One Million Moms takes issue with woke advertising for Oreos
 | 20th
October 2020
| See article from onemillionmoms.com
The Christian moralist campaign group One Million Moms has taken issue with woke advertising for Oreo biscuits. The group writes: Oreo and parent company, Mondelez International, have begun airing a gay pride commercial which has
absolutely nothing to do with selling cookies. Mondelez International is attempting to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle by using their commercials, such as the most recent Oreo ad featuring a lesbian couple, to brainwash children and adults alike by
desensitizing audiences. The ad has a daughter going home to see her family and brings her lesbian lover with her. The commercial focuses on the mother approving of her daughter's girlfriend, but the father is hesitant and has
reservations. He later has a change of heart and even displays his acceptance of her lifestyle by painting his picket fence in rainbow colors to further show his approval. The advertisement ends with: A loving world starts with a loving home. Followed
by: Show you're a proud parent #PROUDPARENT. And the final statement: In collaboration with PFLAG. Oreoproudparent.com. PFLAG is the United States' first and largest organization uniting parents, families, and allies with people
who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. PFLAG National is the national organization, which provides support to the PFLAG network of over 400 local chapters. Founded in New York City, New York, with their headquarters based in Washington,
D.C., PFLAG is the most visible group showing support for LGBTQ youth and acceptance of this lifestyle. When we purchase Mondelez International products then we are helping fund and support PFLAG. In 2011, the popular snack-food
company Nabisco became known as Mondelez International. Its most popular brands in the United States are Oreo, belVita, Chips Ahoy!, Cadbury Dairy Milk, Honey Maid, Halls, Philadelphia, Ritz, Sour Patch Kids, Triscuit, Trident gum, and Wheat Thins.
Eternals, for its openly gay superhero
 | 7th
March 2020
| See article from newsweek.com
Eternals is a 2020 USA action Sci-Fi fantasy by Chloé Zhao. Starring Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden and Salma Hayek.
 Following the events of Avengers: Endgame (2019), an
unexpected tragedy forces the Eternals, ancient aliens who have been living on Earth in secret for thousands of years, out of the shadows to reunite against mankind's most ancient enemy, the Deviants. One Million Moms is a US morality
campaign group. It has called for the boycott of an upcoming Marvel Studios movie because it features an openly gay superhero. The Eternals is said to an include a kiss between superhero Phastos and his husband. The movie's release is still eight
months away, but the campaigners getting early. The group wrote: Warning! An upcoming Marvel Studios movie will include a homosexual superhero and a same-sex kiss in the film The Eternals , set to hit theaters on
November 6. One Million Moms needs your help to make sure as many people as possible are aware of Marvel pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families in the upcoming superhero movie The Eternals , which will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios.
Marvel has decided to be politically correct instead of providing family friendly programming. Marvel should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda. As moms, we all want to know when Marvel is attempting
to desensitize our family by normalizing the LGBTQ lifestyle.
One Million Moms have a beef about a no beef beef burger advert
 | 19th
January 2020
| Thanks to Nick See article from onemillionmoms.com
See video from YouTube |
The Christian morality campaign group has had a beef about a Burger King advert where a customers says he's a 'damn fool' being deceived about a faux beef Whopper. The group complains: Burger King is airing a commercial that uses
profanity to advertise its Impossible Whopper -- a burger made from plants instead of beef. The language in the commercial is offensive, and it's sad that this once family restaurant has made yet another deliberate decision to
produce a controversial advertisement instead of a wholesome one. In the Burger King commercial that is currently airing on TV, customers' responses are being videoed as they taste-test the Impossible Whopper. One man is
completely shocked that the burger is not beef, so he uses word 'damn' to describe how he feels about himself for being deceived by the taste of the burger. One Million Moms finds this highly inappropriate. When responding to the
taste test, he didn't have to curse. Or if, in fact, it was a real and unscripted interview in which the man was not an actor, then Burger King could have simply chosen to edit the profanity out of the commercial. Burger King's
Impossible Whopper ad is irresponsible and tasteless. It is extremely destructive and damaging to impressionable children viewing the commercial. We all know children repeat what they hear. This ad is airing during prime time,
when families are likely watching. Burger King should be more responsible in its marketing decisions. Let the fast-food restaurant know that as a parent and a customer you are disgusted by its recent marketing choices. Burger King
needs to know parents do not approve! |
Schick TrimStyle bikini line shaver
 | 22nd
July 2018
| See article from onemillionmoms.com
See video from YouTube |
The US moralist campaign writes: This current Schick Hydro Silk TrimStyle ad is extremely inappropriate and vile, plus it is aired early in the evening when children are likely watching. It is so suggestive it's
disgraceful. The commercial shows three women in tiny bikinis standing behind small bushes strategically placed in front of their crotches. Two women then proceed to delicately trim these bushes with scissors. The third woman uses her new Schick razor on
the bush. She trims it into the shape of a heart and the other two women stand amazed. The advertisement gives the impression they are trimming and shaping their pubic area because of how the trees are placed. You do not have to imagine much to see the
implication. Schick, owned by Edgewell Personal Care Brands, LLC, needs to know it is not alright to air obscene commercials with highly offensive content, especially when children are likely watching. This is unacceptable!
