30th December | | |
An interview with a games playing Australian censor See cnet.com.au |
22nd December | | |
Beyond ridiculous: Court decision to declare cartoons to be child porn See article from abc.net.au |
17th December | | |
F.E.A.R. 2 game rated MA15+ on appeal
| From gameplanet.co.nz |
Australia's Classification Board's ban of F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin has been overturned on appeal.
The game was banned in November, on the grounds of high violence, but Warner Bros. appealed the decision and submitted the game
to the Australian Classification Review Board. After reviewing the material, the ACRB agreed that F.E.A.R. 2 deserved a MA15+ rating uncut. The game is rated 18 by the UK's BBFC.
14th December | | |
Street protests about Australian internet filtering
| Based on
article from watoday.com.au
Protestors across Australia rallied against the Federal Government's plan to censor the internet yesterday.
About 300 protestors gathered in Perth to voice their concerns for the Government's planned internet filter aimed at increasing child
safety in cyberspace.
Greens Senator Scott Ludlam likened the Government's plan to post office workers checking every letter to see if anything was dodgy and getting rid of that mail. He said the internet reflected human culture and the
Government's proposed censorship would not fix violence issues facing the nation.
The Federal Government suggested this mistargeted, misdirected and flawed proposal to censor the internet ... it will potentially make things worse.
He questioned who would monitor the
blacklist of banned websites and who would be the decision makers determining what Australians were allowed to access.
Ludlam urged protestors to continue voicing their concerns to Government through rallies, emails and online: These
kinds of rallies will bring these things down and get us back to issues of violence in the community. I believe this is winnable, what we're doing is working. Based on article from news.com.au Hundreds of people attended
rallies in Australian capital cities yesterday to voice their opposition to the Rudd Government's planned internet filtering scheme.
The rallies, held in seven cities including Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney, were the first in a series of
demonstrations organised by anti-censorship group Digital Liberty Coalition (DLC).
In Sydney a crowd of up to 300 mostly young and tech-savvy protestors gathered at Town Hall to hear guest speakers including bloggers and musicians criticise the
web filtering scheme.
DLC Sydney rally coordinator Jerry Hutchinson said the low take-up of existing free web filtering software, introduced by the previous government, showed that parents were not interested in the concept: Why? Because
people can monitor their own children – they don't need censorship in their home.
DLC plans to hold anti-filter demonstrations in capital cities once a month until March, when it will promote a national protest in Canberra called March in
13th December | | |
Worrying plans of more censorship in Australia's Northern Territories
| Based on article from
abc.net.au |
The Northern Territory Attorney-General's office says stricter pornography laws will be introduced to Parliament sometime next year.
Australia's national adult retail association, Eros, says the Territory has some of the most lenient pornography
laws in the nation and it has been pushing for local laws to conform with the rest of the country.
Attorney-General Chris Burns had said that stricter legislation would be introduced to Parliament this year.
But his office now says the
legislation is not finished, but it should be ready to put to Parliament in the first half of next year.
13th December | | |
Even censorial politician comes out against internet filtering
| Based on article
from smh.com.au See article from
Even the ultra-conservative politician known for his attempts to censor television has strongly opposed the Government's plans to introduce mandatory internet censorship, highlighting the policy's lack of support across the political spectrum.
The proposed filters would not have blocked any of the 15,000 child porn videos and half a million child abuse images uncovered by police in a major sting this week as they cannot filter traffic on peer-to-peer networks - only websites.
In a
post on his blog, South Australian Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi expressed concern that the filters would inadvertently block legitimate content and be expanded to cover other controversial material opposed by the Government of the day, such as regular
Already we have a filter on the internet for all parliament house computers. It blocks some political sites, alternative lifestyle sites and other sites that, while not to my personal taste, are hardly grounds for censorship, he wrote:
Imagine if such censorship was extended to every computer in the country through mandatory ISP filtering. Who would be the ultimate arbiter of what is permissible content?
In his blog post, Bernardi acknowledged that his position on the
web censorship issue would surprise many and said a big part of me wants to support it . However, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy's plan was so devoid of detail that it was impossible to form a considered opinion.
11th December | | |
Australia's Dept of Broadband blog attracts 400 anti-filter comments
| Based on article from
itnews.com.au See also
blog from
dbcde.gov.au See also The champions of mandatory filtering are not
Australia's Christian Right but its PC, feministic, leftish elite. from spiked-online.com by Kerry Miller
24 hours since its launch, hundreds of people have used Senator Conroy's new blog as a place to protest against his proposed net filtering scheme.
The Digital Economy Future Directions blog was launched by Senator Conroy yesterday as a place for
people to comment on various areas of digital policy.
Conroy noted that an upcoming blog post, How do we maintain the same civil society we enjoy offline in an online world?, would touch on the issue of filtering. We welcome your
feedback about the [filtering] issue in response to this post.
But readers didn't wait for that post to go live, instead flooding Minister Tanner's welcome post with over 400 posts in less than 24 hours.
Commenters attacked the
filters as technically unfeasible. Many comments spoke passionately about freedom and censorship. Commenters even got political, with threats to campaign against the Rudd Government if the filters are implemented. There was one lone voice that
supported the filters. Government's plan to censor the internet is in tatters Based on
article from watoday.com.au
The Government's plan to censor the internet is in tatters, with Australia's largest ISP saying it will not take part in live trials of the system and the second largest committing only to a scaled-back trial.
The live trials,
scheduled to kick off before Christmas, were supposed to provide a definitive picture of whether the filters could work in the real world, after lab tests released by the Australian Communications and Media Authority in June found available ISP filters
frequently let through content that should be blocked, incorrectly blocked harmless content and slowed down network speeds by up to 87 per cent.
But now Telstra and Internode have said they would not take part in the trials. iiNet has said it
would take part only to prove to the Government that its plan would not work, while Optus will test a heavily cut-down filtering model.
9th December | | |
Animated porn in the style of Simpsons declared illegal in Australia
| Based on article from
An appeal judge in Australia has ruled that an animation depicting well-known cartoon characters engaging in sexual acts is child pornography. The internet cartoon featured characters from the Simpsons TV series.
The central issue in the case was
whether a cartoon character could depict a real person. Judge Michael Adams decided that it could, and found a man from Sydney guilty of possessing child pornography on his computer.
The defence had argued that the fictional, animated characters
were not real people, and clearly departed from the human form. They therefore contested that the conviction for the possession of child pornography should be overturned.
