6000 people avail themselves of Scotland's new free service to use the police to settle scores under the Hate Crime Act
 | 8th
April 2024
| See article from
reclaimthenet.org |
Police Scotland is grappling with potential budgetary pressures and service reductions. David Threadgold of the Scottish Police Federation (SPF) has raised concerns about the financial impact of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act. According
to him, the legislation has already led to an overload of calls, with over 6,000 logged since its enactment. Threadgold's worry centers on the unforeseen costs of handling these cases, particularly the overtime payments for control room staff. He
believes these expenses will reverberate throughout the year, affecting other police services. Calum Steele, former general secretary of the SPF, echoes these concerns. As reported by The Scotsman, Steele criticized Police Scotland's preparation for the
Act, calling it negligently unprepared and pointing out that the additional costs were predictable. The legislation's impact extends beyond financial strains. The Act has resulted in a notable rise in the logging of non-crime hate incidents,
incidents perceived as hateful but not necessarily criminal. This increase has prompted concerns about a potential inundation of trivial or malicious complaints, especially in the context of highly charged events like football matches. Tory MSP Murdo
Fraser has already lodged a complaint over a tweet he posted being logged as a hate incident. |
Scotland's disgraceful new hate crime law comes into force
| 1st April 2024
| See article from bbc.co.uk |
Scotland's disgraceful new hate crime law has come into force that will undoubtedly restrict free speech and give power to those wih a scores to settle regardless of the merits of their claims. The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021
creates a new crime of stirring up hatred relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. The maximum penalty is a prison sentence of seven years. A person commits an offence if they communicate
material, or behave in a manner, that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive, with the intention of stirring up hatred based on the protected characteristics. The bar for this offence is lower than for the other protected
characteristics, as it also includes insulting behaviour, and as the prosecution need only prove that stirring up hatred was likely rather than intended. As well as the offence of stirring up hatred, the Hate Crime Act also consolidates the existing
law on crimes which are aggravated by prejudice. These are where an offender demonstrates malice or ill-will towards their victim based on a protected characteristic, which can be taken into account by a sheriff or judge with a longer sentence or a
higher fine than would otherwise have been the case. This is the first time that age has been included in the list of protected characteristics for aggravated offences, a move welcomed by some campaign groups. Adam Tomkins, professor of public law at
Glasgow University, and a former Conservative MSP, voted against the bill because it could see someone convicted of stirring up hatred for a comment they make in private in their own home, not just in public, and I just don't think that's where the
criminal law belongs. Susan Smith of For Women Scotland fears those who are investigated under the new law will have their lives upended. She told BBC News: The tests are quite woolly and we don't know how people are going to interpret
this. We do anticipate that there will be a lot of malicious complaints, a lot of rather trivial complaints and potentially people who are investigated will see their lives upended. I imagine there will be many complaints, for example, made against JK
Rowling. Ch Supt Rob Hay of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS), which represents senior officers, said there was the potential for a huge uplift in complaints about social media posts. And as is so often the case, the police
have sided with complainers and have pledged to investigate every hate crime complaint it receives. BBC News understands that these will be assessed by a dedicated team within Police Scotland including a number of hate crime advisers to assist
officers in determining what, if any, action to take. |
Police Scotland prepares for the enforcement of the Scottish Government's latest attack on free speech
26th September 2023
| See article from reclaimthenet.org |
Preparing to enforce Humza Yousaf's latest law attacking free speech, a specialized hate crime unit has been announced by Police Scotland. With the unit scheduled to be operational by November, a comprehensive training of about 16,400 police will follow
in December. This is all in anticipation of the Hate Crime and Public Order Act, expected to be ratified early in 2024. This Act expands upon the existing law, offering a wider definition of 'vulnerable' groups and introduces the notion of stirring up
hatred. The Act allows for more severe sentencing if prejudice is based on factors such as age, race, disability, religion, transgender identity or variations in sex characteristics. No doubt it will be used to police 'wrong think' eg in the
increasingly toxic culture wars surrounding gender issues. Critics argue that a significant portion of police time may now be geared towards a subjective concept of hate crime, such as misgendering, instead of dealing with tangible violent acts. Police Scotland remains tight-lipped about the size of the proposed unit plus the financial implications of the new laws -- a cause for concern for many.
