 | 26th June 2023
Brandon Cronenberg and Alexander Skarsgård's Prosthetic Penis Design. Discussing US cuts to Infinity Pool See
article from globalvillagespace.com |
 | 25th June 2023
Brandon Cronenberg speaks of the cuts to Infinity Pool required for the US and Canadian theatrical versions. (Uncut in Europe though) See
article from globalvillagespace.com |
The Theatrical Version is set for its first uncut UK release
 | 11th June 2023
| Thanks to Ben |
Enter the Dragon is a 1973 Hong Kong/US martial arts film by Robert Clouse. With Bruce Lee, John Saxon and Jim Kelly.
 More Bruce Lee news
- Enter the Dragon is getting a 4K disc in September the Irish censor board IFCO confirmed both the theatrical and extended cuts:
The flm was cut by the BBFC for all cinema and VHS releases. The extended version has been uncut in the UK since 2001 DVD. but this will be the first time the theatrical version has been available uncut in the UK |
Turkish authorities ban screenings of the UK comedy movie, Pride
 | 11th June 2023
| See
article from duvarenglish.com |
Pride is a 2014 UK gay comedy drama by Matthew Warchus. Starring Bill Nighy and Imelda Staunton and Dominic West.
 There are no UK or US censorship issues with this release however the film has been
banned from several showings in Turkey Istanbul's Sisli District Governor's Office on June 6 banned the screening of an LGBTI+ themed documentary on the grounds that it is against the "constitutional rule." Using the same ban
decision, Kadiköy District Governor's Office on June 7 banned the screening of another movie as well, and police detained those who came to the screening. Kadiköy's District Governor's Office on June 7 banned the screening of the movie titled Pride
organized by the Beksav Cinema Collective. The collective stated that they will organize the screening despite the ban. Nonetheless, the police blockaded their building and detained people who came to watch the movie screening and the BEKSAV
executives. The film has been banned before in Turkey when the Ankara authorities also banned screenings in 2018. |
Classic 70s movie cut for a racial slur for streaming on DIsney+ and the Criterion Channel
 | 9th June 2023
| Thanks to Nick and James See article from hollywood-elsewhere.com
The French Connection is a 1971 USA action crime thriller by William Friedkin. Starring Gene Hackman and Roy Scheider and Fernando Rey.
Not cut by the BBFC or MPAA, but hit the news in 2023 when cut seemingly by Disney for a racial slur in a version used for streaming. Summary Notes William Friedkin's
gritty police drama portrays two tough New York City cops trying to intercept a huge heroin shipment coming from France. An interesting contrast is established between 'Popeye' Doyle, a short-tempered alcoholic bigot who is nevertheless a hard-working
and dedicated police officer, and his nemesis Alain Charnier, a suave and urbane gentleman who is nevertheless a criminal and one of the largest drug suppliers of pure heroin to North America. During the surveillance and eventual bust, Friedkin provides
one of the most gripping and memorable car chase sequences ever filmed.
 | UK: Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for strong violence and language:
- 2014 Twentieth Century Fox DVD
- 2008 Walt Disney Studios HE (RB) Blu-ray
at UK Amazon #ad
- 2008 Walt Disney Studios HE R2 DVD
at UK Amazon #ad
- 1997 Twentieth Century Fox VHS
- 1992 CBS/Fox VHS
- 1987 CBS/Fox VHS
- 1971 20th Century Fox cinema release
|  cut 6s |
 | US: Cut in 2023, presumably by Disney, for streaming on DIsney+ and the Criterion Channel The cut was to remove a 6s dialogue exchange
between the detectives Jimmy Popeye Doyle (Gene Hackman) and Buddy Cloudy Russo (Roy Scheider), which contains the word 'nigger': Doyle: You dumb guinea. Russo: How the hell did I know he had a
knife? Doyle: Never trust a nigger. Russo: He coulda been white. Doyle: Never trust anyone.
The BBFC publishes details of the long awaited Mandarin Cut of the Bruce Lee film, The Big Boss
 | 6th June 2023
| Thanks to Ben See article from bbfc.co.uk |
The Big Boss is a 1971 Hong Kong martial arts film by Wei Lo. With Bruce Lee, Maria Yi and James Tien.