Justice Michael Adams said the purpose of anti-child pornography
legislation was to stop sexual exploitation and child abuse where images of real children were depicted. But in a landmark ruling he decided that the mere fact that they were not realistic representations of human beings did not mean that they
could not be considered people.
He ruled that the animated cartoon could fuel demand for material that does involve the abuse of children, and therefore upheld the conviction.
Rather than jail the man, however, he fined him
9th December | | |
Australian arrested for re-posting alarming YouTube video
| Thanks to Heath Based on article from
theregister.co.uk See also Biggles9 blog from
A video sharing website user who re-posted somebody else's video of a man apparently swinging a baby around has had his house raided by an armed Australian police anti-paedophile squad.
The user Biggles9 has been charged with accessing child
abuse material, downloading child abuse material and uploading child abuse material with the intent to distribute . He is out on bail and is due to appear in court 18 December. He posted the clip, which he found on MetaCafe, to LiveLeak, a UK-based
citizen journalism site.
The Queensland-based Task Force Argos allegedly acted on information supplied by British police. They arrested him and seized computer equipment. They questioned Biggles9 for about seven hours. According to
LiveLeak founder Hayden Hewitt, who has been in regular contact with the long-time member since he was charged, Biggles9 did not ask for a lawyer to be present because he did not believe there was any case to answer. Hewitt said he had been told that the
clip Biggles9 uploaded to LiveLeak was the only data of interest that the police's digital forensic search found.
According to Hewitt, Biggles9 found the clip on YouTube, via MetaCafe, which aggregates video sites. It was also available on
several other video sharing sites. LiveLeak and YouTube have removed the footage, but it is still accessible elsewhere on the web.
It shows a man described as being of eastern European appearance in what appears to be a living room with a sofa
and TV, and a baby in a nappy. The man picks up the baby and begins swinging it around very fast, at first by its two arms and then by one. Later, he turns the baby through somersaults. At the end of the performance he holds the baby normally and
approaches the camera. The baby smiles.
It's currently unclear what prompted the raid on Biggles9's home by armed police. A few days after the clip was posted, Hewitt was contacted by a child protection group based in the US, which asked if he
had any information about the source of the video. Hewitt didn't, but added an appeal on the page hosting it for anyone with information to get in touch. Soon after, Gloucestershire police asked him to remove it on grounds that people might copy what
they saw. LiveLeak declined to remove the clip.
About a month later, Task Force Argos raided Biggles9. He contacted Hewitt and requested the clip be taken down on the advice of his lawyers, which LiveLeak did. In his post-arrest blog,
Biggles9 wrote: I'm just trying to warn all the uploaders and moderators to be very careful of what is posted and approved when it comes to children; no one needs to go through this crap over something that is so petty. H e added he is confident
sanity will prevail.
6th December | | |
Australian ISP filter tests will not involve actual customers
| Based on article
from somebodythinkofthechildren.com
It has been revealed that one of the most important elements of the live ISP filtering pilot, testing the impact filtering a blacklist of 10,000 URLs has on network performance, will be a closed network test and will not involve actual customers.
Here's an extract from a letter sent by Senator Conroy to an Australian Whirlpool member: In consultations with ISPs, concerns have been raised that filtering a blacklist beyond 10 000 URLs may raise network
performance issues, depending on the configuration of the filter. The pilot will therefore seek to also test network performance against a test list of 10 000 URLs.
This will be a closed network test and will not involve actual customers. The
list of 10 000 sites will be developed by the technical organisation assisting the Department on the pilot, which has access to lists of this size. As this test is only being performed to test the impact on network performance against a list of this
size, and actual customers are not involved, the make-up of the list is not an issue.
It's certainly worth the cynical note that simulated users also do not publicly complain that their Internet performance is degraded under
the system.
6th December | | |
Opposition for Conroy's unwanted internet filter from his own party
| Based on article from
Members of Senator Conroy's own political party have called on him to change his policy, Ban This URL has learned. We want an opt-in system, Janai Tabbernor, president of New South Wales Young Labor, told Ban This URL.
The junior political
party unanimously passed a motion at last weekend's conference, calling on Senator Conroy to switch to an opt-in system instead of a clean feed, and to redirect the funds to the national broadband network.
Motion 42 read:
The Internet is a free medium for the open communication of ideas and opinions without hindrance, and thus, should not be censored.
NSW Young Labor supports individual discretion and choice with respect to the internet,
rather than censoring the world wide web and its content.
The point is that we don't condemn the Minister or the government, said Tabbernor: We generally support what the government and the Minister are trying to
achieve, and we agree with his objective: we want the internet to be a safe place.
The original proposal put to the electorate at the 2007 Federal Election was an opt-in system, pointed out Tabbernor.
6th December | | |
Australia's Internet filtering is too ambitious and doomed to fail See article from
arstechnica.com |
4th December | | |
Australian comedy about transporting dead soldier's ashes dropped
| Thanks to Heath Based on
article from tvtonight.com.au
SBS has dropped an episode of its Swift and Shift Couriers comedy after the family of Jake Kovco expressed concerns over a storyline which sees its characters delivering the ashes of a deceased Australian soldier.
The military bungled the
transportation of a soldier's remains, and sent them to Cairo. After the ‘family' of the soldier bans the military from further involvement, the hapless courier company comes to the rescue in order to lift its company profile.
SBS was
approached by members of Jake Kovco's family who expressed concern at some of the content in this week's episode of Swift and Shift Couriers, an SBS spokesperson told TV Tonight.
After reviewing next week's episode and in light of the
impending memorial service for an Australian soldier recently killed in Afghanistan, SBS exercised sensitivity and made a decision not to broadcast the second episode of Swift and Shift Couriers scheduled for next week.
2nd December | | |
Claims of an uncut PC version of GTA IV in Australia
| Based on article from
This week will see the Australian launch of Grand Theft Auto IV for PC, and in a statement, Rockstar confirmed to GameSpot AU that unlike the console versions currently on sale, the Australian PC retail release of GTA IV will be sold
completely uncensored.
Grand Theft Auto IV PC has been rated MA15+ strong violence, sex scenes, coarse language, and drug references by the Australian Classification Office. The PC game is unedited in any way and identical in content to
the international version, a local Rockstar rep said. Update: Confirmed 28th December 2008. Based on
article from refused-classification.com Rockstar obviously came
to the conclusion that they had over reacted because when it came time to get the PC version rated they submitted the uncut game. This was rated MA15+ (Strong violence, sex scenes, coarse language and drug references) on November 8th.