The National Secular Society calls for the Scottish Government to restore free speech protections to its disgraceful Hate Crimes bill
| 28th February 2021
| See article from secularism.org.uk
The National Secular Society has urged Scotland's justice minister not to renege on a commitment to ensure a strengthened level of protection for free speech on religion in the current hate crime bill. A vital free speech
provision around religion has yet to be determined, even though it had appeared to be settled and a final vote on the legislation is likely to be just days away. The NSS has long warned that plans to criminalise 'stirring up
hatred' on the grounds of religion within the bill pose a threat to freedom of expression. The Scottish parliament's Justice Committee had agreed to an amendment to protect expressions of "antipathy, dislike, ridicule and
insult" of religion or belief during previous consideration of the bill. However, this now appears to be under threat after the launch of a last minute consultation on freedom of expression provisions in the bill. The consultation, which closed on
Monday, lasted just four days. The NSS and Edinburgh Secular Society have now jointly written to Humza Yousaf, Scotland's cabinet secretary for justice, over the issue. The NSS said a free speech clause
covering religion that only protected "discussion or criticism" would be "too imprecise" and go "nowhere near far enough to protect robust debate, satire, comedy and commentary about religions or beliefs".
It added that the law should "in no way serve to criminalise people for their opposition to ideas or protect people's beliefs from antipathy, dislike, ridicule and insult". The letter argued that the
"wide consensus and strong support" for the additional protection for speech about religion or belief should be reflected in the legislation. And it says it would be "unconscionable at this late stage to renege on additional free speech
protections already agreed to".
Proposals to protect free speech in Scottish hate crimes bill do not appear to have gained traction
 | 18th February 2021
| See article from
secularism.org.uk |
The Scottish government is struggling to find way of protecting free speech in a disgraceful blasphemy/hate crimes bill. An amendment was recently proposed to tone down the destruction of free speech The Scottish government is now seeking
further suggestions. Earlier this week the Scottish parliament's Justice Committee approved several amendments to the bill, one of which would provide greater protection for freedom of expression on religion. But these proposals seem to have
stalled due to parliamentary/party resistance. Now the committee issued a call for views on four new options for freedom of expression protections, which have been proposed by the justice secretary who clearly has little interest in free speech.
Only two of the options contain the agreed amendment on free speech on religion. The other two substantially dilute protection for freedom of expression on religion in comparison. The committee has requested that views on the proposals be submitted
by 10:00 this coming Monday (22 February). The original amendment proposed that a conviction for stirring up hatred on religious grounds would require the prosecution to demonstrate that the accused had behaved in a manner which is threatening or
abusive and intended to stir up hatred. One of the new amendments would have provided greater protection to expressions of antipathy, ridicule, dislike or insult of religion or belief. But two of the four options now proposed only say
behaviour would not reach the threshold for prosecution solely on the basis that it involves or includes discussion or criticism of religion. National Secular Society chief executive Stephen Evans said the Scottish government's position was
perplexing and farcical. He commented: The level of protection for freedom of expression on religion in this bill appeared settled. The agreed amendment was a significant step in the right direction and the Scottish
government shouldn't be reopening this. This episode simply reinforces legitimate concerns that the bill will unacceptably intrude on freedom of speech. With this in mind, and amid a deeply confused and rushed process, MSPs should
press pause on the relevant section of this bill.
