An interesting article detailing the many versions of the film including the latest Ultimate Cut
| | 26th August 2024
| See version details from desperate-living.com |
Caligula is a 1979 Italy/US historical drama by Tinto Brass Starring Malcolm McDowell, Peter O'Toole and Helen Mirren
Originally cut in the UK and US for an 18 rated UK and R rated US theatrical release. There also exists Tinto Brass' Alternative Version which does not include the
hardcore footage added by the producers. The full uncut version was passed 18 uncut for 2008 DVD. This full uncut version is MPAA Unrated in the US. The Hardcore Version was banned in Australia in 2010. In 2018 Penthouse announced a plan running over
a couple of years for a 4k restoration of the Tinto Brass version. However the bankruptcy of Penthouse may have put an end to the idea. In 2023 Dafthouse Films announced a new Producer's Cut (arrogantly labelled the Ultimate Cut) by Thomas Negovan. This
will be reconstructed from previously unreleased footage and unpromisingly suggests that this will be a more 'civilised' take on the Caligula story. See
version details from desperate-living.com Summary Notes A dramatization of the
ascent to Caesar and subsequent reign of Caligula, one of the most notorious leaders of ancient Rome. We see his ambition, his scheming, his perversion and decadence, his brutality and his lunacy.
Ultimate Cut
Ultimate Cut
run: | 177:59s | pal: | 170:52s |
| | UK: The Ultimate Cut: Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for strong real sex, sex references, nudity, sexual violence:
- 2024 Vertigo Releasing cinema release (rated 19/07/2024) titled Caligula: The Ultimate Cut
Uncut Version
Uncut Version
run: | 156:00s | pal: | 149:46s |
| | UK: The Uncut Version was
passed 18 uncut for strong violence, sexual violence and strong real sex with previous cuts waived for:
- 2012 Arrow Unlimited Edition R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
- 2010
Arrow R0 Blu-ray
- 2009 Arrow Uncut Edition R2 DVD
- 2008 Freemantlemedia/Arrow Imperial Edition [+alternative version +R Rated Version] R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
US : Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
From the BBFC: In 2008, the full uncut version of Caligula was resubmitted to the BBFC for DVD release. The passage of nearly 30 years had significantly diminished the film's impact and after careful consideration it
was decided that it could now be classified '18' uncut. This decision accords with the BBFC Guidelines, which state that At '18', the BBFC's guideline concerns will not normally override the wish that adults should be
free to chose their own entertainment, within the law. Although there are scenes in Caligula that some people will find shocking, offensive or disgusting, the film does not contain any material that is illegal in terms
of current UK law and nor does it contain any material that is likely to give rise to harm for adults audiences, most of whom will be well aware of its controversial reputation. The DVD version was classified '18' uncut
with the consumer advice Contains strong violence, sexual violence and strong real sex. | uncut |
Australia | Australia: The uncut version was banned in July 2010 See
article from refused-classification.com The Australian Censorship Board has a rich history of censorship of Caligula
Tinto Brass Alternative Version/Imperial Edition
Tinto Brass Alternative Version
run: | 152:57s | pal: | 146:50s |
| | UK: The Alternative Version or Re-edited Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
- 2008 Freemantlemedia/Arrow Imperial Edition [+uncut version +R Rated Version] R2 DVD
This version is perhaps is historically at the point where Bob Guccione edited together a version from the material directed by Tinto Brass but before he decided that it could be improved by adding hardcore footage. So orgy scenes etc are the original
softcore as directed by Tinto Brass. See pictorial version details from movie-censorship.com
US R Rated Version
R Rated Version
cut: | 55:07s | run: | 102:37s | pal: | 98:31s |
| | UK: The heavily pre-cut US R rated version was
passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
- 2008 Freemantlemedia/Arrow Imperial Edition [+uncut version +alternative version] R2 DVD
- 1998 Screen Multimedia VHS
- 1990 Electric VHS
A couple of brief shots of genital detail and sight of nurses cradling babies and phallic shaped bottles were reinstated from the the previous cut release and were allowed to remain. Many of the cuts were not related to sex & violence but to
shorten the running time and deal with continuity issues over sex and violent scenes that were cut. See details on IMDB |
UK Theatrical Version
cut: | 11m | run: | 149:34s | pal: | 143:35s |
| | UK: Passed X after about 11
minutes of cuts for:
- 1982 Electric pre-cert VHS
- 1980 cinema release
James Ferman commented in Photoplay: Even before it could be considered for a certificate some 8.5 minutes had to be cut to make it legal. There are scenes of perverted violence that I
wouldn't have thought would ever have been seen in this country, in clubs or anywhere else. A lot of the sex was just straight sex, but more explicit than has ever been passed here. They took out another 3 or 4 minutes and replaced it with lesser
material to make it acceptable for the X certificate. 11 minutes of cuts including:
- Views of Drusilla's vulva removed from several pints in the film
- Sights of babies sucking phallic-shaped bottles removed
- Much reduced scene of bootlace being tied around soldier's penis.