2nd December | | |
Australia censor explains ban on F.E.A.R. 2 game
| Based on article from
escapistmagazine.com |
Australia's Classification Board has explained why it banned the upcoming horror-shooter F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin.
Games On Net says the censor deemed the violent content high in impact and unsuitable for a minor to play,
citing as examples a nail gun that can be used to pin bad guys to walls, after which they will fall to the ground in a bloody mass, and a sniper rifle that will tear bodies apart at close range.
[The protagonist] uses his sub
machine gun to explicitly bisect an enemy, the two parts of the body lying separately on the ground, with copious blood spray, the board noted in one specific example of in-game action it used to back up its decision. There are also a number of
explicit close range decapitations involving both human and mutant creatures. The decapitations are the result of close-up throat slashing from behind and close-up gunshots to the throat. The copious blood spray covers walls, objects and even
the game's camera lens, while partially-dismembered corpses and severed heads also feature prominently.
The ratings board also blamed the game's enhanced graphics and realistic behavior of human and mutant foes for the
decision, which it said heightened the impact of the violence to the point where it cannot be accommodated at the MA15+ classification.
1st December | |
| Even Australian children's charities aren't keen on the state internet filter
| Thanks to Heath Based on article
from theage.com.au
Support for the Government's plan to censor the Australian internet has hit rock bottom, with even some children's welfare groups now saying that that the mandatory filters are ineffective and a waste of money.
Live trials of the filters, which
will block illegal content for all Australian internet users and inappropriate adult content on an opt-in basis, are slated to begin by Christmas, despite harsh opposition from the Greens, Opposition, the internet industry, consumers and
online rights groups.
Holly Doel-Mackaway, adviser with Save the Children, the largest independent children's rights agency in the world, said educating kids and parents was the way to empower young people to be safe internet users.
said the filter scheme was fundamentally flawed because it failed to tackle the problem at the source and would inadvertently block legitimate resources.
Furthermore there was no evidence to suggest that children were stumbling across
child pornography when browsing the web. Doel-Mackaway believes the millions of dollars earmarked to implement the filters would be far better spent on teaching children how to use the internet safely and on law enforcement.
The constant
change of cyberspace means that a filter is going to be able to be circumvented and it's going to throw up false positives - many innocent websites, maybe even our own, will be blacklisted because we reference a lot of our work that we do with children
in fighting commercial sexual exploitation, she said.
James McDougall, director of the National Children's and Youth Law Centre, expressed similar views to Save the Children.
He said the mandatory filters simply would not work and
children should be able to make decisions for themselves. Concerned parents could easily install PC-based filters on their computers if they desired, or ask their internet providers to switch on voluntary filtering: I take issue with the minister's
perspective that children are themselves the danger in a sense that we have to make this decision for them because they are not capable of making it for themselves - I think there's very little evidence to support that and plenty of evidence to show that
children are responsible decision makers given the skills and information.
Other childrens' welfare organisations, such as Child Wise and Bravehearts, continue to support the filters, saying the flaws are acceptable as long as they help block
some child pornography.
30th November | |
| Spider-man not censored enough for the Australian TV censor
| From acma.gov.au
The TV censors of the Australian Communications and Media Authority will require the Nine Network and affiliate licensees to ensure films are correctly classified after finding that the film Spider-man , broadcast by NWS Adelaide, was
incorrectly classified PG (Parental Guidance Recommended), rather than M (Mature).
After investigating an unresolved complaint, ACMA found that Channel Nine South Australia, breached its programme code, due to violence contained in the film.
Films broadcast on commercial television are classified according to the Guidelines for Classification of Films and Computer Games (the guidelines). For PG-classified films these guidelines state that, violence should be mild and infrequent, and
be justified by context.
While the code allows licensees to modify films for broadcast, licensees must ensure that films are modified in accordance with the guidelines to guarantee that they are suitable for broadcast at particular times,
said Lyn Maddock, Acting ACMA Chair.
ACMA found that the Spider-man film contained frequent scenes of violence. It also found that the film contained a depiction of violence that was stronger than mild.
Originally classified M
by the Classification Board for theatrical release, the film was modified by the licensee for broadcast as PG. However ACMA concluded that the film was not correctly modified from its original M classification and should have been broadcast in the later
M time zone with the corresponding M classification. Note that Spider-man was rated as 12 uncut in the UK.
27th November | | |
Australia censor bans F.E.A.R. 2 game
| Based on article from gamepolitics.com A vailable at
US Amazon |
It looks as if censors at Australia's Classification Board have banned yet another violent video game.
games.on.net reports that F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin was refused classification by the censor. F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
is the fifth game to have been refused classification in Australia this year.
As Australia lacks an adult R18+ rating, the view of the Board is that anything unsuitable for a 15 year old is unsuitable for everyone in Australia..
27th November | |
| Major Australian advertising company refuses atheist ads
| Based on article from
abc.net.au |
Australia is supposed to be a secular society, but the Atheist Foundation of Australia says the nation's biggest outdoor advertising company has refused to run its advertisements.
One of the humorous messages the foundation hoped to put on the
back of buses was, Sleep in on Sunday mornings.
But the foundation says Australia's biggest outdoor advertising company, APN Outdoor, had a problem with it.
Atheist Foundation president David Nicholls told the Religion Report on
ABC Radio National that the contentious slogan was one of a number which had been proposed for the $16,000 advertising campaign: We started off with 'Atheism - because there is no credible evidence', we put that to the bus companies, they didn't like
that and they said the wording wasn't to their acceptance.
And then we changed that to 'Celebrate reason' and thought we'd make it a bit comical - 'Sleep in on Sunday mornings. But they refused that also.
25th November | | |
Australian Sex Party supports the legalisation of adult computer games
| Based on article
from somebodythinkofthechildren.com
Somebody Think of the Children blog raised concerns last week about whether the Australian Sex Party (ASP) would fight for an R18+ game classification, given that adult trade association Eros had been opposed to adult games. Party convenor
Fiona Patten promptly responded said that ASP does support the introduction of an R18+ classification for games, as well as an X18+ rating for games. It's part of their national and consistent approach to classification policy.
When it
comes to the availability of BDSM material and other content that could be perceived as violent, ASP would like to see the X18+ classification replaced with a NVE (Non Violent Erotica) classification and clearly consenting role playing and fantasies
allowed. If that's the case, the NVE guidelines would need to be a lot more lenient than those proposed nearly 10 years ago.
