Cartoonist who created one of the most censored images ever, the Mohammed bomb turban cartoon, dies aged 86
 | 17th July
| See article from bbc.co.uk See
article from en.wikipedia.org |
Kurt Westergaard was a Danish cartoonist famous for creating the controversial cartoon of a terrorist, although not the Islamic religious character Muhammad as it is often claimed, wearing a bomb in his turban. This cartoon was the most contentious of
the 12 Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons, which met with strong reactions from Muslims worldwide who condemned the act, including Western countries. After the drawing of the cartoon, Westergaard received numerous death threats and was a target of
assassination attempts. As a result, he was under constant police protection. In his later years, Westergaard had to live with a bodyguard at secret addresses. Speaking to Reuters news agency in 2008, Westergaard said he had no regrets about his
drawing. He said the cartoon had generated important discussion about the place of Islam in Western countries with secular values: I would do it the same way (again) because I think that this cartoon crisis in a way is
a catalyst which is intensifying the adaptation of Islam. We are discussing the two cultures, the two religions as never before and that is important.
UK blasphemy rules enforced by implicit intimidation results in a teacher being suspended for teaching a factual lesson about the Mohammed cartoons
 | 27th March 2021
| See petition from change.org
See We must stop capitulating to this intolerance from spiked-online.com by Tom Slater |
One of the most illogical, unjust and unreasonable of the rules of PC culture is that muslims are granted the privilege of the authorities turning a blind eye to violence and threats of violence. Credible fear of violence is very much a trump card in
governing people's behaviour, and so an informal modern day blasphemy prohibition has been allowed to trump historic rights to free speech. The latest example from Batley in York is described by campaigners petitioning in support of a well meaning
teacher who was caught up in a supposed transgression of the UK's de facto blasphemy law. The petitioners explain: Keep the Religious Studies Teacher at Batley Grammar School. The teacher
was trying to educate students about racism and blasphemy. He warned the students before showing the images and he had the intent to educate them. He does not deserve such large repercussions. He is not racist and did not support the Islamiphobic
cartoons in any manner. This has got out of hand and due to this, students have missed out on lessons because of peaceful protestors . Them blocking off entrances did not allow teachers to work or enter the school. Think of those
who would be affected due to this lesson spiralled out of hand? Teachers, The School, The Community, Children, the RS Teacher's family and his own financial stability since he will no longer be able to land a job due to the fact that his reputation has
been tarnished. See petition from change.org
11th April 2012 | | |
Egyptian jailed for 3 years for posting Mohammed cartoons on Facebook
| See
article from blogs.reuters.com
An Egyptian court sentenced a 17-year-old Christian boy to three years in jail for publishing cartoons on his Facebook page that supposedly mocked Islam and Mohammad. Gamal Abdou Massoud was also accused of distributing some of his cartoons to his
school friends in a village in the southern city of Assiut. Human rights lawyer Negad al-Borai said the jail sentence was the maximum penalty under Egyptian law for such a crime. Assiut child's court ordered the jailing of Gamal Abdou
Massoud ... for three years after he insulted Islam and published and distributed pictures that insulted Islam and its Prophet, the court said in a statement seen by Reuters. Some muslims responded to the cartoon in traditional violent
fashion. Muslims attacked several Christian houses, which were burned, and several Christians were injured in the violence.
11th April 2012 | |
| What is about modern life that makes judges feel they have to counter verbal diarrhea in text messages with extreme
| See article
from bikyamasr.com
A Saudi court has sentenced a local woman to 50 lashes for swearing at her friend, following an argument, a newspaper reported. The two Saudi women decided to go out with their children for a weekend night but argued on where to go. The two women
decided to split ... one of them later sent a text to her friend's mobile phone swearing at her. The other woman went to court and showed the judge the message ... although that woman said she was joking, the court ordered her lashed 50 times.
