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Update: On the Twelfth Day of Christmas My True Love Sent to Me...

One Million Moms a Whining

Link Here 13th December 2013
Full story: One Million Moms...Moralist whingers against anything sexy
The US moralist campaign group One Million Moms has had a whinge about the TV show Glee featuring a sexy shirtless male Santa. The group whines:

Unfortunately not all Christmas TV features are wholesome entertainment. Glee 's previously Never Aired Christmas episode should have stayed just that and remained unaired, considering it was complete with a bisexual Santa, transgender Virgin Mary and its fair share of drunkenness.

Other religions do not tolerate this behavior and as Christians we will not either. Why any producer or network feels mocking a sacred and religious holiday where Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ is acceptable is beyond me. GLEE should not and will not get a free pass to make a joke of Christmas.

Last week's episode went too far. The mockery of the Christmas story was blasphemous and an abomination. The show featured the transgender student, Unique, portraying the Virgin Mary in their high school's nativity scene and acts out giving birth to the baby Jesus. The doll representing Jesus wore a sequin diaper and was thrown from singer to singer while they sang Love Child, Never Meant to be. Baby Jesus is tossed around like a rag doll and shown no respect.

In another scene, a bisexual Sexy Santa, gets two female characters and the show's gay male character drunk before robbing them blind - all this after making out with and tying the male character up in bed. These same females in a previous scene are elves at the local mall and tell kids to ask for mobile devices they could download porn on while wearing skimpy elf costumes.

Glee is not a late-night program and is rated TV-14 DLSV. While it currently airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/ 8 p.m. CT on FOX, in February it will be moving to Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT - well before many children's bedtimes



Offsite Article: Radio prank expands Australia's TV censor's remit...

Link Here10th December 2013
A radio prank that lead to tragic consequences may end up expanding Australia's broadcast authority's powers. By Helen Clark

See article from



One Million Moms Recommend...

New US TV horror on NBC, Dracula

Link Here17th November 2013
US moralist campaigners, One Million Moms are hyping a new US TV horror drama, Dracula. The group writes:

Warning! NBC's new program Dracula airs on Friday evenings at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 p.m. CT with a TV-14-SV rating. The gory series will air on weekends when children and teens usually stay up later. Not only is this show extremely violent, but it also includes a high level of sexual content that should be considered pornographic material.

NBC's website describes the series with words like sex, style, mystery and adventure. Even the previews included several brief clips of sex scenes that would be considered soft porn. This program is entirely too graphic in too many ways.

Previews of this program also included: terrifying screams, a rotted corpse, death, murder, a woman burned alive while tied to a stake, spirits, satanic and occult elements, homosexual content, tons of blood (mostly on Dracula's face and victim's necks) and other gore, including decapitated heads in boxes and pools of blood.

Please send an email letter to the sponsors of this week's episode of Dracula . This week's national sponsors were: Chili's (Brinker), Olive Garden, L'Oreal, Revlon, JELL-O (Kraft Foods) and Rolaids (Chattem). Urge advertisers to place the program on their do not advertise list in protest of the attempt to desensitize America and our children by promoting inappropriate content.



Parents TV Council recommends...

Family Guy

Link Here17th November 2013
Full story: Family Guy...TV programme found not so family friendly
US morality campaigners have called for the censorship of a family Guy episode:

It is a violation of Federal Law for broadcasters to air indecent material on the publicly-owned airwaves when children are likely to be in the viewing audience.

Yet that is EXACTLY what the Fox Broadcast Network (not to be confused with Fox News) did this past Sunday, November 10th, with its most recent episode of Family Guy.

The network brags to its advertisers that Family Guy is #1 with Teens ...and because it is a cartoon, the show is watched by tens of thousands of young children every week.

What were children exposed to on Sunday's episode of Family Guy? Unbelievably vile sexual content -- including jokes about child molestation, exploitation, rape, and the sexualized use of food and the perverse internal defrosting of frozen hot dogs.

Beyond the repugnant sexual content, the overall theme of the episode is that it is humorous for a boy to bully and beat up a girl.

This episode aired at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT -- only 8 p.m. in the Central/Mountain time zones.



A Kid's Prophecy...

Child's remark about solving the US debt crisis by killing all the Chinese causes 'outrage'

Link Here11th November 2013
As some American Chinese continued their protests over a supposedly offensive TV show, US broadcaster ABC has published an Open apology declaration and promised not to let it happen again.

ABC apologised for a 'mistake' in airing the talk show and promised to permanently delete all related content and cancel the Kids table talk show element of the program.