Children's books from Scholastic Inc that feature gay parenting
 | 12th January 2018
| See article from
pinknews.co.uk |
Religious moralist campaigners at One Million Moms are whingeing about a book publisher that supports gay parenting. They write: Everyone is familiar with Scholastic Inc. Their book fairs are popular fundraisers at your
child's school. However, Scholastic is not safe for your child and parents should be warned. Scholastic Inc., the world's largest publisher and distributor of children's books, is using its platform to promote
pro-homosexual and pro-transgender books for children. The corporation, for example, published a pro-transgender book called George for 3rd graders. When people look at George, they think they see a boy, the book
reads. But she [George] knows she's not a boy. She knows she's a girl. According to its website, Scholastic Inc. reaches 6 million children per week with its publications. It features morally toxic reading lists for
children, such as:
- Books for Two-Mommy Families
- Great books for Two-Dad Families
- Picture Books About Transgender Children
The American College of Pediatricians warns: Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.
Scholastic does not have our children's best interests at heart. Tell Scholastic to stop harming children. |
ABC's TV series, Once Upon a Time
 | 24th April 2016
| See article from onemillionmoms.com |
The Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms whinges: ABC's Once Upon a Time introduced a lesbian couple during this week's episode which 1MM and parents find completely unnecessary. On the other hand, the producers
said the inclusion of homosexuality in a show popular with kids was important. Many families watch the program based on beloved children's fairytales, but unfortunately, ABC has distorted and twisted the storylines in these fables.
In Sunday's (April 17) episode, named Ruby Slippers , classic fairytale characters continue to push the envelope as Ruby from Little Red Riding Hood and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz lock lips and introduce
the show's first LGBTQ couple. In a series of flashbacks, a romance brews between the two women. A sleeping curse leads Ruby to bestow true love's kiss on Dorothy to wake her. One kiss breaks the spell, but many follow in a brief
make out session as the munchkins from Oz watch. Once Upon a Time is a far from innocent fairytale entangling favorite Disney characters in a new, modern storyline. When it debuted in 2011 it was called the most family-friendly
drama on any broadcast network in the past ten years and Common Sense Media rated it for children 12 and up. So naturally, with its family-friendly 8:00 pm ET/7:00 pm CT Sunday night time slot, it attracts younger viewers and parents who still think
of Disney as wholesome. Of course, 1MM knows that Disney has not been wholesome for some time and, once again, they are purposefully pushing a gay agenda. |
CBS TV show Angel from Hell
 | 29th January 2016
| From onemillionmoms.com |
One Million Moms is a US morality campaign that writes: CBS is now airing a Christian-bashing program titled Angel From Hell , about a not so good guardian angel starring Jane Lynch. The previews alone can make
believers sick to their stomachs with the blasphemous content including crude humor, foul language and distasteful dialogue. The new show airs on Thursday evenings at 9:30 pm ET/8:30 pm CT with a 14-DL rating. This program is a
new comedy that focuses on a holier-than-thou character who is anything but that. The network also cast children in scenes that are extremely inappropriate, such as the angel using foul language in front of them and then joking that she never promised to
be G-rated. The premiere also included the angel hiding liquor in the children's clothes and saying, My booze! followed by a little boy saying, That's so cool! Almost every scene included the angel drinking alcohol from a flask, even on
Sunday, and once at a bar. Not to mention the angel rides on a wrecking ball while busting up a concrete angel statue. Is nothing sacred anymore? Once again networks like CBS mock Christianity. Angel From Hell is a
demeaning show portraying Christians in a negative light. This program is another attempt to distort the truth about Christianity. |
The return of The Muppets, now supposedly for adults only
 | 19th September 2015
| See article from onemillionmoms.com
One Million Moms, a christian morality group, spout: ABC's New Adaptation of The Muppets is for Adults Only! One Million Moms (IMM) suspects there are going to be a lot of shocked moms and dads
when they discover that the family-friendly Muppets of the 1970s are no more. It appears that no subject is off limits. ABC's new Muppet Show, airing on Tuesday evenings at 8:00 pm ET/7:00 pm CT, is not what Jim Henson imagined and created. The new show
is aimed at a mature, modern audience and addresses subjects not suitable for family viewing. It's sort of an adult Muppet show, Kermit the Frog said during a promotional video for the show. One ad read, Finally, a
network TV show with full frontal nudity. Technically, the advertisement is correct -- seeing how Kermit doesn't wear pants. The mature version of The Muppets will cover a range of topics from sex to drugs. Miss Piggy
came out as a pro-choice feminist during an MSNBC interview. The puppet characters loved by kids in the 1970s and 1980s and beyond are now weighing in on abortion and promiscuity. ABC hopes children watch the show and predict they