27th February 2012 | |
| Obscure court in Pakistan re-opens the Mohammed cartoon nonsense and calls for the arrest of Mark Zuckerberg
| See article from
A case for the arrest of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Cultural Editor of Danish Newspaper Fleming Rose, for allowing blasphemous cartoons of Mohammad. has been registered in Jhang, in Pakistan The case was registered after
Advocate Muhammad Zahid Saeed, stirred by websites allegedly supposedly demeaning Mohammad, filed a petition before the District Session Judge seeking a ban on websites including Facebook, YouTube, Google and others. In his petition, Saeed said
that on visiting some websites while on the internet, he and his companion found caricatures of Mohammad published which, he alleged, were trying to create a war between Muslims and non-Muslims . He added that the caricatures were a form of international terrorism and evil profession
. Session Judge Arshad Masood responded to the petition by saying that the deliberate and malicious act of displaying derogatory caricatures is a continuing offence and a case must be registered in Pakistan and anywhere else in
the world where the sentiments of Muslims were hurt. The petitioner had maintained that the proceedings against the accused should be served through the Danish Ambassador and US Ambassador in Pakistan.
16th May 2011 | | |
Jordan court case hears witnesses in case against Mohammed cartoonist
| See
article from cphpost.dk
While cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who gained fame for his 2005 drawing of Muhammad wearing a turban bomb in the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, and his 19 co-defendants were nearly 3,000 kilometres away in Denmark, a blasphemy case against them got underway
in absentia in Jordan. The case resumed last week with witness testimony. It was brought by a group of Jordanian academics, journalists, lawyers and politicians calling themselves God's Prophet Unites Us . None of the defendants, or
any legal representation in their defense is taking part in the trial, which is being decried as nothing more than a show trial even by those who support the charges. For his part, Westergaard said in April that he would have nothing to do with
the trial: I have not heard about this trial and have not been informed, the 75-year-old told AFP. In any case, I have no intention of going even if I am asked to. I do not want to risk becoming familiar with the Jordanian prisons, which would
be hell. The summons in the case accuses Westergaard and the 19 newspaper editors involved in publishing the 2005 cartoon of defamation, slander, blasphemy and inciting racism. If convicted, he could be sentence to 10 years in prison under
Jordanian law. The odds of Westergaard actually serving time, however, are slim to none. Zaki Salem, an international law expert said that Interpol would not deport anyone for alleged crimes that fall under freedom of expression. Salem said he
could imagine no circumstance in which Westergaard would be deported to Jordan.
26th April 2011 | | |
Jordan court case opens with Mohammed cartoonist charged with humiliating islam
From monstersandcritics.com
Cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and 19 other Danish journalists and editors went on trial in Jordan on charges of blasphemy over the publication of the controversial Mohammed cartoons six years ago. None of the defendants appeared in the Amman court.
The judge, Nathir Shehadah, decided to conduct the trial in absentia after he considered that the publication of arrest warrants and indictments in the local press served as legal notifications. The trial was adjourned to May 8, when the tribunal
will be scheduled to hear defence witnesses. The lawsuit was filed by the God's Prophet Unites us Campaign , a coalition of Jordanian academics, lawmakers, unionists, journalists, lawyers and politicians. The list of charges,
which has already been approved by the Jordanian public prosecutor, includes blasphemy against Prophet Mohammed and humiliation of Islam and Muslims.
15th April 2011 | | |
Jordan court will try Mohammed cartoonist for blasphemy
| |
A Jordan court case will begin this month accusing Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard of blasphemy over the famous cartoon depicting Mohammed wearing a turban bomb. Zakarya Sheikh, spokesman for a group of local media outlets that sued Westergaard
in 2008 said that the artist and others have been summoned by a magistrates' court in Amman to stand trial on April 25. These legal measures seek to prevent attempts to insult Islam and incite racial hatred against Muslims worldwide,
particularly in Europe, Sheikh told AFP. Kurt Westergaard has been quoted in local news reports as saying that he would like to go to Amman to stand trial. However, what I fear is that I am convicted in advance. I have no problem with Islam
but with the terrorists. He said he respects Islam but will not apologise.
13th November 2010 | | |
Kurt Westergaard publishes his autobiography
| Based on
article from
The autobiography of the Danish cartoonist who sparked Muslim outrage by depicting Mohammed with a bomb for a turban was quickly whisked off shelves by book buyers when it went on sale Friday. In Denmark's western town of Aarhus, the autobiography
of Kurt Westergaard had already sold out and book stores there were desperate for more copies, John Lykkegaard, the author and publisher of the book, said Friday evening. Six thousand copies had been printed for the Friday release.