In Jimmy Kimmel Live aired on October 16, Jimmy Kimmel asked the kids about what to do with the huge debt owing to China. One boy replied, Kill everyone in China. Jimmy commented that it was an interesting idea.

Analysts said Jimmy Kimmel was wrong for not stopping the comment and for failing to explain to the kids that it was not the right notion.

The program sparked 'outrage' and protests from the Chinese communities. Protests were held in cities, including New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, demanding a formal apology from ABC and Kimmel's dismissal.



Update: Tit for Tat...

Afghan clerics refuse to condemn suicide bombing unless TV is censored more

Link Here27th October 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in Afghanistan...Afghanistan TV, an unsuprising target for censors
Afghanistan's muslim Ulema Council claims that  immoral shows on television pose a greater danger to the country than do suicide bombers.

The spokesman of the council, Faroq Husseini, warned that if immoral shows were not prevented the clerics would not denounce suicide attacks any more.



Runner Bean...

Philippines film and TV censors get wound up by Mr Bean on daytime TV

Link Here22nd October 2013
The Philippines Movie and Television Review and Classification Board called the attention of a television network after it aired on daytime a show that exposed the main character's behind.

MTRCB chairman Eugenio Toto Villareal said in an interview with Radyo Inquirer that they were shocked as the board's monitoring and inspection unit saw a nude Mr. Bean running in a corridor in its Monday morning episode that was shown on ABS-CBN.

What alarmed the MTRCB was the situation comedy Mr. Bean starring British actor Rowan Atkinson, was aired in the daytime:

We were shocked by the scene where Mr. Bean came running through a corridor only using a signage [board] to cover his private parts. Few minutes later, he exposed his behind.

We have always reminded the networks that the television hours 6 a.m to 9 p.m. are safe harbor periods for child viewers.

The MTRCB, on Twitter, asked ABS-CBN to explain buttocks exposure scene in Mr. Bean daytime episode yesterday.



Update: Pleasant Goat and the Big Bad Propaganda State...

Chinese cartoon censors roll out more propaganda requirements

Link Here15th October 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in China...TV censors SARFT
Chinese cartoon Pleasant Goat and the Big Big Wolf has kicked off another round of ever more repressive censorship.

China's State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television called out the popular cartoon , which made headlines earlier this year for episodes containing supposedly violent scenes, and the regulator said in a statement that it plans to outline new content standards for TV animation to address violent programming content.

According to China's official Xinhua news agency, under the proposal, cartoons should promote good and lash out at evil, advocate social morality and family virtues, and resist egoism, money worship, hedonism, superstition, pseudoscience and contents containing harmful thoughts and bad habits. It also said cartoons should avoid violent scenes, including depictions of attacks that children could easily imitate, and should not use daily necessities for dangerous purposes. More In Animation



Too Blue for TV...

Taiwan TV leaves nothing to chance in censoring cartoon nipples

Link Here8th October 2013
When Japanese anime Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic was broadcast late last year and earlier this year, one of its characters, a magical being named Paimon , had exposed breasts and pierced nipples.

The somewhat surprising thing is that this appeared in a show that was broadcast in Japan at 5pm

The same anime is apparently now being shown in Taiwan, but according to Twitter user Noku13456 , when Paimon appears on screen, there's a huge sign that reads censored or banned .

Perhaps a bit of an overkill.



Offsite Article: Morality Trip...

Link Here22nd September 2013
Assistant DA for Austin, Texas whinges about the incredibly popular Breaking Bad TV series, just as the 5th and final season is about to wrap up

See article from



Offsite Article: Yippee-ki-yay Mr Falcon...

Link Here12th September 2013
when swearing gets censored on TV. Five of the best examples of child-friendly censorship of sweary film dialogue

See article from



All Day Children's Hour...

Australian commercial TV calls for an end to the TV watershed citing unfair competition from the internet and pay TV

Link Here10th September 2013

Free TV is an industry body which represents all of Australia's commercial free-to-air television licensees. The body has now made a call to scrap the TV watershed citing that it gives an unfair advantage to competing internet TV.

In a submission to the Australian Communication and Media Authority, Free TV Australia says the restrictions on what can be shown during children's viewing hours have become irrelevant with adult material available to any home at any time through the internet or pay TV.

It has called for the removal on time zone restrictions which it says are out-dated and put free-to-air broadcasters at a disadvantage.

Free TV Australia says while the protection of children remains an enduring concept, there are now more effective tools to protect children, including parental locks.

