 | 31st March 2016
As Seth Rogen's NSFW CGI comedy Sausage Party reminds us, things like anthropomorphized food need not only exist for the delight of children See
article from highsnobiety.com |
Film banned in Malaysia for depicting gay lifestyles
 | 25th March 2016
| See article from theguardian.com
Banglasia is a 2015 Malaysia comedy by Namewee
 An irreverant comedy from the Malaysian director Namewee was banned by government film censors for promoting homosexual lifestyles, mocking troops and ridiculing national
security issues. Namewee's film Banglasia, which centres on a group of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds who find themselves forced to accept each other's differences, was banned from cinemas last year after 31 scenes were deemed
inappropriate by local censors. The Malay Mail reports that the Malaysian home ministry has published its official reasons for refusing the film a licence, in response to a written request from MP and human-rights activist Sivarasa Rasiah:
This film has a title, theme, storyline, scenes and double-meaning dialogue with implicit messages that were feared could raise controversy and public doubt, the response reads, adding that it mocked national security
issues, specifically the Lahad Datu intrusion ... ridiculed the capacity and role of security troops in maintaining peace as well as national security ... includes allegations and negative perceptions towards government agencies related to citizenship
... and accentuates negative sociocultural lifestyles such as lesbian gay bisexual transgender (LGBT).
Batman V Superman to be 30 minutes longer on R rated home video
 | 18th March 2016
| See article from
cinemablend.com |
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a 2016 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Zack Snyder. Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams.
 A great opening line in a Cinema Blend piece on the R rated version of Batman v
Superman: Dawn of Justice: Do you like movies? Do you like movies so much that you prefer for them to never end? If your answer is yes, then have we got good news for you. When Zack Snyder adds the footage that will
turn Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice from a PG-13 popcorn movie into an R-rated violence opera (ok, it's not really that bad), it's going to turn an already long film into an absolute epic, specifically by making it a full half-hour longer.
Zack Snyder explained: [The DVD version] is a half-hour longer, and some of that additional material is some of the stuff we took out for the rating. I was like, Cool, I can put it back in for the
director's cut. There was nothing by design. This was the material I just put back in, and then when [the MPAA] looked at it again, they were like, Oh, now the movie's rated R. And, by the way, it's not a hard R. There's no nudity. There's a
little bit of violence. It just tips the scale.
 | 15th March 2016
Public response to silly censor cuts to the latest James Bond film has left India's censors shaken and stirred See article from policyforum.net
Sacha Baron Cohen speaks of cuts in the US to avoid an NC-17 rating
 | 14th March 2016
| See article from collider.com |
Grimsby is a 2016 UK action comedy by Louis Leterrier. Starring Penélope Cruz, Rebel Wilson and Isla Fisher.

The BBFC asked for category cuts to achieve a 15 rating. The BBFC was a little secretive and just noted that the cuts were to a couple of scenes of crude humour. It seems that according to a video interview with Sacha Baron Cohen that
the film also suffered category cuts in the US to achieve an R rating. It seems that censors from the MPAA were convinced that an 'elephant scene' fell into the category of bestiality. (But surely bestiality would need to be cut at any level and wouldn't
be suitable at NC-17 either). Cohen says that he challenged the MPAA's definition of bestiality and also cut 6 minutes from a 9 minute scene. He suggested that the cuts were a ploy to obtain the scene he wanted and that the cut material had been
added just to be offered as cuts in negotiations. It will be interesting to see if both the US and UK cuts end up being the same version. |
The Reel Cinema in Plymouth blacks out Deadpool poster slogan
 | 6th March 2016
| 24th February 2016. See
article from northdevonjournal.co.uk |
A Devon cinema has censored the word 'ass' from posters advertising newly released superhero film Deadpool . The Reel cinema in Plymouth used black tape to censor the lines: Bad Ass, Smart Ass, Great Ass, Deadpool. One cinema goer
commented to the newspaper: I kind of think they were right to censor it, but also think it's probably overkill. Surely it's pretty tame in this day and age, but if your kids are outside queuing for Chipmunks it's a
different matter.
The article writer adds a good riposte: But Alvin and the Chipmunks, Road Chip itself features one use of the word crap and extensively uses the song Baby Got Back by Sir
Mix a lot - a track about women with large backsides.
Update: Guernsey too 6th March 2016. Thanks to wynterstwytter
Here's the view from Guernsey... |
Indian film censors require cuts
 | 6th March 2016
| See article from comicbook.com
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a 2016 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Zack Snyder. Starring Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Amy Adams.
