Melon Farmers Original Version

BBFC Cuts S: Sa

Melon Farmers Video Hits

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Sa   Sb-Sg   Sh   Si-Sm   Sn-Ss   Sta-Stm   Stn-Stz   Su-Sz    

 v          Saamy 2 - 2018 India action film by Hari.

 X   Saamy 2

Link Here

Saamy 2 is a 2018 India action film by Hari.
Starring Vikram, Trisha Krishnan and Keerthi Suresh. IMDb

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2018.


BBFC cut
BBFC category cuts
cut: 36s
run: 155:18s
pal: 149:05s
12AUK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, injury detail, threat after 36s of BBFC BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2018 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • The company chose to remove moments of strong violence in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
 v          Sacco and Vanzetti - 1971 Italy / France crime biography by Giuliano Montaldo

 X   Sacco and Vanzetti

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  • Sacco and Vanzetti
  • Sacco e Vanzetti
Sacco and Vanzetti is a 1971 Italy / France crime biography by Giuliano Montaldo
Starring Gian Maria Volontè,Riccardo Cucciolla,Cyril Cusack Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
Political cuts were made in the US to diminish the political rhetoric lest weak minded Americans take the film as a call to arms. Uncut and BBFC AA rated for UK cinema release in 1972.

Summary Notes

In 1920, the anarchist Italian immigrants Nicola Sacco (Riccardo Cucciolla) and Bartolomeo Vanzetti (Gian Maria Volonté) are sentenced to death, falsely accused of a robbery and murder. Indeed they are condemned due to their political beliefs, in one of the most shameful and hypocrite judgments of the human history.


BBFC uncut
run: 123:56s
pal: 118:59s
AA 1970UK: Passed AA (14) uncut:
  • 1972 cinema release
mpaa cut
cut: 2:11s
run: 122:30s
pal: 117:36s
US: Political cuts were made for a GP (like PG) rated release

From IMDb:

The American release censors a lot of the pro-anarchy sentiments, most notably Bartolomeo Vanzetti's final words. In the American version, he simply says "I am innocent"; in the international version, he states what are said to be his actual final words, "Viva l'anarchia", "Long live anarchy".

See version details from

 v          Sacred Flesh - 2000 UK by Nigel Wingrove.

 X   Sacred Flesh

Link Here

Sacred Flesh is a 2000 UK by Nigel Wingrove.
Starring Sally Tremaine, Moyna Cope and Simon Hill. IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for UK video but uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Visually stunning

Taunted by visions of Mary Magdalene, who reveals the confessions of the younger nuns at the convent, the Mother Superior's mind is filled with the violent, sexual acts of her fellow sisters.

The film contains plenty of graphic nudity. There is a nun masturbating, nuns having lesbian sex, a nun being tied to a cross and pleasured by other nuns, along with a nun being licked and caressed by two priests. Along with all this is a naked woman crucified and wearing a crown of thorns, flagellation and self-flagellation.

Some reviewers found it erotic: This is not your usual nunsploitation movie and transcends the genre, becoming art. This is without doubt one of the most erotic films I have seen in a long time.

The film is visually stunning but some found it boring.


run: 71m
pal: 68m
MPAA UnratedUS: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
BBFC cut
cut: 25s
run: 72:19s
pal: 69:25s
18UK: Passed 18 after 25s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 2012 4Digital/Redemption (also with Visions of Ecstasy ) R2 DVD
  • 2011 Redemption R2 DVD
  • 2007 Redemption R2 DVD
  • 2005 Redemption R2 DVD
  • 2000 Redemption R2 DVD
  • 2000 Cinema release

The BBFC commented:

  • Cuts required to medium close shot and medium shot of female genital detail and masturbation.
 v          Sacrifice - 2012 China historical drama by Kaige Chen.

 X   Sacrifice

Link Here
  • Zhao shi gu er
Sacrifice is a 2012 China historical drama by Kaige Chen.
With You Ge, Xueqi Wang and Xiaoming Huang. IMDb
Cut by the BBFC for horse falls


BBFC cut
cut: 32s
run: 127:01s
pal: 121:56s
15 certUK: Passed 15 for strong battle violence after 32s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 2012 High Fliers R2 DVD

The BBFC commented:

  • Cuts required to remove sight of animal cruelty, in this case including horses being tripped and made to fall dangerously.

See pictorial cuts details from . The cuts were:

  • The poisoning of a rabbit which screams and writhes as it dies
  • A galloping horse is tripped by soldiers as part of plotline trap
  • Several horses are tripped in a battle scene in a wood
 v   The Sad Story of Saigon

 X   The Sad Story of Saigon

Link Here

The Sad Story of Saigon


46s 1887:23s 1996 release by Sek Bing Chun
 v   The Sadist

 X   The Sadist

Link Here
  • Profile of Terror
  • Sweet Baby Charlie
The Sadist


BBFC uncut15 cert MPAA
91:32s 1963 US thriller by James Landis

Passed 15 uncut for:

The US release is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

Review from UK Amazon : Lost Classic

Three teachers on the way to a ball game are held hostage by two sociopathic teenagers when their car breaks down. Forced to submit to the thrill-killers twisted games, the teachers must try to buy enough time to escape with their lives.

So far so schlocky. So what raises this movie so far above expectations to become the classic it is? A combination of low budget ingenuity, untapped talent, and that beautiful moment when you know that all are raising their game. Lightning strikes but once.

B-movie legend Arch Hall, Jr., plays the giggling psycho Charlie and his performance, whilst never subtle, is constantly unsettling and vicious. Writer/director James Landis crafts a tight, real-time thriller that never lets up the tension and keeps the viewer in the thick of things for the full 90 minutes. And last but not least, Oscar winner Vilmos Zsigmond breaks his cinematographic cherry with a mini master class in lighting, Gregg Toland-esque deep focus, and classic composition.

The whole thing cost $33,000 to shoot. It's brilliant. It puts 95% of other thrillers to shame. The violence is nihilistic and shocking. Whenever I show this movie to friends they can't believe it is from 63.

You need this in your collection. It's a lost classic.

rejectedThe BBFC banned the 1964 cinema release.
     The Sadist Baron Von Klaus - 1962 Spain horror by Jesús Franco  See Jess Franco Films: The Sadist Baron Von Klaus
     The Sadist of Notre Dame - 1979 Spanish/French horror by Jess Franco.  See Demoniac
            Sadisterotica - 1969 West Germany / Spain comedy mystery thriller by Jesús Franco  See Jess Franco Films: Sadisterotica
 v          Sadomania - 1981 Spanish/W German women in prison film by Jess Franco.

 X   Sadomania

Link Here
  • Hell Hole Women
  • Prisoners of the Flesh
  • Sadomania: Holle der Lust
  • Sadomania: El Infierno de la Pasion
Sadomania is a 1981 Spanish/W German women in prison film by Jess Franco.
With Ajita Wilson, Andrea Guzon and Ursula Buchfellner. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
Sadomania was massively cut by the BBFC for cinema release but later banned from VHS. By 2005 the ban was lifted but still cut by 17s. The longest version is the Spanish Version available uncut in the US. There is also a shorter Export Version
Summary Review: Ridiculous Plot
Sadomania is the infamous Women in Prison flick by the king of ultra low budget exploitation films, Jesus Franco.

The ridiculous plot has a newly wed young couple, who are kidnapped during their journey as they drive their wedding car somewhere in Spain. They are taken to the nearby women prison, led by sadistic lesbian warden (the late Ajita Wilson) and some sleazy governor and his wife, and despite the fact that the prison girls/women work hard there, their real reason to be there is to satisfy these leaders' bottomless sexual desires and perversions. Poor women are raped and abused, in the guaranteed Franco style, but it all ends happily for the protagonists and evil and horny sadists meet their fate, again Franco style.

This film is okay if one happens to like these kind of "guilty pleasures" with huge amount of nudity and love making. The sleaze-o-meter is taken as high as possibly.

Sadomania is noteworthy piece of Franco cinema, and shot with his usual zooms and beautiful images of nature, stained only by the presence of the film's ugly and evil protagonists.


run: 102m
pal: 98m
MPAA UnratedUS: The Spanish Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
BBFC cut
cut: 17s
run: 102:12s
pal: 98:07s


18UK: The Spanish Version was passed 18 after 17s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 2005 Anchor Bay R2 DVD

The BBFC commented:

  • Cut required to a scene of sexual and sexualised violence (in this case, a pin being inserted into a woman's nipple)
run: 88:03s
pal: 84:32s


rejectedUK: The Export Version was banned by the BBFC for:
  • 1994 Redemption VHS titled Sadomania

The BBFC commented:

A Women's prison video in which the female prisoners were coerced, degraded and brutalised. The treatment in Sadomania was often vicious in the extreme, with gladiatorial combat to the death between naked prisoners, the torture of a prisoner by sticking needles into and around her nipples, the hunting down of a naked woman with guns and dogs, and the rape of a bound and screaming naked prisoner by an Alsation dog, viewed by the governor and his wife as a sexy turn-on.

Distributor Nigel Wingrove wrote in an article from

Twenty years ago Redemption Films released Succubus and I received a written warning from the British Board of Film Classification, that Jess Franco was a director whose films the BBFC regarded as bordering on criminal. I was told that were I to attempt to release other films by him or to bring them into the country there would be consequences... A year later I submitted Demoniacs and Sadomania and both were categorically banned with the implicit threat that by pushing the work of Jess Franco I was, indirectly, championing criminal sexual material and that if I continued I too would face not civil, but criminal proceedings.


... it is grossly unsuitable for viewing in the home. Few, if any, of the sex scenes are consenting,... women that persistently refuse to succumb to the sadistic prison regime are systematically tortured, humiliated or degraded, often for the purpose of arousing the impotent male governor and through him the male viewer of the video work. ... There is no doubt in our minds that the erotic presentation of such scenes would be found depraving and corrupting by a British jury .

Redemption Films challenged the banning of these films, along with Bare Behind Bars legally, and lost. We then sought and won leave to judicially review the BBFC's entire operation, a massive undertaking and one which would, had we pursued it, opened up all the machinations of the BBFC's internal workings to public scrutiny, however, we ran out of money and had to wait until our battle over pornography several years later to finally oust the BBFC chairman James Ferman which in turn heralded in a period of more liberal censorship.

BBFC cut
cut: 17m
run: 60:04s
pal: 57:40s
X certUK: Passed X (18) after about 17:00s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 1982 cinema release titled Prisoners of the Flesh
 v          Sagebrush Trail

 X   Sagebrush Trail

Link Here
  • An Innocent Man
Sagebrush Trail


7s U cert51:30s 1933 US western by Armand Schaefer.

Cut since 2004. Cuts were made to remove sight of horses being made to fall forwards onto their necks

 v          Sahara - 1983 UK / USA adventure drama by Andrew V McLaglen.

 X   Sahara

Link Here
  • Aventuras en el Sahara
Sahara is a 1983 UK / USA adventure drama by Andrew V McLaglen.
Starring Brooke Shields, Lambert Wilson and Horst Buchholz. IMDb
Unspecified cut were made by the BBFC for PG rated 1983 cinema release and 1986 VHS. Cut for horse falls for 12 rated DVD/Blu-ray in 2016. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes

After her father dies, young Dale takes his place in a trans-African auto race, but ends up being abducted by a desert sheik.


US: Uncut and MPAA PG rated for:
BBFC cut
compulsory cuts
12 106:01s

UK: Passed 12 for moderate threat, violence after 4s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
  • 2016 88 Films video
The BBFC commented:
  • Cut required to remove cruel and dangerous horse falls (horses being tripped and falling forwards) in accordance with BBFC policy.
BBFC cut
PG 106:12s

UK: Passed PG after 11s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 1986 MSD VHS

It is not clear whether these cuts were for category or for the horse trips.

BBFC cut

UK: Passed PG after 21s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 1983 cinema release

It is not clear whether these cuts were for category or for the horse trips.

            Saigon - 1988 US war film by Christopher Crowe  See Off Limits
 v          Saigon Commandos - 1988 USA action adventure by Clark Henderson.

 X   Saigon Commandos

Link Here
  • American kommandos
Saigon Commandos is a 1988 USA action adventure by Clark Henderson.
Starring Richard Young, PJ Soles and John Allen Nelson. IMDb
The film was cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. Although not confirmed, it seems likely that European VHS releases are uncut.