Free speech protection clause fails to convince the youngsters of the SNP
2nd February 2021
| See article from reclaimthenet.org |
A free speech protection amendment to Scotland's disgraceful hate crime bill that would have allowed some discussion or criticism of matters relating to transgender identity has been withdrawn after members of the ruling Scottish National Party (SNP)
threatened to resign in protest. People can be convicted of an offense under this bill if they're deemed to have shown malice and ill-will towards protected groups via blogs, emails, podcasts, social media posts, websites, and more. Even people who
forward or repeat offending material can be convicted. Under this amendment, which was proposed last week by Humza Yousaf, Scotland's Cabinet Secretary for Injustice, there would have been a freedom of expression protection where behaviours and
materials are not to be taken as threatening or abusive solely on the basis that it involves or includes discussion or criticism of matters relating to transgender identity. But after Yousaf proposed the amendment, many younger and LGBT+ SNP members
threatened to resign their party membership. This prompted SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon to step in and plead for them to remain party members. This ultimately resulted in Yousaf withdrawing his amendment and meeting with opposition parties in another
attempt to write a new amendment that would give freedom of expression protection for all categories. |
Scotland's disgraceful 'hate crimes' bill to diminish free speech passes its first test in the Scottish Parliament
18th December 2020
| See article from reclaimthenet.org
Scotland is proceeding with its disgraceful plans to pass a new blasphemy law. Currently, the Hate Crime Bill looks likely to eventually pass, as it just secured a 91 to 29 vote in parliament during the first phase of the legislative procedure. Some of the more troublesome points of the bill, the way it was originally drafted, include sanctioning possession of what's referred to as inflammatory media (memes, emails, images, and dark humor), as well as social media posts determined by the authorities to be problematic. At the same time, the legislation is vague enough to fail to objectively define what abuse in terms of speech means.
The phase one vote was preceded by a debate, when SNP member and Scotland's Injustice Secretary Humza Yousaf acknowledged there were concerns about the bill's chilling effect on free speech, but immediately went on to mention the chilling effect of
hate (speech) crime perpetrated against sexual, ethnic and racial minorities and religious communities. |
 | 6th December 2020
Controversial is probably not an adjective that governments wish to have associated with legislation they are trying to pass, but it is certainly an appropriate description of the Scottish Government's Hate Crime Bill. See
article from holyrood.com |
Improvements to Scotland's disgraceful speech censorship bill
26th November 2020
| See article from secularism.org.uk
The National Secular Society has welcomed a decision from Scotland's injustice secretary to strengthen a clause on free speech on religion in his government's proposed hate crime bill. Humza Yousaf announced that the bill would be amended to
provide greater protection to expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule and insult of religion. A conviction for stirring up hatred would require the prosecution to demonstrate that the accused had behaved in a manner which is threatening or abusive
and intended to stir up hatred. The bill will now make clear that people are free to express antipathy, ridicule, dislike of a religion or religions, or the absence of religious belief, or to insult religions, or the absence of religious belief -- if
they do not do so in a way that is threatening or abusive and intended to stir up hatred. NSS chief executive Stephen Evans said: This is a significant and welcome step from the justice secretary which will go a
long way towards protecting free speech on religion in Scotland. But we continue to urge ministers to at least match the free speech protection offered in England and Wales's Racial and Religious Hatred Act. This bill's weaker provision will mean it
still risks capturing speech which people find offensive -- and therefore subjectively abusive.
Scottish MSPs point out that a new blasphemy bill will apply to speech in people's private homes
| 2nd November 2020
| 31st October 2020. See
article from express.co.uk |
The disgraceful new Scottish hate crime and blasphemy bill will criminalise free speech in people's own homes, MSPs have been told. MSPs questioned Scottish 'Justice' Secretary Humza Yousaf over the censorship legislation during an evidence
session before the Holyrood Justice Committee. The new proposed legislation will introduce a stirring-up of hate offence on characteristics including religion, and sexual orientation. However critics note that the Hate Crime and Public Order Bill,
which centres around plans for a new offence of stirring up hatred, will stifle freedom of expression. BBC Scotland, Catholic bishops, the Humanist Society of Scotland, and the Scottish Police Federation are amongst those to have raised concerns,
along with Mr Bean star Rowan Atkinson and writer Val McDermid. Because of this, Yousaf was forced to moderate the legislation and marginally change the controversial stirring up offences section which has been condemned by opponents. It now means
stirring up offences would be limited to intent relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and variations in sex characteristics and therefore prosecutions could only be brought in this respect. Liam Kerr MSP,
Scottish Conservative Justice Spokesman, added: The Hate Crime Bill was a mess when the SNP first brought it to parliament and it still contains serious issues that need to be fixed. He said: Tinkering around the margins
will not fix the most controversial bill in Scottish Parliament history. This latest admission from the justice secretary confirms what so many respondents to the consultation have warned 203 that as drafted, this Bill means free
speech could be criminalised within the home with friends you've invited over for a dinner party, and that Mr Yousaf is perfectly comfortable with that. The SNP need to be clear with the Scottish public about exactly what they
intend this Hate Crime Bill to do. They can't keep trying to force through dangerous attacks on freedom of speech.