 Indian film censors have found some 'fleeting nudie figure' that requires cuts for a
U/A rating (children admitted if accompanied by adults. DNA India quotes a source from the Board: The CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification) was very keen that the film be seen by youngsters. But some of the
content isn't completely suitable for viewing by underage audiences. While the violence is done in the spirit of a comicbook adventure, the film was rated UA (suitable for underage viewers accompanied by an adult), with just one visual cut... of a
fleeting nude figure.
For comparison, the submitted Theatrical Version was passed PG-13 by the MPAA for intense sequences of violence and action throughout, and some sensuality. In fact some material was removed to reduce
'intensity' for the PG-13 that will later be restored for an R rated Ultimate Edition. |
Complaining about the number of New Zealand censorship bodies who want paying to rate films already rated by others
 | 5th March
| See article from stuff.co.nz |
 | 1st March 2016
Sacha Baron Cohen's Grimsby See article from theguardian.com |
Court reduces rating for movie Salafistes from 18 to 16
 | 21st February 2016
| See article from enca.com |
Salafistes is a 2016 France documentary by François Margolin and Lemine Ould M Salem (as Lemine Ould Salem) Starring Michael Fassbender, Kate Winslet and Seth Rogen.
French film censors at the country's culture ministry had issued an unprecedented, and commercially unviable, 18 rating for François Margolin's Salafistes. France's 18 rating had previously been reserved exclusively for hardcore porn
films. Salafistes is a documentary featuring interviews with North African jihadists. Now a Paris court has overturned the 18 rating and replaced it with a 16 rating. The French 16 is the usual certificate awarded to the most violent mainstream
films. Director François Margolin said: They {French film censors] said that we were apologists for terrorism, that we were playing the jihadists' game. But the judges agreed that we were doing exactly
the opposite.
French cinemas refuse to show Black, a Romeo and Juliette tales set in Brussels
 | 21st February 2016
| See article from enca.com |
Black is a 2015 Belgium action drama by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah. Starring Sanaa Alaoui, Martha Canga Antonio and Aboubakr Bensaihi.
 A 15-year-old girl in a black gang in Brussels must
choose between loyalty and love when she falls for a Moroccan boy from a rival gang. The city of Brussels, plagued by high rates of youth unemployment, is home to nearly forty street gangs, and the number of young people drawn into the city's gang
culture increases each year.
A film about gangs set in the tough Brussels suburb where a jihadi cell planned the Paris terror attacks, has been pulled from French cinemas. A spokesman for Paname Distribution said:
due to the reluctance of cinemas to show Black in the current climate, we took the decision to cancel its cinematic release.
Black was a hit in Belgium despite some cinemas refusing to show it after the
violence and an over-16 certificate which its makers condemned as "unjust" given characters were mostly teenagers. France adopted the same 16 rating. Black will now be released online. |
US cinema chain overrules MPAA R rating and releases Where to Invade Next? with a 15 rating
 | 20th February
| See article from
cinemablend.com |
Michael Moore's latest film, Where To Invade Next , is a documentary journey across the globe to borrow traits from different countries for America to use. Cinema chain Alamo Drafthouse, with cinemas in 13 states, has decided to relax its R-rating policy for the film. CEO Tim League said in a statement that the company can't believe the film was ever rated R in the first place:
For the first time ever, we are relaxing our 18-and-up age policy for one film. Why? We simply don't believe Where to Invade Next should have received an R rating from the MPAA. We don't want that rating and our own
age policies to get in the way of teens and their parents seeing this film. So, for the run of the Where to Invade Next we will allow teens age 15 and up on their own...yes, it's that important.
Tim League, who is also one of the
distributors for Where To Invade Next, insisted that this decision wasn't about selling tickets. Instead, it's about making sure that young American voters get to see the film's message. Michael Moore had previously gone above and beyond in his
attempt to get Where To Invade Next's R-rating rescinded. He wanted it to receive a PG-13 so that it had a better chance to succeed at the box office. However, last year, he lost his appeal after he refused to make any cuts to the film, which the MPAA
decreed were necessary. The MPAA decided to provide Where To Invade Next with an R-rating because of its use of language, some violent images, drug use and brief graphic nudity. But Tim League decided to elaborate on these offences,
revealing that Where To Invade Next includes some use of swear words, students enjoying free college education, children eating healthy food in school, Italians on holiday, bloody violence in American prisons, and a naked German man leaving a hot tub.
Indian film censor makes 7 cuts to Deadpool even for an adults only rating
 | 17th February 2016
| 12th February 2016. See
article from timesofindia.indiatimes.com |
Deadpool is a 2016 Canada / USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Tim Miller. Starring Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano and Ryan Reynolds.

