that, concluded that the ad was unlikely to cause offence or condone violence. We
investigated the ad under rules 4.1 and 4.4 (Harm and offence), but did not find it in breach.
2nd February | | |
ASA see Belle d'Opium advert as a reference to drugs
| See
article from asa.org.uk
See video from youtube.com
A TV ad, for Belle D'Opium perfume, featured a woman dancing to a drum beat. The woman pointed to her inner elbow and ran her finger along the inside of her forearm. She was then shown lying on the floor as a voice-over began I am your addiction,
I am Belle D'Opium. The new fragrance by Yves St Laurent. Thirteen viewers objected that the ad was irresponsible and offensive, because the woman's actions simulated drug use. ASA Assessment: Upheld The ASA
understood the ad had been carefully choreographed and styled to create Belle and her movements as a way of emphasising the powerful and intense qualities of the perfume, and to play on the idea the perfume had addictive qualities like a woman or opium.
However, we noted that the ad broadcast on TV was only 20 seconds of the full one-minute ad featured on the Belle d'Opium website, and that it had been cut to feature predominantly the quickest and most dramatic music and scenes from the full ad. We noted that two of the key scenes, the circular symbol and wings gesture scenes, were omitted from the TV ad, and other key scenes were altered. We considered that the fast changing scenes and urgent music, created a less flowing, more frantic atmosphere in the ad, which might not enable viewers to interpret the ad as a stylised expression of femininity and bewitchment, as intended.
We were concerned that in the context of the ad, Belle running her finger down her inner arm could be seen to simulate the injection of opiates into the body. We were also concerned that following that scene, Belle was shown moving in a series of
short, rapid scenes, before the ad concluded with her body seizing upwards while lying on the floor, an action we considered could be seen to simulate the effect of drugs on the body. While we recognised the name OPIUM was a well-known designer perfume
brand and did not consider it irresponsible or offensive to advertise OPIUM branded products, and while we noted the consumer research found that most viewers did not consider the ad to be offensive, we nevertheless considered the woman's actions
simulated drug use, and therefore concluded it was irresponsible and unacceptable for broadcast. The ad breached BCAP Code rules 1.2 (Social responsibility), 4.1 (Physical, mental, moral or social harm), 4.4 (Health and safety), and 4.9 (Violence,
crime, disorder or anti-social behaviour), but did not breach 4.2 (Serious or widespread offence).
18th January | | |
ASA launch ad campaign to notify website owners of liability to ASA advert censorship
| See article from
The advertising censor, ASA, has announced: On 17 January 2011 we have launched our new ad campaign to raise awareness of the ASA's work to ensure all ads continue to be legal, decent, honest and truthful.
The ads also aim to inform businesses about the ASA's extended remit online which, from 1 March, will include marketing communications by companies on their own websites.
It also seems a bit
confusing though. Why should all adverts be decent? I can't see anything in the actual codes that require all adverts to be decent. Only that ads shouldn't be somehow harmful in the context with which they appear. So this
would surely require ads to be decent on daytime TV. But this simply does not apply to an 'indecent' hardcore ad in a men's magazine. There also seems little information on how the new code applies to some of the complexities about internet
jurisdiction. Even small websites can be very multinational, with internet servers being in different countries to the content providers. and indeed, to the target audience. And even less information about such key concepts as labelling and child
protection mechanisms. The codes do not appear to have been written with websites in mind.
12th January | | |
ASA find Saw 3D advert too distressing for 8:30pm screening
| See article from
A TV ad, for the film SAW 3D , started with images of two men, one of whom was screaming and reaching towards the viewer with blood on his hand. A voice-over stated Since the beginning you have watched others . The following
images showed a bare-chested man breathing heavily in a car with a broken windscreen, people on a street looking at a window display, a swinging cage, a spiked metal mesh crashing down, and a man falling out of the bottom of a hanging cage as the
voice-over continued Now it is your turn to play. The next scene showed spiky metal restraints suddenly appearing around the arm and shoulders of a man wearing 3D glasses. He screamed. The voice-over continued Experience the final ever
Saw in eye-popping, heart-pounding, mind-blowing 3D whilst images were shown of circular saw blades flying over the people in a cinema and towards the viewer, people cowering from an explosion, two people hanging from a shaft, a close-up of a
screaming man falling, a huge figure reaching out into the cinema from the screen and lifting a person back towards the screen, and a cage crashing through a window. The voice of the Jigsaw character said The last piece of the puzzle is
you as the camera moved towards a woman tied between rail tracks, followed by a vehicle on the same tracks coming towards the viewer and flying out over the people in the cinema making them flinch. The voice-over stated Saw 3D. On-screen text
stated SAW 3D THE FINAL CHAPTER . Circular-saw blades flew towards the viewer and the voice-over continued Only available in cinemas October 28th. On-screen text IN CINEMAS THURS OCT 28 appeared under the preceding text. The
ad was cleared by Clearcast with a post 7.30 pm restriction. The complainant, who was ten years of age and who saw the ad at 8:29pm during The Gadget Show on Channel 5, thought the ad was distressing and was inappropriately scheduled.
ASA Assessment : Complaint Upheld The ASA noted Clearcasts assertion that, apart from the scene where a man had blood on his hand, the viewer did not see any more blood or scenes of injury or death. However,
we also noted that many of the scenes showed people in distress and in physical danger. We considered that, although the ad was clearly for a film and therefore based in fantasy, the scenes of people in the cinema - particularly those where they
were suddenly trapped by metal restraints and where the figure reached out and pulled a cinema-goer back towards the screen - linked the scenes from the film with a recognisably real situation. We considered it was therefore likely to cause distress to
young children who might not make a clear distinction between the scenes from the film and the scenes in the cinema, and a post 7.30pm restriction was not sufficient. We concluded that a post 9pm restriction ought to have been applied, to minimise the
possibility of young children seeing the ad. The ad breached BCAP Code rules:
- 4.1 (Harm and Offence),
- 5.1 (Children), 32.1, and
- 32.3 (Scheduling of Television and Radio Advertisements).
9th January | | |
Doritos advert for Superbowl contest winds up the nutters
| Based on article
from content.usatoday.com See video from youtube.com
An entry in the annual Pepsi-owned Doritos Crash the Super Bowl ad contest will never air after it caused a bit of easy offence. Feed Your Flock sees congregation challenged priest get divine inspiration to use Doritos to replace
the more usual wafers. And Pepsi Max replaces the wine. And of course throngs of Doritos freeloaders descend en-masse. But of course the body and blood of Christ are no joke to those who believe they are in Communion with their God when they
accept the Eucharist and the wine during Mass. Dave Williams, president of ad makers, MediaWave, says he pulled the ad from Pepsi's site and from YouTube. We felt bad, he says. Our intention was to win, not to offend. The
video now seems to have been taken down from all major video sharing sites.