Lykkegaard said 10,000 more copies would probably need to be printed early next week. The book entitled Manden Bag Stregen (The Man Behind the Line) details the life of 75-year-old Westergaard, and also features a republished version of his
controversial drawing that has earned him numerous death threats and assassination attempts. The cover is adorned with the last caricature Westergaard published in Jyllands-Posten before retiring in June. That drawing features Westergaard riding a
scraggy horse and carrying an oversized fountain pen and notebook, being pursued by a donkey carrying a weight with the words freedom of expression scrolled across it, topped with a live bomb and menacing clouds with the crescent moon of Islam
lurking above.
1st October 2010 | | |
Flemming Rose's book about the Mohammed cartoons goes on sale
| Based on
article from
A new book containing the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed went on sale on Thursday in Denmark, on the fifth anniversary of their original publication. The 12 cartoons were initially published by the Jyllands-Posten newspaper in
September 2005, sparking violent protests a few months later in several Muslim countries. Jyllands-Posten culture editor Flemming Rose, who had commissioned the cartoons for an article on self-censorship, said he wrote the book as part of a
process of closure , but also in a bid to discuss freedom of speech in broader terms. For me, the book ends the Mohammed cartoon phase, he said. On the eve of the book's publication, the Danish government said it feared fresh
protests. The foreign minister met with envoys from 17 Muslim countries as part of efforts to avert this, while underlining the government's wish to protect freedom of speech. At a news conference on the eve of the publication of Tavshedens
Tyranni (The Tyranny of Silence) , Rose quoted a sentence from the book stating that the cartoons do not legitimate violence, and the issue is not worth a single human life . Rose noted that the cartoons were commissioned after he read
about a Danish author's difficulties in finding an illustrator for a children's book on the prophet. After three rejections, the author found an artist, who however refused to be named in the book. Following the paper's publication of the
cartoons, Rose has been repeatedly threatened - a fate he shares with former Jyllands-Posten cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, who drew a cartoon of the prophet with a bomb in his turban.
9th September 2010 | | |
Angela Merkel honours Kurt Westergaard by presenting him a press freedom award
From m100potsdam.org
Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard received this year's M100 Media Prize. This year's award is for Freedom of the Press in Europe . Kurt Westergaard created one of the 12 Muhammad cartoons accompanying a feature entitled The Face
of Muhammad , published on 30 September 2005, in the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten. His illustration triggered an international controversy about freedom of speech and sparked world-wide, partly violent demonstrations of Muslims who felt insulted.
It wasn't my intention to attack Islam , stated Westergaard in an interview with Der Spiegel, but instead terrorists who abuse Islam for their spiritual ammunition. Despite an alleged bounty of eleven million Dollar on him and his
colleagues, Westergaard defended the publication by invoking the right to freedom of speech. The board of the M100 Sanssouci Colloquium honours his courage to stand by these democratic values and defend them, notwithstanding threats of violence
and death. The Lord Mayor of Potsdam declared: With Kurt Westergaard we honour a personality who has become a symbol for freedom of speech and opinion. When the drawing of a caricature results in death threats it is our duty to publicly back
the illustrator. The Prize is setting a signal. Based on article from bbc.co.uk
German Chancellor Angela Merkel presented him with the award, saying Westergaard was entitled to draw his caricatures: Europe is a place where a cartoonist is allowed to draw something like this. We are talking here about the freedom of
opinion and the freedom of the press Merkel, who grew up in communist East Germany, added that German people clearly remembered the implications of a lack of freedom and should therefore cherish it: It's about whether in a Western society
with its values he [Mr Westergaard] is allowed to publish his Muhammad cartoons, or not. Is he allowed to do it? Yes he is, Ms Merkel said. She described Europe as a place that respects and values the freedom of belief and religion. Security was tight at Sanssouci palace in Potsdam where the cartoonist told reporters:
Maybe they will try to kill me and maybe they will have success, but they cannot kill the cartoon. Merkel's decision to speak at the event about press freedom has caused some surprise in Germany. One newspaper said she was taking a huge
risk . Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung said that the effect of having a photograph taken with Kurt Westergaard was incalculable, describing it as probably be the most explosive appointment of her chancellorship so far . Germany's Central
Muslim Council (ZMD) criticised Merkel for attending the award ceremony. A ZMD spokesman, Aiman Mazyek, told public broadcaster Deutschlandradio that the Chancellor was honouring someone who in our eyes kicked our prophet, and therefore kicked all
Muslims . He said giving Westergaard the prize in a highly charged and heated time was highly problematic .