Summary Notes

A series of drug-related murders haunt Saigon. Ex-Green Beret Mark Stryker and his MP's must find the culprits. With the help of Jean Lassiter, a nosey reporter covering the crime beat, Stryker uncovers the involvement of corrupt politicians in the heroin trade and in the killings. But before he can pin them down, Stryker is framed for the murder of his commanding officer and now he must clear his name, free Lassiter from her captors, and stop his men from carrying out their own kind of vengeance before it is too late.


BBFC uncut
run: 84:18s
pal: 80:56s
18UK: Passed 18 uncut:
  • 1987 Medusa Communications VHS

The cuts for an R rating are close to the PAL vs NTSC speed up time difference so it is not confirmed that this is the uncut version. But if the tape was presented to the BBFC in PAL then this would indicate that the UK release is uncut. Note that a German VHS from the time was uncut perhaps suggesting that the uncut version was used for European releases.

mpaa cut
cut: 4:32s
run: 84m
pal: 81m
MPAA RUS: Cut for an MPAA R rating
 v          Sailor Suit And Machine Gun - 1981 Japan action romance by Shinji Sômai

 X   Sailor Suit And Machine Gun

Link Here
  • Sêrâ-fuku to kikanjû
Sailor Suit And Machine Gun is a 1981 Japan action romance by Shinji Sômai
Starring Hiroko Yakushimaru, Tsunehiko Watase and Rentarô Mikuni BBFC link 2020 IMDb
Exists as a Theatrical Version and a longer Complete Version.

Summary Notes

A teenage delinquent schoolgirl named Izumi Hoshi inherits her father's Yakuza clan.


BBFC uncut
Complete Version
run: 130:27s
pal: 125:14s
  UK: The Complete Version is not yet detailed in the BBFC database:
  • 2021 Arrow Video [Theatrical Version + Complete Version] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad  


BBFC uncut
Theatrical Version
run: 113m
pal: 108m
15UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 15 uncut for strong violence, sex:


 v   The Saint - 1997 USA action Sci-Fi romance by Phillip Noyce.

 X   The Saint

Link Here
  • El Santo
The Saint is a 1997 USA action Sci-Fi romance by Phillip Noyce.
Starring Val Kilmer, Elisabeth Shue and Rade Serbedzija. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
BBFC category cuts were required for all 12 rated UK releases. Uncut and PG-13 rated in the US.
Summary Notes

Simon Templar has no real family, no real home and Simon Templar isn't even his real name. Yet Simon Templar , also known as the Saint for his use of creating false identities using the names of Catholic saints,is one of the world's most successful thieves. Slick, debonair and a master of disguise, Simon manages to outwit the police again and again. On his next job Simon is hired by the Russian Mafia to steal a cold fusion energy formula from scientist Emma Russel, however the mission backfires as he falls for the pretty, intelligent scientist. Simon and his new love must now manage to outwit the Russian Mafia and work out the energy formula before the worst happens and the US is affected forever.

Cutting Edge Quick Trims

The Saint


run: 116m
pal: 111m
MPAA PG-13US: Uncut and MPAA PG-13 rated for:
BBFC cut
category cuts
run: 116:00s
pal: 111:22s
12UK: Passed 12 for strong language and moderate violence after BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2000 Paramount R2 DVD
  • 2000 Paramount VHS
  • 1997 CIC VHS
  • 1997 cinema release

The BBFC cuts were:

  • Reel 4. In Russian club scene, remove sight of lines of white powder on mirror and of man [Tretiak] snorting a line through tube
 v   The Saint: The Saint Steps In

 X   The Saint: The Saint Steps In

Link Here

The Saint: The Saint Steps In


51s U cert47:32s UK TV Series by John Gilling

Cut by the BBFC when submitted in 1992

 v          Sajjan Singh Rangroot - 2018 war drama by Pankaj Batra.

 X   Sajjan Singh Rangroot

Link Here

Sajjan Singh Rangroot is a 2018 war drama by Pankaj Batra.
Starring Diljit Dosanjh, Yograj Singh and Sunanda Sharma.

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2018.


BBFC cut
category cuts
12A 137:45s UK: Passed 12A for moderate battle violence, injury detail after 2:00s of BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2018 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • Company chose to remove moments of strong violence in order to achieve a 12A rating. An uncut 15 classification was available
 v          Sakka Podu Podu Raja - 2017 comedy thriller by GL Sethuraman.

 X   Sakka Podu Podu Raja

Link Here

Sakka Podu Podu Raja is a 2017 comedy thriller by GL Sethuraman.
Starring Santhanam, Vivek and Vaibhavi Shandilya.

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2017.


BBFC cut
category cuts
12A 129:14s UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence after 15s of BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2017 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • Company chose to reduce a focus on blood in two scenes (the aftermath of a suicide and the aftermath of a shooting) in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
 v          Sakura Killers

 X   Sakura Killers

Link Here
  • American Killers
Sakura Killers


1886:30s 1987 US/Taiwan action film by Wang Yu & Dusty Nelson.
With Chuck Connors, Mike Kelly and George Nicholas. IMDb

Passed 18 after 40s of BBFC cuts for:

  • 1986 EIV VHS

The BBFC cuts were:

  • A lesson in the use of shirukens by the old ninja master has been deleted
  • Several other cuts to the sight of throwing stars
 v          Sailaja Reddy Alludu - 2018 India comedy drama by Maruthi Dasari.

 X   Sailaja Reddy Alludu

Link Here

Sailaja Reddy Alludu is a 2018 India comedy drama by Maruthi Dasari.
Starring Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, Anu Emmanuel and Ramya Krishnan. IMDb

Cut by the distributors for a 12A rated cinema release in 2018.
Summary Notes

The movie staring Ramya Krishna, Naga Chaitanya and Anu Emmanuel brings back Telugu dramas from the '90s and early 2000s where the lead actor is up against his love and her strong-headed mother.


BBFC uncut


UK: A pre-cut version missing 1:13s was passed 12A for moderate violence for:
  • 2018 cinema release

The day before the film was submitted uncut and was passed 15 for brief strong violence. Presumably the film was rapidly cut by the distributors to remove the brief string violence.


UK: Passed 15 uncut for brief strong violence for:
  • 2018 cinema release, unreleased, the distributors preferred a cut 12A release.
 v          Salmon Fishing in the Yemen - 2011 UK comedy drama by Lasse Hallström.

 X   Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Link Here

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is a 2011 UK comedy drama by Lasse Hallström.
With Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt and Amr Waked. YouTube icon IMDb

There is the uncut version with 3 'fucks', a cut version with 1 'fuck' and an airline version with the 'fucks' bleeped out or similar. All version were rated 12 by the BBFC.


12A cert106:23s

UK: An alternative version was passed 12A without BBFC cuts for Contains infrequent strong language and moderate sex references for:

The BBFC commented:

  • This version contains dialogue changes.

The BBFC commented in its annual report:

  • The three uses of fuck , when a mother swears at her adolescent son, in Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (12A) brought the film six complaints. Parents said they did not want their children to hear such language in films aimed at family audiences.
BBFC uncut


12A cert106:58s UK: An alternative version was passed 12A without BBFC cuts for one use of strong language and moderate sex references for:
  • 2012 cinema release
12 cert 105:00s UK: The Airline Version, pre-cut by 1:23s, was passed 12 without BBFC cuts for implied strong language and moderate sex references for:
  • 2012 British Airways VOD
 v          Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom - 1975 Italian/French drama by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

 X   Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

Link Here
  • Salo o le 120 giornate di Sodoma
  • Salo ou les 120 journees de Sodome
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom is a 1975 Italian/French drama by Pier Paolo Pasolini.
With Paolo Bonacelli and Giorgio Cataldi. YouTube icon IMDb
Banned by the BBFC for 1976 cinema release. Cuts were then made for a cinema club release. Unuct since 2000 with an 18 rating. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Review: Not for the Faint-Hearted
There are few movies out there, if any, that can generate as much ire and disgust as Pasolini's Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma .

Not for the Faint-Hearted? You'd better believe it. And thus, it's hard to really "recommend" this film to anyone, as you wouldn't really "recommend" divorce - But it's a life experience you can gain valuable knowledge from.

The film takes it's inspiration / Modus Operandi from the Marquis De Sade's notorious novel The 120 Days of Sodom , which, if you have read it, you will know perfectly well what you can expect from the film. Transporting the setting to Mussolini-Era Fascist Italy, four Aristocratic Libertines subject their young subjects to Sexual Manipulation and Torture, both physical and psychological.


run: 116:30s
pal: 111:50s
18UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence, sexual violence and scenes of torture:

From Salò and censorship: a history by Craig Lapper

In reaching the decision to pass Salò '18' uncut, the BBFC considered that although the film was undeniably - and intentionally - shocking, it did not contain anything that would 'deprave and corrupt' viewers - the basic test of the Obscene Publications Act.

In fact, Salò's purpose and its likely effect on viewers seemed to be quite the opposite. In the Board's view, the film depicted its events in a cold, detached and ritualised style, deliberately removing any hint of titillation. The film also mirrored de Sade's verbose literary style, alienating the viewer through its repetitions. Although the film contained many disturbing scenes, the Board agreed that its intention was to deliberately shock and appal audiences at the evil of fascism and to vividly illustrate the idea that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'.

Much like James Ferman in the 1970s, the BBFC agreed that any attempt to cut the film would undermine the director's purpose by making the film less shocking, the events depicted more palatable, and therefore less effective.

Although the film was suggestive of many horrors, the Board noted that most of its on screen violence was in fact relatively muted and shown in long shot or extreme long shot. There were no lingering close ups and the film's climactic death scenes could even be said to appear technically unconvincing by modern standards.

cut: 17s
run: 116:24s
pal: 111:45s
MPAA UnratedUS: The US release is more or less uncut and is MPAA Unrated for:

From IMDb:

  • The Criterion DVD omits a short 17s sequence during the first wedding ceremony, where one of the masters quotes a uncontentious poem by Gottfried Benn.
No Cert After the 1976 (public) cinema ban, a DPP approved version was personally edited by James Ferman for exhibition in (private) cinema clubs.

From Salò and censorship: a history

The cut version prepared by James Ferman for club screenings lost nearly six minutes of footage, removing - amongst other things - the coprophagia, the extreme violence at the end of the film, and certain elements of homosexual behaviour that were believed to be vulnerable to prosecution.

It also added an 4 minute on-screen prologue to legally 'explain' the context of Mussolini's regime at Salò and the writings of the Marquis de Sade.

An uncut version was however screened in 1995 at the NFT. It was also briefly shown uncut in a Soho cinema club in 1977 but that resulted in a police raid.

rejectedBanned by the BBFC for:
  • 1976 cinema release

From Salò and censorship: a history

It was refused a certificate on the legal grounds of gross indecency. Gross indecency was defined in British law as anything which an ordinary decent man or woman would find to be shocking, disgusting and revolting , or, which offended against recognised standards of propriety.

Unlike the Obscene Publications Act - which at that stage did not apply to films - gross indecency allowed for no defence of artistic or cultural merit to be mounted on the film's behalf. Furthermore, there was no requirement to consider the film - or the film's purpose - as a whole. If any part of the film was indecent then the whole film was illegal.

 v          Salon Kitty - 1976 Italian/German/French erotic Nazi drama by Tinto Brass.

 X   Salon Kitty

Link Here
  • Doppelspiel
  • Madam Kitty
Salon Kitty is a 1976 Italian/German/French erotic Nazi drama by Tinto Brass.
With Helmut Berger, Ingrid Thulin and Teresa Ann Savoy. IMDb
Cut by the BBFC for 1977 cinema release. Then released as a shortened version for 1993 VHS. Uncut on DVD since 2008. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Promotional Material:
Depraved, decadent, damned and uncut for the first time ever!

The most shocking and controversial of Italian director Tinto Brass' films presents a serious, unflinching depiction of moral decay within the Nazi Party at the time of World War II, and of how power ultimately leads to corruption.

The fully restored Director's Cut of this notorious film is now available on DVD, presented in its original widescreen format, completely uncensored and featuring 21 minutes of never-seen-before footage. Finally, the extremely disturbing, bordering-on-the-hardcore content can be seen as originally intended by the film's director, Tinto Brass.