India's crazed chief censor Pahlaj Nihalani has ordered 7 cuts to Deadpool, even for an adults only A rating. He tried to pass off the ludicrous censorship as at least better than in China where the film was banned:
We have made very general cuts. If you look at what has happened to Deadpool in China, it was apparently banned because any number of cuts was seen to hamper the storyline of the film. I can assure you the cuts we've requested in no
way affect the storytelling. The CBFC cuts were:
- Mute the words: asshole, motherfucker, bitch, blowjob, touching myself, vagina, dick, cunt, ...
- Delete visuals of bullet hitting people and splitting their heads open.
- Delete visuals in love-making scene of all nudity, jerking of
bodies and double entendre
- Delete visuals of lady on a poster touching her private parts
- Delete visuals of bare bodies is a strip tease club
- Delete visuals of blood spurts in the climatic fight.
Update: Abundance of 'Fuck's allowed to remain 17th February 2016. See
article from skjbollywoodnews.com While India's Central Board Of Film
Classification (CBFC) has removed strong language like arsehole , blowjob , motherfucker , dick , cock and bitch from Deadpool , the CBFC has allowed the word fuck a free rein in the film. Censor
chief Pahlaj Nihalan explained: We were aware of the 'F' word recurring in the soundtrack. There was no way we could remove them without affecting the dialogues. The word is used like an exclamation, how we use 'Arrey'
or 'Oh Teri!' in Hindi and not as an abuse. We can't be rigid about the use of cuss words. If the 'f..' word is used repeatedly as a term of exasperation or exclamation we can't remove it from the entire film.
Deadpool film makers speak of a bar scene that was too 'offensive' for an R rating. But there will not be a Director's Cut
 | 15th February 2016
| See article from movieweb.com |
Deadpool is a 2016 Canada / USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Tim Miller. Starring Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano and Ryan Reynolds.

Uncut and R rated in the US. Banned in China
Deadpool has been rated R by the US film censors at the MPAA. Now there is little hype suggesting that the once scene in the film had to be toned down
to achieve that R rating. The director Time Miller recently held a Q&A session at a Los Angeles fan event where he offered some details on some of the things they had to cut. One particular fight has an extended version with a couple more
beats of violence that I liked, but the biggest scene they had to pare down was a bar scene. he explained: In particular, there was a bar scene that was too vulgar for even the R-rated Deadpool . That bar scene was
particularly mean and offensive to a lot of people because T.J. [Miller] and Ryan [Reynolds] got together and wrote a version of the scene that we just said, 'Oh my God, this is too far.' I mean there were so many people offended, it would have really
been - we couldn't do it. It was just mean and so I said, 'No. We don't have to do that.'
The director added that fans shouldn't expect the full version of this scene to show up on the impending Blu-ray and DVD release. T.J. Miller
added that they did get carried away with this offensive stretch of dialogue and said: We did kind of go back and forth and it just got more and more hateful. Ryan's a very, very good improvisor, and he's very funny
and, like, one of the sweetest guys. It was very... heavy duty. There were some riffs that I don't think - 'You look like a trucker took a shit on your shoulders and then shaped ears onto it.' So it's like, we're missing some of those things.
Update: 15 rated by the BBFC 2nd February 2016. See article from bbfc.co.uk The BBFC has just passed Deadpool 15
uncut for strong bloody violence, strong language, sex references for UK cinema release. Deadpool is released in UK Cinemas 10 February. Update: Director's Cut 2nd February 2016. See
article from morningnewsusa.com Director T.J. Miller revealed that there would be a Deadpool director's cut to
be released this year, which would even be more raw than what fans will see onscreen in the current US R rated/UK 15 rated theatrical version. Miller commented: [The Director's Cut's] going to be even more raw,
that's pretty heavy duty.
Update: No Director's Cut 15th February 2016. See article
from cinemablend.com Deadpool director Tim Miller was on hand for Collider's IMAX preview screening of the film, and during the Q&A there was talk about deleted material and a possible director's cut. Miller's response was that of a
compromise, as while there are some deleted scenes that are coming to the DVD and Blu-ray, his final say on a director's cut went as follows: I don't wanna be all Joss Whedon on you, but no there's not [a director's cut... There are
some deleted scenes that have some extra stuff, but I'm pretty happy with this cut. I like it.
Religious censors get court to revoke 16 rating for Lars Von Trier's film. Then they turn their attention to The Hateful Eight
 | 7th February 2016
| 5th February 2016. See article from news.yahoo.com
Antichrist is a 2009 Denmark/Germany/France/Sweden/Italy/Poland drama by Lars Von Trier. With Willem Dafoe, Charlotte Gainsbourg and Storm Acheche Sahlstrøm.