The party is also opposed to the removal of the AMI's Want Longer Lasting Sex billboard. Patten explains that the
removal was because of an organised campaign and there was even a website that Catholic Bishop Pell promoted. The word sex in it self should not be seen as inappropriate and that is what happened.'
21st November | | |
BP ban softcore magazines from their petrol station stores
| Based on article from news.com.au |
Petrol giant BP has removed porn magazines with an R-rating from 250 stores nationwide.
The move, which was welcomed by women's groups, will ensure that publications given a Category 1-restricted classification will no longer be available at the
Although the titles have been deemed inappropriate by the organisation, it can only lobby for their removal from a further 1150 nationwide stores that it has a co-branding arrangement with. Update: Shell Follow Suit 4th
December 2008. See article from
somebodythinkofthechildren.com Shell/Coles Express follow suit removing Category 1 magazines nationwide. Julie Gale says ‘The Federal classification system
and its State and Territory enforcement arms need an overhaul. They are not working.'
20th November | | |
Shopping centre cancels Exit International public meeting
| Based on article from
thechronicle.com.au |
A last minute pull-out by Grand Central shopping centre management has caused a public meeting organised by euthanasia proponent Dr Philip Nitschke to relocate and given Toowoomba the distinction of being the only town in Australia to withdraw a
booking made by his Exit International organisation.
An angry and disappointed Dr Nitschke said he was astonished by the decision.
Dr Nitschke said the only reason given was that he was a controversial figure and therefore inappropriate
to be speaking at the community room at the shopping centre.
Hitting out at the decision, Dr Nitschke said censorship of what could and couldn't be discussed in a public forum shamed Australia.
It is a coincidence indeed that the
venue should pull out on the day after we ran an advertisement in the Toowoomba Chronicle advertising the public meeting, Dr Nitschke said: Centre management knew what it was about and the booking was made weeks ago.
17th November | | |
Australian sex trade association launches political party
| Based on article from
theaustralian.news.com.au See also Australian Sex Party
The Australian political party, with the slogan we're serious about sex, launches at Melbourne Sexpo on November 20th and party convenor Fiona Patten is confident it will gain the 500 members required to register and contest state Upper House
and Senate seats.
Ms Patten, who is also the chief executive of the Eros Association - representing the adult retail and entertainment industry, said she and others were concerned about the Government's proposed internet filter, which is being
tested over summer on about 10,000 sites to block unwanted content.
This really came out of 20 years of lobbying on sex and censorship and then... the latest being the compulsory internet filter, which will ... prohibit and blacklist
adult material that is currently legal in magazines, books and film, she said.
Ms Patten said there had already been a lot of interest from potential members: We'll probably have our 500 members by the time we launch on Thursday. But
there's four million customers of adult shops in Australia."
She also hoped the 1000 or so adult shops around the country would become Sex Party branches: Hopefully we'll get their attention with the word but then we may be able to
help influence some reasonably sensible policies. An introductory statement on the Australian Sex Party reads:
We're serious about sex. Sex is a wonderful thing. It's the reason
we were born and (mostly) its NOT the reason we die. Sex, as gender, defines who we are and often what roles we undertake in society. It's responsible for a heck of a lot of pleasure and fulfillment in life. Also, the basis of much art, fashion and
music. It entertains us, enthralls us and mystifies us. Because its such a fundamental need of human beings, it conditions much of our behaviour. And then politicians go and legislate that behaviour.
The Australian Sex Party is a political
response to the sexual needs of Australia in the 21st century. It is an attempt to restore the balance between sexual privacy and sexual publicity that has been severely distorted by morals campaigners and prudish politicians.
A political party
based on sex is certainly a single-issue party but to choose a bad metaphor, its a very broad church. Economic, social welfare, environmental and even defense policies have got lots to do with sex and sexuality. All those big guns and huge surpluses...
If you're sick of religious and anti-sex politicians like Steve Fielding, Brian Harradine and Fred Nile threatening to block legislation in the Senate and State Upper Houses unless they get their way on sex and gender issues, vote for someone who
understands this rort.
Vote for the Sex Party.
17th November | | |
Australian advertising censor whinged at 'longer lasting sex' so replaced by 'bonk longer'
| Based on article from
The Advertising Standards Bureau says it has received numerous complaints about new billboards advertising a medication for sexual dysfunction.
It is the second time this year advertising for the medication sold by the Advanced Medical Institute
has attracted complaints.
In August, the company was asked by the Advertising Standards Bureau to remove more than 100 billboards nationally with the slogan Want longer lasting sex? because some people found it offensive.
company says it thought the new slogan Bonk for longer was less offensive.
But the bureau's chief executive, Fiona Jolly, says it has already received numerous complaints about the signs on Sydney's Parramatta Road. Jolly says the board
will make a decision on the new signs within the next two weeks.
The advertising standards board members will look at clause 2.3 of the Code of Ethics, which says that the treatment of sex, sexuality and nudity must be sensitive to the
relative audience, she said.
The company says it will remove the signs if the bureau asks it to. Update: Longer Lasting in London 25th December 2008.
See article from blogs.telegraph.co.uk Driving through Vauxhall the other day my eye was taken by a huge billboard posing the question in lurid day-glo colours several feet high
Want Longer Lasting Sex?
At a busy traffic intersection? In broad daylight? The product being advertised seemed to be some sort of nasal spray.
Vauxhall, for those unfamiliar with the area, is a scruffy neighbourhood, just across
the bridge from the Houses of Parliament which, for reasons that are not exactly clear, has recently transmogrified into London's largest gay erogenous zone.
In this context, the promise of Longer Lasting Sex seemed to be simply another, albeit
rather more in-your-face, addition, to the colourful pageant of local life. But driving on to Waterloo, there was the billboard again. A colleague reports a sighting outside a Tesco on a busy road in West London - there was almost a pile-up.
16th November | | |
Euthanasia book cleared by censors as unrestricted
| Based on article from
refused-classification.com |
Following the May suicide of Perth woman in Tijuana Mexico, her sisters claimed she had used the book Killing Me Softly as a guide to end her life. They wrote to the Federal Attorney-General Robert McClelland calling for it to be banned. In
October the Donald McDonald contacted Penguin, the publisher, and called it in for rating. This has now resulted in the book being awarded an Unrestricted rating.
14th November | | |
Australia Council releases guidelines for children in art
| Based on article from
news.theage.com.au |
Anyone who photographs children will need the permission of the parents before the pictures can be exhibited.
The ruling is included in sweeping guidelines released by the Australia Council designed to protect children in the aftermath of the
Bill Henson controversy.