Update: Stronger free speech protection needed over hate crime bill
urges the National Secular Society 31st October 2020. See article from secularism.org.uk
The National Secular Society has urged the Scottish government to ensure freedom of expression is adequately protected after ministers hinted at possible concessions in a bill on hate crime. NSS chief executive Stephen Evans
met with government representatives on Thursday and urged them to reconsider plans to criminalise stirring up hatred on various grounds, including religion. Mr Evans warned that the vague and highly subjective wording in the bill
risked chilling free speech and sending the message that the law was there to protect people from being offended. Part of the bill, which is currently making its way through the Scottish parliament, would criminalise behaviour
deemed threatening or abusive and intended to stir up hatred. As part of its case the NSS argued that protections for free speech in the relevant section of the bill should be at least as strong as their equivalents in England and
Offsite Comment: Scotland is leading the way to totalitarianism 2nd November 2020. See article from unherd.com by Rod Dreher
A bill brought forth by the SNP aims to police what citizens say at home |
Scottish Injustice Secretary agrees to remove the worst part of his disgraceful speech censorship bill
 | 24th September 2020
| 23rd September 2020. See article from dailyrecord.co.uk |
A disgraceful speech censorship bill will be tweaked to remove at least they very worst parts of the bill. Injustice Secretary Humza Yousaf admitted they would curb freedom of speech. The SNP minister says that the censorship will only apply to those
with intent to stir up hatred against any group. Previously the hatred would be as perceived by the easily offended. A disaster in the modern world where people claim offence at the most trivial hint of an insult. Think religious offence of
so called micro-aggressions or unconscious bias etc. Yousaf said: There is a real risk that if the offences don't require intent to stir up hatred, there could be a perception and indeed uncertainty that the
operation of this aspect of the offences may be used to prosecute what are entirely legitimate acts of expression. This in itself might lead to an element of self-censorship. This is not the aim of the legislation.
The Hate Crime Bill also adds new characteristics to the law, such as age and sex, but it was claimed the plans will curb civil liberties, criminalise comedy and even target religious books. Yousaf said that he is still
pushing ahead with the bill. He confirmed the government will amend the Bill at the next stage of scrutiny, when MSPs start going through the plans line by line. Opposition Tory MSPs said they want to see even bigger changes before the laws can be
passed with support at Holyrood. Jamie Gillies, spokesman for the Free to Disagree Campaign against the stirring up plans, said: There's still too low a threshold for offending, the wording is hopelessly vague, free speech
provisions are inadequate, there is no 'dwelling defence', and people outside Scotland could be caught. Withdrawing the 'stirring up' offences wholesale is the only way to resolve these complex issues and ensure that other, vital
civil liberties are upheld. The fact that the government hasn't done this means opposition to the bill will continue for months to come. It's a missed opportunity.