would enjoy some of the humor, but 1MM would disagree. It is not the show it once was. ABC has ruined The Muppets. How many parents want to explain the punchline of sexually charged jokes to young children? Many parents
unknowingly will let their children watch an episode only to find out its perverted nature too late, unless they are alerted ahead of time. 1MM and others need to get the word out to families to avoid this program at all costs. |
US TV comedy, Impastor
 | 6th
June 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Christian campaign group, One Million Moms writes: TV Land calls their new program Impastor an irreverend new comedy. Christians are calling it disgusting! Impastor is a show set to air
July 15 10:30 p.m. ET/9:30 p.m. CT that includes a man stealing someone's identity who happens to be a pastor. The main character, posing as a gay preacher, recently hired sight unseen by a church that was aware of his lifestyle choice, but then start to
notice other characteristics not typical of a pastor. The previews which air earlier in the evening are including the pastor having extensive knowledge of the quality of drugs and insinuating sexual relations with fruit such as cantaloupe. The church
secretary catches the pastor sleeping around with women and other behaviors not typical of a Christian, much less a pastor. This show not only depicts pastors in a negative light, but the entire program will also be based on lies
about Christianity. TV Land has crossed the line by belittling the Christian religion with foul jokes.
Taco Bell
 | 23rd
April 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com See video from YouTube |
Christian morality campaigners have whinged about a Taco Bell TV advert: Taco Bell is following a trend in crude commercials. While a few fast food restaurants are cleaning up their ads, Taco Bell decided to air
a new ad named Flash to advertise Chickstars. The ad shows an elderly couple eating Chickstars in their car when the woman lifts up her shirt, implying she is showing her bare chest to the man. Showing a female flashing a
man during a television commercial is completely inappropriate. This act has nothing to do with the food product. Even if the couple is supposed to be married, this ad is in poor taste. It would be something children would
duplicate. Everyone knows children repeat what they see. This disgusting advertisement is airing during primetime when children are likely watching
Going Commando with Cottonelle wipes
 | 25th February 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The moralist campaign group One Million Moms whinges: In Cottonelle's newest advertising campaign Dare to Go Commando, a company spokeswoman asks individuals if they feel cleaner after using Cottonelle because of
the ripple texture. The Cottonelle spokeswoman goes so far as to ask another woman if she feels clean enough to go commando now. The woman agrees and walks back into the restroom to return with her undies in a small shopping bag. The commercial ends with
both women pulling down the waistbands of their pants just enough to reveal they don't have panties on. Cottonelle is encouraging consumers to go without underwear. Oh, please! This is ridiculous. This type of advertising is
extremely inappropriate. The tissue paper company also has a similar ad, Go Cottonelle. Go Commando. In this ad, the spokeswoman asks a man to go commando, and it ends the same way.
Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2015
 | 7th
February 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The US moralist group gushes with praise for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue 2015: The 2015 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue features a model wearing a string bikini top and bottoms so tiny that she is just about
n-ked. The bikini bottoms are not much bigger than a Band-Aid plus she has both of her thumbs at the sides pulling them down as far as she can get away with. It is beyond ridiculous! The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue is
nothing but soft p-rn and most closely resembles Pl-yboy magazine than resembling an issue about swimming attire. This soft core p-rnography is displayed in many family stores, often at checkout counters which is offensive, disgusting, and disrespectful
to families. This type of publishing is also extremely degrading to women. Families should be able to enter supermarkets, convenience and drug stores without being subjected to indecency. Since Sports Illustrated is pushing
p-rnography, this magazine needs to be removed from stores immediately. Not only should Sports Illustrated be ashamed, but so should the stores that carry this filthy magazine. Why would a store risk hurting their reputation of being a family-friendly
store by being associated with this dishonorable publication?
Carl's Jnr burger advert for the 2015 Super Bowl
 | 31st January 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms whinges: Carl's Jr. and Hardee's, both owned by CKE Restaurants, are at it again by using sex to sell burgers. Their new ad is extremely inappropriate to air
at any time, but especially while families are likely watching. Their All-Natural commercial will surely ruin family time once again. The commercial that will be shown at the Super Bowl features a woman who appears to be
naked as she walks through a farmer's market. This is as close to complete nudity as you can get because she appears to be nude until the end when she is in full view wearing a string bikini top and tiny shorts while eating a hamburger from Carl's Jr.