 Cut by the BBFC for cinema release and VHS. The cuts were waived in 2000,
but not all DVD releases have used the uncut version. A longer Mandarin Cut resurfaced in 2023 with lost scenes, for example, the infamous saw in the head or Lee's second visit to the brothel. Summary Review: Broken Oath of
Non-Violence A young man sworn to an oath of non-violence works with his cousins in an ice factory where they mysteriously begin to disappear. As one might expect, the whole movie is an excuse
to show off Bruce Lee's moves, and they do a great job with it. There's not much in the way of an actual plot. They get straight down to the martial arts. Probably Bruce's most violent and bloody film.
Mandarin Cut
 Mandarin Cut
run: | 110:26s | pal: | 106:01s |
|  | UK: The Mandarin Cut: Uncut and BBFC 15 rated for strong violence, bloody images, nudity, sexual threat:
- 2023 cinema release (rated 25/05/2023)
UK: The Mandarin Cut: BBFC details not yet published for:
|  Mandarin Cut
run: | 105:31s | pal: | 101:18s |
|  banned | Australia: A longer version was banned from
cinema release in Australia in 1973 Thanks to Philip Rumour is that in the early 70s a Mandarin language print was shown of a cut of the movie which was 5-10 minutes longer than the version widely distributed. How
much of this is due to extra scenes or due to the fps rate of the print I couldn't find out. Legend has it that there are extra scenes not available in the theatrical version, possibly some that have already surfaced on DVD such
as the second visit to brothel etc, but most excitingly the uncut version of the icehouse / saw through the head scene. Also apparently the violence in the movie was tamed prior to the general release of the film.
Only one print of this version is known to exist, but the owner has so far refused to distribute or sell the reels.
Standard Version
Australian film censor announces extended consumer advice and trigger warnings for film ratings
 | 5th June 2023
| See article from abc.net.au
Australia's federal government is altering the current film censorship system to add further details explaining the reasons for movie ratings. It follows a survey of 2,000 Australians last year on their expectations around classifications. Most people
said they wanted more details about why a movie was given a specific rating, and that the reasons for those decisions should be modernised to reflect community 'sensitivities'. The classification system will now include a wider range of
explanations for Australia's censorship board to choose from when rating a movie. Those explanations include such terms as animated violence, family violence, blood and gore, mental health themes and bullying. The new information will appear at the
beginning of the movie alongside the rating. Classification board director Fiona Jolly said the changes better reflect today's community standards: It provides helpful information enabling Australians to make
informed choices, particularly in relation to content which may be of concern to them.
The changes will be made this week, with viewers expected to notice the additional information from next week. |
Afraid that maybe the UK will be releasing a cut version. Or maybe not
 | 21st May 2023
| Thanks to Scott |
Beau Is Afraid is a 2023 Canada/Finland/US comedy horror drama by Ari Aster Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Parker Posey and Amy Ryan

Following the sudden death of his mother, a mild-mannered but anxiety-ridden man confronts his darkest fears as he embarks on an epic, Kafkaesque odyssey back home.
Update: Thanks to Ben:
I saw the film at an early/preview screening in the UK with a BBFC 15 black card etc. It seems uncut to me. All the following possible cut scenes in your entry were included on-screen. [
Spoilers! hover or click text below]
The extra 50s could be distributor logos - given all the above, the UK version seems uncut.
Thanks to Scott: The IFCO have passed the film with a running time of 178m 52s,
practically the same as the NZ OFLC's 178m 50s. The BBFC have it at 178m 2s. It almost certainly is cut. The BBFC's website still doesn't list any cuts, however this could be a similar case to The Invisible Man in 2020 where cuts info was only added to
the site once the film had been released. US parental guide sites mention that the film contains several suicide scenes, including someone drinking paint and another person jumping from a building, with their head smashing open
upon landing - the BBFC don't mention suicide at all in their short insight, so quite possibly this is what's been cut. The sex scene responsible for the Aussie R18+ sounds quite strong too, yet the BBFC have buried the mention of it in the middle of
their short insight, so this is another candidate for cuts. Additionally, the film apparently contains several uses of the c-word, however the BBFC haven't mentioned very strong language in the short insight - it could be that they didn't have space for
the phrase very strong given how much else is listed, which previously happened with Promising Young Woman, although this is very rare. When the BBFC publishes its extended insight the situation will become clearer, but at the
moment this looks to be a proper 90-style hack job, cut to bits for no reason. If it really is missing almost a minute I won't be wasting my time seeing it.
run: | 178:52s | pal: | 171:43s |
|  Ireland | Ireland: A longer version has been passed 16 uncut for Strong violence and language throughout.
