US Catholic League complains about Family Guy jokes
 | 11th November
| See article from
patheos.com See video from YouTube |
US religious campaigners of the Catholic League have complained about the latest episode of Family Guy. The 8th November episode launched a few barbs at the catholic church in an episode about a Christening. Catholic League president Bill
Donohue has written to Family Guy producers, Walt Disney, to complain about the jokes poking fun at the church. He asked:
- Why are so many in Hollywood bent on disparaging our Judeo-Christian heritage?
- Why do they single out Catholics?
- Why can't they treat us the way they
treat Muslims and gays?
- Why is Fox muddying the name of Walt Disney?
Donohue detailed the segment of the episode he found offensive: Meg (The Daughter): Where's the priest? Lois (The Mother): Oh, the Church ran out of priests months ago because of all the
diddling. Now they just have a rabbi fill in. The scene then cuts to a rabbi at a baptismal font where he makes this comment while doing the baptism. Rabbi: Welcome to the Christening. Now, before the child
goes in the water, has it been at least 20 minutes since she ate? Joe (Father of Girl being baptised): Yes, rabbi. Rabbi: Let's dunk this kid like a doughnut. I hereby Christen this child in the name of
Jesus Christ, who was killed by we-don't-know-who, it's not important. The last thing we want to do is point fingers. After the Baptism, the rabbi makes a joke about the Eucharist. Rabbi: Congratulations,
sweetie, you're a Christian. From now on, every Sunday you get to eat a hard cookie and pretend it's a guy.
Family Guy producers announce that they will be banning jokes about the LGBT community
 | 16th
January 2019
| Thanks to Nick See article from bbc.co.uk |
Family Guy is known for its politically incorrect humour, but now the team behind the show are making some changes. It appears that the jokes targeted at the LGBT community are on the way out. In Sunday's episode, Peter Griffin, who is
voiced by the show's creator Seth MacFarlane, was seen telling a cartoon President Trump that the show was trying to phase out gay jokes. In fairness, we've been trying to phase out the gay stuff, Peter replies. But you know what? We're
a cartoon. You're the president. The change in direction has been confirmed by the show's executive producers Alec Sulkin and Rich Appel, who told TV Line that they want to better reflect the current climate in the show. One of the
defences of the show's controversial storylines is that they make fun of all minority groups equally and some have argued that there's no reason one particular minority group should be exempt. If Family Guy is gonna be mainstream and not edgy,
what's the point? asked one fan of the show on Twitter. And some in the LGBT community argued the show does not offend them. |
Parents TV Council takes offence at an episode of Family Guy
 | 15th February 2015
| See article
from nerdreactor.com |
The moralists of the Parents Television Council are up-in-arms about the jokes in an episode of Family Guy. In the episode, Quagmire sleeps with what he believes to be a 23-year-old female who ends up actually being 15. A whole slew of
situations occur up to the point where Quagmire ends up in court, and his mother gives the judge a fellatio in order to save her son from jail time. The Hollywood Reporter got a hold of a statement from the Parents Television Council:
We believe that Family Guy 's description of this explicit sexual terminology violates the broadcast indecency law. And we believe that joking about statutory rape, as Family Guy did throughout this episode, exceeds
contemporary community standards of decency for the broadcast medium. As such, we urge our members, as well as other Americans who agree that the broadcast was legally indecent, to file formal indecency complaints with the FCC. Sexual assault is an increasingly troubling problem across America. Joking about child rape on TV shows and using such patently offensive sexual dialogue -- especially when they air at such an early hour and when they attract such a young viewing audience -- is a gross violation of a broadcast licensee's public interest obligation.
Family Guy
 | 17th
November 2013
| See article from
US morality campaigners have called for the censorship of a family Guy episode: It is a violation of Federal Law for broadcasters to air indecent material on the publicly-owned airwaves when children are likely to be
in the viewing audience. Yet that is EXACTLY what the Fox Broadcast Network (not to be confused with Fox News) did this past Sunday, November 10th, with its most recent episode of Family Guy. The network
brags to its advertisers that Family Guy is #1 with Teens ...and because it is a cartoon, the show is watched by tens of thousands of young children every week. What were children exposed to on Sunday's episode of Family
Guy? Unbelievably vile sexual content -- including jokes about child molestation, exploitation, rape, and the sexualized use of food and the perverse internal defrosting of frozen hot dogs. Beyond the repugnant
sexual content, the overall theme of the episode is that it is humorous for a boy to bully and beat up a girl. This episode aired at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT -- only 8 p.m. in the Central/Mountain time zones.