The only indication of who sponsored this ad is in the final few seconds of the commercial. Carl's Jr. and Hardee's regularly bank on the sex sells philosophy. There is no need for a burger to be promoted by sex appeal, and this
advertising ploy is why 1MM will not give up. Families should be able to watch the game together if they choose. Last year's game was remarkably improved from years past because viewers were not bombarded with sexually explicit
and disgusting ads during every commercial break. Parents should remain on guard, but it is encouraging to see that our voice kept crudeness to a minimum. That is 1MM's goal again this year.
One Million Moms recommend Kellogg's Pop Tarts
 | 25th January
| From onemillionmoms.com |
Christian morality campaign group, One Million Moms has taken easy offence at a trivial Kellogg's advert. The group writes: Kellogg's new Pop Tart commercial includes a double entendre that is inappropriate and
unnecessary. Foul language or the implication of it is not needed in this commercial, but that is exactly what Kellogg's intended with their play on words. The animated commercial has a mom pop tart and a dad pop tart admiring
their newborn baby pop tart at the hospital nursery when a nurse walks in. The dialogue includes: He so has your peanut butter. Well, he's got your jelly. Then the nurse, while rubbing her hands together ready to devour the baby pop tart, says,
Time for a feeding. The parents say, No! Ah, Jam It! The advertisement could have ended with No! but Kellogg's chose to include a phrase that sounded just like a curse word. Kellogg's should be more responsible
in their marketing decisions. Let them know that as a parent and consumer you are offended the company cares more about financial gain than the impression made on our children.
Naked and Afraid on the Discovery Channel
 | 20th January 2015
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms spouts: Parents are under the assumption that the Discovery Channel is safe and educational, but this is not true. The title of this program is a give-away, and with a TV-14 rating,
you can be assured this is not a show for family viewing. The show Naked And Afraid has cast members who are dropped in the jungle with no food, no shelter, and no clothes. The two humans selected, one male and one female,
must work as a team but they have never met before in their lives. The program shows them stripped naked, blurring out frontal body parts but never blurring out their backsides. Even though the frontal body parts are blurred out, showing so much skin is
considered soft porn. In cold temperatures, they must survive by using each other's body heat, pressing their bare bodies together to keep warm. This decision to air a reality program full of nudity is harmful to the cast members
and their families, and to all children and families that happen to view the show. This ultimate sexual exploitation of families is disturbing and inexcusable. Discovery Channel has lost its moral compass and should be ashamed to
air nudity and call it entertainment. This program needs to be canceled immediately. Previews and promos for this show air all throughout the day and on many other networks. |
 | 14th
September 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com See video from YouTube |
The Christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms writes: In the newest Live in Levi's commercial, there are many suggestions of what you can do in your Levi jeans. The ad states consumers can do many things in their
Levi's. For several reasons this Levi commercial is distasteful and sends youth the wrong message. Many have found the unbutton them and button them segment highly inappropriate. The scene shows a couple making out
leading up to a sexual encounter. The female begins unbuttoning the male's jeans until their young daughter walks in on them and the male quickly buttons back up his jeans. There are a few other offenses during this commercial
including a water drenched man air drying his jeans from a public bus window while wearing his underwear, along with the statement you can wash them or not. Then there is a roll them reference, with a couple rolling on top of one another
while wearing their jeans. Levi Strauss & Co. is being irresponsible in their new advertising campaign, especially since it is aired as early as 6:30 pm when families are likely watching. This advertisement is harming children
in the name of humor. |
Satisfaction, a TV program on USA Network
 | 12th September 2014
| See article from
The religious morality campaign group, One Million Moms spout: USA's new program, Satisfaction , has a name that says it all. I suppose the name Unsatisfied didn't sound as attractive. Like a revamped
soap opera, spouses get themselves tangled in a web of lies and hurt the ones they love. Satisfaction airs on Thursday evenings at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00 p.m. CT. The tagline for the program is: They have everything but are
still not satisfied. The show focuses on attempts to find satisfaction by having an affair, paying for an escort or getting paid for sex. A show full of adultery, cheating, drugs and lies is the last influence our society needs. Even though the
program airs a little later in the evening, it is not late enough since the bedroom scenes are soft porn and the previews are aired earlier in the day. Satisfaction centers around a married couple who have no regrets and feel no
remorse about committing adultery with someone else - or cheating on their own spouse. Infidelity is the new trend sold as normal by USA. To put it on a scale, Satisfaction is more pornographic than the show Mistresses. This program consists of so much nudity and erotic sexual content that it probably is the worst show we have seen since
Nip Tuck. Hollywood is continuing to push casual sex, sometimes with multiple partners, as acceptable.