SS Officer Helmut Wallenburg (Helmut Berger) is instructed by his superiors to set up an elite brothel, the eponymous Salon Kitty, especially designed to serve high-ranking Nazi officials and foreign diplomats. In order to cater to the clients' darkest perversions and desires sufficiently, Wallenburg is also charged with finding and rigorously training twenty beautiful and intelligent women, who are not only dedicated to the ideals of National Socialism but are also prepared to perform the most extreme acts of debauchery imaginable. What these prostitutes and their customers don't know is that the brothel is bugged and is being used to collect intelligence and to monitor the clients' loyalty to the Nazi Party.

As well as boasting superb performances by Helmut Berger and Ingrid Thulin, Salon Kitty also features beautiful cinematography and sumptuous sets that provide a stunning showcase for the work of twice Oscar winning production designer Ken Adam.


UK: The Full Length version passed 18 uncut with all previous cuts waived for:

US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

18 112:29s UK: An Abridged Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
  • 1993 Redemption VHS
BBFC cut
X cert 129:07s
UK: Passed X with BBFC cuts for:
  • 1977 cinema release
 v          Salt - 2010 US spy thriller by Phillip Noyce.

 X   Salt

Link Here

Salt is a 2010 US spy thriller by Phillip Noyce.
With Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor. YouTube icon IMDb

BBFC category cuts were were required for the 12 rated UK Version. These cuts or similar were also included in the US Theatrical Version. There also exists a Director's Cut and Alternative Version which are both uncut and 15 rated in the UK, MPAA Unrated in the US.

Summary Notes

Evelyn Salt is a CIA agent and highly respected by all, including her boss, Ted Winter. Out of the blue, a Russian spy walks into their offices and offers a vital piece of information: the President of Russia will be assassinated during his forthcoming visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the recently deceased U.S. Vice President. The name of the assassin: Evelyn Salt. Concerned about the safety of her husband, who she cannot contact, she goes on the run. Winter refuses to accept that she is a mole or a double agent but her actions begin to raise doubts. Just who is Evelyn Salt and what is she planning?

Director's Cut

Director's Cut
run: 103:52s
pal: 99:43s
15 certMPAA UnratedUK: An Extended Version/Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for:

US: The Extended Version/Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:

The BBFC explained their rating:

SALT is an action espionage thriller starring Angelina Jolie as CIA agent Evelyn Salt. She is forced to go on the run after being accused by a defector of being a Russian deep-cover sleeper agent.

This is an extended version of a film that was classified 12A in the cinema and 12 on DVD for moderate violence and one use of strong language . Additional material present here meant this version of the film was classified 15 for strong violence.

The BBFC's Guidelines at 12A'/'12 state that Moderate violence is allowed but should not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood, but occasional gory moments may be permitted if justified by the context . SALT includes several fast-paced fight scenes featuring moderate violence, with crunchy kicks and blows. In most scenes little is seen in terms of blood or injury detail but there are a few sequences of strong violence, including a woman being repeatedly beaten and smashed into a desk as she fights a dirty agent and a woman pulling a chain around a man's neck to throttle him. The film also opens with a torture scene in which a plastic tube is forced into Salt's mouth and filled with water, with some brief emphasis on her struggle. These stronger scenes exceed the terms of the 12A'/'12 Guidelines and are more appropriately placed at 15 where Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable. Strong sadistic or sexualised violence is also unlikely to be acceptable .

SALT also contains a single use of strong language that is neither aggressively delivered nor directed. This would have been permissible at 12A'/'12 where the Guidelines state that The use of strong language (for example, 'fuck') must be infrequent .

Based on article from Director Philip Noyce comments:

In the first alternative version of the film there is a very extended sequence involving the loss of someone very close to Evelyn Salt. The same story point occurs in the original film, but it happens in an entirely different way.

I shot it both ways because studios are always keeping an eye on contentious material that might become a censorship issue later, so I shot two versions of this particular scene: one that lasts for mere seconds, and another that lasts for several minutes. Both events in the story are the catalyst for Evelyn Salt's fury – and fuel her, and maybe even change her destiny.

In the version that we released in cinemas, the audience participates in the event from a distance, but it's all over before you become involved.

In the other version, they're place inside Evelyn Salt's heart and mind and soul as she experiences this lost and goes through the galvanising event in her life.

Then at the end of that version, the whole plot by the Russian deep cover moles that have been planted all around the world is revealed. What we thought was the plan turns out to be a preamble to the real plan, so everything in the story is turned on its head. We only realise that in the last three seconds of the movie. In the last sentence that's spoken, we suddenly realise that everything we saw was the beginning, not the end of the story.

Alternative Version

Alternative Version
run: 100:52s
pal: 96:50s
15 certMPAA UnratedUK: An Extended Version with an alternative ending was passed 15 uncut for:
  • 2010 Sony Extended Edition Blu-ray
  • 2010 Sony Extended Edition R2 DVD

Director Philip Noyce comments:

Then, in the third version there is an entirely different ending again! With a different outcome, involving different characters.

Theatrical Version

BBFC cut
Theatrical Version
run: 99:48s
pal: 95:48s

12 certMPAA PG-13UK: The Theatrical Version was passed 12/12A after BBFC suggested cuts for 12A were implemented for:
  • 2010 Sony Blu-ray
  • 2010 Sony R2 DVD
  • 2010 cinema release.

The BBFC commented:

This film was originally shown to the BBFC in an unfinished version. The BBFC advised the company that the film was likely to receive a 15 classification but that the requested 12A certificate could be achieved by making cuts:
  • in six sequences in order to reduce a scene of torture,
  • four violent scenes and a
  • scene of strangulation.

When the finished version of the film was submitted, all six scenes had been reduced acceptably and the film was classified 12A .

The BBFC further explained in their 2010 annual report:

The film was seen for advice, as the distributor was keen to obtain a 12A certificate. At that stage, the film contained six violent action sequences that were problematic at the requested category, including an opening scene of interrogation, in which Jolie's character has a tube forced down her throat and water poured down it.

A number of changes were made in advance of the film's formal submission. These significantly reduced the visual impact of the violence, with a lot of the action taking place off screen or implied only.

In one scene one of the characters, wearing a shoe with a retractable blade coming out of the toe (similar to that belonging to Rosa Klebb in From Russia With Love), attacks a man. Despite the fact that this is not an easily accessible weapon, the Board still required that the focus on the weapon and the resultant injuries be significantly reduced.

Scenes involving use of a Tazer and a broken bottle were also reduced in the classified version.

US: The Theatrical Version is cut and MPAA PG-13 rated.

Either the US producers accepted the UK cuts or else came to a similar conclusion to the BBFC on cuts need for a PG-13 rated version.

See pictorial cuts details from

 v   The Salute of the Jugger - 1989 Australia / USA action Sci-Fi film by David Webb Peoples (as David Peoples).

 X   The Salute of the Jugger

Link Here
  • The Blood of Heroes
  • Salute of the Jugger
The Salute of the Jugger is a 1989 Australia / USA action Sci-Fi film by David Webb Peoples (as David Peoples).
Starring Rutger Hauer, Joan Chen and Delroy Lindo. Youtube link IMDb
Exists in a long version and a shortened version.
Summary Notes

A Mad Max-esque post apocalyptic world provides the backdrop for a brutal, futuristic game resembling football. Rutger Hauer plays a disgraced former star leading a rag tag group of "Juggers" to one of the remaining Nine Cities for glory and redemption


BBFC uncut

UK: The Long Version was passed 18 uncut for:
BBFC uncut


18MPAA R91:08s

UK: The Shortened US Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
  • 1990 cinema release

Both versions were passed 18 for 1990 cinema release. The short version was classified several months after the long version so perhaps this was the version actually used.

Shortened by 7:37s and with an alternative end for the US version. See pictorial cuts from

 v          Sam Bahadur - 2023 India war biography by Meghna Gulzar

 X   Sam Bahadur

Link Here

Sam Bahadur is a 2023 India war biography by Meghna Gulzar
Starring Vicky Kaushal, Sanya Malhotra and Fatima Sana Shaikh BBFC link 2020 IMDb

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2023.

Summary Notes

The life of Sam Manekshaw who was the Chief of the Army Staff during the Indo-Pakistan war of 1971, and the first Indian Army Officer to become Field Marshal


BBFC cut
run: 147:52s
pal: 141:57s
12AUK: BBFC 12A rated for moderate violence, bloody images for moderate violence, bloody images after BBFC cuts:
  • 2023 Bakrania Media cinema release (rated 30/11/2023)

The BBFC commented:

The distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence and bloody images in order to achieve a 12A rating. An uncut 15 rating was available.

BBFC uncut
run: 147:52s
pal: 141:57s
IFCO cinema 12AIreland: Uncut and IFCO 12A rated for infrequent strong military violence:
  • 2024 Bakrania cinema release (rated 22/11/2023)
BBFC uncut
run: 148m
pal: 142m
ACB MAustralia: Uncut and ACB M rated for mature themes and battle violence:
  • 2023 Mind Blowing Entertainment cinema release (rated 23/11/2023)

 v          Sam Whiskey - 1969 USA comedy western by Arnold Laven.

 X   Sam Whiskey

Link Here
  • A Man of All Breeds
Sam Whiskey is a 1969 USA comedy western by Arnold Laven.
Starring Burt Reynolds, Angie Dickinson and Clint Walker. YouTube icon IMDb
The film was cut by the BBFC for an AA rated 1969 cinema release. Also cut in the US to avoid an MPAA R rating.
Summary Notes

Sam Whiskey is an all-round talent, but when the attractive widow Laura offers him a job, he hesitates: he shall salvage gold bars, which Laura's dead husband stole recently, from a sunken ship and secretly bring them back to the mint before they are missed. But how shall he manage to get several hundred pounds of gold into the mint without anyone noticing?


Australia flag The uncut version was released on Australian VHS titled A Man of All Breeds
mpaa cut
MPAA PG-13~96:00s US: Presumably the cut US Version was MPAA re-rated PG-13 for sexual content and some violence for:
  • 2014 Kino Lorber RA Blu-ray
  • 2014 Kino Lorber R1 DVD

From IMDb:

This was one of the first movies to have a scene cut under the, then new, MPAA American ratings system. A bare-from-the-waist-up shot of Angie Dickinson featured in the original print submitted. This topless shot of Dickinson was cut for the movie's American release so as to get an M rating instead of the more restrictive R-rating. Director Arnold Laven then submitted a print with a tighter shot of Dickinson showing her from the shoulders up.

BBFC cut
AA certificateUK: Passed AA after BBFC category cuts for:
  • 1969 cinema release
 v          Sammy Going South

 X   Sammy Going South

Link Here
  • A Boy Ten Feet Tall
Sammy Going South


BBFC uncutPG cert114:10s 1963 UK adventure by Alexander Mackendrick.
With Edward G. Robinson, Fergus McClelland and Constance Cummings. IMDb

A short version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for:

  • 2010 Optimum Online
  • 2010 Optimum R2 DVD

There is also a much shorter US release

cut old cert U The BBFC cut the 1963 cinema release.

The submitted running time was noted as 128:55s = 123:46s

 v          Sammy's Great Escape - 2012 Belgium animation adventure by Vincent Kesteloot and Ben Stassen.

 X   Sammy's Great Escape

Link Here
  • Sammy's Adventures 2
  • Turtle's Tale 2: Sammy's Escape From Paradise
Sammy's Great Escape is a 2012 Belgium animation adventure by Vincent Kesteloot and Ben Stassen.
With Pat Carroll, Carlos McCullers II and Cinda Adams. YouTube icon IMDb
BBFC category cuts for a U rated cinema release and DVD. Uncut in the US


~92:00s US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
BBFC cut
U 93:00s
UK: Passed U for mild threat after of BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2013 Warner [2D + 3D] R2 DVD
  • 2013 [2D + 3D] cinema release

The BBFC Commented:

Distributor chose to remove a use of mild bad language in order to achieve a U classification. At U, only infrequent use of very mild bad language is allowed. An uncut PG was available Cuts were made by substitution.

The BBFC commented further in the 2013 Annual Report:

The film contains one emphatic use of frigging , which we do not consider to be very mild language and which seemed out of place within the otherwise benign tone of the film. The distributor chose to remove the word in order to ensure that the film was suitable for young children.

 v          Samson - 1961 Italy / France fantasy adventure by Gianfranco Parolini.