The six-page document also requires artists who work with naked children to ensure that their parents understand the nature of the artwork. Artists must also have a commitment from parents that they will supervise the
naked child.
But missing from the draft guidelines is any mechanism for policing them.
A key visual arts organisation has described elements of the draft protocols as unworkable. The executive director of the National Association
for the Visual Arts, Tamara Winikoff, said requiring artists who work with children to obtain parental permission was restrictive: That's problematic particularly for people like documentary photographers who work in the street. At the moment there
are no restrictions on taking crowd photographs or photographs of people in the street without their permission … This would impose a very, very unreasonable restriction.
The guidelines say images of nude or partly nude children taken over
the past 25 years may need to be reviewed by the Classification Board before they can go on view.
Where there is no law to enforce them, the protocols will work as a minimum standard and a reminder to everyone that they must obey the law.
They will affect all projects funded by the Australia Council. From January 1, artists must adhere to the protocols if they want a grant from the Government's peak arts funding body.
The council is seeking comments on the draft protocols by
November 27 and will publish the final guidelines on December 31
13th November | | |
Stephen Conroy refuses to detail what will be censored
| Based on article from
| Stephen Conroy: Unwanted Content? |
The federal Government has been urged to come clean over grey areas in its internet filtering plan after Broadband and Communications Minister Stephen Conroy pointed to unwanted content being censored. During question time yesterday,
Senator Conroy was unclear on the exact type of content that would be blocked during the trials.
The pilot will test filtering specifically against the ACMA blacklist of internet prohibited content, which is mostly child pornography, as well
as filtering of other unwanted content, he said in response to a question by Greens Senator Scott Ludlum.
There were 1000 pages on the current ACMA blacklist at the beginning of the year and has since increased by 300 URLs. The list is
compiled based on complaints from the public.
Senator Ludlum urged Senator Conroy to specify what he meant by unwanted conten: Will the minister provide a definition of unwanted content and where we might find a definition of unwanted?
Will the minister acknowledge the legitimate concerns that have been raised by commentators and members of the public that such a system will degrade internet performance, prove costly and inefficient and do very little to achieve the Government's
policy objectives?
Furthermore, the Government's proposal for dynamic filtering is equivalent to the Post Office being required to open every single piece of mail.
Senator Conroy said he couldn't answer all the questions in under a
minute. I will happily get you some further information on that very long list of questions, he told Senator Ludlum, who is the Greens Communications spokesperson.
Senator Conroy's lack of clarity during question time adds more confusion
to the discussion -- as ACMA blacklist's comprises illegal websites containing child pornography, X-rated and violent material, among others, it is unclear if he was referring to these sites specifically.
While the ACMA blacklist contains around
1300 URLs, the pilot will test filtering for a range of URLs up to around 10,000, Senator Conroy said. This is so that the impact on network performance of a larger blacklist can be examined.
Senator Conroy acknowledged expert technical
advice that such a filter was not feasible, and would slow down internet access speeds, but said that was the reason for conducting a pilot |
12th November | |
| Stephen Conroy gets stick from ISP over internet censorship
| Based on article from
smh.com.au see also Why the Tasmanian filtering
trial is a failure from somebodythinkofthechildren.com
| Stephen Conroy: The worst Comms Minister in 15 years |
As opposition grows against the Government's controversial plan to censor the internet, the head of one of Australia's largest ISPs has labelled the Communications Minister the worst we've had in the past 15 years.
Separately, in Senate
question time today, Greens senator Scott Ludlam accused the Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, of misleading the public by falsely claiming his mandatory censorship plan was similar to that already in place in Sweden, Britain, Canada and New
Despite significant opposition from internet providers, consumers, engineers, network administrators and online rights activists, the Government is pressing ahead, this week calling for expressions of interests from ISPs keen to
participate in live trials of the proposed internet filtering system.
Michael Malone, managing director iiNet, said he would sign up to be involved in the ridiculous trials, which are scheduled to commence by December 24 this year.
Optus and Telstra both said they were reviewing the Government's documentation and would then decide whether to take part.
But Malone's main purpose was to provide the Government with hard numbers demonstrating how stupid it is -
specifically that the filtering system would not work, would be patently simple to bypass, would not filter peer-to-peer traffic and would significantly degrade network speeds.
They're not listening to the experts, they're not listening to the
industry, they're not listening to consumers, so perhaps some hard numbers will actually help, he said.
Every time a kid manages to get through this filter, we'll be publicising it and every time it blocks legitimate content, we'll be
publicising it.
Malone concluded: This is the worst Communications Minister we've had in the 15 years since the [internet] industry has existed. |
12th November | | |
The discriminatory Aborigine porn ban lives on
| Based on article from
theage.com.au |
Northen Territory Aborigines have been made to feel repugnant by the Federal Government's intervention, with restrictions like income quarantining a boot in the guts, says the man who headed the government review into the policy.
Peter Yu, chairman of the Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Board, said many indigenous people found the intervention punitive, coercive and racist.
Earlier this month, his board reported to the Government that controversial restricted welfare payments to Aborigines in the Territory, which require the suspension of the Racial Discrimination Act, should be abolished. It also recommended the
reinstatement of permit systems for entry onto Aboriginal lands.
But the Government has opted to keep the intervention operating unchanged for at least the next year. See also
Aboriginal pawns in nanny state's porn game from theaustralian.news.com.au
These bans on pornography damaged Aboriginal culture in a very devious way. They told white Australians that black Australians were so primitive and so base that even depictions of non-violent adult sex had the potential to turn them into
pedophiles and rapists.
Much of what the Howard government banned from these communities was category 1 restricted magazines, which are legally available from every newsagency, service station and convenience store in the country. If Aborigines
cannot manage to control their lust while viewing magazines that sit alongside The Australian Women's Weekly in a newsagent, what sort of people are they?
Nowhere in the original Little Children are Sacred report did the authors call for bans on
porn. This approach was white conservative Christian policy. The report's authors wanted more education and enforcement of the Classification Act in the NT. They knew that bans on porn in Aboriginal communities would simply say to the general public that
they had a genetic predisposition to sexual assault when confronted with nudity and sexual activity. The report even stated that bans on pornography would not be effective.
In case Howard and Kevin Rudd have missed it, Aborigines had been walking
around the continent without clothes on and watching others have sex out of the corner of their eye for more than 50,000 years without a problem. Yet as a result of the intervention, Aborigines in the NT are being unfairly discriminated against, both as
a matter of social equity and of racial equality.