28th August 2010 | | |
Flemming Rose to reprint Mohammed cartoons in his book
| Based on
article from islamineurope.blogspot.com
A leading U.S. terrorism expert has warned of renewed tensions between the Muslim world and Denmark in connection with plans by Jyllands-Postens Culture Editor Flemming Rose to release a book in which caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed are reprinted.
In his The tyranny of silence Rose studies the 12 controversial caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed, which were first published in Jyllands-Posten in 2005. If I were him, I would seriously consider the consequences of reprinting
the drawings, says U.S. terrorism expert Evan Kohlman, who has worked for the FBI and the U.S. administration on terrorism issues. Kohlman says that while he understands the issue of freedom of speech, every time the drawings are reprinted, there
are riots and demonstrations and there will be bloodshed . The author insisted in an interview with Jylland-Posten competitor Politiken that he was not trying to be provocative, stressing that he simply wanted to tell the story of the 12
drawings and put them into a context of (other) pictures considered offensive. I am sure that a lot of people don't know what I think of these drawings. My concerted wish is to explain myself. I have nothing but words to do so, but once
people have read the book ... maybe they will be able to see the broader context, he said. The spokesman for the Islamic Society in Denmark Imran Shah says that Flemming Rose is beyond reach and says that Danish Muslims will probably
react by shrugging their shoulders.
13th July 2010 | | |
Cleric writing in Al Qaeda magazine calls for the deaths of Mohammed cartoonists
Based on article from
nydailynews.com |
A muslim cleric has placed the Seattle cartoonist who launched Everybody Draw Mohammed Day on an execution hitlist. The Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki singled out artist Molly Norris as a prime target :
A soul that is so debased, as to enjoy the ridicule of the Messenger of Allah, the mercy to mankind; a soul that is so ungrateful towards its lord that it defames the Prophet of the religion Allah has chosen for his creation does
not deserve life, does not deserve to breathe the air created by Allah and enjoy a life provided for by Allah. Their proper abode is Hellfire. In Inspire , an English language Al Qaeda terrorist mag, Awlaki damns Norris and
eight others for blasphemous caricatures of Muhammed. The 67-page magazine is seen by terrorism experts as a new attempt to reach and recruit Muslim youth in the West. The other cartoonists, authors and journalists in Awlaki's crosshairs are
Swedish, Dutch and British citizens. Norris initially grabbed headlines in April when she published a satirical cartoon on her Web site that declared May 20th Everybody Draw Mohammed Day as a way to mock Viacom and Comedy Central's decision
to censor an episode of South Park that showed Mohammed dressed in a bear suit. David Gomez, the FBI's assistant special agent in charge of counter-terrorism in Seattle, said Norris and others were warned of the very serious threat. We
understand the absolute seriousness of a threat from an Al Qaeda inspired magazine and are attempting to do everything in our power to assist the individuals on that list to effectively protect themselves and change their behavior to make themselves less
of a target.
17th January 2010 | |
| Details of truck bombs emerge in plot to attack Jyllands-Posten building
Thanks to Alan Based on article from cphpost.dk |
Details of trucks filled with explosives and European terror networks emerge in Jyllands-Posten newspaper plot case. US citizen David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, a Canadian citizen and native of Pakistan, are already in police
custody for their alleged roles in the plot against the newspaper in retribution for its printing of the Mohammed cartoons. Additional conspiracy charges were recently filed against Ilyas Kashmiri, who has been identified as a leader of terrorist
organisation Harakat-ul Jihad Islami (HUJI) in Pakistan and Abdur Rehman Hashim Syed, a retired major in the Pakistani military. Neither man is in police custody. According to documents released by US authorities, Headley met Rehman and members of
the Lashkar terrorist group in Pakistan. Rehman is said to have introduced Headley to Kashmiri who allegedly came up with the idea of the truck bomb. Kashmiri is also reported to have put Headley in contact with various associates in a number of European
countries who could provide Headley with money, weapons and manpower for the newspaper attack .