 X   Samson

Link Here
  • Samsone
Samson is a 1961 Italy / France fantasy adventure by Gianfranco Parolini.
Starring Brad Harris, Sergio Ciani and Mara Berni. IMDb
BBFC category cuts were required for a U rated 1963 cinema release.
Summary Notes

While traveling through the kingdom of Sulom, Samson is arrested and finds that the queen no longer reigns and that a power-mad warlord and his army of mercenaries now controls the kingdom. Samson teams up with some of his one-time adversaries to battle the usurper and restore the rightful queen to power.


~99:00s US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
BBFC cut
category cuts
old cert U submitted
UK: Passed U after category cuts for:
  • 1963 cinema release
 v          Samson And The 7 Miracles Of The World - 1961 Italy/France adventure drama by Riccardo Freda

 X   Samson And The 7 Miracles Of The World

Link Here
  • Samson And The 7 Miracles Of The World (Scope)
  • Maciste alla corte del Gran Khan
  • Samson and the 7 Miracles
Samson And The 7 Miracles Of The World is a 1961 Italy/France adventure drama by Riccardo Freda
Starring Gordon Scott, Yôko Tani and Hélène Chanel BBFC link 2020 IMDb
Exists as the Original Version and the US Version

Summary Notes

Sam must rescue a beautiful Chinese princess from a marauding horde of warriors.


BBFC uncut
Original Version
run: 98m
pal: 94m


US: The Original Version is uncut:
US Version
run: 78m
pal: 75m
U pre 1970UK: The shortened US Version was passed U without BBFC cuts:
  • 1963 cinema release titled Samson And The 7 Miracles Of The World (Scope)


 v          Samurai Rebellion

 X   Samurai Rebellion

Link Here
  • Jôi-uchi: Hairyô tsuma shimatsu
  • Joî-uchi
  • Rebellion
  • Rebellion: Receive the Wife
Samurai Rebellion



12 cert121:06s 1967 Japan drama by Masaki Kobayashi

The BBFC passed the US Theatrical Version 12 uncut for the 2002 Artsmagic DVD.

There exists a longer version at 128 minutes but the differences are for timing are not contentious.

 v          Sanctimony

 X   Sanctimony

Link Here



1:00s 1882:51s 2000 Germany/US crime video by Uwe Boll

Video/DVD cut by the BBFC when submitted in 2001: Cut required to remove the rape elements from a scene in which rape becomes consensual sex and which therefore risks endorsing the myth that women enjoy being raped.

 v   The Sand Pebbles - 1966 USA war romance by Robert Wise.

 X   The Sand Pebbles

Link Here

The Sand Pebbles is a 1966 USA war romance by Robert Wise.
With Steve McQueen, Candice Bergen, Richard Attenborough. YouTube icon IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for 1966 cinema release. 5 months later it was shortened by about 14 minutes and this shorter version has been used ever since.
Summary Notes

Engineer Jake Holman arrives aboard the gunboat U.S.S. San Pablo, assigned to patrol a tributary of the Yangtze in the middle of exploited and revolution-torn 1926 China. His iconoclasm and cynical nature soon clash with the "rice-bowl" system which runs the ship and the uneasy symbiosis between Chinese and foreigner on the river. Hostility towards the gunboat's presence reaches a climax when the boat must crash through a river-boom and rescue missionaries upriver at China Light Mission.


12 cert

15 cert

174:49s UK: The shortened version was passed 12 uncut for torture scene, moderate violence, injury detail and sex references for:

UK: The shortened version was passed 15 uncut for:

  • 1994 Fox VHS
15 cert 171:15s UK: An unknown short version was passed 15 uncut for:
  • 1988 CBS/Fox VHS
BBFC cut
A Cert 196:00s
UK: The original version was passed A after BBFC category cuts for:
  • 1967 cinema release
 v          Sandakozhi

 X   Sandakozhi

Link Here



43s 15 cert133:50s
by Lingusamy (Ayngaran International)

Cut in 2006 with the following BBFC comment: The cuts were Compulsory. Compulsory cuts for 15 were required to sight of animal cruelty

 v          Sandakozhi 2 - 2018 India action drama by N Linguswamy.

 X   Sandakozhi 2

Link Here

Sandakozhi 2 is a 2018 India action drama by N Linguswamy.
Starring Vishal and Keerthi Suresh and Rajkiran. IMDb

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinmea release in 2018

Summary Notes

A minor conflict becomes a feud in a village resulting in the death of Pechi's husband. Durai protects the last person responsible for the death of Pechi's husband, while all others got killed in the feud. The son of Durai, Balu, returns to his village. Durai convinces the villagers for the festival celebrations at the temple to show their unity to the government for the sake of a dam project for the drought-stricken village. Pechi decides to kill the rivals while Balu stands in between them. Balu falls in love with a quirky girl, Sembaruthi. When a serious problem threatens his love and his father's word, Balu decides to put an end to the feud.


BBFC cut
category cuts
12A 150:05s UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, occasional bloody images after 5:22s of BBFC category cuts:
  • 2018 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • This work has Cuts for Category cuts made. Distributor chose to remove scenes of strong violence and injury detail in order to achieve a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
 v          Sanga Thamizhan - 2019 India action film by Vijay Chandar.

 X   Sanga Thamizhan

Link Here

Sanga Thamizhan is a 2019 India action film by Vijay Chandar.
Starring Vijay Sethupathi, Raashi Khanna and Nivetha Pethuraj. IMDb

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2019.

Summary Notes

Once a young man named Tamil learns that a businessman is planning to build a factory in his village, he tries to stop the plan for fear of pollution.

BBFC cut
category cuts
cut: 1:05s
run: 147:11s
pal: 141:18s
12AUK: Passed 12A for moderate threat, violence after 1:05s of BBFC category cuts:
  • 2019 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • The distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of threat, sexual threat and racist language in order to achieve their requested 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
 v          Sankarabharanam - 2015 comedy drama by Uday Nandanavanam.

 X   Sankarabharanam

Link Here

Sankarabharanam is a 2015 comedy drama by Uday Nandanavanam.
Starring Anjali, Suman and Sampath Raj.

BBFC category cuts were required for a 2016 12A cinema rating


BBFC cut
category cuts
12A 151:36s UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence after 2:18s of BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2016 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • Company chose to remove moments of strong violence and references to sexual violence in order to obtain an 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
 v   The Santa Clause - 1994 USA family comedy fantasy by John Pasquin.

 X   The Santa Clause

Link Here

The Santa Clause is a 1994 USA family comedy fantasy by John Pasquin.
Starring Tim Allen and Judge Reinhold and Wendy Crewson. BBFC link 2020 IMDb

After the initial release the distributors removed a premium rate phone number (1-800-SPANKME) from a dialogue as it was live premium rate phone number. After parents complained that their children had called the sex line, the number was replaced with the fictitious 1-800-POUND for subsequent home video release and streaming on Disney+.

 v          Santa Sangre - 1989 Mexico / Italy horror drama by Alejandro Jodorowsky.

 X   Santa Sangre

Link Here
  • Santa sangre
Santa Sangre is a 1989 Mexico / Italy horror drama by Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Starring Axel Jodorowsky and Blanca Guerra and Guy Stockwell. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
Only cut in the US for an MPAA R rating. The Uncut version is MPAA NC-17 rated in the US and is used for worldwide release.

Summary Notes

A young man is confined in a mental hospital. Through a flashback we see that he was traumatized as a child, when he and his family were circus performers: he saw his father cut off the arms of his mother, a religious fanatic and leader of the heretical church of Santa Sangre ("Holy Blood"), and then commit suicide. Back in the present, he escapes and rejoins his surviving and armless mother. Against his will, he "becomes her arms" and the two undertake a grisly campaign of murder and revenge.


BBFC uncut
run: 123:08s
pal: 118:12s
18 1980

MPAA Unrated


UK: Uncut and BBFC 18 rated for strong gory violence and horror: UK: Passed 18 uncut: US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
mpaa cut
run: 120m
pal: 115m
MPAA RUS: The R rated version is cut

From IMDb. The cuts are:

  • In the dismemberment of the mother: In the NC-17 version, there are extra cuts of blood and gore spraying on the walls, and then we also see a few extra shots of blood spurting out of the father's neck shortly after he commits suicide (we see this from behind; a startlingly un-explicit shot to be considered NC-17 material)
  • The death of the prostitute is much more explicit in the NC-17 version: we see many shots of her being graphically stabbed in the back and chest with loads of blood literally dumping out of her wounds. Then, we briefly see the knife stab through the back of her neck and poke out the front - all in one explicit shot. Practically the entire scene is missing in the R-rated version.
 v          Santo In The Treasure Of Dracula - 1969 Mexico action horror fantasy by René Cardona.

 X   Santo In The Treasure Of Dracula

Link Here
  • Santo En El Tesoro De Dracula
  • Santo and Dracula's Treasure
  • El Vampiro y el Sexo
Santo In The Treasure Of Dracula is a 1969 Mexico action horror fantasy by René Cardona.
Starring Santo, Aldo Monti and Noelia Noel. IMDb
The original 1969 release of Santo en El Tesoro de Dracula was black-and-white and featured no nudity. The film was simultaneously shot in colour featuring full frontal nudity for European markets and finally released in Mexico in 2012 as El Vampiro y el Sexo.
Promotional Material

After inventing a time machine, Mexican wrestler, El Santo, uses it to go back in time to track down the location of Dracula's hidden treasure. This is with the noble intention of using the treasure to help fund a children's hospital. In his quest to obtain the treasure, he is forced to face down and battle Dracula and his bevy of beautiful, vampire vixens.


BBFC uncut
Sexy Vampire Version
MPAA Unrated US: The Sexy Vampire Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
Original Version
run: 81m
pal: 78m
MPAA UnratedUS: The black & white original version is MPAA Unrated for:
 v          Sapthamashree Thaskaraha - 2014 drama by Anil Radhakrishnan and Menon.

 X   Sapthamashree Thaskaraha

Link Here

Sapthamashree Thaskaraha is a 2014 drama by Anil Radhakrishnan and Menon.
Starring Prithviraj Sukumaran, Nedumudi Venu and Asif Ali.

BBFC category cuts for a 12A rated 2014 cinema release


BBFC cut
category cuts
12A 141:36s UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, injury detail after 2:34s of BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2014 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • Distributor chose to reduce violence in two scenes in order to receive a 12A classification. An uncut 15 was available.
 v          Sardar - 2022 India action drama by P.S. Mithran

 X   Sardar

Link Here

Sardar is a 2022 India action drama by P.S. Mithran
Starring Mohammad Ali Baig, Karthi and Raashi Khanna BBFC link 2020 IMDb

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2022.

Summary Notes

This movie is about a spy, who is estranged from his family due to a mission, suddenly meets his police officer son.


BBFC cut
run: 165:19s
pal: 158:42s
12AUK: Passed 12A with a BBFC trigger warning for moderate violence, injury detail, suicide, threat, strong language after BBFC cuts:
  • 2022 cinema release

The BBFC commented:

The distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence in order to receive their preferred 12A classification. An uncut 15 rating was available.

 v          Sardonicus - 1961 USA horror mystery drama by William Castle.

 X   Sardonicus

Link Here
  • Mr. Sardonicus
Sardonicus is a 1961 USA horror mystery drama by William Castle.
With Ronald Lewis, Audrey Dalton and Guy Rolfe. Melon Farmers linkYouTube icon BBFC link 2020 IMDb
Briefly banned by the BBFC for 1961 cinema release before being cut and X rated. Uncut and 12 rated on VHS and DVD. Uncut and MPAA PG rated in the US.
Summary Notes

A search for a winning lottery ticket in his dead father's grave causes Sardonicus' face to freeze in a horrible grimace, until he forces a doctor to treat his affliction--with even more grotesque results! The audience gets an opportunity to vote--via the "Punishment Poll"--for the penalty Sardonicus must pay for his deeds...


run: 89:51s
pal: 86:15s
12 cert


Spain: Uncut for:

UK: Passed 12 uncut for:

  • 2021 Powerhouse Films Standard Edition R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
  • 2018 Powerhouse Films [William Castle at Columbia] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
  • 1996 Encore VHS Mr. Sardonicus
US: Uncut and MPAA PG rated for:
cut: ~37s
run: 89:12s
pal: 85:38s
X certUK: A pre-cut version was passed X for:
  • 1961 cinema release titled Sardonicus
rejected UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
  • 1961 cinema release titled Sardonicus
 v          Sarileru Neekevvaru - 2020 India action film by Anil Ravipudi.