Family Guy episode pulled off the internet due to being linked to the terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon
 | 17th
April 2013
| See
from gawker.com .
A Family Guy Episode at Center of Boston Marathon Conspiracy Theory has been pulled from the Web by Fox. It all started when some heartless troll saw fit to combine two disparate parts from a single episode of Family Guy to make it appear as
through Peter is using a cellphone to remotely detonate two explosive devices, thereby securing his victory in the Boston Marathon. In actuality, the two scenes occur many minutes apart from each other and belong to two unrelated gags. Alex Jones,
never one to bother with facts that get in the way of his conspiratorial ravings, presented the doctored clip to his readers as proof that the media knew in advance about the government's plans to bomb the Boston Marathon in order to generate a
convenient excuse to take our civil liberties and promote homeland security. Obviously. But now it seems that someone is going to great lengths to censor the episode and remove it from the internet. The Episode is Turban Cowboy
, Season 11 Episode 15.
BBC Trust dismisses Family Guy whinge re a dog chewing on a cross
 | 5th August
| See Appeals to the Trust June 2012 [pdf] from
Family Guy: Not All Dogs Go to Heaven BBC 3, 17th December 2011 Stage 1 The complainant wrote to the BBC saying that he had watched the programme from about half way through until its conclusion
and found it offensive. He said it was an unmitigated attack on Christ and Christians. In particular, he highlighted scenes showing a dog chewing a cross, Christ being portrayed as a rapist and Christians burning books. In
response, BBC Audience Services explained that Family Guy was an irreverent comedy which joked about many topics, including religion, gender, sexual orientation, politics, history and disability. They said that they did not believe any of the programme's
jokes carried the message that one group of society should be openly despised and that Family Guy's humour fell into the category of exaggerated, silly satire. It was not to be taken too literally and the majority of the show's viewers appreciated that
it was not trying to attack a section of society. Audience Services apologised that the complainant found the programme offensive but concluded that it did not go beyond the bounds of what was acceptable comedy for the BBC Three
audience. Stage 2 The Editorial Complaints Unit then considered the complaint. It said that the context of Family Guy was such that the relationship between aspects of the real world and their portrayal
in the series was so distant that it was more a case of fantastical allusion than portrayal. In relation to a dog being made to chew a cross, the ECU said that this was an example of an absurd premise that a dog could be converted
to Christianity by using a cross as a stick to be retrieved and that in itself rested on the more fundamentally absurd premise that a dog might be capable of conversion to Christianity when it professed itself an atheist. In
relation to the scene in which the complainant said that Christ was about to commit rape, the ECU said that the scene was capable of more than one interpretation. It could not be said with certainly that Christ was about to commit rape, although it was
clear his intentions were not honourable. Finally, in relation to the scene where Christians were portrayed as burning books on logic, the ECU said that this was hyperbolically exaggerated. The ECU
therefore did not uphold any aspect of the complaint. Appeal to the BBC Trust The complainant escalated his complaint to the BBC Trust, saying that he understood Family Guy was an animated cartoon but
nonetheless the three elements referred to in his complaint were offensive because of the fact that they were scripted and depicted. The Editorial Standards Committee noted that the relevant guidelines on Harm and Offence and
Religion both allow for editorial justification and audience expectations to be taken into consideration. The Committee noted the background to the series and this episode in particular which had been provided by the ECU and the Head of Editorial
Standards. The Committee agreed that, given the context of the programme and the likely expectations of regular viewers of Family Guy and BBC Three viewers in general, there was sufficient evidence to show that any risk of offence was editorially
justified. While the Committee was sorry that the complainant had been offended by the programme, it agreed that there was not a reasonable prospect of success for this complaint on appeal. The Committee
therefore decided this appeal did not qualify to proceed for consideration.
11th December 2010 | |
| Anti-sex work campaigners call for boycott of Craigslist in Canada
Based on article from
Three months after Craigslist scrapped sex service ads from its websites in the United States, the online classifieds giant has refused to take similar action in Canada. Now, a nutter law professor and 'expert' on human trafficking says a massive
boycott is being planned for the new year if the company continues posting its erotic services ads. The boycott will involve students, victims groups and non-governmental organizations. They are completely disrespectful to Canada.