9th January 2010 | | |
Police shoot knife wielding islamic terrorist in Kurt Westergaard's home
| 2nd
January 2010. Based on article from news.bbc.co.uk See also Killing freedom
and cartoonists from ft.com |
Danish police have shot and wounded a man at the home of Kurt Westergaard, whose cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad sparked an international row.
Westergaard was at home in Aarhus when a man broke in armed with a knife. Police arrived and
shot the man after Westergaard pressed a panic alarm. Police said he was shot in the knee and the shoulder after threatening officers who tried to arrest him. Preben Nielsen of Aarhus police, said the man was seriously hurt but his life was not in
Danish officials said the intruder was a 28-year-old Somali linked to the radical Islamist al-Shabab militia.
Police said the man had entered Westergaard's house armed with a knife and had shouted in broken English that he wanted
to kill him. Westergaard said he had grabbed his five-year-old granddaughter and run to a specially designed panic room where he raised the alarm.
He has now been taken to a safe location, but said defiantly that he would be back, the
newspaper reported. Update: Charged 3rd January 2010. See article
from news.bbc.co.uk A Somali man has been charged with trying to kill a Danish artist whose drawing of the Prophet Mohammed sparked riots around the world. The suspect,
who was shot by police outside cartoonist Kurt Westergaard's home in the city of Aarhus on Friday, was carried into court on a stretcher. Police say he broke into the house armed with an axe and a knife. The suspect, who denies the charge,
was remanded in custody. Police say he has links with Somali Islamist militants. The radical al-Shabab group in Somalia hailed the attack. Kurt Westergaard Sept 2006 I locked myself in our safe room and alerted the police. He tried to smash
the entrance door with an axe, but he didn't manage Kurt Westergaard Al-Shabab spokesman Sheikh Ali Muhamud Rage told AFP news agency: We appreciate the incident in which a Muslim Somali boy attacked the devil who abused our prophet Mohammed
and we call upon all Muslims around the world to target the people like him. Update: Mohammed Cartoons Reprinted 9th January 2010. Based on article from
The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten has published reproductions of controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed by Kurt Westergaard, the victim of attempted murder last week. In an article on Westergaard, the daily printed small versions of six
out of the 12 drawings by the Danish cartoonist that had infuriated Muslims around the world when Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten first published them in 2005. Several of the drawings were seen as linking Islam and the Prophet Mohammed to
terrorism and suicide bombings, including the turban bomb cartoon. Update: Cartoon Apologist 1st February 2010. Based on
article from mediawatchwatch.org.uk
Pakistan's Daily Mail carries a story claiming that the Norwegian ambassador to Pakistan has strongly regretted the re-publication of the Turbomb Motoon in the pages of Aftenposten. Robert Kvile allegedly is of the view that the Norwegian
government would strive to reform understandings and to devise a strategy to stop such practices in future . Kvile had been summoned to the office of the Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi.