 X   Sarileru Neekevvaru

Link Here

Sarileru Neekevvaru is a 2020 India action film by Anil Ravipudi.
Starring Aadhi, Ajay and Rajsekhar Aningi. IMDb

BBFC category cuts were required for a 12A rated cinema release in 2020.

Summary Notes

A tough army major is deployed to Kurnool on a mission to keep the country safe from external threats.

BBFC cut
category cuts
cut: 9:32s
run: 158:58s
pal: 152:36s
12AUK: Passed 12A for moderate violence, bloody images, suicide references after 9:32s of BBFC category cuts:
  • 2020 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • Cuts were made to references to sexual violence in order to achieve the company's requested 12A. An uncut 15 classification was available.
 v          Sarkar 3 - 2017 crime thriller by Ram Gopal Varma.

 X   Sarkar 3

Link Here

Sarkar 3 is a 2017 crime thriller by Ram Gopal Varma.
Starring Amitabh Bachchan, Manoj Bajpayee and Jackie Shroff.

A BBFC category cut was required for a 12A rated 2017 cinema release


BBFC cut
category cuts
12A 130:11s UK: Passed 12A for moderate violence after 2s of BBFC category cuts for:
  • 2017 cinema release
The BBFC commented:
  • Company chose to remove a moment of strong violence in order to achieve a 12A rating. An uncut 15 classification was available.
 v          Sartana in the Valley of Death

 X   Sartana in the Valley of Death

Link Here
  • Ballad of Death Valley
  • Der Gefurchtete
  • Sartana nella valle degli avvoltoi
  • Sartana in the Valley of the Vultures
Sartana in the Valley of Death


BBFC uncutPG cert85:14s 1970 Italy western by Roberto Mauri.
With William Berger, Wayde Preston and Aldo Berti . IMDb

A short version was passed PG without BBFC cuts for:

  • 2002 R0 C'est La Vie DVD
 v          S.A.S: Escape Evasion & Survival - 1996 release by Steve Graham

 X   S.A.S: Escape Evasion & Survival

Link Here

S.A.S: Escape Evasion & Survival is a 1996 release by Steve Graham

Cut by the BBFC for 1996 VHS


BBFC cut
1858:47s UK: Passed 18 after 1:30s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 1996 Castle Vision VHS
 v          S.A.S. Weapons and Training - 1997 UK documentary video by John Doukas

 X   S.A.S. Weapons and Training

Link Here
  • SAS Weapons and Training: The Inside Story with Barry Davies
S.A.S. Weapons and Training is a 1997 UK documentary video by John Doukas
With Barry Davies Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020 
Banned by the BBFC for VHS in December 1997.


run: 65m
pal: 62m


UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
  • 1997 Castle Communications VHS

The BBFC commented:

The video which purported to be a documentary about the SAS, was selling the glamour and excitement of handguns as well as detailed instructions in their use.

 v   The Satanic Rites of Dracula - 1973 UK horror by Alan Gibson.

 X   The Satanic Rites of Dracula

Link Here
  • Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride
  • Dracula Is Alive and Well and Living in London
  • Dracula Is Dead... and Well and Living in London
  • Rites of Dracula
The Satanic Rites of Dracula is a 1973 UK horror by Alan Gibson.
With Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Michael Coles. YouTube icon IMDb
Heavily cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1973. This was further cut for 18 rated VHS in 1988.

In the US the UK cinema version was further cut and PG rated  under the title of Count Dracula and his Vampire Bride. US distributors later reverted to the the UK Version which received an MPAA R rating in 1978. However US home video releases have been MPAA Unrated and feature the UK version with, and without, the BBFC 1s video cut.

The UK cinema version was passed 15 by the BBFC for 2019 Blu-ray.

Summary :

In London in the 1970s, Scotland Yard police investigators think they have uncovered a case of vampirism. They call in an expert vampire researcher named Van Helsing (a descendant of the great vampire-hunter himself, no less) to help them put a stop to these hideous crimes. It becomes apparent that the culprit is Count Dracula himself, disguised as a reclusive property developer, but secretly plotting to unleash a fatal virus upon the world.

UK Version

BBFC uncut
run: 87:45s
pal: 84:14s

best available


MPAA Unrated


UK: The UK cinema version was passed 15 for strong sexualised violence without further BBFC cuts: US: MPAA Unrated for:
US: It seems that the best available version is the same as the cut UK cinema version with the cut for video restored. This was MPAA R rated in 1978. There are countless other releases as the film has slipped into the public domain. Some US releases seem to be the cut UK video version.
BBFC cut
cut: 1s
run: 87:12s
pal: 83:43s
18UK: The cut cinema version was passed 18 after 1s of further BBFC cuts for:
  • 1988 Warner Home Video Video

The BBFC cuts were:

  • The 1s cut is of a shot of a stake going into a woman's chest next to her naked breast.
BBFC cut
cut: ~5:36s
sub: 92:49s
X certUK: Passed X after BBFC cuts for:
  • 1973 cinema release

From IMDb. The original UK cinema version was heavily cut by the BBFC to edit:

  • opening nude sacrifice scene,
  • 2 staking scenes,
  • the electrocution of a guard

Cuts were requested to the shooting of Torrence but this cut was not made

US Version/Dracula and his Vampire Bride

mpaa cut
run: 83m
pal: 80m
MPAA PGUS: The US Version titled Dracula and his Vampire Bride was cut for an MPAA PG rating for:
  • 1973 theatrical release
 v          Satanic Sluts: The Black Order Cometh

 X   Satanic Sluts: The Black Order Cometh

Link Here

Satanic Sluts: The Black Order Cometh


= 67:00s
2008 horror music video by Nigel Wingrove.
With Dominik Destruction, Dischordia and Kerosene. IMDb

The US release is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

Froim US Amazon : No Sense of order

This DVD really floored me. I thought this would be very erotic & sexy, it wasn't. It had to be well shot, it wasn't the whole DVD seemed like a flashlight supplied the total reveal lighting.

There was no sense of organization nor are the scenarios presented complete in any way shape or form.

Even now as I attempt to review this abomination my mind has already ( by itself) seemingly self erased some of my initial reactions to protect me from further injury.

2:50s 1864:45s Passed 18 after 2:50s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 2008 Redemption R0 DVD

The  BBFC commented:

  • Compulsory cuts required to remove unsimulated sight of restrained woman's arm being cut with a scalpel
 v          Satanic Sluts III: Scandalized - 2009 UK fantasy by Nigel Wingrove.

 X   Satanic Sluts III: Scandalized

Link Here
  • Scandalized
Satanic Sluts III: Scandalized is a 2009 UK fantasy by Nigel Wingrove.
Starring Georgina Baillie, Harmony Hex and Michelle Thorne. IMDb
Heavily cut by the BBFC for 2009 DVD.

Notable for starring Georgina Baillie aka as Voluptua, the granddaughter who Russell Brand claimed on air to have 'fucked' in a phone message to Andrew Sachs.

Summary Notes

Starring the UK's most notorious Satanic Slut, Voluptua, whose utterly salacious sex scandal threatened to topple the BBC and even had leading politicians utter the sacred words "Satanic Sluts". Inspired by tabloid sleaze, Voluptua relaxes and lets her naughty dreams take her to every scenario you can think of, from military dress-downs to '60s-style space settings and back again.


  US: Unconfirmed version is MPAA Unrated

Reviewers speak of explicit girl on girl action so maybe the US release is uncut.

1872:38s UK: Passed 18 for strong sex and nudity after 9:25s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
  • 2015 Salvation R2 DVD
  • 2009 Redemption Films R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
  • Distributor chose to remove images of explicit and unsimulated sexual activity in order to achieve an '18' category (in this instance, explicit detail of cunnilingus, dildo penetration and digital penetration), in accordance with BBFC Guidelines and policy. An 'R18' uncut was available. 'R18's can only be sold in licensed sex shops.
 v          Satanico Pandemonium: La Sexorcista - 1975 Mexico horror mystery thriller by Gilberto Martínez Solares.

 X   Satanico Pandemonium: La Sexorcista

Link Here

Satanico Pandemonium: La Sexorcista is a 1975 Mexico horror mystery thriller by Gilberto Martínez Solares.
Starring Enrique Rocha, Cecilia Pezet and Delia Magaña. IMDb

The promotional material for the 2020 Blu-ray includes 2 version but there are no further details
US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

Promotional Material

In the spirit of Ken Russell's THE DEVILS and Juan Lopez Moctezuma's ALUCARDA, this is one of the most subversive, violent and shocking films ever made about the religious life. With a stunning performance form the often naked Cecilia Pezet, the film inspired the Salma Hayek character in FROM DUSK TILL DAWN.

Sister Maria (Pezet) is known in the convent for her good works and charitable deeds. But, in the secret depths of her sexual fantasies, she is tormented by visions of another world - a world where her forbidden passions are allowed to run free. In this world, Satan is her master. As her acts of violence and blasphemy increase, Maria realizes that she has been chosen by the Devil himself to destroy the convent and lead her sister nuns into hell!
 v          Satan's Baby Doll

 X   Satan's Baby Doll

Link Here
  • La bimba di Satana
  • A Girl for Satan
Satan's Baby Doll


Germany flag   1982 Italy horror by Mario Bianchi.
With Jacqueline Dupré, Mariangela Giordano and Aldo Sambrell. IMDb

There is a Hardcore Version with inserts running at about an extra 12 minutes. This is available on the German Kult label.

BBFC uncut 1874:07s UK: The Extended Softcore Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
  • 2012 Shameless Sexploitation [+ Satan's Baby Doll + Love Goddess of the Cannibals] R0 DVD
  • 2010 Argent/Shameless R0 DVD

The extensions are for extra material found in the hardcore version which isn't actually hardcore.

 v          Satan's Blade - 1984 USA horror by L Scott Castillo Jr.

 X   Satan's Blade

Link Here

Satan's Blade is a 1984 USA horror by L Scott Castillo Jr.
Starring Tom Bongiorno, Stephanie Leigh Steel and Thomas Cue. IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for 1987 VHS. Cuts waived for 18 rated DVD and Blu-ray in 2016. Uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes

At a mountain resort, a local resident is possessed by the evil spirit of an ancient mountain man, and terrorizes a ski lodge.






UK: Passed 18 uncut for strong violence, threat, bloody images with all previous BBFC cuts waived for:

US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

BBFC cut
compulsory cuts
18 75:49s

UK: Passed 18 after 3:35s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
  • 1987 Mogul Communications VHS
 v          Satan's Sadists - 1969 USA action horror drama by Al Adamson.

 X   Satan's Sadists

Link Here
  • Nightmare Bloodbath
  • Die Sadisten des Satans
Satan's Sadists is a 1969 USA action horror drama by Al Adamson.
Starring Russ Tamblyn, Scott Brady and John 'Bud' Cardos. IMDb
Banned by the BBFC for 1970 cinema release. Then cut by the BBFC for an 18 rated DVD in 2003. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.

Summary Notes

The "Satans" are a very cruel biker gang led by Anchor. The gang goes to a diner in the middle of nowhere in the California desert where they begin to terrorize Lew and his patrons and his waitress, Tracy. After a little killing, one of the patrons named Johnny manages to escape from the bikers into the desert. They need to reach a town before the Satans catch up to them and kill them.


BBFC uncut
run: 86m
pal: 83m
Denmark flag


Denmark: Uncut for: US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:
  • 2020 Severin Films Al Adamson Collection Limited Edition RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
BBFC cut
cut: 57s
run: 85:43s
pal: 82:17s
sub: 86:41s
18 1980UK: Passed 18 for sexual violence and drug use after 57s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
  • 2003 Cinema Club R2 DVD
The BBFC commented:
  • Distributor required to make a compulsory cut to a scene of sexual violence where the victim appears to enjoy the assault, in order to achieve an 18.
Rejected Pre 1970 UK: Banned by the BBFC:
  • 1970 cinema release
 v          Satan's Slave - 1976 UK horror  by Norman J Warren.