The original report that lead to the intervention stated that young children were being shown sexually explicit material in an inappropriate fashion. This was largely because many Aboriginal
adults had no idea that it was an offence to do so, but mainly because of serious overcrowding. How do you watch a sexually explicit film in private when there are 30 people living in a dwelling?
11th November | | |
More organisations join the fight against Australian internet censorship
| Based on
article from brisbanetimes.com.au
A lobby group set up by internet auction house eBay and other online merchants in the US and Europe plans to open a chapter in Australia as the Federal Government is poised to reveal details of its contentious cyber safety plan.
promised before last year's election to censor 'objectionable' content on the internet and set aside $128.5 million in the May budget to deal with cyber censorship and law enforcement.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority and the
Government has hired Melbourne company Enex TestLab to design a live pilot test on a real network.
This filtering plan has been widely criticised and now international lobby group Netchoice wants to weigh into the debate. Netchoice is backed by
members including eBay, publisher AOL Time Warner, some heavyweight trade associations in the US and software house Oracle. Netchoice said it would recruit Australian online retailers and internet players to its cause. The group's executive director,
Steve DelBianco, is currently visiting Sydney.
Last week the System Administrators Guild of Australia criticised plans to introduce a filter system. The guild, while acknowledging efforts to protect children from objectionable content, said the
proposals could slow down the internet for everybody. Guild president Donna Ashelford said those who created objectionable material already used encryption methods that would not be stopped by filtering.
10th November | | |
Kevin Rudd previously whinged at the Chinese for what he is now doing in Australia
| Based on
article from theage.com.au
 | I said that! |
Before this year's Beijing Olympic Games, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd chastised the Chinese authorities for blocking full access to the internet for the assembled world media: My attitude to our friends in China is very simple. They should have
nothing to fear by open digital links with the rest of the world during this important international celebration of sport.
Although Rudd expressed no concern for the average Chinese web user being unable to view tens of thousands of banned
websites, his intervention was nevertheless a welcome call for transparency and greater democracy.
But now the Rudd government is working towards implementing an unworkable filtering process in Australia that suggests a misguided understanding of
the internet and worrying tendency to censor an inherently anarchic system. |
9th November | | |
Politicians wound up by adult porn suggesting younger See article from refused-classification.com |
7th November | | |
Consultation for R18+ games rating back on track
| Based on article from
Australian censorship ministers have finally agreed to release a discussion paper on the proposed introduction of an R18+ rating for video games.
There were fears last week that the introduction of an adults-only games rating had been delayed
indefinitely after South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson withdrew his support for the discussion paper and public consultation process.
However, at yesterday's Standing Committee of Attorneys-General meeting in Brisbane, Victorian
Attorney-General Rob Hulls, who has long supported the push for an R18+ games rating and took the lead in drafting the discussion paper, achieved consensus with fellow censorship ministers.
Spokesperson for Hulls, Meaghan Shaw, said censorship
ministers at SCAG agreed that the discussion paper will be finalised by the end of the year, with the view to Australia-wide distribution.
Ministers originally agreed back in March to canvas public opinion on the proposed introduction of a
R18+ classification for games following the release of a discussion paper on the issue.
A draft of the paper, simply titled R18+ for computer games was sent to ministers in September and details the pros and cons of introducing an
adults-only rating for games.
When finalised, the paper will be available to the public on the internet and provided to interested parties such as games industry groups and family associations to seek their views.
The South Australian
Attorney-General Michael Atkinson would not specify last week why he was unable to support the release of the discussion paper, and it has not been revealed why he changed his stance yesterday at SCAG.
7th November | | |
Is the Internet going down down under? See article from theregister.co.uk |
6th November | | |
Conroy confirms that he will ban adult consensual porn from the Australian internet
| Based on article from
| Wowser Stephen Conroy: I am not a wowser ...BUT... I will ban hardcore porn |
Online pornography will be caught in the Rudd Government's compulsory blacklist internet filter, the Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA) has confirmed.
Any website that is subject to a complaint and classified RC or
X18+ will be added to the blacklist, an ACMA spokesman said: This includes real depictions of actual sexual activity Legal X18+ pornography in the territories will not be immune, the ACMA spokesman added. Communications Minister
Stephen Conroy: This is not an argument about free speech. As I have already said, [...BUT...] we have laws about the sort of material that is acceptable across all mediums and the internet is no different.
Currently, some
material is banned and we are simply seeking to use technology to ensure those bans are working. The National Classification Code determines content against the standards of morality, decency and propriety generally accepted by reasonable adults.
ACMA received 1122 complaints about online content in 2007/08 resulting in 15 take-down orders and 781 recommendations to makers of online filters.
A third of those 796 blocked websites were classified X18+ for actual sexual activity between
consenting adults, with the remainder refused classification for depiction of a sexual fetish or fantasy, violence, or a child. A separate filter, dubbed the Clean Feed, will further block a range of material unsuitable for children. Adults will
be able to opt out of the Clean Feed, but not the illegal content filter. |
31st October | | |
Government struggles to find support for its internet censorship
| Based on
article from theage.com.au
| Wowser Stephen Conroy: I am not a wowser ...BUT... some material online, [such as hardcore porn] is illegal |
The government election promise to censor the internet looks to be in trouble as Senate opposition grows.
The Rudd Government promised families far-reaching measures to block prohibited content at the internet server level. However
Communication Minister Wowser Stephen Conroy extended the idea to censoring adults. The idea now faces a concerted backlash against the proposal by the internet industry.
If the Liberals oppose legislation imposing server-level filtering,
the Government will need the support of the Greens, Family First senator Steve Fielding and South Australian senator Nick Xenophon. But the Greens have added their voice to Coalition concerns about the plan, with the Greens' communications
spokesman calling the proposal daft.
Greens communications spokesman Scott Ludlam told The Age yesterday that he was concerned the Government was trying to implement a policy that was technically difficult and very expensive for taxpayers.
Senator Ludlam said server-level filtering imposed a kind of censorship that runs counter to what the internet is all about. The Government would be better investing the filtering money in law enforcement and education: I think it's really
quite misguided .
The industry says mandatory filtering by internet service providers - as distinct from a net nanny that families can put on their own computers - will slow internet speeds significantly.
Nutter Senator
Fielding has signalled he wants a range of material blocked, including hard-core pornography and fetish material. Senator Xenophon has indicated he wants access to offshore gaming sites restricted.