5th January 2010 | |
| |
Commenting on Index on Censorship on Danish Mohammed cartoons book See article from guardian.co.uk |
3rd December 2009 | |
| Yale University Press criticised for spineless approach to free speech
Based on article from
mediawatchwatch.org.uk See also article
from yaledailynews.com
A letter has been delivered to Yale university chastising it for not standing up for free speech in the face of imaginary threats of violence. The letter was signed by sixteen organisations:
- American Association of University Professors
- American Civil Liberties Union
- American Federation of Teachers
- American Society of Journalists and Authors
- Center for Democracy and Technology
- Center for
- College Art Association
- First Amendment Lawyers Association
- First Amendment Project Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
- International Publishers Association
- Modern Language Association
- National Coalition Against Censorship
- National Council of Teachers of English
- National Education Association
- People For the American Way Foundation
The statement, written by National Coalition against Censorship Executive Director Joan Bertin, argues that by capitulating to threats of violence, Yale has fed a climate in which people will be afraid to speak and publish freely. Yale's decision drew
widespread criticism and debate from professors, students and alumni in the past three months. The situation is extremely disturbing because Yale is a very prominent university, and their doing something like this might justify other
institutions doing so, Bertin said. This action compromised the book, the press and an important principle: not only should academics be able to discuss these things among themselves, but in this country we're entitled to talk about and view the
10th November 2009 | |
| US book publishes the Danish cartoons
Based on article from
The Huffington Post has reported that the newly founded Voltaire Press at Duke University has just published Muhammad: The Banned Images . The book includes all the images that were omitted by the Yale University Press from Jytte
Klausen's The Cartoons That Shook the World -- including the 12 Mohammed cartoons -- plus many more historically significant items (a total of 31), together with brief discussions of the context behind each work. The images, reproduced in high
quality and in full color, include works by William Blake, Gustave Dore, and Salvador Dali, as well as Muslim artists from the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal empires. The book includes an Introduction by Prof. Gary Hull, Director of the Program on
Values and Ethics in the Marketplace at Duke University, who has been the driving force behind the book. It also includes as an afterword, a
Statement of Principle that is worth a look.
20th August 2009 | |
| Yale University Press explain not publishing Mohammed cartoons in book about the cartoons
Based on article from
Yale University Press will publish The Cartoons That Shook the World, by Jytte Klausen, this November. The Press hopes that her excellent scholarly treatment of the Danish cartoon controversy will be read by those seeking deeper
understanding of its causes and consequences.
After careful consideration, the Press has declined to reproduce the September 30, 2005 Jyllands-Posten newspaper page that included the cartoons, as well as other depictions of the Prophet Muhammad
that the author proposed to include.
The original publication in 2005 of the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad led to a series of violent incidents, and repeated violent acts have followed republication as recently as June 2008, when a car
bomb exploded outside the Danish embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, killing eight people and injuring at least thirty. The next day Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the bombing, calling it revenge for the "insulting drawings."
Republication of the cartoons -- not just the original printing of them in Denmark -- has repeatedly resulted in violence around the world. More than two hundred lives have been lost, and hundreds more have been injured. It is noteworthy that, at the time of the initial crisis over the cartoons in 2005-2006, the New York Times, Washington Post, and Boston Globe declined to print them, as did every major newspaper in the United Kingdom.
The publishing of the book raised the obvious question of whether there remains a serious threat of violence if the cartoons were reprinted in the context of a book about the controversy. The Press asked the University for assistance on this
The University consulted both domestic and international experts on behalf of the Press. Among those consulted were counterterrorism officials in the United States and in the United Kingdom, U.S. diplomats who had served as ambassadors
in the Middle East, foreign ambassadors from Muslim countries, the top Muslim official at the United Nations, and senior scholars in Islamic studies. The experts with the most insight about the threats of violence repeatedly expressed serious concerns
about violence occurring following publication of either the cartoons or other images of the Prophet Muhammad in a book about the cartoons.
Ibrahim Gambari, under-secretary-general of the United Nations and senior adviser to the
secretary-general, the highest ranking Muslim at the United Nations, stated, You can count on violence if any illustration of the Prophet is published. It will cause riots I predict from Indonesia to Nigeria.
Ambassador Joseph Verner Reed,
dean of the Under-Secretaries-general, under-secretary-general of the United Nations, and special adviser to the secretary-general, informed us, These images of Muhammad could and would be used as a convenient excuse for inciting violent anti-American
Marcia Inhorn, professor of anthropology and international affairs and chair of the Council on Middle East Studies at Yale, said, I agree completely with the other expert opinions Yale has received. If Yale publishes this book
with any of the proposed illustrations, it is likely to provoke a violent outcry.
Given the quantity and quality of the expert advice Yale received, the author consented, with reluctance, to publish the book without any of these visual
Yale and Yale University Press are deeply committed to freedom of speech and expression, so the issues raised here were difficult. The University has no speech code, and the response to hate speech on campus has always been the
assertion that the appropriate response to hate speech is not suppression but more speech, leading to a full airing of views. The Press would never have reached the decision it did on the grounds that some might be offended by portrayals of the Prophet
Muhammad. Indeed, Yale University Press has printed books in the past that included images of the Prophet. The decision rested solely on the experts' assessments that there existed a substantial likelihood of violence that might take the lives of
innocent victims.