 X   Satan's Slave

Link Here
  • Evil Heritage
Satan's Slave is a 1976 UK horror  by Norman J Warren.
With Michael Gough, Martin Potter and Candace Glendenning. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
Cut by the BBFC for X rated cinema release in 1976 and 18 rated VHS in 1997. The 2004 18 rated DVD is based on the extended International Version but was missing a scene of sexual violence, a decision backed by the director. The sexual violence cuts were waived by the BBFC for 2019 Blu-ray featuring the uncut International Version.

The International Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated in the US.

Summary Review: Bizarre artwork

A young girl is caught up in a devil cult run by her evil uncle and cousin. She can trust no one and even people she thought were dead comes back to haunt her.

The film has a reasonably interesting story, attractive characters, at least one sleazy psycho guy, and plenty of nakedness and blood. Since its about an evil Satanic cult, there's also a few cool ritual scenes with daggers, baphomets and robes, along with an attractive young blonde being offered up to the dark lord. One of the coolest parts of this movie is the opening sequence, if only because of the eerie off-key piano music and bizarre artwork.

International Version

run: 89:43s
pal: 86:08s

MPAA Unrated

UK: The International Version was passed 18 for sexual threat, sexualised violence with previous cuts waived:
  • 2021 Powerhouse Films Standard Edition [International Version + Director's Cut] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
  • 2019 Powerhouse Bloody Terror set [International Version + Director's Cut] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
Thanks to Jon. There's an extra on the Powerhouse disc of SATAN'S SLAVE showing the difference between the UK BBFC X Certificate Cinema version and the Uncut Version, and also a comparison between the two different versions of the bedroom scene.

US: The International Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

Director's Cut

BBFC uncut


cut: 3:00s
run: 87:37s
pal: 84:07s
18UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 with previous BBFC cuts waived for:
  • 2021 Powerhouse Films Standard Edition [International Version + Director's Cut] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon #ad
  • 2019 Powerhouse Bloody Terror set [International Version + Director's Cut] R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon
  • 2004 Starz/Anchor Bay Norman Warren Collection R2 DVD at UK Amazon

This version is based on the more violent International Version but is missing the sexually violent scene where Stephen smothers a woman with a pillow into unconsciousness. On re-awakening Stephen cuts off her clothes and threateningly traces the scissors across her body. See pictorial version details from The cuts replace the original 3:00s scene with a 1:15s scene for a net running time reduction of 1:45s.

Prior to submission to the BBFC, the director replaced the notorious scissors scene where scissors are traced over a woman which he had apparently 'never liked anyway'. The excised scene was to have been included as a DVD extra, but was abandoned after the BBFC asked for cuts.

So if the reports are to be believed, then this version is the Director's Cut, but is missing a notable deleted scene from the DVD extras

BBFC cut
cut: 1:04s
run: 86:31s
pal: 83:03s
18UK: The International Version was passed 18 after 1:04s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 1997 Sovereign/Satanica VHS

The BBFC cuts were:

  • edits to a whipping and branding scene
  • edited much of Potter's bedroom assault.

The 1997 Satanica video featured an alternate print which was pre-edited by the director to remove a scene where scissors are traced over a woman. It restored many of the original cinema cuts. However the film was then cut by 1 minute 4 seconds by the BBFC to edit a whipping scene and much of the bedroom assault.

UK Version

BBFC cut
run: 86:16s
pal: 82:49s
X certUK: The UK Version was passed X with BBFC cuts for:
  • 1976 cinema release

From IMDb The BBFC cuts were:

  • Edits to all stabbing scenes
  • Edit to the nude sacrifice,
  • Edited eye gouging
  • Edits to shots of John's mutilated body.
 v          Sátántangó - 1994 Hungary / Germany / Switzerland drama by Béla Tarr. 

 X   Sátántangó

Link Here

Sátántangó is a 1994 Hungary / Germany / Switzerland drama by Béla Tarr. 

Uncut in the UK.
The feelings of an octopus

The BBFC commented on animal cruelty an octopuses, See  article from :

Sátántangó was only classified uncut after we received detailed assurances from the film-makers regarding how the scenes with the cat were prepared and filmed in such a way as to avoid cruelty to the animal involved. Those assurances were consistent with the onscreen evidence.

 v          Saturday Night Fever - 1977 USA music drama by John Badham.

 X   Saturday Night Fever

Link Here

Saturday Night Fever is a 1977 USA music drama by John Badham.
With John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney and Barry Miller. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020   IMDb

Uncut and 18 rated for the original version, but its popularity with youngsters resulted in a children's PG Version. A Director's Cut was released in 2017 and was 18 rated by the BBFC.

Listen to discussion of cuts on BBFC Podcast 43 from

See also BBFC Case Study from

Summary Notes

A Brooklyn youth feels his only chance to get somewhere is as the king of the disco floor.


Director's Cut
run: 122:15s
pal: 117:22s



Ireland 15

MPAA Unrated

UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut for very strong language:
  • 2017 Paramount 40th Anniversary Edition RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon

Ireland: The Director's Cut was passed 15 uncut for strong sex, violence, language and some upsetting scenes.

US: The Director's Cut  is MPAA Unrated for:

About 3 minutes of deleted scenes were reinsert for the Director' Cut. The plot scenes are uncontroversial but add a little extra to the film. See  pictorial version details from :

  • Tony stops off at Brooklyn Bridge and traces its outline with his finger.
  • A little dialogue is added where Tony's mates note that everyone has to fight for themselves.
  • Tony's father gets a job but Tony is unimpressed that this does not mean that he is excused from contributing to the family budget.
  • Tony is let into to stephanie's apartment block by another resident leaving
Theatrical Version
run: 118:40s
pal: 113:55s



X cert

Ireland 18 video


UK : The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for very strong language for: UK : The Theatrical Version was passed X (18) uncut for:
  • 1978 cinema release

Ireland: The Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut

US: The Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:

mpaa cut
US Abridged Version
AA certificate


UK: The US Abridged Version was rated AA uncut by the BBFC for
  • 1979 cinema release. However this remained unreleased as the distributors wanted a PG version

US: A US Abridged Version was cut for an MPAA PG rating

The US cuts were:

  • 100 incidences of strong language and gestures deleted or replaced
  • The scene with Annette beng raped in the bar of a car has been deleted
  • A scene with a topless GoGo dancer was removed
  • A gang fight has its violence toned down

See pictorial cuts from

BBFC cut
UK Abridged Version
cut: 10:10s
run: 108:27s
pal: 104:07s

mpaa cut

PG cert


UK: The US Abridged Version was further cut by the BBFC for a UK PG rating
  • 1987 CIC VHS
UK: The US Abridged Version was further cut by the BBFC for a UK A rating
  • 1979 cinema release

[Thanks to Ben for the update]

 v          Saturn 3 - 1980 UK Sci-Fi adventure thriller by Stanley Donen and John Barry.

 X   Saturn 3

Link Here

Saturn 3 is a 1980 UK Sci-Fi adventure thriller by Stanley Donen and John Barry.
With Farrah Fawcett, Kirk Douglas and Harvey Keitel. Melon Farmers link  YouTube icon  BBFC link 2020  IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for an A rated cinema release. Uncut 15 for home video. Uncut and R rated in the US
Summary Notes

Two lovers stationed at a remote base in the asteroid fields of Saturn are intruded upon by a retentive technocrat from Earth and his charge: a malevolent 8-ft robot. Remember, in space no one can hear you scream...


run: 87:03s
pal: 83:34s
15 certUK: Passed 15 uncut for: US: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
BBFC cut
run: 86:18s
pal: 82:51s
A certUK: Passed A after BBFC category cuts for:
  • 1980 cinema release

From IMDb. The BBFC cuts were to remove:

  • A scene of Adam and Alex taking a recreational blues pill
 v          Sausage Party - 2016 USA animation comedy adventure by Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon.

 X   Sausage Party

Link Here
  • Festa da Salsicha
Sausage Party is a 2016 USA animation comedy adventure by Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon.
Starring Kristen Wiig, Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd. IMDb
Cut in the US to avoid an MPAA NC-17 rating. 15 rated in the UK, 12 rated in France and 11 rated in Sweden. Banned in China
Summary Notes

An animated fable about the delusion of religion. It is set in an American supermarket, its characters are horny and often blasphemous foodstuffs who at one point engage in a mass sex party.


BBFC uncut

mpaa cut

best available

run: 88:36s
pal: 85:03s


Sweden flag

France 12 cert

UK: The cut US Theatrical Version was passed 15 for very strong language, strong sex references without further BBFC cuts for:

Complaints to the BBFC, outlined in the BBFC Annual Report covering 2016:

Sausage Party attracted 19 complaints.

Some of the feedback concerned the film's sex references. A scene in Sausage Party shows food products taking part in an orgy, during which various sexual activities are depicted, but in an unrealistic manner. Given the animated nature of the film and the comic context, this scene is acceptable at 15.

Some members of the public complained about the film's three uses of very strong language ('cunt'). The comic and non aggressive delivery of the very strong language in Sausage Party means that it is acceptable at 15.

Other complaints about Sausage Party focussed on drug use. Drug references in the film are either unrealistic (for example, food products smoking joints) or involve non-existent drugs (for example, bath salts). As such, they are permissible at 15, where drug taking may be shown but the work as a whole must not promote or encourage drug misuse.

US: The film was cut to avoid an MPAA NC-17 rating.

Sweden: The film was given an 11A rating in Sweden. Children must be 11+ to view by themselves or else be 7+ to view with an accompanying adult. Strong language is not considered much of an issue in Sweden.

France: The film was given a 12 rating much to the annoyance of local moralists:

Jean-Frédéric Poisson, president of France's Christian Democratic party whinged:

An orgy scene for 12-year-olds! Everything remains to be done to combat early exposure to pornography.

La Manif Pour Tours, which has campaigned against same-sex marriage fired of an angry tweet:

Hello CNC, explain how you can authorise the screening of a giant orgy for the whole family?

The Association of Catholic Families warned parents:

[The movie gives] the appearance of being intended for young people and children. its content is not only coarse, but also clearly pornographic, under cover of being 'politically incorrect'.

See  article from . On Howard Stern's Sirius XM show, Seth Rogen discussed what he and his colleagues had to do to avoid an MPAA NC-17 rating. Among other things:

  • Scale back plans to depict a pita with a hairy scrotum during the movie's spectacular eight-minute long orgy scene.

Rogen commented:

We submitted it and we first got an NC-17 rating back. Our fear was that it would create this big negotiation process where we had to butcher the whole thing...we probably added six things into the orgy that we were like, okay, these are our sacrificial lambs, they are the chips that we're willing to lose, and we lost like, an eighth of one of them.

There is a pita bread, and you see his ball sack in the end of the orgy, and it had hair on it, and they asked that we remove the hair from the pita bread's ball sack. So we digitally shaved the pita bread's ball sack and removed the hair from it.

China flag
China: Banned

It is reported that the the film was banned in China as the humorous animation style would lead children to watch it inappropriately.

 v          Savage! - 1973 Philippines/US action drama by Cirio H. Santiago

 X   Savage! (1973)

Link Here

Savage! is a 1973 Philippines/US action drama by Cirio H. Santiago
Starring James Iglehart, Lada Edmund Jr. and Carol Speed IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS in 1996. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.

Summary Notes

Action packed story of how Jim Haygood (James Glehart) young, black and brilliant becomes the legendary leader of a rebel army. In a daring ambush on the beach Moncada, elusive leader of the rebel army, is captured by Jim Haygood and turned over to the authorities. That night, Jim celebrates his success in a nightclub, where he meets two glamorous young girl entertainers.


BBFC cut


cut: 3:56s
run: 80:22s
pal: 77:09s


UK: Passed 18 after 3.56s of BBFC cuts:
  •  1996 Superfly VHS

US: Uncut and MPAA R rated

 v          Savage - 1996 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by Avi Nesher.

 X   Savage (1996)

Link Here
  • Agrios timoros
Savage is a 1996 USA action Sci-Fi thriller by Avi Nesher.
Starring Olivier Gruner, Jennifer Grant and Kario Salem. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated 1997 VHS.
Summary Notes

After his family is murdered, and he's left for dead, a farmer awakens in the desert and finds himself transformed into a savage warrior, with all the powers and skills of the ancient gods. Guided by his "spirit masters" he's given a mission; destroy Tital Corporation, the world's most powerful high-tech computer company and its ambitious leader, Michael Burroughs. Burrough's has discovered the technological remains of an ancient race and a secret that will allow him to open the Vortex and achieve immortality. Out in the desert, ancient powers collide with sophisticated technology as the Savage and Burroughs meet in a titanic struggle that could destroy mankind.