But the South Australian Attorney-General John Rau says any change to the times when adult material can be screened would be:

Well out of line with community expectations. As a parent, I would be appalled if my children were exposed to programming that displayed

I believe it is unrealistic to expect parents to monitor every single program that their children watch on television, particularly during school holidays.



Update: Blurred Thinking...

Indian censor dictates that music videos objectifying women have to be kidified for TV

Link Here7th September 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in India...India considers the regulation of TV for adults
Bollywood songs and dance numbers featuring sexily dressed women displaying supposedly vulgar moves have been ordered to be pixellated or blurred on television. The Central Board of Film Censorship (CBFC) says that scenes 'objectifying' women or displaying them suggestively will have to be blurred or pixellated.

The censorship has started with Tu Bhi Mood Mein , a playful raindance number from Indra Kumar's soon-to-bereleased adult comedy Grand Masti . The song is now being aired on music channels with pixels covering 'objectionable' parts of the images. The uncensored promos of the film have gone viral on YouTube.

CBFC chief censor Pankaja Thakur explained:

Songs that are moderate in content are acceptable to the TV audience but the board is careful when it comes to something that is either too vulgar or inappropriate. Special instructions are thus given for toning down such songs,

According to directives of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, films with A certification (Adults only) have to be re-certified for TV viewing by the censor board. For this reason, the A-certified Grand Masti has been scrutinised for TV viewing.



Update: Censored Horizons...

Thai TV serial causes religious offence and has to be censored

Link Here2nd September 2013
Full story: Thai TV Censorship...Kissing and catfights make the news whilst booze and fags are blurred
A TV station in Thailand has agreed to allow government-approved 'Islamic experts' to censor the script for a TV serial after a small but vocal Muslim group whinged that the show 'misrepresents' their religion.

The soap opera Fah Jarod Sai (Desert Horizon) stars Thai actors in a romantic melodrama portraying an imaginary Arab-style royal officer who falls in love with a girl who is half-Thai, half-French, in a fantasy kingdom named Hinfara.

On August 22, a small, outspoken Bangkok-based group, Muslims for 'Peace', demanded Channel 7 cancel the series.

On August 24, in response, Channel 7's executives met Thailand's Muslim leader Aziz Phitakkumpon, who is the Chularatchamontri or State Counselor for Islamic Affairs, which is an advisory position approved by the prime minister and appointed by the king.

The Muslims for 'Peace' presented their complaint to Channel 7, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Ministry, and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC).  The Muslims for Peace's petition claimed:

We are afraid that the lakhorn [soap opera] could eventually have large-scale and unpredictable effects on Muslims if the ICT Ministry and the NBTC do not cancel Fah Jarod Sai.

Apparently the complainants felt that it was misleading to show the Muslim religion allowing its believers to be cruel to women and children.

The station had already broadcast four episodes and had eight remaining episodes. These last episodes will now be censored prior to broadcast.



Blurred Thinking...

The world mocks Thailand for censoring swimming costumes in TV anime

Link Here15th August 2013
Ludicrous TV censorship in Thailand has again come under fire after a blogger posted blurred out content in scenes from Japanese cartoons, or animes, broadcast by MCOT Channel 9.

The blogger wrote his posting in a Japanese news website on Aug 9, including in it a video clip and two images. The posting went viral and has been attracting attention from many online communities.

In the video clip, female characters from the Sailor Moon animation series have their swimsuits blurred out. The girl Shisuka in the popular Doraemon cartoon also has her swimwear edited in the same way, while another picture portrays a young Son Goku from the classic Dragon Ball Z anime with his chest censored as his clothes are ripped apart during a transformation.

The blogger pointed out that many viewers do not think about anything inappropriate when they watch cartoons. However, when censorship is applied it makes audiences assume that there is something unsuitable on screen and brings the content to their attention.



Update: Janet Jackson's Malfunctioning Wardrobe Not Yet Lain to Rest...

FCC reveals that, by a majority of 1000 to 1, consultation responses called for a continued policy of fining broadcasters for fleeting nudity and strong language

Link Here 5th August 2013
Full story: FCC TV Censors...FCC wound up by nudity and fleeting expletives

The Parents Television Council (PTC) has issued a press release commenting on the FCC proposal to end fines for broadcasting fleeting strong language and nudity like Janet Jackson's 'wardrobe malfunction'.