The Government is still a way from producing
legislation to effect its policy, but indications are that it will be difficult to achieve consensus in the Senate.
Communications Minister Wowser Stephen Conroy has launched a defence of the policy, hitting back at claims by the internet
industry that the Government wants a sweeping ban on controversial content: I will accept some debate around what should and should not be on the internet - I am not a wowser [...BUT...] I am not looking to blanket-ban some of the
material that it is being claimed I want to blanket-ban, but some material online, such as child pornography, is illegal. [Hardcore porn is also illegal on the internet in Australian but somehow Conroy doesn't say anything
to counter the idea that it should therefore be blocked]
In response to arguments that the proposal would affect basic civil liberties and the principle that households should be able to be their own internet policeman, he said: We are
not trying to build the Great Wall of China. We are not trying to be Saudi Arabia, and to say that is to simply misrepresent the Government's position. |
30th October | |
| Nutter Atkinson shelved consideration of R18+ for games
| From blogs.theage.com.au
The introduction of an R18+ rating for computer games has been delayed indefinitely after South Australian Attorney-General Michael Atkinson withdrew his support for a discussion paper and public consultation process.
Censorship ministers in
March agreed in principle to canvas public opinion on the proposed introduction of a R18+ classification for games and release a discussion paper on the issue, but Atkinson has refused to agree to make the report public, effectively shelving it.
The draft discussion paper, simply titled R18+ for computer games was sent to ministers last month and details the pros and cons of introducing an adults-only rating for games.
The paper would have been available to the
public on the internet and provided to interested parties such as games industry groups and family associations to seek their views.
Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls, who has long supported the push for an R18+ games rating and took the lead
in drafting the discussion paper, appears resigned that no changes to the classification system for games will be made anytime soon.
Spokesperson for Hulls, Meaghan Shaw, said whilst the issue is still formally on the SCAG (Standing Committee
of Attorneys-General) agenda, it now appears unlikely that there will be unanimity from all jurisdictions to proceed further at this stage with introducing an R18+ category for computer games.
At the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and
Constitutional Affairs last week, deputy chair Senator Guy Barnett said some of us are dumbfounded as to why we do not have an R rating for video games.
We have a real problem, and this is something the Senate and the parliament is
going to have to address. If we have one state opposing this, South Australia, then clearly we are not going to have any R rating of video games. That simply cannot occur as a matter of course legally.
The issue is again on the agenda for
discussion at the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General meeting next month.
27th October | | |
New South Wales to remove artistic defence from child porn charges
| Based on article from
The New South Wales Government says it will introduce tough new sex-crime laws, and may strip artists of a defence against child-porn allegations, in line with recommendations of a NSW Sentencing Council report.
NSW Attorney General John
Hatzistergos today said the Government would introduce a raft of changes recommended by the council.
Commissioned in September last year and chaired by retired Supreme Court judge James Wood, the council's report into the state's sex crime laws
will now be used as a gold standard for new legislation to be introduced this year, Hatzistergos said.
In the wake of the Bill Henson scandal, an artistic purpose defence to charges of child pornography should be removed, the Sentencing
Council said.
Stressing the reform had nothing to do with the Henson case, Hatzistergos said removing the defence would only apply to work that depicts children as the victim of torture, or physical and sexual abuse.
The child nudity so
controversial in Henson's work would not be affected by such a reform, he said.
The council has recommended the introduction of a number of new offences, including voyeurism and inciting a person to commit a sexual offence.
NSW opposition
leader Barry O'Farrell supported abolishing the artistic purpose defence.
24th October | | |
Another euthanasia book under consideration by Australia's censor
| From canberratimes.com.au |
A book by euthanasia campaigner Philip Nitschke, Killing me softly , could be banned in Australia after a Classification Board hearing expected to take place next week.
Dr Nitschke said Attorney-General Robert McClelland had referred the
book to the board. The board's decision to hold a classification hearing is unusual, given Penguin Australia published the book more than three years ago.
It is understood the Attorney-General was reacting to newspaper reports that a Perth
mother, Erin Berg, who committed suicide in May after travelling to Mexico, had read the book, which describes euthanasia drugs sold overseas. Mrs Berg was suffering from serious post-natal depression but was not inflicted with a terminal illness.
The Classification Board has the power to ban the book altogether, restrict its sale and distribution, or make it a crime to sell or display it.
The chief censor, Donald McDonald, contacted Penguin Australia earlier this month and asked the
publisher to submit a copy of the book that was written by Dr Nitschke and his partner Fiona Stuart.
Dr Nitschke, who was on his way back to Australia from Britain after establishing an on-line site for his controversial The Peaceful Pill
Handbook , said Mr McClelland was reacting to pressure from what he claimed was a campaign being organised by the family of Mrs Berg.
The book Killing me Softly has about one sentence referring to the fact that people go overseas to obtain
euthanasia drugs, Dr Nitschke said, the book was largely a discussion of the issue and had been used in school curriculum. Penguin Australia publishing director Robert Sessions said any ban on the book could cause significant disruption. There
were few copies of the book in bookstores and the ban would mostly inconvenience libraries.
21st October | | |
Nutters and the adult trade lobby for stricter censorship
| Based on article from
theaustralian.news.com.au Based on article from
Nutter senator Barnaby Joyce has tabled a collection of hardcore pornography to illustrate how easy it is to pick it up from petrol stations and corner shops.
Senator Joyce ludicrously said the pornography was encouraging pedophilia.
These have received classification, it pertains to an insinuation that these girls are actually underage,
he said.
NotSoLiberal Senator Julian McGauran said corner stores and service stations were abusing the classification system controlled by the federal government.
McGauran said as he questioned bureaucrats from the Classification
Review Board during senate estimates hearings today: Category one classification is being abused.
Category one allows a softcore publication to be sold over the counter, sealed in an opaque wrapper. Category two allows hardcore
publications to be sold in shops with adult only restrictions.
The classification board's acting director Olya Booyar was grilled for about an hour on what was being done to counteract the publications: The board doesn't go looking for
publications which should be submitted (for classification) .
Enforcement of classifications was a state and territory government responsibility, the hearing was told. Meanwhile adult trade lobbyist, the Eros Association, has backed
coalition senators in urging an overhaul of the national classification regime for pornographic magazines and movies. Eros chief executive Fiona Patten said the system as it now stood wasn't working, with inappropriate material sold through
convenience stores and service stations.
Ms Patten said Eros supported Nationals senate leader Barnaby Joyce's action in raising the issue of magazine classifications during the Senate estimates hearing yesterday.