Offsite Comment: Plan to amend Scottish hate crime bill isn't enough 24th September 2020. See article from secularism.org.uk
The National Secular Society has welcomed news that Scotland's current hate crime bill will be amended, but warned that offences within the bill remain a menace to free and open debate. |
Nicola Sturgeon acknowledges significant criticism of her disgraceful 'hate crime' censorship bill
4th September 2020
| See article
from heraldscotland.com |
Nicola Sturgeon has suggested disgraceful censorship proposals could be overhauled to listen to concerns that new laws will diminish freedom of speech. The plans have faced criticism from a range of voices over worries that freedom of speech will be
eroded. The Scottish parliament's justice committee received almost 2,000 submissions in response to a consultation on the bill. The committee's convener has described this response as unprecedented. Even the police criticised the plans. The Scottish
Police Federation has said ministers have grossly underestimated policing costs associated with the bill. Sturgeon said in a speech to the Scottish Parliament: I want to give an assurance that we will listen
carefully. Freedom of speech and expression is fundamental in any democracy. There's really good reasons why we need to make sure we've got laws in this country that are capable of tackling hate crime because it is pernicious and
horrible and we should have zero tolerance to it. We've got to do that in a way that respects and protects people's legitimate freedom of speech and expression. As with so many really important things we do in society, these are
not always straight forward things -- they involve striking balances and they involve getting into the real detail of how we get this right. We're at the start of a legislative process. I think the right thing to do is to listen
to concerns, to go through the committee scrutiny process and if there are amendments we need to make to reassure people who have legitimate concerns, we certainly give an undertaking to do that. We hear these concerns and we want
to navigate a way through this bill that does what we want to do around hate crime but doesn't leave people thinking the legitimate right to freedom of speech is being compromised.
...But...maybe it will at least put a stop to religious groups spouting hatred about gays and other religions
 | 1st September 2020
| See article from
patheos.com |
A disgraceful censorship law proposed by Scotland's Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has been widely condemned by a wide range of religious and secular organisations. But Atheist Scotland says it could be useful to prevent faith leaders from expressing
vitriol against a variety of groups including trans people and homosexuals. Atheist Scotland's convenor, Ian Stewart, said in a letter to a local newspaper that group planned to monitor scripture, sermons in places of worship and social media accounts
and report any hatred to Police Scotland for criminal investigation. The Christian Institute, which opposes the legislation, warned preachers noting that it could expose church ministers to the risk of prosecution at the instigation of
anti-religious zealots. The law would make stirring up hatred against certain groups a criminal offence, even if a person making the remarks had not intended to do so or made them in private. Those found guilty would face up to seven years in
jail. |
 | 28th August 2020
The law could criminalise people making jokes or discussing religion and would do more harm than good. By Index on Censorship See
article from indexoncensorship.org |
An open letter from Rowan Atkinson and others criticises Scotland's disgraceful censorship bill
 | 11th August 2020
| See article from humanism.scot
A joint open letter from over 20 individuals and organisations highlights their concerns over the impact on artistic expression and free expression of the draft Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill. The letter co-ordinated by Humanist Society
Scotland has support from authors Val McDermid, Chirs Brookmyre and Alan Bissett alongside arts administrators Dame Seona Reid and the artistic director of Dundee Rep, Andrew Paton. They join Cartoonists Rights International and academics such as Prof AC
Grayling and Prof Timothy Garden Ash alongside many others. The letter reads: We represent a diverse group of individuals and organisations concerned about the impact on freedom of expression of the proposed Hate Crime and
Public Order Bill as currently drafted. We welcome the provisions to consolidate existing aggravated hate crimes and the repeal of the blasphemy law. However, the Bill creates stirring up offences without
any intent being examined; merely that the words, action, or artwork might do so. This offence could even be applied to being in possession of materials produced by someone else, where sharing the material could stir up hatred. The unintended consequences of this well meaning Bill risk stifling freedom of expression, and the ability to articulate or criticise religious and other beliefs.