 The film was banned in France in February 2016 Promouvoir, an extremist Catholic
pressure group initiated a court case some time ago claiming that the films local 16 rating was incorrect and that the film should be restricted to adults only. The moralists won the case and the court agreed that the film is unsuitable for under 18 and
revoked the film's 16 certificate. Until the film can be re-rated, it is banned from cinema and TV. The BBFC explained some of the censorship issues when issuing an uncut 18 rating: At '18', the BBFC's Guidelines
state that the more explicit images of sexual activity are unlikely to be permitted unless they can be exceptionally justified by context and the work is not a 'sex work'. A 'sex work' is defined as a work whose 'primary purpose is sexual arousal or
stimulation'. It is clear that ANTICHRIST is not a 'sex work' but a serious drama exploring issues such as grief, loss, guilt and fear. The brief images of explicit real sex (sight of a penis penetrating a vagina during a
consensual sex scene and sight of the man's penis being masturbated to climax) are exceptionally justified, in this context, by the manner in which they illustrate the film's themes and the nature of the couple's relationship. Their relationship is
depicted throughout in a graphic and unflinching fashion, both psychologically and physically. The BBFC has permitted comparable explicit images in a number of previous features at the '18' level (eg L'EMPIRE DES SENS, 9
SONGS, SHORTBUS and Lars von Trier's earlier film, THE IDIOTS) where it has been clear that the purpose of the work - and the individual images in question - is not simply to arouse viewers but to illustrate characters, relationships and themes.
Update: Hateful moralists 7th February 2016. See article from
Buoyed by their success in getting the 16 age rating for Antichrist overturned, religious extremists at Promouvoir (Promote) are now setting their sights on Quentin Tarantino's 12 rated The Hateful Eight . The Catholic group is now
threatening to have Quentin Tarantino's new film pulled from cinemas. They claim that the film had been granted its certificate illegally . It also threatened to take action against the French teen film Bang Gang , one of the
hits of this year's Toronto film festival. The French 12 rating for Blue is the Warmest Colour was withdrawn in December 2016 over its extended lesbian scenes. This was the result of court case issued by the religious campaign group
Promouvoir (Promote). Abdellatif Kechiche's film is currently banned from cinema and TV and as the film has not yet received a revised certificate. |
 | 7th February
Film makers discuss why they chose to make it for a child friendly PG-13 rating See article from
cinemablend.com |
Strong language cut an MPAA PG-13 rating
 | 5th February 2016
| See CARA Rating Bulletin [pdf] from
filmratings.com |
The Boy and the Beast is a 2015 Japan action animation fantasy by Mamoru Hosoda. Starring Bryn Apprill, Kumiko Asô and Morgan Berry.
 Strong language has been cut differently for the dubbed and subtitled
versions for US release.
US: The dubbed version is MPAA PG-13 rated for some violence. US: The sub-titled version was PG-13 rated for some violence and language. The MPAA noted: EDITED VERSION. CONTENT IS DIFFERENT FROM PG-13 RATED DUBBED VERSION, BULLETIN NO. 2410 (2/3/16).
Summary Notes The latest feature film from award-winning Japanese director Mamoru Hosoda (Summer Wars, Wolf Children): When Kyuta, a young orphan living on the streets of Shibuya, stumbles into a
fantastic world of beasts, he's taken in by Kumatetsu, a gruff, rough-around-the-edges warrior beast who's been searching for the perfect apprentice. Despite their constant bickering, Kyuta and Kumatetsu begin training together and slowly form a bond as
surrogate father and son. But when a deep darkness threatens to throw the human and beast worlds into chaos, the strong bond between this unlikely family will be put to ultimate test-a final showdown that will only be won if the two can finally work
together using all of their combined strength and courage.
World Health Organisation calls for stupid ratings for movies to support its pet anti-smoking campaign
 | 1st February 2016
| See article from
dailymail.co.uk |
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has ludicrously called for films showing smoking to be given an adult rating. Movies showing use of tobacco products have enticed millions of young people worldwide to start smoking , the WHO claimed in a
statement. Dr Douglas Bettcher, WHO's director for the department of prevention of non-communicable diseases, added: With ever tighter restrictions on tobacco advertising, film remains one of the last channels
exposing millions of adolescents to smoking imagery without restrictions. Smoking in films can be a strong form of promotion for tobacco products.