Carl's Jr and Hardee's TV advert for the Texas BBQ Thickburger
 | 14th August 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com See video from YouTube
One Million Moms, a christian morality campaign group, writes: Will Hardee's and Carl's Jr. ever learn? They are at it again with another disgusting ad. Their newest Texas BBQ Thickburger commercial focuses on the model's sweaty
chest and legs with several suggestive shots. This ad is extremely degrading to women and should be pulled off the air immediately. Not long after One Million Moms contacted the company about its advertisement starring Kate Upton
making out with a burger at a drive-in movie wearing only skimpy lingerie, the company aired three different commercials all with the same theme. The restaurant is using sex to sell its burgers with scantily-clad models licking sauce seductively in
provocative poses. 1MM has had enough with their soft porn ads! We will politely, but sternly let them know that we are not giving up on protecting our families. |
Black Jesus on late night programming known as Adult Swim
 | 27th July 2014
| From onemillionmoms.com |
One Million Moms is a christian morality campaign. The group writes in a 'call to action': The late night programming on the Cartoon Network, known as Adult Swim, plans to air the non-animated show Black Jesus portraying Jesus
as a black guy living in the hood. The show depicts him living in Compton Gardens and makes a mockery of our Lord. The foul language used in the trailer, including using the Lord's name in vain, is disgusting. In addition, there is violence,
gunfire and other inappropriate gestures which completely misrepresent Jesus. This is blasphemy! Black Jesus is set to premiere on August 7 at 11:00 pm ET/ 10:00 pm CT, unless we intervene. Adult Swim plans to blaspheme Jesus on a
weekly basis. This mockery will be similar to South Park and Family Guy , but much worse since the entire program will be based on lies about Christianity. 1MM will defend our Savior because He is Holy! Adult
Swim is obviously not a family network, and this program is set to air later in the evening when children should be asleep, but that is no excuse. Adult Swim has crossed the line by belittling the Christian religion with foul jokes.
We need to send a loud and clear message to Adult Swim, its owner Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (a Time Warner Company), and all potential advertisers of Black Jesus that this kind of programming is insulting and completely
unacceptable. Adult Swim is not ridiculing any other religion currently and wouldn't dream of mocking Mohammed or Muslims. If we speak with one voice now, we can keep this program from ever seeing the light of day. Christians must
take a stand and not be silent. Networks like Adult Swim continue to mock Christianity, and we will not stand for it. Christians should no longer sit idly by and allow this blasphemy to continue without speaking up in protest. Black Jesus is another
attempt to distort the truth about Christianity. There is power in numbers! Forward this to everyone you know in a fight to keep this show off the air. Update: Even worse than feared 12th August 2014. From
onemillionmoms.com Black Jesus was even worse than its promotions portrayed in the trailer leading up to the broadcast. In the 30-minute premiere, Jesus is recruited by his
friend's mother to buy a block of "weed" for a party. This first episode was entitled Smokin', Drinkin', and Chillin' and included:
- 88 profanities are used, including God's name in vain (MA-L rating).
- Jesus uses the f-word multiple times, uses God's name in vain.
- Jesus smokes marijuana and complains about having to share it.
- Jesus is arrested when a
drug deal he is leading goes bad.
The Jesus character irreverently refers to God as "Pops," himself as "lord and savior," and is continually obsessed with alcohol and drugs. |
PayDay candy bars
 | 24th July 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com See video from YouTube |
The christian morality campaign group, One Million Moms, spouts: Payday candy bars (owned by the Hershey Company) has launched a new marketing campaign symbolizing nudity and encouraging exposing oneself. This distasteful
advertisement portrays the candy bar undressing as the wrapper is peeled away to expose a pixilated midsection. The commercial voiceover includes: It's the candy bar that is too hot for TV - in
all its naked glory - stripped of chocolate with nothing but salty, roasted peanuts on soft, sweet caramel. A Payday bar will get you through your day - Expose Yourself to Payday.
Now parents cannot purchase Payday or
any Hershey products with a clean conscience. This inappropriate advertisement is morally wrong and promotes illegal behavior. |
Mystery Girls on the ABC Family Channel
 | 5th July 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Christian moralist group writes: ABC Family Channel's new program Mystery Girls does not involve innocent detectives fighting crime as parents might hope, but instead is just another show primarily about sexual encounters.