As currently worded, the Bill could frustrate rational debate and discussion which has a fundamental role in society including in artistic endeavour. The arts play a key part in shaping Scotland's identity in addition to being a
significant economic contributor. The right to critique ideas, philosophical, religious and other must be protected to allow an artistic and democratic society to flourish. Fraser Sutherland, Chief
Executive, Humanist Society Scotland Andrew Copson, Chief Executive, Humanists UK Scottish PEN Index on Censorship Chris Brookmyre, Novelist Val McDermid, Writer Elaine C Smith, Actor and Comedian
Dame Seona Reid, Arts Administrator Alan Bissett, Playwright and Novelist Ruth Wishart, Journalist and Broadcaster Andrew Panton, Artistic Director Dundee Rep / Joint CEO Dundee Rep & Scottish Dance Theatre Ltd
Prof. Maggie Kinloch, Theatre Director & Chair Humanist Society Scotland Ariane Sherine, Comedian and Journalist Joan Smith, Journalist, novelist, and human rights activist Peter Tatchell, Director, Peter
Tatchell Foundation Rowan Atkinson, Comedian Prof. A C Grayling, Philosopher and Author Prof. Timothy Garton Ash, Historian and author of Free Speech Nick Ross, Television and Radio Presenter Terry
Anderson, Executive Director, Cartoonists Rights Network International Gary McLelland, Chief Executive, Humanists International Michael Connarty, Former MP and former Chair of Parliamentary Humanist Group Dr Evan Harris,
Former MP and former Vice-Chair of Parliamentary Humanist Group Quilliam Foundation |
With a disgraceful new bill whose public consultation has just closed
 | 26th July 2020
| See article from bbc.co.uk See
article from telegraph.co.uk See
Hate Crimes Bill [pdf] from
beta.parliament.scot |
A public consultation has closed on changes to Scotland's hate crime laws that will diminish free speech even further. The plans to make it a criminal offence to stir up hatred, criticise or insult anyone based on their age, disability, religion,
sexual orientation or transgender identity. The bill will massively step up the definitions of what people are not allowed to stay lest it be considered insulting to easily offended identity groups, particularly sensitive religions. The bill also
extends from people's words into the possession of material that might be considered critical of sensitive identity groups. The disgraceful bill has been opposed by many particularly the most effected, like newspapers. Opposition to the
bill has united the Catholic Church and the National Secular Society in opposition to the plans - along with academics, playwrights and newspaper columnists who all say they fear the proposed legislation will pose a threat to their freedom of speech. For
example comedians could become too frightened to dare make a joke about a Scotsman, an Englishman and an Irishman walking into a bar. The public were invited to make their views known to the Scottish parliament's justice committee before midnight
on 24 July. Amanda Millar, president of the Law Society of Scotland, said: It was right that laws provide a clear message that hatred should have no place in our society. However, we have significant
reservations regarding a number of the bill's provisions and the lack of clarity, which could in effect lead to restrictions in freedom of expression, one of the foundations of a democratic society. We have real concerns that certain behaviour, views
expressed or even an actor's performance, which might well be deemed insulting or offensive, could result in a criminal conviction under the terms of the bill as currently drafted.
Scottish Labour criticised the offence of stirring up
hatred and accused ministers of failing to learn the lessons of the repealed Offensive Behaviour at Football Act. The party's justice spokesman James Kelly said: There is a significant divergence from similar law in
England and Wales where intent is required for a person to be criminalised for behaviour which another finds insulting. Under the current proposals, the law here would not require this intent to be present - which sets an alarming legal precedent and
could result in the criminalisation of expressions of religious views.
In its submission to Holyrood's Justice Committee, the Scottish Newspaper Society warned that it contained highly dangerous measures which pose a serious threat to
freedom of expression in its broadest sense. The organisation's director, John McLellan, said it had the potential to provoke a string of vexatious complaints against journalists and columnists, which could then lead to police investigations. He raised
further concerns about provisions against communicating insulting material: It would also be an offence to distribute it, which potentially could see newspaper delivery boys and girls, or shops, fall foul of the law.
Allowing courts to direct the destruction of material had echoes of darker times and could lead to the banning of books or censorship of the internet, he warned. He added that JK Rowling, who has recently faced a
deluge of criticism from transgender rights activists after she expressed her views online, would almost certainly have seen her subjected to a police investigation had the proposed law been in force. |
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