Of course WHO is unconcerned by the effects of film censors being forced to award
blatantly stupid ratings and the effect that this would have on parents' trust and support of movie ratings. |
But don't throw your VPN away yet as censors and pixelators will surely soon get their evil way
 | 27th January 2016
| 7th January 2016. See article from techinsider.io
Netflix has surprised the tech community, and perhaps some of the world, when it announced at a CES, a US technology show, that its streaming service is now available everywhere in the world except for China, North Korea, Crimea, and Syria. And
altering its original content to some of the more censorial of the new territories is something Netflix may have to confront. So far, however, Netflix hasn't censored any of its content, Anne Marie Squeo, a Netflix spokesperson, told Tech Insider:
We're an on-demand service that allows people to choose to sign up and decide what, where and when to watch, Squeo wrote in an email to Tech Insider. The service includes ratings guides and episode synopses to help people
decide, and we also provide a PIN-code system to ensure children can't view certain content.
But Reed Hastings, the company's CEO, hasn't ruled out censoring its programming in the future. The Verge's Ross Miller asked Hastings about
the company's policy with regard to such censorship, and he didn't exactly give a straight answer: As to your question about... different versions like airplane cuts, we'll have to see and we'll have to learn, Hastings
said, according to The Verge . I think entertainment companies have to make compromises over time... the thrust of what we're trying to do is have the artistic vision be consistent through the world.
The Bangkok Post outlines some of
the issues about localised censorship requirements where the standard definition package costs 280 Baht ( £ 5.30) a month for 1 screen. While opening the doors to Thai viewers , Netflix has not added any new
Thai-language content beyond the small selection of films it already had. And while the company on Thursday added support for three new languages, Thai was not among them. Neither the website, app or subtitles are available in Thai yet. Another
significant difference Thailand viewers may not look forward to is the same type of censorship used for movies showing in Thai movie theaters. Netflix already applies censorship to movies showing in different markets around the world to adhere to
local media laws. Eg Netflix already sanitises content in Japan, pixelating full-frontal nudity seen, for example, in the Marco Polo series produced by Netflix as well as other content . In Thailand, the service could follow standard practice at
movie theaters (cinemas) by pixelating smoking, drinking and bloody violence , as well as censoring nude scenes . Update: Indonesian censors are the first to whinge about worldwide Netflix 11th January 2016. See
article from en.tempo.co
Netflix's expansion to Indonesia has agitated the Indonesian Censorship Agency (LSF). LSF Chairman Ahmad Yani Basuki, together with the agency's members, held a meeting to discuss the online streaming service. During the meeting, Ahmad said that
some of the movies provided by Netflix are not appropriate for Indonesian viewers There are some movies that we have forbid from being screened in the cinemas, Ahmad said, without mentioning the titles. Several scenes that must be cut out
from a movie before it can be screened in Indonesia include scenes that exhibit violence, gambling, drug abuse, pornography, scenes that may well lead to sectarian conflict, blasphemy, encourage criminal acts, and degrading human rights. Ahmad said too
many of the abovementioned scenes in a movie will resulted in a ban. In relation to Netflix, Ahmad underlined that Law No. 33/2009 on Movie Industry stated that movies that are going to be screened in Indonesia must first obtain a censorship
letter from LSF. On the other hand, the American-based online streaming service company is yet to file a request for censorship. Without the requirement, we will recommend the Communication and Informatics Ministry to block the service, Ahmad
said. Update: Kenyan film censors bid to censor Netflix turned down 13th January 2016. See
article from telecompaper.com
The Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) has differed with the Kenya Films and Classification Board (KFCB) over the handling of US online movie streaming service Netflix, which has launched operations in Kenya. The CA said Netflix will not be
asked to apply for a local broadcasting licence, meaning the US firm is exempt from local broadcasting censorship rules that are part of the licensing conditions. Previously KFCB had announced that the US firm would not be exempted from the
censorship law because it will be selling foreign content, adding that it had identified inappropriate programmes hosted by the on-demand service provider that are wrongly rated for children aged 13 years. Update: Vietnam is
none too impressed 15th January 2016. See article from english.vietnamnet.vn
Netflix's video-streaming service is winding up Vietnam's censorial authorities. Lawyers have apparently raised questions about the legitimacy of Netflix's service providing in Vietnam and how it would affect Vietnam's own pay-TV market. Ngo Huy
Toan, inspector of the Ministry of Information and Communication, affirmed that all foreign firms which provide services to Vietnam but do not register their business and do not have licenses are violating Vietnamese laws. Also according to Toan, the
government of Vietnam allows foreign firms to team up with Vietnamese to provide pay-TV services. However, the firms must complete business registration in Vietnam, pay tax to Vietnam and respect Vietnamese laws. Vietnam sets very restrictive
regulations on TV program content editing, translation and content censoring. This means that movies and TV shows all must go through censorship before they can be shown in Vietnam. Update: Malaysia considers censorship a
must 15th January 2016. See article from themalaymailonline.com
Netflix's movies and television series that are streamed online will still have to comply with local regulator Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commision (MCMC)'s content censorship minister Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak has said. According
to the New Straits Times (NST), Salleh told the paper that the MCMC can take action against Netflix if it makes offensive content available in Malaysia and breaches the regulator's content rules. The communications and multimedia minister said
MCMC will be asked to meet with Netflix to notify them of local content standards and their obligations. Netflix still has to meet the local regulator's content standards even if it is exempt from getting a license as an over-the-top content
application (OTT) provider like Facebook, Salleh said. Malay Mail Online reported a US-based Netflix staff as confirming that there will be no censorship of television series and movies made available here, although certain content may be
unavailable due to regional licensing restrictions. Update: Indonesian censors block Netflix 27th January 2016. See
article from cnet.com
Indonesian 's largest telco, PT Telkom Indonesia, announced that as of 12 a.m. Wednesday morning they had blocked access to the Netflix streaming service on all of its Internet platforms. Dian Rachmawan, Telkom's Director of Consumers, said the
ban was put in place due to Netflix not following the country's broadcast laws and for having violent and pornographic content. Rachmawan told Daily Social that he didn't want to ban Netflix completely from the country ...BUT... rather wants to ensure they follow local regulations.