The show airs during primetime when children are likely watching. The season premiere aired Wednesday evening at 8:30 p.m. ET/7:30 p.m. CT, and with a 14 DL rating it is not suitable for young viewers. The
majority of the content in this nonfamily channel program is adult oriented and includes sexual references and innuendos. The first episode centered on the search for a lost sex tape, which involves forgotten identity of the partner in the tape, not
remembering all past sexual partners and a fake funeral. Mystery Girls is not the Nancy Drew type detective program one might expect on a family network. This show is inappropriate for any network but especially for a
family channel. This program is vulgar and vile and needs to be removed from the air immediately. |
Young and Hungry on the ABC Family Channel
 | 1st
July 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The christian moralist campaign group whinges: Warning to parents! ABC Family Channel has introduced yet another sex laden adult sitcom. The Young & Hungry premiere aired Wednesday evening at 8:00 p.m. ET/7:00 p.m. CT
and, with a 14 DLS rating, is not suitable for young viewers. The show is airing at a time when children are likely watching. Not only is the program broadcast during primetime, but it will attract a young audience with the title and with the main
character being played by the same actress who played the best friend of Disney's Hannah Montana . The show includes sexual references, innuendos, foul language, homosexual attraction, one night stands and
excessive alcohol consumption. Specific examples of content aired during the new thirty-minute family channel sitcom are below.
- Main character, a young personal chef, gets drunk and sleeps with her new boss after the boss's girlfriend breaks up with him
- Discussions about sex preferences and experiences during
majority of the episode
- Boss and girlfriend both admit to sleeping with someone else the night before
- Boss and girlfriend make up and sleep together
Girlfriend is mentally unstable and extremely selfish, with bizarre behavior and unhealthy relationships
- Crude humor about utensils used during an OBGYN visit
This program is obscene for any network but especially for a family channel. This show is indecent and offensive and needs to be removed from television immediately. Young & Hungry is a kiddy version of the lewd show Two
and a Half Men . |
Mistresses. A new US TV drama on ABC
 | 10th June 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Moralists from the religious campaign group call for followers to write to advertisers of the TV drama, Mistresses: Mistresses season premiere aired on ABC this week and the name says it all. I suppose the name Living in Sin
didn't sound as appealing. This unoriginal show is strikingly similar to Desperate Housewives, with four friends who get themselves tangled in a web of lies and hurt the ones they love. Mistresses airs on Monday evenings at 10:00 p.m. ET/9:00
CT. The program Mistresses includes inappropriate content such as adultery, cheating, lies and deceit in explicit and sensually graphic scenes. Our society doesn't need more negative influences than it already has on broadcast
airwaves. Even though the program airs a little later in the evening, it is not late enough since the bedroom scenes are soft p*rn and are included in some previews which air earlier in the evening when children are likely watching. (An asterisk is used
to ensure our emails get through to those who have signed up to receive our alerts. Otherwise referencing specific words would cause our emails to be blocked by some Internet filters.) Mistresses centers around a group of four
women who have no regrets and feel little or no remorse about committing adultery with someone else's husband - or cheating on their own. Hollywood is continuing to push casual s*x between unmarried couples, some with multiple
partners, as acceptable when clearly it is morally wrong.
Bad Teacher
 | 12th May 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
One Million Moms have another whinge about US TV. The religious campaigners write: CBS's newest program, Bad Teacher, is exactly what the title suggests; a show about a bad teacher, in more than one sense. What
could be misleading is the main character not only lacks teaching skills, experience and education, but also is lying about who she is just to try to snag a rich, divorced father. Of course, with a TV-14 DL rating you can be assured this will not be for
family viewing. However, the name of the show and the school ground setting along with elementary age cast members will attract young viewers. The content in this program (and even in its commercials) is inappropriate for children and teens and will send
the wrong message to America's youth. New episodes air on Thursday evenings at 9:30 p.m. ET/8:30 CT. Unacceptable content in the program includes: sexual innuendos, one night stands, sleeping around, smoking weed, alcohol at
school, greed, lying, deception and plans to go away for romantic weekends with different divorced, rich dads whom the teacher just met. CBS's newest show is irresponsible and an insult to all good teachers. It is appalling that
CBS is airing a show that features immoral behaviour in a positive light while attempting to draw in young viewers with the title and adolescent setting of the program.
NBC's About a Boy
 | 19th April 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The US religious campaign groups ethuses: NBC's newest program, About A Boy , could be misleading to parents with this title, but with a TV-14 rating you can be assured this will not be for family viewing.