There's no principled reason for why they're ignoring repeated requests to stop this online flesh market, Professor Benjamin Perrin, author of Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking , said. Perrin and other
critics have hyped that Craigslist has become the medium of choice for sex traffickers to advertise their victims -- including children -- for sale. Over the last several months, those calling for the removal of the sex ads have grown to
include attorneys general in B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, as well as federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson. RCMP police officials have a more realistic approach to the issue. A spokeswoman in Ottawa said that officials are
in ongoing discussions with the company to prevent Craigslist from being used to facilitate illegal activity, as well as to identify victims and offenders. Lucy Shorey said the RCMP cannot simply shut down the erotic-services section of the
site because the vast majority of the ads do not violate any criminal law.
30th June 2010 | | |
US banned Family Guy episode airs on BBC 3
| Fom blog.indexoncensorship.org
by Natalie Haynes
The BBC did a good thing last week, which was to broadcast an episode of Family Guy, Partial Terms of Endearment , on BBC3. This episode wasn't screened at all in the US, because it is about Lois having an abortion. She becomes a surrogate mother
for a friend, but the friend then dies in a car crash. So Lois heads to the Family Planning Centre with her husband, Peter, where she makes a reasoned and thoughtful decision to have an abortion. Peter's all in favour of an abortion, too, until he is
shown a pro-life video by protestors outside the centre. This is all incredibly funny. The video that Peter watches is a heroic pastiche: Science, proclaims the spokesman, has proven that within hours of conception, a human foetus has
started a college fund and has already made your first mother's day card out of macaroni and glitter . At this point, it cuts to a picture of a foetus holding a handmade card which reads, Mom, don't kill me! I wuv you. It's no surprise
this episode hasn't aired in the States, although it is expected to be included in the DVD release of the series. So three cheers to Family Guy , for having the courage of many of our convictions. And an extra cheer for the BBC, for letting
us watch it.
29th October 2009 | | |
Microsoft pull out of Family Guy sponsorship
| Thanks to Nick Based on
article from pcworld.com
Microsoft has yanked its sponsorship from an upcoming half-hour special on Fox featuring Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, according to Variety. The special was set to air on November 8, and was going under the working title Family Guy
Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy Show. The show, announced earlier this month, was to be commercial free, but would feature Windows 7 marketing messages woven into the fabric of the program. When it came to time to sign off on
the show, however, Microsoft wasn't laughing. Variety reports that Microsoft executives came to view the special's taping on October 16, but got more than they bargained for when MacFarlane and Family Guy co-star Alex Borstein started doing
jokes about the deaf, the Holocaust, and incest. The special's content turned out to be a little too much for Redmond, and the company decided the show was not a fit with the Windows brand. Even though Microsoft has passed on the
show, Variety says Fox plans on going forward with the November 8 special in partnership with a new, yet-to-be-named sponsor.
28th September 2009 | | |
Venezuelan minister takes offence at Family Guy TV show
| Based on
article from news.bbc.co.uk
Authorities in Venezuela say they will punish TV stations if they continue to broadcast episodes of cult US animation Family Guy . Injustice Minister Tareck El Aissami says the show should be banned because it promotes the use of
marijuana. He took exception to a recent episode in which one character - Brian, a talking dog - started a campaign to legalise the drug. Cable stations which refuse to dump the show would be fined, El Aissami said.
11th September 2009 | | |
Did Family Guy cause 179,997 FCC indecency complaints? See article from arstechnica.com
8th August 2009 | | |
Episode of Family Guy pulled in the US
| Based on article from examiner.com
Fox's Family Guy , never a stranger to the complaints of fundamentalist groups and censorship advocates, just had a controversial episode pulled from air.
It was announced this week that an abortion-themed episode of the show was
produced and set to air, only to be pulled from the schedule by the nervous execs over at Fox. The episode was/is titled Partial Terms of Endearment , and is said to have featured Lois carrying a baby for another couple as a surrogate. When
the couple gets killed in a car wreck, Lois has to decide whether or not to keep the baby.
Sources inside FOX say that the show appears to end with Lois' decision being deliberately unstated, only to have Peter, her husband, pop his head in from
off-screen and say, She had the abortion!
Then FOX released a statement saying, essentially, that while they wouldn't air it, they'd be happy to include it on a future Family Guy DVD release. McFarlane confirmed as much in the same
interview with TV Guide. So, for all those Family Guy fanatics out there, you'll get your chance to see what FOX was so scared to f-cking death about.
| |