This blocking action will not have an impact to our customers. They [Netflix] are still small here. While they are still small, we will teach them to follow the rules here.
Deadpool banned in China due to its R rated content
 | 19th January 2016
| See article from hollywoodreporter.com
Deadpool is a 2016 Canada / USA action Sci-Fi adventure by Tim Miller. Starring Morena Baccarin, Gina Carano and Ryan Reynolds.
 Based upon Marvel Comics most unconventional anti-hero,
DEADPOOL tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities
and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life.
An R rated film is not really suitable for the Chinese market, and so Deadppol was duly banned by Chinese film censors at SAPPRFT due to
its violence, nudity and graphic language. China's censorship authorities often work with Hollywood studios to create special cleaned-up cuts of R-rated movies, but sources close to the Deadpool decision say it wasn't possible to excise the
offending material without causing plot problems. |
Transgender film banned in Qatar, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait
17th January 2016
| 12th January 2016. See article from telegraph.co.uk |
The Danish Girl is a 2015 UK / Germany / USA biography by Tom Hooper. Starring Amber Heard, Alicia Vikander and Eddie Redmayne.

Qatar: Banned in January 2016 The Danish Girl has been pulled from cinemas in Qatar following online protests about the depravity of the film, which tells the story of an artist who underwent one of the world's
first gender reassignment operations. Representatives from the country's culture ministry wrote on Twitter: We would like to inform you that we have contacted the concerned administration and the screening of the
Danish film is now banned from cinemas. We thank you for your unwavering vigilance.
The film had opened in cinemas in Doha on Thursday only to be banned four days later.
Promotional Material
Based on the book by David Ebershoff, The Danish Girl is the remarkable love story inspired by the lives of Lili Elbe and Gerda Wegener, portrayed by Academy Award winner Eddie Redmayne (The Theory of Everything) and Alicia Vikander
(Ex Machina), and directed by Academy Award winner Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech, Les Misérables). Lili and Gerda’s marriage and work evolve as they navigate Lili’s groundbreaking journey as a transgender pioneer.
Meanwhile in the UK the film was passed 15 uncut by the BBFC for sexualised scenes for its cinema release Update: Censor Mob
17th January 2016. See
article from hollywoodreporter.com Elsewhere in the Middle East, sources told The Hollywood Reporter that The Danish Girl failed to
pass local censors in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Jordan and Kuwait. |
Indian film censors make substantial cuts to The Hateful Eight
 | 16th January 2016
| See article from telegraphindia.com See
article from oyetimes.com |
India's film censors have cut 1:34s of material from the cinema release of Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight. The film was given an adults only A rating after the following cuts:
- Mute all occurrences of the strong language: 'bitch', 'son of a bitch', 'whore', 'motherfucker'.
- Delete close up frontal nudity of man in snow and reduce him being dragged around by 50%
- Mute the words 'black pecker', 'Black
Johnson', 'Black Jingus' wherever they occur, particularly in dialogue about nude man.
- Delete the visuals of a blow job.
- Delete killing of Mexican with face being blown up
- Reduce killings and shootings by 50% wherever they
- Reduce puking of blood scene by 50%
- Reduce a scene of vomiting on woman's face by 50%.
- Reduce a hand chopping by 50%.