Graphic injury detail portrayed. Some explicit scenes of a sexual nature. Use of illicit and legal drug and impact portrayed.
|  short version
run: | 178:02s | pal: | 170:55s |
|  | UK: Passed 15 for strong threat, violence, sex, drug misuse, language, nudity, injury detail:
Indian newspapers report that BBFC is taking its time to release an age rating for a controversial film, The Kerala Story
 | 14th May 2023
| See
article from timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
The Kerala Story is a 2023 India historical drama by Sudipto Sen, Vipul Amrutlal Shah Starring Adah Sharma, Yogita Bihani and Sonia Balani
 A converted Muslim woman Fatima Ba narrates her ordeal of how she
once wanted to become a nurse but was abducted from her home and manipulated by religious vanguards, turned into an ISIS terrorist and landed in Afghanistan jail. The Indian film Kerala Story got mysteriously pulled from UK cinema
websites and all the tickets bought were refunded after it failed to get classified by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) in time for its release. It was due to be released in Hindi and Tamil in 31 cinemas in the UK and Ireland on May 12.
But out of the blue on Friday all UK cinemas stopped allowing sales of tickets from their websites and all shows were cancelled. The BBFC said: The Kerala Story is still going through our classification process.
Once the film has received a BBFC age rating and content advice, it will be available to be screened in UK cinemas.
British Indians took to Twitter, eg: Surely BBFC is not delaying as part of its
move to appease the extremists? t
Suresh Varsani, director of the movie's UK distributor 24 SEVEN FLIX4U said: It is very concerning. I gave them the film on Wednesday and there were three versions
-- Hindi, Tamil and the Malayalam version. They watched one on Wednesday and the other two Thursday. Age classification is normally done on the day. He has been emailing the BBFC since Thursday and all they keep telling him is that compliance is
reviewing it. On Friday he called them and they confirmed it won't get classified that day. I am very suspicious that they have not given a valid reason. Why do they need more time when they have had three days? I have never come across a situation like
this where a film has not been classified when it is meant to be released. USA, India, Australia and Canada and Ireland have all passed it.
Not everyone wants the movie released. OK Ki Report tweeted:
Never screen this film, it is actually made to spread mischief, its purpose is to spread hatred against Muslims for political gains.
A few worries about possible cuts to the latest Ari Aster movie
 | 12th April 2023
| Thanks to Scott See refused-classification.com |
Beau Is Afraid is a 2023 Canada/Finland/US comedy horror drama by Ari Aster Starring Joaquin Phoenix, Parker Posey and Amy Ryan
Following the sudden death of his mother, a mild-mannered but anxiety-ridden man confronts his darkest fears as he embarks on an epic, Kafkaesque odyssey back home.
Refused-classification.com reports
that on 17 March 2023, a 179-minute Australian cinema release for Ari Aster's BEAU IS AFRAID was passed with an R18+ (High impact sex) rating. On 4 April, it was resubmitted for cinema and again was rated R18+, with the same running time and consumer
advice. Refused-classification.com speculated that maybe Roadshow Films made minor cuts to the sex in the hope of securing a more commercial MA15+. Instead, the censorship was insufficient to make a difference for the Classification Board who awarded
the same rating. If this is the case, by 20 April, expect either an appeal to the Classification Review Board, more cuts in search of an MA15+ or a cut or uncut R18+ release. On 5 April, Roadshow Films received an R16 (Violence, sexual violence,
offensive language and content that may disturb) rating in New Zealand. Unlike the Australian Classification Board, their OFLC provides an exact running time of 178:50s. Meanwhile back in the UK the film has been passed 15 without BBFC cuts for
strong threat, violence, sex, drug misuse, language, nudity, injury detail. The BBFC noted a rather short sounding running time of 178:02s. There are no suggestions of BBFC cuts, but as there is a possibly a cut version knocking round then
possible this could correlate to the shorter running time. Of course it is more likely that the discrepancy is down to distributor logos or running time rounding algorithms....but if anyone know differently then please let us know. |