The PTC President Tim Winter wrote in a press release:

The FCC asked for the public's comment, and they got it. By a margin of nearly 1,000 to 1, the American public told the FCC to enforce existing broadcast indecency law, and not to weaken it. The only question now before the FCC is whether to heed or disregard the public's comments that they, themselves, asked for.

The broadcast networks and their agents continue to cloud the issue at hand by arguing against the very existence of the broadcast indecency law. They are trying to re-litigate the Supreme Court cases that they lost, rather than focus on the FCC's proposal to focus only on 'egregious' instances of indecency.

It is essential for the FCC to remember whose interest it is that they are mandated by Congress to serve. The sheer volume of public comments -- over 102,000 comments that were individually filed by individual Americans, and were roughly 1,000 to 1 in favor of keeping existing indecency standards -- speaks louder than the broadcast networks that want to dismantle the law.

The American people have spoken. We call on the FCC to hear and to heed the public's overwhelming support for the existing broadcast indecency law. And we call on the Commission to reject the proposed change to the law as crafted by its outgoing and now-departed chairman.



Testing Positive for Performance Enhancing Prayers...

Irish radio station told to be more sensitive when mocking religion

Link Here27th July 2013

New Year's Eve Countdown Concert
RTE Radio 1, 31 December 2012

This magazine programme included a satirical review of the year's events with impressionist and comedian Oliver Callan who at one point impersonated the boxer Katie Taylor. His impersonation of Katie Taylor went as follows:

I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for Jesus Christ and God and Marty Morrissey, they've been my inspiration, and you know I came over a lot of adversity, there was a lot of talk about how I tested positive for performance-enhancing prayers, then there was the whole business about the wine being found in me urine sample but thank God, with the help o' God it turned out to be the blood of Christ so, em, I'll be fine and I encourage all people in 2013 if you want your dreams to come true, you know, you can always, em, put faith in the Good Book. My Olympic Dream is out now in all good book stores and Easons, €12.99. I'll sign it for an extra two quid.

A priest objected to what he describes as the blasphemous reference in this programme to the Blood of Jesus being found in Katie Taylor's urine.

The Decision of Compliance Committee found:

  • The Committee noted that the trans-substantiation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus is considered a central tenet of religious belief for Irish Catholics. Therefore, particular care is required where it is referred to in a programming other than in a religious context. For this reason, it was the view of the Committee that some listeners may have found the item offensive and a greater sensitivity to this source of offence than that shown in this item would have been desirable.
  • However, having had regard to the programme about which the complaint was made, it was the Committee's view that it had been used in a humorous and playful manner in a comedy section of a New Year's Eve radio programme. The Committee noted that the target of the comedy was Katie Taylor rather the religious symbols of Christianity and while this part of the comedy feature could be considered as being in poor taste and potentially offensive to some listeners on religious grounds, it was its view that the item would not cause undue offence, contrary to the Code of Programme Standards.



Update: Exploiting Sexualisation...

Parents TV Council claims that teenage girls are being exploited on US TV

Link Here11th July 2013
Full story: Parents TV Council...US moralists whinge at TV sex and violence

New 'research' from morality campaigners of the Parents Television Council's 4 Every Girl Campaign claims that teenage female characters on primetime broadcast television are more likely to be presented in sexually exploitative scenes than adult women, and the appearance of underage female characters in a supposedly sexually exploitative scene increased the probability that the scene would be presented as humorous.

Study results revealed that out of 238 scripted episodes which aired during the study period, 150 episodes (63%) contained sexual content in scenes that were associated with females and 33% of the episodes contained sexual content that rose to the level of what the PTC see as sexual exploitation.

Topics that targeted teenage girls and were presented as humorous included: sexual violence, sex trafficking, sexual harassment, pornography, and stripping.

PTC President Tim Winter claimed:

The frequency with which viewers are able to watch and laugh at these sexually exploitative situations supports the notion that entertainment media is creating an environment that encourages and even facilitates the sexualization of women. When we laugh about dead hookers, it becomes increasingly difficult to see the mistreatment of sex workers as a national civil and human rights issue. The same can be said for child molestation or sex trafficking.

The prevalence of images that trivialize sexual exploitation can be interpreted as sanctioning the sexualization of women. When these messages, images and ideologies are delivered via mass media, the definition of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors are communicated both implicitly and explicitly to viewers. Similarly, when the media associates humor with sexual exploitation they are sending a strong message that these issues are harmless and require neither urgency nor a strong response.

We hope that these disturbing findings will spur concern, increased dialogue, and a collective responsibility to find answers that will result in a qualitative difference in the lives of young girls and women everywhere.