- Reduce hanging scene by 50%
The CBFC's under fire chief censor Pahlaj Nihalani did however make a point of noting that he has passed The Danish Girl with an uncut A rating, noting the worthiness of the nude scenes. There still may be hope for Indian Tarantino fans as
India's Government has been listening to appeals by film makers and there have been several recent examples where the government has overruled censor cuts in Mastizaade, Kya Kool Hain Hum 3 and Miss Teacher |
Happy Trails Hans. Magnificent Die Hard actor dies aged 69
 | 14th January 2016
| See article from bbc.co.uk |
Actor Alan Rickman, known for films including Harry Potter, Die Hard and Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, has died at the age of 69, his family has said. The star had been suffering from cancer, a statement said. He became one of Britain's
best-loved acting stars thanks to roles including Professor Snape in the Harry Potter films and Hans Gruber in Die Hard He also played a great villainous Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood Price of thieves. Both
Die Hard and Robin Hood Price of thieves are featured on Melon Farmers as they were subject to extensive BBFC cuts.
Closer to God, Phantasm's The Tall Man dies aged 89
 | 11th January 2016
| See article from en.wikipedia.org |
Angus Scrimm (born Lawrence Rory Guy was an American actor and author, best known for playing the Tall Man in the 1979 horror film Phantasm and its sequels. Scrimm stood approximately 6 feet 4 inches (1.93 m).[2] To appear even taller when
playing the Tall Man, he wore suits that were several sizes too small and platform shoes. His Phantasm role led to a steady acting career in theater and television. On January 9, 2016, he died at the age of 89 in Los Angeles. Filmography
- Sweet Kill (1973) Henry
- Scream Bloody Murder (1973) Doctor Epstein
- Jim the World's Greatest (1976) Jim's Father
- Phantasm ( 1979 ) The Tall Man
- Witches' Brew (1980) Carl Groton
- The Lost Empire (1983) Dr.
Sin Do/Lee Chuck
- Phantasm II ( 1988 ) The Tall Man
- Transylvania Twist ( 1989 ) The Tall Man
- Subspecies ( 1990 ) King Vladislas
- Mindwarp (1992) The Seer
- Munchie Strikes Back (1994) Kronas
- Phantasm III:
Lord of the Dead ( 1994 ) The Tall Man
- Wishmaster ( 1997 ) Narrator
- Phantasm IV: Oblivion ( 1998 ) The Tall Man
- The Off Season ( 2004 ) Ted
- Masters of Horror : Incident On and Off a Mountain Road (2005) Buddy
- Automatons (2006) The Scientist
- Satanic (2006) Dr. Barbary
- I Sell The Dead (2008) Doctor Quint
- Hollywood Horror (2009)
- Satan Hates You (2009) Dr. Michael Gabriel
- John Dies at the End (2012) Father Shellnut
- Always Watching: A Marble
Hornets Story (2015) uncredited cameo
- Phantasm V: Ravager (2016) The Tall Man
Rob Zombie's latest horror struggling with cuts for an R rating
 | 7th January 2016
| 26th December 2015. See article from uinterview.com
31 is a 2016 USA horror thriller by Rob Zombie. Starring Malcolm McDowell, Elizabeth Daily and Meg Foster.
 31 tells the story of five carnies in 1976 kidnapped on
the morning of Halloween and held hostage in a remote industrial Hell. While trapped, they are forced to play a violent game called 31. The mission is to survive 12 hours against an endless gang of grease-painted maniacs.
Director Rob
Zombie is running afoul of national ratings body, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), who, after reviewing two cuts of his latest movie 31 , refuse to give it anything lower than an NC-17 rating. Zombie commented:
Well, after two tries through the MPAA, our rating on 31 remains NC-17. Maybe three is the charm to get an R rating. Why R, you ask? Well, because your local theater will not show an NC-17. Even though you are a fucking adults...
things much be censored for your enjoyment. The MPAA have said the current cut of 31 features sadistic graphic violence, bizarre sexuality/nudity, pervasive disturbing images and some strong language. The film is
scheduled to premiere in January at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah, followed by a theatrical release in February or March. Update: R rating confirmed 7th January 2016. See
latest ratings [pdf] from filmratings.com
The MPAA has announced that a cut version has just been rated R for strong bloody horror violence, pervasive language, sexual content and drug use. The R rating was granted at the 3rd attempt and surely there will now be an unrated video
release to follow the cut theatrical release. |
Rana Plaza movie ban upheld on appeal to the Bangladesh Film Censor Board
 | 7th January 2016
| See article from dhakatribune.com |
Rana Plaza is a 2015 Bangladesh docu-drama by Nazrul Islam Khan With Pori Moni and Symon Sadik. Banned by the Bangladesh film censor, a decision upheld after an appeal.