- Hardcore action inserted into orgy
scenes taken out
- The sight of wine streaming out of soldier's bladder after being hacked with a sword removed.
- Torture shots deleted, a stake into a vagina and several bloodied genitals.
- Male blow job and masturbation deleted
- Priestess bathing loses hardcore cunnilingus and insertion
- Blood of recently ex virgin bride deleted as was greasing of the buttocks and suggestion of fisting for the similarly road tested bridegroom
- A Lesbian scene lost all
hardcore and explicit images
- Death of Proculus lost a stabbing and the subsequent humiliation of being pissed on and castrated.
- The sight of Caligula torturing a mouse was deleted.
- A childbirth scene is missing an emerging
- Hardcore elements of prison scene deleted
- Hardcore elements of brothel scene deleted
- Explicit detail removed from scene of women with pearl adorned vulvas
The uncut version of the 1984 US horror film by Wes Craven is finally set for release in Ireland/UK on 30th September 2024
| 4th August 2024
| Thanks to DB |
A Nightmare on Elm Street is a 1984 US horror film by Wes Craven. With Heather Langenkamp, Johnny Depp and Robert Englund.
Uncut on VHS but the cut US Theatrical version was the only one available on BBFC 18 rated UK/US DVD/Blu-ray until BBFC 15 rated for the uncut version of 2024. The film was cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. The film has just been
passed by the IFCO, the Irish film censor with an 18 rating and a PAL running time of 87:33s. Summary Review: A new kind of Boogeyman In the dreams of his victims, a spectral child murderer
Freedy Krueger stalks the children of the members of the lynch mob that killed him. The acting isn't always the greatest and it looks just the slightest bit dated, but it's still a really damn good movie. It's power lies in the
fact that sleep cannot be avoided. Robert Englund as Freddy is flawless, a new kind of Boogeyman - a smartass. Freddy is hideously burned, covered in scar tissue and has all the fashion sense of a wino, but he's cool. Not content
to simply disembowel his screaming victims, Freddy has to tease them a little first, flirting, humiliating or showing off.
uncut Unrated Version
| UK: Uncut and
BBFC 15 rated for strong horror, gore, violence:
- 2024 Warner Bros 40th Anniversary Edition R0 4K Blu-ray/R0 Blu-ray Combo at UK
Amazon #ad released on 30th September 2024
The uncut Version is set for Warner 4K Blu-ray release at UK Amazon #ad
UK: The Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for:
- 1998 EIV VHS
- 1995 EIV VHS
- 1985 CBS/Fox VHS
- 1985 cinema release
Ireland: Uncut and IFCO 18 rated for strong violence, strong horror:
- 2024 Blu-ray (Uncut Version rated 22/07/2024) titled A Nightmare on Elm Street - Uncut Version
Thanks to Dave: I recently watched the 2 disc box set of A Nightmare on Elm Street which they say is cut to the death of the girl Tina via a blood splash as she hits the bed. The scene plays out on R2 Turkish
release. When Tina hits the bed we see the blood spurt all over her shocked boyfriend Rod. A pretty tame and lame MPAA cut by any standards to make an R and obviously it never offended Turkish censors for this new uncut DVD release! The A geyser of blood
spurting up from Glen's bed is also intact in this Turkish release
cut Theatrical Version
cut: | 13s | run: | 91:08s | pal: | 87:29s |
| | UK: The cut US R Rated Theatrical Version was
passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
- 2020 Warner A Nightmare On Elm Street: Collection R0 Blu-ray [HMV exclusive]
- 2018 Warner Bros R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
- 2011 Warner A Nightmare On Elm Street Collection R0 Blu-ray
at UK Amazon
- 2010 Warner R2 DVD
at UK Amazon
- 2001 EIV R2 DVD
US: Cut and MPAA R Rated for:
The US Collectors Edition laserdisc (Elite Entertainment) details cuts made as the film went through the MPAA:
- 5s : Tina's corpse hitting the bed, and the resultant large splash of blood all over her boyfriend Rod
- 8s : A geyser of blood spurting up from Glen's bed and hitting the ceiling.