Update: Free TV...

US TV Networks ask that state censorship via the FCC's indecency standards, should be dropped

Link Here26th June 2013
Full story: FCC TV Censors...FCC wound up by nudity and fleeting expletives

Last week, ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC each filed individual requests to the US TV censors of the FCC asking for the removal of government-regulated indecency standards.

According to

It is a violation of federal law to air indecent programming or profane language during certain hours. Congress has given the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) the responsibility for administratively enforcing these laws, the FCC's website continues. The FCC may revoke a station license, impose a monetary forfeiture or issue a warning if a station airs obscene, indecent or profane material.

In response to the current laws, the major TV networks expressed their desires to overturn the restrictions of the FCC's indecency standards.

FOX said:

The FCC should affirm that it has no right to deny broadcasters the same First Amendment protections enjoyed by every other medium of communication,

NBC added:

Broadcast TV is not a uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of 21st century Americans.



Offsite Article: Planes, Thrones and Sex Scenes...

Link Here18th June 2013
The ethics of watching Game of Thrones on the plane

See article from



Update: A Date with the Censor...

Russian state TV pulls show daring to joke about Putin's divorce

Link Here10th June 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in Russia...Russian TV censors easily wound up

Russian state television has pulled a show over a joke about President Vladimir Putin's surprise divorce announcement..

The youth-oriented television show called The Social Network recorded a satirical item about Putin putting up a profile on an online dating site. The programme's co-host Vladislav Sorokin wrote on Facebook:

We made a video item about photos of Putin for (dating site). They took the whole programme, all of it, off air entirely.

We'll work till our contract ends on June 30 and then so long.



Sharp Comment...

Comic reference to Woolwich terrorists on Dutch TV leads to a few 'outraged' tweets

Link Here28th May 2013
Full story: Terrorist Attack in Woolwich...Terrorist attack and its censorship consequences

Actors were briefly shown vaguely waving bloody knives and cleavers like killers Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale. This occurred as a a throwaway reference to the UK in a spoof of the Eurovision Song Contest.

A spoof compere was doing the rounds interviewing people sitting at tables representing a few European states. When he approached the UK table he asked those sitting there to wave to the camera. They were shown to be holding knives as per the Woolwich terrorist. The compere then pretended to run away screaming.

The show was Saturday night's Langs de Leeuw show on Holland's publicly-owned VARA channel. The same programme caused 'ourtrage' last week with a presenter sampling breast milk direct from a participant.

The latest sketch sparked a little 'outrage' from Dutch viewers via the inevitable Twitter.

Niet Mohammed wrote: Has Paul de Leeuw no shame?

DCorleone59 added: For almost 400,000 euros a year, Paul de Leeuw makes fun of the brutal killing of Lee Rigby.

Edin Mujagic wrote: Someone killed with a machete is NOT, I repeat NOT funny!



Betting 2/1 On that Everything Will be Banned from TV by 2020...

Australian Government speaks of proposal to ban Live betting odds from TV

Link Here 27th May 2013

Australia has unveiled plans to ban television and radio broadcasts of betting odds during live sports matches.

Gambling advertisements will no longer appear during live events and around sporting venues, the government said. Gillard told a press conference:

From the moment that the players step onto the field, to the moment that they leave the field, there will be no live odds.

The broadcasting industry is expected to submit a revised code to Australia's media watchdog reflecting the changes.

Under the new rules, advertisements would only be allowed before or after a game, or during a scheduled break in play, such as quarter-time and half-time.



Update: Vulgar Censorship...

India bans Comedy Central 10 days for supposedly vulgar and obscene content

Link Here26th May 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in India...India considers the regulation of TV for adults

Comedy Central has been banned for ten days for airing supposedly obscene and vulgar words and being derogatory to women.

Stating multiple clauses that the channel has breached, the I&B Ministry asked Comedy Central to go off air from May 25 till June 4 for a comedy broadcast during Stand Up Club and Popcorn programmes on May 26 and July 4 last year.

The order issued by Delhi High court claimed that the programme showed a stand up comedian mouthing supposedly vulgar words accompanied by obscene and suggestive gestures and gyration.

Jokes during his performance supposedly denigrated women, indecently and crudely referred to sex organs of men-and women and the sing-song rendition by the man sought to pornographically describe male lust, whilst depicting women as a commodity of sex.