13th August 2009 | |
| Book about the Mohammed cartoons won't print the cartoons
Based on article from nytimes.com
It's not all that surprising that Yale University Press would be wary of reprinting notoriously controversial cartoons of Muhammad in a forthcoming book...But in a book telling the story of the cartoons?
Yale University and Yale University
Press consulted two dozen authorities, including diplomats and experts on Islam and counterterrorism, and the recommendation was unanimous: The book, The Cartoons That Shook the World, should not include the 12 Danish drawings that originally
appeared in September 2005. What's more, they suggested that the Yale press also refrain from publishing any other illustrations of the prophet that were to be included, specifically, a drawing for a children's book; an Ottoman print; and a sketch
by the 19th-century artist Gustave Doré of Muhammad being tormented in Hell, an episode from Dante's Inferno that has been depicted by Botticelli, Blake, Rodin and Dalí.
The book's author, Jytte Klausen, a Danish-born
professor of politics at Brandeis University, in Waltham, Mass., reluctantly accepted Yale University Press's decision not to publish the cartoons. But she was disturbed by the withdrawal of the other representations of Muhammad. All of those images are
widely available, Ms. Klausen said by telephone, adding that Muslim friends, leaders and activists thought that the incident was misunderstood, so the cartoons needed to be reprinted so we could have a discussion about it. Reza Aslan, a
religion scholar and the author of No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam , is a fan of the book but decided to withdraw his supportive blurb that was to appear in the book after Yale University Press dropped the pictures. The
book is a definitive account of the entire controversy, but to not include the actual cartoons is to me, frankly, idiotic.
This is an academic book for an academic audience by an academic press. There is no chance of this book having a
global audience, let alone causing a global outcry. It's not just academic cowardice, it is just silly and unnecessary.
The book is due out in November.
29th February 2008 | |
| Early release for editor jailed for publishing Mohammed cartoons
From CPJ see full article
The Belarusian Supreme Court has ordered the early release of Aleksandr Sdvizhkov, former deputy editor of the now-shuttered independent newspaper Zgoda, who was sentenced in January to three years in a high-security prison for reprinting controversial
Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in 2006.
We're relieved at the Belarusian Supreme Court's decision to grant early release to Aleksandr Sdvizhkov, but he should not have been jailed in the first place, CPJ Executive Director Joel
Simon said. We remain concerned that the court did not overturn this politically motivated conviction.
Sdvizhkov's lawyer, Maya Aleksandrova, told CPJ that the court cut the sentence to three months after reviewing the journalist's appeal
on Friday. The journalist, arrested in November, had already served that length of time. Aleksandrova said the court reduced Sdvizhkov's sentence due to “exceptional circumstances,” citing the journalist's deteriorating health, his good behavior in
prison, and his elderly mother's poor health.
Sdvizhkov's paper reprinted the controversial cartoons in Zgoda in February 2006, prompting authorities to begin an investigation into possible incitement to religious hatred. But journalists
said the prosecution was motivated less by religious sensitivity than a desire to silence a critical newspaper in the weeks before a presidential election.
22nd February 2008 | | |
Wikipedia defies muslim protests over Mohammed images
| See
full article from the Guardian
More than 180,000 worldwide have joined an online protest claiming the images, shown on European-language pages and taken from Persian and Ottoman miniatures dating from the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, are offensive to Islam, which prohibits any
representation of Muhammad.
The images at the centre of the protest appear on most of the European versions of the web encyclopaedia, though not on Arabic sites. On two of the images, Muhammad's face is veiled, a practice followed in Islamic art
since the 16th century. But on two others, one from 1315, which is the earliest surviving depiction of the prophet, and the other from the 15th century, his face is shown. Some protesters are claiming the pictures have been posted simply to 'bait' and
'insult' Muslims and argue the least Wikipedia can do is blur or blank out the faces.
In a robust statement on the site, Wikipedia's editors state: Wikipedia recognises that there are cultural traditions among some Muslim groups that prohibit
depictions of Muhammad and other prophets and that some Muslims are offended when those traditions are violated. However, the prohibitions are not universal among Muslim communities, particularly with the Shia who, while prohibiting the images, are less
strict about it.