BBFC uncut
run: 102:55s
pal: 98:48s
MPAA RUS: Uncut and MPAA R rated for strong continuous violence, a graphic sex scene and language


BBFC cut
compulsory cuts
cut: 7s
run: 102:45s
pal: 98:38s
sub: 98:47s
18UK: Passed 18 after 7s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
  • 1997 Buena Vista [Closed Caption] VHS

The BBFC cuts were:

  • At 26 minutes. Remove sight of butterfly knife being twirled into action.
  • At 41 minutes. During shoot-out at Electronik Kitchen, remove sight of neck break
  • At 83 minutes. In Savage's old burnt-out ranch, reduce to establishment only sight of Savage breaking Wallace's neck and significantly reduce accompanying graphic sound effect.
 v   The Savage Intruder - 1970 USA horror thriller by Donald Wolfe.

 X   The Savage Intruder

Link Here
  • Hollywood Horror House
  • Savage Intruder
The Savage Intruder is a 1970 USA horror thriller by Donald Wolfe.
Starring Miriam Hopkins, David Garfield and Gale Sondergaard. IMDb
Cut by the BBFC for 1982 cinema release. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.

Summary Notes

An aging actress whose career ended in the '30s lives in her decaying mansion with a retinue of bizarre people, including a personal assistant who keeps an arsenal of weapons.


BBFC uncut
run: 91:03s
pal: 87:24s


MPAA RUS: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
  • 2020 Vinegar Syndrome R0 Blu-ray/R0 DVD Combo titled Hollywood Horror House at US Amazon
BBFC cut
cut: 4s
run: 91:02s
pal: 87:24s
sub: 91:06s
X certUK: Passed X (18) after 4s of compulsory BBFC cuts:
  • 1982 cinema release titled The Savage Intruder
 v          Savage Island - 1985 Italy/US action drama by Nicholas Beardsley.

 X   Savage Island

Link Here
  • Hell Prison
  • Banished Women
  • Orinoco - Prison of Sex
  • Escape from Hell
Savage Island is a 1985 Italy/US action drama by Nicholas Beardsley.
With Anthony Steffen, Ajita Wilson and Cristina Lay. YouTube icon  IMDb
This is a version of Hell Prison substantially reworked for the US market with additional material featuring Linda Blair and re-titled Savage island. It was cut by the BBFC for 1986 VHS.
Summary Review: Turkey

Women who have been captured and sold as slave labor to a South American emerald mine hatch a plan for revolution and revenge.

Rightfully atrocious. Orinoco-Prison Of Sex (a.k.a. Hell Prison ) was an Italian-Spanish women-as-slaves-on-a-South-American-island-who-revolt thing, brought stateside in 1985, christened with a new title and spiced with fresh footage of Linda Blair as a vengeful ex-employee . Those looking for some hot nude scenes and/or violent confrontations between sexy women in loincloths are bound to be disappointed. But, alas, Linda is once again stuck in a turkey


R Rated
US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated for:
BBFC cut
18 73:22s UK: Passed 18 after 22s of BBFC cuts for:
  • 1986 EIV VHS
 v          Savage Man Savage Beast

 X   Savage Man Savage Beast

Link Here
  • Ultime grida dalla savana
Savage Man Savage Beast


X cert84:09s 1975 Italy documentary by Antonio Climati and  Mario Morra with Alberto Moravia. IMDb

Passed X (18) after BBFC cuts for:

  • 1976 cinema release

From IMDb:

The UK cinema version was cut by around 10 minutes by the BBFC:

  • Heavily edited scenes of animal violence including a race between cheetahs and ostriches
  • Deleted a castration
  • Deleted a scalping
  • Deleted a man being eaten by a lion in front of his family.

UK censor James Ferman later described it as one of the most vile and objectionable films ever submitted to the BBFC .

 v          Savage Sisters - 1974 Philippines/US film by Eddie Romero

 X   Savage Sisters

Link Here
  • Ebony Ivory and Jade
Savage Sisters is a 1974 Philippines/US film by Eddie Romero
Starring Gloria Hendry, Cheri Caffaro and Rosanna Ortiz BBFC link 2020 IMDb
Cut by the BBFC for 18 rated VHS. Uncut and MPAA R rated in the US.

Summary Notes

Three women of three races join the fundraising part of an island revolution.


BBFC uncut
run: 86:15s
pal: 82:48s
MPAA RUS: Uncut and MPAA R rated for:
BBFC cut
run: 83:20s
pal: 80:00s
18 1980UK: Passed 18 after BBFC cuts:
  • 1986 Rank Video Library VHS


BBFC uncut
run: 86:00s
pal: 82:34s
X 1970UK: Passed X (18) uncut:
  • 1974 cinema release


 v          Savage Streets - 1984 US crime action film by Danny Steinmann.

 X   Savage Streets

Link Here

Savage Streets is a 1984 US crime action film by Danny Steinmann.
With Linda Blair, John Vernon and Robert Dryer. Melon Farmers link YouTube icon BBFC link 2020 IMDb

Banned by the BBFC for 1984 cinema release and 1986 VHS. Released with BBFC cuts for 1987 VHS. BBFC cuts waived for 2011 DVD. Uncut and R rated in the US
Summary Review: Gratuitous Nudity
This sleazy tale of high school revenge with Linda Blair is a must for bad film fans everywhere.

This sympathetic tale tells the story of Brenda (Blair), a tough high school gal who spends her nights drinking peach brandy on the streets of LA with her equally tough friends. One night, they make the mistake of puttering with a gang called the Scars, and before you know it, the Scars have raped and beaten Brenda's deaf, mute sister. Once Brenda learns the truth of what transpired, she vows revenge on those responsible.

This is the pre-eminent 80's high school movie - terrible music, awful acting, questionable violence and gratuitous nudity.


run: 92:42s
pal: 89:00s


UK: Passed 18 after previous BBFC cuts waived for:

US: Uncut and MPAA R Rated for:

BBFC cut
BBFC cuts
cut: 1:04s
run: 83:28s
pal: 80:08s


18UK: The abridged version was passed 18 after a further 1:04s of cuts for:
  • 1991 Channel 5 VHS
  • 1987 Lazer VHS

The BBFC cuts were:

  • Extensive cuts to a rape scene
  • The climatic crossbow fight. The BBFC were not keen on crossbows at the time
run: 85:30s
pal: 82:05s
rejectedUK: The abridged version was banned by the BBFC for:
  • 1986 Lazer VHS
run: 92:36s
pal: 88:54s


UK: Banned by the BBFC for:
  • 1984 cinema release
 v          Savages - 2012 US crime thriller by Oliver Stone.

 X   Savages

Link Here

Savages is a 2012 US crime thriller by Oliver Stone.
With Aaron Johnson, Taylor Kitsch and Blake Lively. YouTube icon IMDb

The Theatrical and Extended versions are 18 uncut in the UK. However the UK cinema release was cut for a 15. In the US, the Theatrical Version is R rated whilst the Extended Version is unrated.
Summary Review: Stand Out Cast

Pot growers Ben and Chon face off against the Mexican drug cartel who kidnapped their shared girlfriend.

A little reminiscent of Tony Scott's True Romance with little guys taking on the big guys of the drugs world.

There are likable characters on both sides of the battle. Blake Lively is finally in a big screen role that suits her well. John Travolta's slimy crooked cop is just right. Salma the drug lord is quite darkly amusing. Benicio Del Toro's face does all the work as a an ultimate in sadistic bad guys.

Overall a good plot driven kind of feel good thriller with a stand out cast.


Unrated Version


135:19s UK: The Extended Version/Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence, strong sex and drug use for:

US: The extended Version is uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

  • 2012 Universal [Theatrical + Extended ] RA Blu-ray / R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
  • 2012 Universal [Theatrical + Extended ] R1 DVD at US Amazon

See pictorial version details from . The Extended Version provides additional background plot details:

  • An unhappy and sometimes violent family life for Lado.
  • A hospital bedside scene with Dennis and his cancer stricken wife.
  • A scene with O spinning a yarn to her mother about a supposed holiday in Paris
  • A scene with O getting momentarily pally with Marina in a conversation about love and bottox


130:40s UK: The US Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence, strong sex and drug use after UK advised cuts for 15 were reinstated for:
  •  2013 Universal [Theatrical + Extended] RB Blu-ray at UK Amazon

US: The US Theatrical Version is uncut and MPAA R rated for:

  • 2012 Universal [Theatrical + Extended ] RA Blu-ray/ R1 DVD Combo at US Amazon
  • 2012 Universal  [Theatrical + Extended ] R1 DVD at US Amazon
BBFC cut
advised cuts
15 cert 129:44s UK: UK Theatrical Version was passed 15 for strong language, violence, drug use and sex after BBFC advised category cuts were implemented for:
  • 2012 cinema release

The BBFC commented:

This work was originally seen for advice. The company was advised that the film was likely to receive an 18 rating but that their preferred 15 rating could be achieved by making changes to a number of scenes. These were to reduce:

  • various moments of strong bloody violence,
  • sadistic violence,
  • strong sex and
  • some focus on drug use.

When an edited version of the film was submitted for formal rating, changes had been made to satisfactorily address these issues and the film was consequently rated 15.

 v   The Save The Children Fund Film - 1971 UK TV documentary by Ken Loach.

 X   The Save The Children Fund Film

Link Here
  • In Black and White
The Save The Children Fund Film is a 1971 UK TV documentary by Ken Loach.
Starring Phil Askham, Rita May and Andrew Grubb. IMDb
Commissioned by Save the Children who found the documentary to be unflattering and so banned it from being shown. However it was considered a powerful work and it was preserved for posterity. It was eventually shown at the BFI in a 2011 Ken Loach retrospective and later for academic audience at Birmingham, Bristol and Warwick Universities.
Summary Notes

Director Ken Loach explores the politics of race, class and charity in a capitalist society in this documentary funded by the Save the Children foundation.


  TV ~50:00s UK: Banned by Save the Children.

From IMDb. The Save the Children Fund, which had commissioned the film for broadcast on London Weekend Television in 1969, were so displeased with the final product that they allegedly tried to destroy the negative. The film became embroiled in a legal battle that nearly bankrupted the fledgling Kestrel Films, but the film was preserved in the BFI archives.

According to the book Which Side Are you On?, Ken Loach shot some of this documentary at a school in Kenya which had been financed by the Save the Children Fund. Loach felt the school was very similar to an English public school in the way it was run. The school was a joint venture between the Fund and Kenyan businessmen where the pupils were being groomed for positions within the Kenyan Civil Service. Pupils saluted the flag, teachers had to wear Western style clothes, one member of staff (who felt the school represented a new form of colonialism) had even been forbidden to wear a local style shirt. The head teacher had allegedly been involved in the killing of victims of the Mau Mau uprising.

The documentary eventually premiered at the British Film Institute nearly four decades after it was shot as part of a Ken Loach film retrospective in September 2011. It was also shown at academic debates at Birmingham, Bristol and Warwick Universities.

A reviewer on IMDB comments:

This film is worth seeing alone for the directness of its politics. John Pilger and Michael Moore make some great, angry documentaries but nothing like this.

 v          Saving General Yang - 2013 Hong Kong/China action thriller by Ronny Yu.

 X   Saving General Yang

Link Here

Saving General Yang is a 2013 Hong Kong/China action thriller by Ronny Yu.
With Ady An, Adam Cheng and Ekin Cheng. YouTube icon IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for horse trips
Promotional Material
As an insecure Emperor seeks to destroy the noble Yang Family, the seven Yang brothers and their father are ushered into battle, a test to their unflinching loyalty and honour. Among 3000 warriors will be seven brothers and their father - but only one will survive.

Inspired by the true legends of the Yang Family and from acclaimed director Ronny Yu ( Fearless , IP Man ) Saving General Yang looks stunning and is packed with jaw-dropping action and incredible fight sequences.