The name of the show along with the age of the primary cast member will attract young viewers. The content in this program, and even its commercials, is inappropriate for young viewers. The show uses foul language and includes
sexual encounters and innuendos throughout the entire thirty-minute program. NBC's newest show is irresponsible and tasteless. It is appalling that NBC intends to air a show that features immoral behavior in a positive light while
attempting to draw in young viewers with the title and adolescent plot of the program. The network should be ashamed of themselves for also exposing this young male actor to this filth and crude humor. New episodes air on Tuesday
evenings at 9:00 p.m. EST/8:00 CST.
CBS TV comedy, Mom
 | 16th April 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
Religious morality campaigners, One Million Moms, praise the CBS TV comedy Mom : CBS is Still Making Moms Look Awful If possible, try to imagine the worst possible characteristics a
mother could have. Then multiply that by ten, and you have the entire theme of the television program Mom. The characters of the mom and her mother both set terrible examples and are the farthest from positive role models for women today. Children
will also see this program - which airs entirely too early considering the content presented - and they will be affected negatively by this broken television family. CBS's newest program, Mom , could mislead parents with
this title, but with a TV-14 DL rating, you can be assured this will not be for family viewing. The name of the show along with the age of the child cast members will attract young viewers. The content in this program and in its commercials is
inappropriate and will send the wrong message to America's youth. Offensive content in the program includes: teen pregnancies, affairs, sexual innuendos, drug use, alcohol abuse, crude language and mocking Christianity.
New episodes air on Monday evenings at 9:30 p.m. ET/8:30 CT.
One Million Moms rant about cereal advert featuring gay families
 | 21st March
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com See video from YouTube |
Perennial moral campaigners of One Million Moms have their latest whinge against a US cereal advert: Nabisco should be ashamed of themselves for their latest Honey Maid and Teddy Graham cracker commercial where they
attempt to normalize sin. Right away it shows two men with a baby, followed by other families, and ends with different families pictured including the one with two dads. This commercial not only promotes homosexuality, but then calls the scene in the
advertisement wholesome. The ad states, Everyday wholesome snacks for every wholesome family. This is wholesome. One Million Moms stands up for Biblical truth which is very clear in Romans 1:26-27 about this particular type
of sexual perversion. Honey Maid is also using the hashtag #thisiswholesome. There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are changing the meaning of the word
wholesome. This is truly sad. If this is what Honey Maid thinks is wholesome, then my family will no longer purchase Honey Maid or Nabisco products.
One Millions Moms recommend Red Robin's Damn Great Burger
 | 9th March
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The religious morality campaign group, One Million Moms, writes: Red Robin's new burger The D.G.B. - short for That's One Damn Great Burger - has an ad campaign that is following a trend of using profanity in
its advertising. Red Robin is replicating a form of media that is intended to be naughty and catchy, but it should be avoided if a company is concerned with its reputation. Marketing campaigns using profanity are never
appropriate, especially when advertising food for a family restaurant. Offensive ads cause parents to lose their appetites and their respect for a company.
Sports Illustrated: 50th Anniversary Issue
 | 15th February 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The morality campaigners of One Million Moms spout: The cover of the Sports Illustrated 50th Anniversary Swimsuit Issue features three topless models hugging with their backs turned and focuses on the thong bikini bottoms they wear.
There is also a side view of one model's breast. The SI Swimsuit Issue is nothing but soft porn and most closely resembles Playboy magazine. This soft core pornography is displayed in many family stores, often at checkout counters which is extremely
offensive, disgusting and disrespectful to families. This type of publishing is also degrading to women. Families should be able to enter supermarkets, convenience and drug stores without being subjected to indecency. Since SI is
pushing pornography this magazine needs to be removed from stores, or at least moved to the magazine aisle so families can avoid being exposed to this filth. Customers can choose to avoid the magazine aisle, but they cannot escape when the magazine is
displayed at the checkout counters and lanes. Also, SI should place this in a nontransparent plastic cover to protect minors who are browsing the magazine aisle. The 2014 issue hits newsstands and digital formats next week.
TAKE ACTION Send an email letter to Sports Illustrated now! Let them know they are pushing pornography and that this year's issue in particular is nothing more than soft porn. Also, request they only display
their swimsuit edition on the magazine aisle in nontransparent plastic bags and away from entrances, checkout counters and lanes. Even though SI has an opt-out option for magazine subscribers, families should let the company know
that if the magazine refuses to cover the models appropriately without anything exposed then you will cancel your entire magazine subscription. This way, you will no longer financially support a company participating in the printing of soft porn. Sports
Illustrated needs to realize families do not want indecency shoved in their face. |
One Million Moms whinges about lesbian moms story line on the Disney Channel show, Good Luck Charlie
 | 24th January
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The christian moralist campaign group, One Million Moms has called for sponsors to withdraw from the Disney Channel show, Good Luck Charlie . The group spews: Alerting all parents! If Good Luck Charlie goes through with introducing LGBT content, then the floodgates will be opened for all programs on the Disney Channel - a trend that will be almost impossible to stop.