The second case was an episode from the reality show titled Popcorn wherein members of the Comedy Central crew are seen playing pranks on the general populace. In this case, one of the Comedy Central crew members was seen mimicking the act of intercourse with a set of dummy legs, in different locations.

Update: Ban stayed

28th May 2013. See  article from

A division bench of the Delhi High Court has stayed an order of the information and broadcasting (I&B) ministry that prohibited transmission and re-transmission of the television channel, Comedy Central.

The HC bench stayed the order after hearing Sujeet Jain, executive vice-president, of Viacom, who had challenged the ban.



Indecently Moral...

Parents TV Council launches #NoIndecencyFCC week to maintain TV censorship of fleeting nudity or strong language

Link Here7th May 2013

US morality campaigners of the Parents Television Council have launched #NoIndecencyFCC Week, May 6-10. They are hoping to encourage moralists to file public comments to the FCC's proposal to limit broadcast indecency complaints.

PTC President Tim Winter said:

We are focusing on #NoIndecencyFCC to let the FCC know that we consider its proposal to limit broadcast indecency complaints extremely troublesome. Only pursuing so-called 'egregious' complaints from the public about indecent TV or radio content will lead to broadcasters pushing the decency limits even further -- including the airing of nudity or harsh profanity when millions of children are in the audience.

Federal law limits the broadcast of indecent material to the times of day when kids are much less likely to be in the audience, making no distinction for 'egregious' instances. Either material is legally indecent or it is not, and the 'egregious' nature of violating the law should only dictate the punishment a broadcaster faces for breaking that law. It is unnecessary for indecent content to be repeated many times in order to be actionable, and it is unwise for the FCC to pursue a new course that will guarantee nothing but a rash of new litigation.

We are encouraging the public to share its concern with the FCC in a public comment by the deadline of May 20. To date, over 90,000 public comments have been filed, most of them expressing outrage that the FCC would even consider such a proposal.

If this proposal is adopted, the greatest harm will fall upon our children and grandchildren, who already face waves of explicit content when they use the airwaves of which they, too, are co-owners. The FCC proposal erodes a parent's recourse for broadcast decency enforcement and, instead, cedes control of our airwaves entirely to the entertainment industry. It's time to say #NoIndecencyFCC!

The PTC is also encouraging people to take to Twitter using the #NoIndecencyFCC hashtag.



Offsite Article: Blachman...

Link Here3rd May 2013
Daily Mail has fun with a TV show where 2 men discuss the naked body of a woman standing in front of them

See article from



Tit for Propaganda Tat...

Chinese TV can only air in Taiwan if China reciprocates

Link Here1st May 2013

China's international news propaganda channel is looking to expand into Taiwan. But local authorities have given a strict requirement that CCTV can only be aired in the country if Taiwan's Central News Agency (CNA) is allowed to air freely in China.

Air freely is a pretty tough sell to Chinese authorities, and CCTV-style censored stories don't exactly resonate with the Taiwanese, as South China Morning Post reports:

If the mainland grants our television channels landing rights, then yes, we have basis for discussion but if the other side does not allow us landing rights, then unfortunately, we have no basis for discussion, Lung [Taiwanese Culture Minister] said on the sidelines of a Legislative Yuan committee hearing.



Surely There Can't be Anything Left to Ban...

Afghan clerics ask for televised drama to be banned

Link Here25th April 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in Afghanistan...Afghanistan TV, an unsuprising target for censors

Afgahanistan's President Hamid Karzai has ordered further censorship of supposedly un-Islamic and obscene televisions shows in response to lobbying by the country's religious council.

Karzai told the culture ministry to block programs which are vulgar, un-Islamic, obscene and violate social morality, and Islamic morality , according to a statement from his Council of Ministers.

It said the move follows a request from the religious council to ban televised drama seen as promoting vice and prostitution.

There doesn't seem to be any details of the type of programmes which might be banned as a result of the order.



Update: Censored Conspiracy Theory...

Family Guy episode pulled off the internet due to being linked to the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon

Link Here17th April 2013
Full story: Family Guy...TV programme found not so family friendly

A Family Guy Episode at Center of Boston Marathon Conspiracy Theory has been pulled from the Web by Fox.

It all started when some heartless troll saw fit to combine two disparate parts from a single episode of Family Guy to make it appear as through Peter is using a cellphone to remotely detonate two explosive devices, thereby securing his victory in the Boston Marathon. In actuality, the two scenes occur many minutes apart from each other and belong to two unrelated gags.