BBFC cut
compulsory cuts
15 98:02s UK: Passed 15 for strong bloody violence after 6s of BBFC compulsory cuts for:
  • 2014 Universal Pictures UK R0 Blu-ray at UK Amazon released on 20th January 2014
  • 2014 Universal Pictures UK R2 DVD at UK Amazon released on 20th January 2014
The BBFC commented:
  • Cuts were required to remove sight of animal cruelty, in this case horses being tripped to fall forwards in a dangerous manner.
 v          Saving Silverman

 X   Saving Silverman

Link Here
  • Evil Woman
Saving Silverman


15 cert

R Rated

92:24s 2001 US/Australia comedy by Dennis Dugan

The BBFC passed the US Unrated Version 15 uncut for the 2001 cinema release and 2002 Columbia/TriStar DVD under the title Evil Woman

The uncut region 2 DVD is available at UK Amazon
The uncut region 1 DVD is available at US Amazon

BBFC uncut


15 cert


The BBFC passed the US PG-13 Version as 15 without BBFC cuts for the 2001 cinema release under the title of Saving Silverman

Significant cuts were made in the US to achieve a PG-13 Rating.

  • Strong language was removed
  • the plotline featuring photographs from a naked table tennis game was re-shot with clothes

See pictorial cuts details from

 v          Saw - 2004 USA / Australia horror mystery thriller by James Wan.

 X   Saw

Link Here

Saw is a 2004 USA / Australia horror mystery thriller by James Wan.
Starring Cary Elwes, Leigh Whannell and Danny Glover. Melon Farmers link  Youtube link  IMDb

Uncut in the UK in two variant versions. There is a cut R rated version in the US along with the two uncut versions which are both MPAA Unrated
Summary Notes

With a dead body lying between them, two men wake up in the secure lair of a serial killer who's been nicknamed "Jigsaw". The men must follow various rules and objectives if they wish to survive and win the deadly game set for them.


Director's Cut
run: 102:37s
pal: 98:31s

MPAA Unrated

UK: The Director's Cut/Uncut Edition/Special Edition was passed 18 uncut for:

Based on article from This version is missing 2 dialogue scenes compared with the Unrated Version:

  • Lawrence tells Adam that if he doesn't get help, he's going to bleed to death.
  • Adam calls out to Lawrence twice. Lawrence turns. Adam asks Lawrence if he's going to be okay. Lawrence replies, "I . . . I wouldn't lie to you."
Unrated Version
run: 103:12s
pal: 99:04s

MPAA Unrated

UK: The Unrated Version/UK Theatrical Version/Uncut Version was passed 18 uncut for:

US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

  • 2014 Lions Gate [Complete Movie Collection] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
  • 2014 Lions Gate [Complete Movie Collection] R1 DVD at US Amazon
BBFC uncut

mpaa cut
Theatrical Version

cut: 24s
run: 103:03s
pal: 98:56s


UK: The cut R Rated US Theatrical version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
  • 2005 EIV R2 DVD

See pictorial cuts details from :

The R Rated Version suffered 14 cuts to tone down violence adding up to 24s.
 v          Saw II - 2005 USA / Canada horror by Darren Lynn Bousman.

 X   Saw II

Link Here
  • Saw 2
Saw II is a 2005 USA / Canada horror by Darren Lynn Bousman.
Starring Donnie Wahlberg, Beverley Mitchell and Franky G. Youtube link IMDb
The Theatrical version was cut for a US R rating. The uncut version was released on UK DVD and is Unrated in the US.

Summary Notes

Jigsaw locks a few unlucky people in a booby trapped shelter and they must find a way out before they inhale too much of a lethal nerve gas and die. But they must watch out, for the traps Jigsaw has set in the shelter lead to death also.


Director's Cut
run: 94:23s
pal: 90:36s

MPAA Unrated

UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence for:

US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:

From IMDb. The Director's Cut is extended as follows

  • When the police are entering the Wilson Steel warehouse, three short cuts are shown of Jigsaw upstairs, realizing the police have arrived. When he realizes this, he calmly goes back to what he was working on.
  • When the police are approaching Jigsaw several scenes are added where he is eating Cheerios (as stated in the commentary on the original R-rated DVD).
  • Jigsaw has a few extra lines of dialogue with Detective Matthews, mentioning that he has wiped the slate clean , and that most people are merely sleepwalking .
  • When Obi is trapped in the oven, he attempts to break the glass on the far side as he is burning alive.
  • The scene of Amanda thrashing around in the syringe pit is extended.
  • In the bathroom, Charlie Clouser's score begins as Xavier begins cutting off his skin, and continues until he dies from his throat being slashed.
  • The opening scene with The Venus Headtrap is extended and the song Irresponsible Hate Anthem (Venus Headtrap Mix) is playing in the background.
  • The scene where Matthews is beating up Jigsaw is extended with one extra punch.
BBFC uncut

mpaa cut

cut: 1:49s
run: 92:37s
pal: 88:55s


UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for strong bloody violence for:
  • 2009 EIV RB Bllu-ray
  • 2006 EIV R2 DVD
  • 2005 cinema release
 v          Saw III - 2006 USA / Canada horror thriller by Darren Lynn Bousman.

 X   Saw III

Link Here

Saw III is a 2006 USA / Canada horror thriller by Darren Lynn Bousman.
Starring Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith and Angus Macfadyen. Youtube link IMDb

Exists in 3 versions, a Theatrical Version cut for an MPAA R rating, an Unrated Version and a Director's Cut.
Summary Notes

Jigsaw kidnaps a doctor to keep him alive while he watches his new apprentice put an unlucky citizen through a brutal test.


Director's Cut


115:40s UK: The Director's Cut was passed 18 uncut for:

US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:

See pictorial version petails from . There are 3 additional scenes in the Director's Cut that do not make a lot of difference to the film:

  • Amanda having a dream/flashback of Adam from Saw
  • Reworking of scenes with Lynne in her diabolic ruff exploring, trying locks and attacking Amanda
  • A coda with Jeff being informed that his daughter has also been kidnapped
Unrated Version


109:02s UK: The Unrated Version/Extended Version/Extreme Edition was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:

US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

  • 2014 Lions Gate [Complete Movie Collection] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon
  • 2014 Lions Gate [Complete Movie Collection] R1 DVD at US Amazon

From IMDb. The Unrated version of Saw III differs from the theatrical version:

  • The opening scene is more violent. The shots of Eric's heel being broken are much closer, and more detail is shown. When Kerry is discussing Eric with Rigg, the scene is slightly extended, showing her commenting on how she can't sleep because of his disappearance. When Kerry's trap triggers, a frontal shot is shown of her ribs being torn from her torso, leaving her organs exposed. Flashes showcase her innards dropping to the floor.
  • Danica's Freezer Trap. A few extra shots show Jeff slamming the door, trying to get out. During the Rack, Tim's limbs are shown much more, showcasing his skin tearing as the bone shatters out of his skin.
  • The flashback fight scene between Amanda and Eric is also extended. Amanda is shown hearing Eric's cries for his son, and seems distressed. While maneuvering in the corridor, Eric sneaks up on her and the fight resumes from there.
  • Ending scene. In the theatrical, once the montage of the victims passes by, Lynn's corpse is shown quickly, before cutting to Jeff screaming, then on Jigsaw's corpse, and finally cutting to black. In the unrated, during the montage the music slighty overlaps, skipping a couple of seconds forward, and then showing Lynn's mutilated head, zooming in on the gory details, and then slowly fading out to white.
BBFC uncut

mpaa cut



UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
  • 2006 cinema release
 v          Saw IV - 2007 USA / Canada horror thriller by Darren Lynn Bousman.

 X   Saw IV

Link Here
  • Saw 4
Saw IV is a 2007 USA / Canada horror thriller by Darren Lynn Bousman.
Starring Tobin Bell, Scott Patterson and Costas Mandylor. Youtube link IMDb
The Theatrical version was cut for a US R rating. The uncut version was released on UK DVD and is Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes

Jigsaw and his apprentice Amanda are dead. Now, upon the news of Detective Kerry's murder, two seasoned FBI profilers, Agent Strahm and Agent Perez, arrive in the terrified community to assist the veteran Detective Hoffman in sifting through Jigsaw's latest grisly remains and piecing together the puzzle. However, when SWAT Commander Rigg is abducted and thrust into a game, the last officer untouched by Jigsaw has but ninety minutes to overcome a series of demented traps and save an old friend or face the deadly consequences.


Director's Cut


91:33s UK: The Director's Cut/Extreme Edition was passed 18 uncut for:

US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:

BBFC uncut

mpaa cut



UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for:
  • 2007 cinema release

See pictorial cuts details from

 v          Saw V - 2008 USA / Canada horror mystery by David Hackl.

 X   Saw V

Link Here
  • Saw 5
Saw V is a 2008 USA / Canada horror mystery by David Hackl.
Starring Scott Patterson, Costas Mandylor and Tobin Bell. Youtube link IMDb
The Theatrical version was cut for a US R rating. The uncut version was released on UK DVD and is Unrated in the US.
Summary Notes

Following Jigsaw's grisly demise, Mark Hoffman, the final apprentice to the serial killer is deigned a hero. Meanwhile, Agent Strahm continues to track Hoffman while another group of strangers are put through a series of gruesome traps.


Director's Cut


91:07s UK: The Director's Cut/Extreme Edition/Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence for:

US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:

BBFC uncut

mpaa cut



UK: The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence for:
  • 2008 cinema release
 v          Saw VI - 2009 Canada / USA / UK / Australia horror mystery by Kevin Greutert.

 X   Saw VI

Link Here
  • Saw 6
Saw VI is a 2009 Canada / USA / UK / Australia horror mystery by Kevin Greutert.
Starring Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor and Mark Rolston. Melon Farmers link  BBFC link 2020  IMDb
The Theatrical version was cut for a US R rating. The uncut version was released on UK DVD and is Unrated in the US. The film was banned in Spain, Malaysia, Thailand and Ukraine.
Summary Notes

Special Agent Strahm is dead, and Detective Hoffman has emerged as the unchallenged successor to Jigsaw's legacy. However, when the FBI draws closer to Hoffman, he is forced to set a game into motion, and Jigsaw's grand scheme is finally understood.


Director's Cut
run: 91:30s
pal: 87:50s

MPAA Unrated

UK: Director's Cut/Extreme Edition/Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for strong bloody violence for:

US: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:

See pictorial version details from The Director's Cut features multiple plot updates and some changes to the violent scenes. The Director's Cut features 4:32s of new material but there is 3:10s of replacement footage in the Theatrical Version, so in total the Director's Cut is 1:22s longer.

BBFC uncut

mpaa cut

cut: 1:22s
run: 90:07s
pal: 86:31s




UK:  The cut Theatrical Version was passed 18 for strong bloody violence without BBFC cuts for:
  • 2010 Lions Gate Video
  • 2009 cinema release
Spanish flag
Spain: Banned
The film was originally X rated for extreme violence. The X rating is a restricted rating more typically given to porn films. Such films are banned from mainstream cinemas. The film was later cut for an 18 rated cinema and DVD release.

The film was also banned in Malaysia, Thailand and Ukraine.

 v          Saw 3D: The Final Chapter - 2010 Canada / USA horror mystery by Kevin Greutert.

 X   Saw 3D: The Final Chapter

Link Here
  • Saw: The Final Chapter
Saw 3D: The Final Chapter is a 2010 Canada / USA horror mystery by Kevin Greutert.
Starring Tobin Bell, Costas Mandylor and Betsy Russell. Youtube link IMDb
The Theatrical version was cut for a US R rating. The uncut version was released on Blu-ray only and is Unrated in the US. Both versions are 18 rated in the UK without BBFC cuts.
Summary Notes

As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor Bobby Dagen, a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror.


Unrated Version


90:10s UK: The Extreme Edition/Unrated Version was passed 18 uncut for strong gory horror:

US: Uncut and MPAA Unrated for:

  • 2011 Lions Gate [2D  + 3D] RA Blu-ray at US Amazon (note that the included DVD is the cut version)
BBFC uncut

mpaa cut





The cut R Rated Theatrical Version was passed 18 without BBFC cuts for strong gory horror for:
  • 2010 Lions Gate R2 DVD
  • 2010 cinema release

See pictorial cuts details from : 19 short cuts were made to tone down the violence for an R Rating adding up to just 12s.

            Saw X - 2023 US/Mexico/Canada horror mystery thriller by Kevin Greutert  See Saw Films: Saw X

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