It's time for the
federal government to overhaul the national classification scheme for publications, she said in a statement.
Ms Patten said all adult magazines and books were supposed to be submitted to the federal government for classification, but less
than 5% of such publications sold in Australia had actually undergone classification. She said classification cost some $500-$700 per publication and for an importer bringing in just 10 copies of a specialist magazine, that would require a cover price of
$70 to cover costs: So, clearly, they cannot comply with the law or they will go broke.
Frequently the same publication was imported by two or three businesses. But because a publication needed to be classified only once, the first to do
so was actually covering the costs of competitors, Ms Patten said.
It's time the government reformed the classification scheme to create a more uniform adult category called non-violent erotica that spans films, publications and computer games
that all fall under the same set of guidelines, she said. Update: 3 Week Shutdown 22nd October 2008 A three-week shutdown should be forced on businesses
that sell wrongly classified hardcore porn, Nationals Senate leader Barnaby Joyce says.
15th October | |
| Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares underrated in Australia
| Thanks to Heath Based on article from
Australia's Nine Network has been called to account by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) after chef Gordon Ramsay's language was deemed too strong for its time slot.
The main problem is that Ramsay's Kitchen
Nightmares goes out with an "M" (Mature) rating when the TV censor says it should have been in the stronger "MA" bracket, which means it screens later at night.
Web also got into trouble for the sexual content in crime
show Underbelly .
ACMA has ordered Nine's classification officer Richard Lyle to attend a meeting on Friday to ensure the network complies with censorship rules after receiving complaints about both shows, many from nutters.
14th October | |
| Australian internet filtering will be mandatory
| Based on article from
Australians will be unable to opt-out of the government's pending Internet content filtering scheme, and will instead be placed on a watered-down blacklist, experts say.
Under the government's $125.8 million Plan for Cyber-Safety, users can
switch between two blacklists which block content inappropriate for children, and a separate list which blocks illegal material.
Pundits say consumers have been lulled into believing the opt-out proviso would remove content filtering altogether.
A spokesman for Communications Minister Stephen Conroy said the filters will be mandatory for all Australians.
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) contacted by Computerworld say blanket content filtering will cripple Internet speeds because
the technology is not up to scratch.
Online libertarians claim the blacklists could be expanded to censor material such as euthanasia, drugs and protest.
Internode network engineer Mark Newton said many users falsely believe the opt-out
proviso will remove content filtering: Users can opt-out of the 'additional material' blacklist (referred to in a department press release, which is a list of things unsuitable for children, but there is no opt-out for 'illegal content'. Newton
said advisers to Minister Conroy have told ISPs that Internet content filtering will be mandatory for all users.
The government reported it does not expected to prescribe which filtering technologies ISPs can use, and will only set blacklists of
filtered content, supplied by the Australia Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
According to preliminary trials, the best Internet content filters would incorrectly block about 10,000 Web pages from one million.
14th October | | |
Rock bottom community standards in Australia due to sexy adverts
| Nutters always claim that 'standards' will fall in the future. Surely if the whingers are correct then 'standards' should have fallen already Based
on article from smh.com.au
Catholoc nutters are stepping up the fight to ban "sexualised" advertisements from billboards.
Matthew Restall and Bridget Spinks have 4000 signatures, including that of Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell, and are hoping to
collect as many as 100,000 by January, when they will be submitted to the NSW and Victorian parliaments to be tabled.
Restall said he took the action after seeing an advertisement on the side of a vehicle advertising a car wash, showing a
scantily clad woman lying in a suggestive position. It was offensive. The aim of the campaign is to remove all forms of sexualised advertisements from billboards and sides of vehicles.
The campaign has been backed by The Catholic
Spinks said: Who knows what our children are having to deal with. By 2040, if no one does something now, the level of our community standards is going to drop.
8th October | | |
Sega intend to release MadWorld in Australia
| Based on article from
Contrary to recent reports, Sega has confirmed it will try to release the controversial Madworld in Australia next year, a Wii game with over-the-top violence and murderous moves.
In Madworld, players control a character
called Jack caught up in a murderous game created by terrorists. To survive, players must master the use of weapons and items, perform brutal finishing moves delivered by the Wii Remote and Nunchuk controller, and compete in ultra violent mini-games
designed to push you over the edge.
Sega say they hope the game will become an instant classic on the Wii thanks to its highly stylised black and white graphics and irreverent humour and over-the-top violence which delivers a visceral gaming experience.
A Sega spokesperson said today that in response to recent reports regarding the Australian release of Madworld, Sega Australia would like to clarify that we are currently planning on releasing Madworld to the Australian market.
But Sega is likely to face difficulty in getting the game approved for release in Australia by the Classification Board. If the game is deemed unsuitable for an MA15+ rating it will be banned due to the ongoing absence of an R18+ rating for games in this
1st October | |
| Cartoon necrophilia winds up Australian TV censor
| Thanks to Nick Based on article from
chortle.co.uk |
Family Guy has hit trouble with the TV censor in Australia: for a scene in which the Grim Reaper has sex with a dead girl.
Cable broadcaster Foxtel has been reprimanded for giving the episode a PG rating, when it should have had a
stricter M, for more mature youngsters.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority said the episode entitled Death Is A Bitch breached the code of conduct, dismissing Foxtel's argument that the episode was so unreal it could not be
taken seriously.
It ruled: Necrophilia, even by way of an animated reference, contains an inherent impact higher than mild.
Foxtel will reclassify the episode as M for future screenings and will review the classification of all
other episodes of Family Guy .
1st October | | |
Atari to seek a children's version of Silent Hill Homecoming
| Based on article from
xbox360.ign.com Silent Hill: Homecoming is available at
UK Amazon for release on 26th December 2008 |
Australia's game censor recently banned Silent Hill: Homecoming .
In terms of the 'offending' violence in Silent Hill: Homecoming , the Censor Board cited several high impact scenes in the game, mostly focusing on drilling into
and severing body parts. One scene in particular that was highlighted as a problem involved Alex (the main character) having a drill forced into his right eye socket, which caused a lot of blood to spray out. A couple of other scenes mentioned include
one where Alex forces the drill up into an enemy's skull and another where Alex is cut in half by an enemy. When we spoke to Atari about its reaction to the ban and plans for the game, the representative mentioned that they hoped to get Konami to
tone down the high impact violence scenes so that it could be reclassified as MA15+ and allow the game to be released in Q1 2009. We'll let you know as soon as Atari is able to confirm these plans.