Parents are not convinced by the age ratings applied to video games
 | 14th December 2012
| See article from
The majority of parents are unlikely to check video game age ratings when buying presents for Christmas, it has been revealed. New research from the Association for UK Interactive Entertainment (UKIE) shows that only 40% of parents buy games
with an age rating that the games raters think are appropriate for their children 43% said that they checked ratings but didn't necessarily stick to them, presumably because they did not agree with them. Some 59% parents buying games for
their children say they are likely to play the game with their child. UKIE CEO Dr Jo Twist said: PEGI ratings on all UK games give clear and simple guidance on the suitability of games for different age
audiences and if parents need further guidance on what these ratings mean they can visit Ask About Games. We'd urge parents to use this really helpful tool to ensure that playing games has the biggest positive impact on their
children and family as a whole this Christmas.
UK Games censors working on an online database providing additional classification information for games
 | 3rd October
| See article from
Taking an idea from the BBFC, the Game Rating Authority, the UK's new game censor, writes on its website: Additional Consumer Information (ACI) supplements the pictorial descriptor information visible on game
packaging by offering consumers rather more in the way of written, descriptive details concerning the game content. This brief, easily digestible information allows consumers to see at a glance the key issue(s) that resulted in
the rating given and, more importantly, also shows the strength and frequency of a particular rating's issue (sex, bad language, etc.). The ACI also gives a brief outline of the game in question and whether it is also playable
online with other gamers. This additional information should ensure that consumers, and parents in particular, can make informed purchasing decisions on behalf of their children.
However the games search doesn't seem to be working at
the moment.
BBFC hand over games censorship to the VSC today
 | 30th July 2012
| From bbfc.co.uk See also
article from bbc.com
From 30 July and with a few limited exceptions, the responsibility for classifying video games falls to the Video Standards Council, applying the PEGI system. The BBFC will continue to classify all games featuring strong
pornographic (R18 level) content and ancillary games attached to a wider, primarily linear submission. The BBFC will also examine and offer a determination on certain linear content in video games. This determination will help the
Video Standards Council in reaching an overall classification for the video game. The BBFC will offer a determination for linear content which does not contribute to the narrative drive of the game, whether this footage is live action or computer
generated; embedded in the game or simply contained on the game disc. Examples of such linear content include the TV material created for the GTA series; video rewards for completing certain tasks or levels within the game; or other video content which
does not contribute to the narrative drive of the video game. The BBFC will continue to classify all non-game linear content on a game disc, such as trailers and featurettes.
Game censors of the GRA to take over from the BBFC on the 30th July 2012
 | 11th July 2012
| See article from
The much-delayed implementation of PEGI as the sole UK video game rating system is now expected to come into force on July 30. Games will be more or less self rated using PEGI age classifications of 7,12,16 and 18, along with comments about
the type of content. The Games Rating Authority (GRA), a division of the Video Standards Council (VSC), will oversee the ratings process, with powers to ban and censor where necessary. Meanwhile Resident Evil 6 may be one of the last major
games to obtain a BBFC certificate. (The cover is already sporting a PEGI rating on advance publicity pictures). See article from
bbfc.co.uk Resident Evil 6 was passed 18 uncut for strong violence and gore. The game boasts 255:00s of video footage or cut scenes.
More from Laurie Hall on games censorship under the GRA
 | 27th June 2012
| See article from
The Games Rating Authority, a part of the Video Standards Council, will take over video games censorship from the BBFC next month. The group will use PEGI ratings and symbols, as used across Europe, eg age restrictions will be set at 12, 16 and 18.
The PEGI ratings have been used for sometime on games not featuring realistic video but now they will be used for all games. Laurie Hall is the director general of the Video Standards Council, the organisation that handles the PEGI rating
process in the UK. For clarity sake the Video Standards Council will use the name Games Rating Authority for its new role. The new mantra for the GRA will be: Games aren't just for kids. Be responsible . For Hall, the real problem is with
parents not realising that games content can now be every bit as graphic as anything in a movie. A lot of parents wouldn't allow their 12-year-old to watch an '18'-rated film, Hall agrees: But play an '18'-rated game? They're more inclined to.
We've got to get the message across. PEGI is stricter than the BBFC, insists Hall somewhat censorially: We're not ashamed of that at all, because the methodology of rating films is not appropriate for rating games. Games and films
are totally different And with the enthusiasm of a new censor, he stresses: We will have the power to ban a game in the UK. And he outlines the process for banning games, that he considers transparent, fair and legally tight, and which
required the Government's approval. An Appeals Panel has been set-up, chaired by Baroness Kennedy, a barrister. And beyond that, there's an Expert Advisory Panel, comprising Tanya Byron, media violence specialist Dr Guy Cumberbatch, and Geoffrey
Roberston QC. Hall explains: Why we set up the Expert Advisory Panel is the ability to ban a game under the law is very complex - it's an expert matter. We can only ban something if it is likely to cause harm to
the viewer or society in general. You interpret that! The Panel will not be making the decision - what they will do is advise the designated officers of the factors they must consider in reaching their decision. It was put in
place to make sure if a banning decision ever was made it was as watertight as it possibly could be.