The British Board of Film Censors bans its first video in a little while
| 4th July 2024
| Thanks to Scott
Reality Killers is a 2005 Italy Horror Film by Alessandro Capone
Banned by the BBFC for 2024 video. Versions
| | UK: Banned by BBFC
- 2024 Treasured Films video (rated 01/07/24)
The BBFC commented: Reality Killers is a horror film in which a man obsessed with violent snuff videos, featuring people being abused, tortured and killed, goes on to commit his own similar crimes.
Reality Killers consists of a series of short vignettes in which people, including women and children, are killed. In some cases, acts of sadistic violence follow or involve sexual behaviour and nudity. The protagonist acts as a
narrator, relishing in the violence and endorsing the actions of the killers. Women, in particular, are portrayed as either sexual objects to be abused or as predatory killers themselves. Potentially harmful attitudes, such as the suggestion that victims
and perpetrators enjoy violence, and that women are presented primarily as sex objects or predatory killers, are not clearly challenged, nor is there a narrative counterbalance to the sustained focus on sadism. As a last resort,
the BBFC may find content unsuitable for classification, in line with the objective of preventing non-trivial harm risks to potential viewers and, through their behaviour, to society. In our Classification Guidelines we state that this may occur where a
central concept is unacceptable, such as a sustained focus on rape, other non-consensual sexually violent behaviour or sadistic violence. The guidelines also state that we consider whether the availability of the material to the age group concerned would
run contrary to broad public opinion. The BBFC considered whether the film's issues could be adequately addressed through intervention such as cuts. As Reality Killers consists almost entirely of scenes of sadistic violence and
abuse, we determined that cuts would not effectively address these issues. The film, when taken as a whole, transgresses BBFC Classification Guidelines and policy, and we believe that its classification even at 18 would run contrary to broad public
opinion. The BBFC therefore found Reality Killers to be unsuitable for classification.
Further details of BBFC category cuts for PG rated cinema release
| 24th May 2024
| Thanks to Scott |
Robot Dreams is a 2023 Spain/France animation drama by Pablo Berger Starring Ivan Labanda, Tito Trifol and Rafa Calvo
BBFC category cuts were required for a distributor requested BBFC PG rated cinema
release in 2024. Summary Notes Based on the popular graphic novel by the North American writer Sara Varon, ROBOT DREAMS tells the adventures and misfortunes of Dog and Robot in NYC during
the '80s.
category cuts by substitution
cut: | | run: | 102:29s | pal: | 98:23s |
| |
UK: BBFC PG rated for mild rude humour for mild rude humour after BBFC category cuts:
- 2024 Artificial Eye Film Co. cinema release (rated 30/01/2024)
The BBFC commented: The company obscured rude gestures in order to achieve their preferred category of PG. An uncut 12A classification was available.
Thanks to Jon: The BBFC were initially set to give the film an uncut 12A rating. However, when Artificial Eye heard the film was going to be a 12A, it was Artificial Eye who said they wanted a PG, because the film would be ideal for younger kids, as the film was due to be released during the February school Half-Term. It was at that point, that the BBFC stated to Artificial Eye, that if they wanted a PG, the middle finger gesture would need to be removed.
Artificial Eye went back to the director, explained the situation, and between him and Artificial Eye, they agreed that the best solution would be to animate a black rectangle over the offending moment, so that adults would still
get the joke, but kids would not, and the censorship would appease the BBFC without any cuts being made to the film's duration. The animators added-in the black rectangle, the film was resubmitted, and the film was passed with the
new censored middle finger scene as a PG. The film could easily have been left uncut with a 12A, and it would not have affected anything. But the distributor stupidly wanted a kid-friendly rating, despite the fact most kids
couldn't follow the film and didn't find it especially entertaining. So Artificial Eye really ballsed-up here.
Thanks to Scott, Jake and Chris. The rude gesture was in fact the robot showing his middle finger when
copying members of a street gang. The director was involved in deciding how to obscure the gesture by covering it up. The solution to cover up the gesture with a black strip proved more than acceptable as it gets a laugh from viewers realising that the
robot is making the gesture and that this has been censored. Ireland: The cut UK version was IFCO G rated for consumer advice: explores themes of friendship and loss with positive resolution:
- 2024 Curzon cinema release (rated 16/01/2024)