Alex Jones, never one to bother with facts that get in the way of his conspiratorial ravings, presented the doctored clip to his readers as proof that the media knew in advance about the government's plans to bomb the Boston Marathon in order to generate a convenient excuse to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security.


But now it seems that someone is going to great lengths to censor the episode and remove it from the internet. The Episode is Turban Cowboy , Season 11 Episode 15.



State Censorship...

Ireland's TV censor looks to ban news presenters from stating their opinions

Link Here11th April 2013

Ireland's TV censor has proposed controversial new censorship rules for television and radio stations.

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) has proposed a new code governing news and current affairs. It introduces a ban on presenters from stating their personal view on air. Another proposal to establish a register of financial interests of presenters has been put on hold by the BAI due to legal difficulties.

In a submission to the BAI, TV3 accused the broadcasting censor of attempting to extend Draconian controls over the media:

The State now seeks through its regulator to control content on channels it does not own, limiting news and current affairs programming to arid lists of facts

It prevents non-State broadcasters from having a different view from the State and thereby restricts essential roles of media as watchdog, as court of public opinion and as provider of informed analysis. At best this is unnecessary 'regulatory creep', more harshly it could be called state censorship.

TV3 said if such a code was introduced in countries like Russia or China it would be regarded as an attack on free media.



Update: Bad Language...

US TV censor bins 70% of queued complaints and reconsiders its censorship of fleeting nudity and strong language

Link Here2nd April 2013
Full story: FCC TV Censors...FCC wound up by nudity and fleeting expletives

After the US Supreme Court's decision in FCC v. Fox Television Stations in September 2012, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has initiate a review of the Commission's broadcast indecency policies and enforcement to ensure they are fully consistent with First Amendment principles.

In the interim, the Chairman directed the Enforcement Bureau to focus its indecency enforcement resources on egregious cases and to reduce the backlog of pending broadcast indecency complaints.

The Bureau has reduced the backlog by 70% so far, more than one million complaints, principally by binning them on the grounds that it had taken so long to process them that they were too stale to pursue.

The FCC now seek comments on whether the full Commission should make changes to its current broadcast indecency policies or maintain them as they are.

Update: American Family Association have their two Penneth

5th April 2013. See  article from

The American Family Association, a major pro-family group, has announced that Americans should petition the FCC to uphold high television, radio decency standards.

In addition to the overarching negative impacts of indecency in media on children, a more immediate issue exists: radio 'shock jocks' that thrive on shocking even the most hardened of sensibilities will have even greater latitude to express even more profanity without the worry of FCC censure, states AFA.



Update: Improper Blurring...

Indian Government bans FashionTV for 10 days over supposedly indecent broadcasts

Link Here29th March 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in India...India considers the regulation of TV for adults

Upset over the broadcast of supposedly indecent visuals on Fashion TV, a committee of the Information and Broadcasting Ministry ordered that the channel be taken off air for 10 days.

The ministry said it had issued a show cause notice to FTV after it telecast programmes like Midnight Haute & Designers in High Definition ,'Chantellie Lingerie, Paris' and Lingerie in September 2011. It claimed that the visuals offended good taste and decency and were obscene and vulgar and not suitable for unrestricted public exhibition and also for children.

According to the panel, the programme Designers in high definition showed models walking on the ramp while a man in an underwear was clinging to a woman in an embrace in the background:

Both are shown insinuatingly swaying their bodies and making suggestive postures. Such a portrayal appears to offend good taste and decency and also appears obscene.

Again in April 2012, the channel telecast another programme 15th Anniversary- Top Designers . The committee claimed:

The programme showed nudity of female bosom, which appeared obscene and vulgar, showing form and figure of women in an indecent way. The visuals did not appear suitable for unrestricted public exhibition and also not suitable for children.

Representatives of FTV during a personal hearing at the panel said there was no nudity in the content. When the committee offered them to show recorded instances where buttocks and breast were fully exposed, they replied that these instances would have happened due to improper blurring.

This is the third time that the government has ordered FTV to be taken off air.



Update: Documenting Chinese Censorship...

China extends TV censorship with the requirement to pre-vet documentaries

Link Here23rd February 2013

China's top media censor will expand pre-broadcast vetting to cover television documentaries, in a further extension of TV censorship.

China's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT) told TV stations and producers that all documentaries would have to be approved in advance of being shown, the Beijing Morning Post reported.

The notice would bring censorship of TV documentaries into line with requirements on non-fiction films, it said. A notice posted on SARFT's website said that TV production companies including joint Chinese-foreign co-productions should report documentary topics in advance.