Disney Channel has very few sponsors and advertisers on its network. Care.com was the only Disney Channel sponsor that was promoted during the January 19, 2014, newest episode of Good Luck Charlie. Care.com often sponsors programs
on the Disney network. An upcoming episode in this last season of Good Luck Charlie will feature a family with two moms, a first for Disney Channel. Because Good Luck Charlie is coming to a close, the characters are only expected
to appear in one episode. However, one episode is enough, especially since the network repeatedly airs reruns of all its programs. One Million Moms launched an email campaign in 2013 that urged Disney officials to abandon their
plans to corrupt the children's network with LGBT content. However, Disney officials have not responded to the thousands of emails protesting their plans. Disney has decided to be politically correct instead of providing family-friendly programming.
Disney should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda.
The Fosters briadcast by the ABC Family Channel
 | 18th January 2014
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The winter season premiere of The Fosters aired this past Monday on ABC Family Channel. The 14-D (the D is for suggestive dialogue) rated show is packed full of inappropriate content for what is supposed to be a family
program. The controversial plot includes a lesbian couple raising children together, but that is only the beginning of the not family-friendly content in this program. But because family is a misleading part of the
network's name, we thought another warning was needed for anyone who continues to watch the channel. ABC Family's show The Fosters is about two women attempting to redefine marriage while also raising foster,
adopted and biological children. New episodes will continue to air on Monday evenings at 9:00pm ET/8:00pm CT. In addition, frequent promos are airing for this series during primetime and during G rated programs on multiple channels. These promos include
the two women nude in bed together while hugging and kissing, teen with a bloody face and teen bashing in a car windshield with a baseball bat. Unacceptable content in the season premiere included:
- Lesbians on their honeymoon lying naked in bed together while hugging and kissing
- Grandmother admits to staying with a past boyfriend she did not really like only because she loved his bed
- Engaging in casual conversation with prostitutes and asking for their help
- Female teen shares a bed with a guy at a hotel
- Teen steals with
the goal of getting arrested
- Runaway teen
- Teen breaks probation
An advert for Staples office supplies
16th January 2014
| See article from
Moralist campaigners One Million Mums are trying to get the US office supplies chain, Staples, to withdraw its 'What the L' adverts. The group writes: The new Staples ad campaign uses the tagline What the L! We all
know children repeat what they hear. Everyone knows exactly what the company is implying with the mock swearing, but their commercials make sure there is no doubt of their intentions to push the advertising envelope. Staples printed ad spells out STAP
ES (minus the L), - leading to the question, What the L is going on? Staples commercials use these slogans: There will be L to pay; L if I know; Get the L out of here; All L has broken loose and What the L is going
on. Staples' ads (airing on broadcast airwaves and in print) are irresponsible and offensive. They are extremely destructive and damaging to impressionable children who will be exposed to this suggested profanity.
TAKE ACTION Send Staples an email letter and urge them to no longer produce marketing campaigns that cross the line, to pull the newest What the L commercials off the air and stop circulation of the
printed ad immediately.
One Million Moms a Whining
| 13th December 2013
| See article from
onemillionmoms.com |
The US moralist campaign group One Million Moms has had a whinge about the TV show Glee featuring a sexy shirtless male Santa. The group whines: Unfortunately not all Christmas TV features are wholesome entertainment. Glee
's previously Never Aired Christmas episode should have stayed just that and remained unaired, considering it was complete with a bisexual Santa, transgender Virgin Mary and its fair share of drunkenness. Other
religions do not tolerate this behavior and as Christians we will not either. Why any producer or network feels mocking a sacred and religious holiday where Christians celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ is acceptable is beyond me. GLEE should
not and will not get a free pass to make a joke of Christmas. Last week's episode went too far. The mockery of the Christmas story was blasphemous and an abomination. The show featured the transgender student, Unique, portraying
the Virgin Mary in their high school's nativity scene and acts out giving birth to the baby Jesus. The doll representing Jesus wore a sequin diaper and was thrown from singer to singer while they sang Love Child, Never Meant to be. Baby Jesus is
tossed around like a rag doll and shown no respect. In another scene, a bisexual Sexy Santa, gets two female characters and the show's gay male character drunk before robbing them blind - all this after making out with and
tying the male character up in bed. These same females in a previous scene are elves at the local mall and tell kids to ask for mobile devices they could download porn on while wearing skimpy elf costumes. Glee is not a late-night
program and is rated TV-14 DLSV. While it currently airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/ 8 p.m. CT on FOX, in February it will be moving to Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/ 7 p.m. CT - well before many children's bedtimes
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