Since Wikipedia is an encyclopedia with the goal of representing all topics from a neutral point of view, Wikipedia is not censored for the benefit of any particular group.
So long as they are relevant to the article and
do not violate any of Wikipedia's existing policies, nor the law of the US state of Florida where Wikipedia's servers are hosted, no content or images will be removed because people find them objectionable or offensive.
6th February 2008 | |
| Canadians worry about their loss of free speech
See full article from the Brock Press See also Ezra Levant See also
response from Syed Soharwardy who withdrew his complaint
The "Danish Cartoon Riots" were a shock to the world. Many newspapers republished the cartoons in defense of freedom of speech and to inform the public. Others decided it was unnecessary and inappropriate. In Canada, the Western Standard
magazine chose to do the former. Whether the decision was appropriate or not, it was entirely in its right to do so. However, a Saudi Imam was so enraged that he called the police to arrest the publisher of the magazine. His 911 call was
dismissed. The Imam then turned to the Alberta Human Rights Commission and argued that Ezra Levant, the publisher of the Western Standard, had undermined his human rights. In Canada, where separation of Church and State and the individual's freedom of
speech are cherished, one would think this Imam would have been laughed out of court.
However, the state-funded Commission has taken upon itself to be the arbiter of what is proper and politically correct speech, and the scarier part is that they
have the power to punish individuals for speech they consider "illegal". Of course, certain hate-speech laws are necessary, for instance, speech that calls for murder, incites a riot, or speech that harmfully libels an individual should be
monitored. Levant, however, did none of these things.
The Commission decided that the mere fact that the Imam was offended is grounds for forcing a private citizen, who was practicing his democratic right, to defend himself before their
Thanks to Levant's video postings of his interrogation on YouTube, which have received about half a million hits, his case has received considerable media attention. The absurdity of this kangaroo court becomes clear when his
unabashed interrogator has the audacity to question him on his political motives in publishing the cartoons, to which he unapologetically answers "whatever you find offensive".
Maybe if this was an isolated event it would seem like an
absurdly embarrassing, but insignificant episode in Canada's proud history of personal liberty. However, the state has also inserted itself between another high-profile Canadian journalist, Mark Steyn, and the public, due to his publication in MacLean's
Magazine titled The Future Belongs to Islam. He too is scheduled for a court date with the Canadian thought police this summer where he will go before the so-called Canadian Humans Rights Commission. Among these journalists are many
other less known figures whose basic right of free speech is being questioned by thuggish state institutions. Many journalists, inside and outside of Canada, are watching the proceedings with disbelief.
Freedom of speech is not negotiable in
Canada and it is not the government's right to decide which religion or creed may or may not be insulted or criticized in public. Update: Complaint Withdrawn
3rd March 2008 See response from Syed Soharwardy who withdrew his complaint
19th January 2008 | | |
Belarus editor given 3 years for publishing Mohammed cartoons
| From
CPJ see full article
Minsk City Court in Belarus have imprisoned Aleksandr Sdvizhkov, an editor at the now-shuttered independent weekly Zgoda ( Consensus ) newspaper, for reprinting controversial Danish cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in 2006. Sdvizhkov was
charged with “incitement of religious hatred” and sentenced to three years in a high-security prison.
Sdvizhkov was arrested on November 18 and his trial began on January 11 in Minsk, according to local news reports. He was tried behind closed
Aleksei Korol, Zgoda ’s former editor-in-chief, told CPJ he was shocked by the sentence given to his former colleague. The court ruling is disproportionate to his actions, said Korol, adding that Zgoda ’s staff
apologized to the Belarusian Muslim community at the time.
Belarusian Islamic leader Ismail Voronovich said he wanted authorities to reprimand the journalist, not jail him. I thought that this case was closed and the newspaper was back
Sdvizhkov reprinted the controversial cartoons in Zgoda in February 2006, prompting authorities to begin an investigation into possible “incitement of religious hatred”; a month later, the paper was shuttered. Sdvizhkov fled
Belarus to avoid imprisonment and returned last November to attend his father’s funeral. While in the country, the Belarusian Security Service arrested him.
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