Summary Review
The film is based on the tragic Rana Plaza collapse. The movie centers on garment factory worker Reshma Begum's 17-day fight to survive under the debris of Rana Plaza, a building that collapsed on April 24, 2013. Bangladesh:
Banned in 2015 The movie revealed a little too much about dire safety and working conditions in Bangladeshi factories and was subject to a series of censorship hurdles. The movie centers on garment factory worker Reshma Begum's
17-day fight to survive under the debris of Rana Plaza, a building that collapsed on April 24, 2013. On July 17 2015, the High Court got involved in the censorship process and directed the authorities concerned to delete some scenes from the film
saying they were too graphic and may have detrimental effects on public sentiment. Presumably with the cuts made, the film was cleared by the Bangladesh Film Censor Board for a premiere on September 4. But the High Court again stepped in on August
24, slapped a six-month ban on its release following a plea by the Bangladesh National Garment Workers League chief Sirajul Islam. It also stayed the censor board's clearance of the movie. The petitioner had claimed that the movie has frightening
scenes and the names of security forces were used in it, which is a violation of the law. Further legal hearings followed in September, unbanning and re-banning the film, until the government stepped in November 3 and blocked the
screening of the movie pending an appeal filed with the censor board. And in the latest step in January 2016, the Appellate Committee of the board refused to grant the film a certificate saying that the committee had found the movie not suitable
for public viewing.
US Walmart demands cover censorship and a new title for Deathgasm
 | 5th January 2016
| See article from
bloody-disgusting.com |
Deathgasm is a 2015 New Zealand comedy horror by Jason Lei Howden. Starring Milo Cawthorne, James Blake and Kimberley Crossman.

The Walmart DVD edition of Deathgasm will be changing titles to Heavy Metal Apocalypse. The artwork has also been changed, removing the pentagram and demon. The distributor is being forced to do this to get the movie into Walmart. And
since it's one of the biggest retail locations in the United States, it makes sense that they'd make this change. The movie itself is uncensored. |
That Chewie tearing an arm off is amongst the deleted scenes from Star Wars: The Force Awakens
 | 1st
January 2016
| See article from telegraph.co.uk
You might be frustrated to learn that director JJ Abrams's original cut of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was two hours and 40 minutes; over 15 minutes of footage was mercilessly chopped. But what exactly happened in the missing scenes?
... Early rumours about the plot of Star Wars: The Force Awakens suggested that we'd be seeing a bit of arm-from-socket action, courtesy of everyone's favourite Wookiee. But according to Den of Geek , the scene
in question, which took place at Maz Kanata's castle, may have been among the 20 minutes of cut footage. It does, however, feature in the new Force Awakens novel, which describes how Unkar Plutt (the Jakku dealer who tries to take
BB-8 from Rey) confronts the heroine at Maz's castle. He tries to attack her -- but before he can do anything, Chewie steps in: "Grabbing the thrusting arm, a roaring Chewbacca twisted and ripped it off at the
shoulder, throwing the dismembered limb clear across the room. Looking down at himself, Plutt let out a scream of agony as his underlings hurriedly fell back. The arm landed on a table where a group of four-armed, long-snouted Culisettos was gambling.
With an annoyed huff, one of them picked up the amputated limb and absently tossed it aside, allowing the game to resume".
...Read the full
article from telegraph.co.uk
Bangladesh film banned because the censors could not speak a local dialect
 | 1st January 2016
| See article from
globalvoices.org |
Mor Thengari (My Bicycle) is the first feature film made entirely in Chakma, an indigenous language spoken by the Chakma ethnic minority in Bangladesh. Directed by Aung Rakhine, the film centers around indigenous people, particularly the Chakma
community. However, My Bicycle will not see a commercial release inside Bangladesh because it did not make it past the country's film censor. In part, this is because the country's film industry is regulated by a censor board that only seems to have
the capacity to review Bangla and English films. However, it is likely that language was not the only barrier. Blogger Marzia Prova writes that censor certificates are only granted if the director is a member of the directors association and the
producer a member of the producers association--requirements that may not have been met because membership is often prohibitively expensive. Still others speculate that My Bicycle was censored due to its unfavourable portrayal of the army. After
the film was shown in several festivals, the armed forces took notice and lodged a 14 page long complaint that the film showed the activities of the army: The issue of armed forces rule in the hill tracts is a
sensitive issue, people may know the truth. People may discover a lot of things. It is a big problem, so stop the film.
My Bicycle was conceived of 10 years ago and finally produced by Pandolipi Karkhana, who managed to find 30
financiers. Filming began in 2012. The film tells the story of an indigenous man named Komol who is fired from a job in a city and returns to his native village with only a bicycle. Komol tries to make a living by using the bicycle to ferry passengers
and goods, but runs into trouble with others in the village. Almost 300,000 people speak Chakma language in Bangladesh. But the language is dying because it is not being used. |