Update: Certainly Not FreeView...

Venezuela leaves out opposition TV station from digital TV line up

Link Here22nd February 2013
Full story: Broadcasting Censorship in Venezuela...Shut down of opposition radio and TV stations

A Venezuelan television channel that takes a critical stance toward President Hugo Chavez accused the government of excluding it from a new digital television system, and it warned that the action could force it off the open airwaves.

Globovision is the sole remaining television channel in Venezuela that takes a stridently anti-government line. The channel said in a statement that it was arbitrarily excluded from the digital TV system despite having taken steps to be included during meetings that officials held to launch the project.

Vice President Nicolas Maduro announced the launch of the digital TV system saying that state channels will be participating as well as private channels including Venevision, Meridiano and Televen. He and other officials did not address the complaint raised by Globovision.

Globovision has long clashed with Chavez's government, and in recent years the National Telecommunications Council has opened eight investigations against the channel.



Update: Governments With No Benefits...

Indian shuts down TV channel for 2 weeks for airing a trailer to a 15 rated romantic comedy

Link Here10th January 2013
Full story: TV Censorship in India...India considers the regulation of TV for adults

India's government has directed all cable and television platforms not to carry SS TV channel for a fortnight from the midnight of 15 January to the midnight of 30 January for telecasting the trailer for the supposedly  'adult' film Friends with benefits on 30 September 2011. The film is a comedy romance that is 15 rated in the UK.

Television transmission platforms have also been prohibited from carrying Zing and Enterr 10 television channels for one day from midnight of 12 January for telecasting 'adult' films in violation of the programme code.

While Zing TV had telecast the adult film Hawas in January, the Enterr 10 channel telecast three Hindi feature films -- Musafir on 29 September 2011, Plan on 19 October 2011 and Aashiq Banaya Apnne on 31 January 2012.

In the case of Hawas , the directive noted that the film showed visuals of passionate love making and kissing scenes between a couple, who were shown to be clinging to each other and writhing in bed in an explicit portrayal of sexual desires overpowering them. Such a portrayal is distinctly meant for adult audience, for which CBFC had appropriately given A certification to the said film.



Update: Magically Censored...

Thai TV series featuring a sorcerer who performs black magic to manipulate politics hits too close to home

Link Here5th January 2013
Full story: Thai TV Censorship...Kissing and catfights make the news whilst booze and fags are blurred

Thai Government figures have denied any political intervention in the abrupt termination of a controversial TV series on Channel 3, which was unexpectedly replaced last night with a new drama series.

Channel 3 announced in an onscreen message last night that Nua Mek 2 (Above the Clouds 2) had been replaced earlier than scheduled because of supposedly  inappropriate content.

The storyline focuses on a corrupt politician keen on profiteering on a satellite launch and a sorcerer who performs black magic to manipulate politics, and of course lots of soapy romance.

Comments on social media, have it the series was cut short at the orders of people in power who were stung by its content.

Suranand Vejjajiva, the prime minister's secretary-general, claimed that the government had never interfered with any TV drama or news report. The prime minister has nothing to do with the abrupt end of the drama, he said in a phone interview with The Nation.

The original schedule for Nua Mek 2 called for 12 episodes. Episode Nine aired last Sunday. As controversy mounted the producers hastily edited the last 3 episodes into a single episode to at least provide a presumably uncontroversial end to the series. However even that edited last episode was cancelled, leaving the show's story unfinished.



Unjammed and Unblocked...

World's leading broadcasters unite against TV and internet censorship

Link Here3rd January 2013

Leading broadcasters from Europe, Japan, the United States and Australia have signed a declaration to fight what they believe is the growing censorship of the Internet and jamming of TV signals by authoritarian political regimes.

The following broadcast organisations say that international journalism is facing unprecedented challenges from countries that seek to deny their own citizens access to information from outside their borders in violation of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

  • Audiovisuel Exterieur de la France (AEF),
  • Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC),
  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC),
  • Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) [US],
  • Deutsche Welle (DW),
  • Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK)
  • Radio Netherlands Worldwide (RNW)

They note and condemn without reservation certain government's control of the flow of information such as blocking the Web and most notably intentional jamming of satellites as practised recently by Iran. Furthermore, they have denounced efforts to identify and track Internet users in order to stifle free expression, inquiry and political activity.

In a call to action, they have agreed to increase, whenever possible, support for efforts to circumvent Web censorship through the use of new and innovative hardware and software tools and have agreed to increase our advocacy for Internet freedom.

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