Provisional date set for BBFC to hand over censorship duties for video games
 | 13th June 2012
| See article from
An update from games trade body UKIE says than pan-European PEGI games ratings will become law on July 23rd. This is still a provisional date though. From that date retailers could face prosecution or a fine if selling video games with PEGI
ratings 12, 16 and 18 to those under those ages. The PEGI rating system will be administered by the Games Rating Authority, the name for a group operating as part of the Video Standards Council.
31st May | | |
VSC announces that it is finally set to take over video game censorship from the BBFC
| From gamepolitics.com
The Video Standards Council announced this morning that the Department for Culture Media & Sport (DCMS) has confirmed their intention to appoint the organization as the regulator for rating games in the United Kingdom using the PEGI system used for
the rest of Europe. The DCMS has informed the UK Parliament of their intentions. Laurie Hall, Director-General of the VSC said: This news is very welcome and gives us the mandate to undertake the role of statutory
video games regulator in the UK. It is role that we will relish and which will ensure that children and younger people are protected and kept safe from inappropriate video games. It has been a long and arduous task to arrive at
this point and we thank all those involved in helping to establish PEGI as the legally recognised system. All the necessary administrative and technical systems are in place and we are simply awaiting confirmation of when we can officially start. The VSC
has been rating video games since 1994. We will use our wealth of skill and experience to good effect in our new role as the national video games regulator.
No official date has been set but July this year has been mentioned several
times. Update: New Rules 21st May 2012. From gamepolitics.com The Video Standards Council (VSC) has issued a press release announcing details on how the PEGI ratings system will work in the United Kingdom.
Video games rated PEGI 3 and 7 will remain advisory, but games in higher rating categories, PEGI 12, 16 and 18 will become mandatory and enforceable under the law. Games rated under these categories cannot be sold to individuals below
the age-restriction shown on the packaging. If retailers sell games to an individual who is not in the prescribed age group, it may result in heavy fines or, in severe cases, even imprisonment. The VSC notes that these rules apply to online
retailers as well as high street stores. (In the past PEGI ratings have been advisory, but BBFC ratings have already been mandatory with the banking of criminal sanctions). Since PEGI and VSC are not enforcement agencies, they will pass on any
reported breaches of the law to Trading Standards Officials, who will handle prosecutions. Games featuring the depiction of real sex will still be classified by the BBFC. The new rules are not retrospective and do not apply to games sold
under the previous rules. Update: New Name 31st May 2012. See Games Rating Authority from
The Video Standards Council (VSC) has updated its website with a fair amount of information about the organisations impending role as games censors. The Video Standards Council will use a separate operating name for this new role, namely the
Games Rating Authority. And of course it has splashed out on a new logo. |
27th April | |
| UK video games now reported to be exclusively using PEGI ratings from July 2012
| From thegamershub.net
Nearly three years ago, PEGI was selected to be the organisation to rate videogames, and passed into law in 2010 as part of the Digital Economy Bill, but due to issues behind-the-scenes its full implementation has been delayed. Now Dr. Jo Twist
UKIE, the UK trade group representing the video game industry, said: Our next major campaign launches this summer to promote PEGI and to demystify video games to parents. This campaign will
launch when PEGI is finally implemented. PEGI is indeed progressing and the latest estimated implementation date is this July.
11th April | | |
| The adoption of PEGI ratings for computer games now delayed until July 2012 See
article from gamesindustry.biz |
26th February | | |
Keith Vaz has a parliamentary knock at PEGI games ratings
| See article from
Keith Vaz has been casting doubt on PEGI ratings suggesting that these require further government scrutiny As usual Vaz has voiced his concerns via an Early Day Motion 2761 in Parliament saying: That this House notes that:
Tiga, the trade body representing independent UK video games developers, has come out in support of targeted tax relief for the games industry; encourages tax relief for small and medium-sized
enterprises for its role in generating and safeguarding jobs, especially in these current difficult times; remains concerned that regulation of the video games industry is lacking in comparison to other industries; is anxious
that the Pan European Game Information (PEGI) classification of video games is taken as seriously as the British Board of Film Classification by both retailers and shoppers; wishes the public was more aware of the risks to
children and young adults; and calls on the Government to place more scrutiny on the PEGI classification system.
The only signature supporting the motion so far is sponsor Mike Hancock.