Natural Born Censors | |
Peter Ainsworth | Tory Shadow Culture Secretary said that the BBFC appeared to be 'losing its grip' when it passed Baise-Moi with cuts and then issued a press release regretting the necessity to cut it. Ainsworth responded: This is just crazy. To pass a film like this on the one hand and then apologise on the other makes no sense at all. |
David Alton | The illiberal Liberal who has spent so long campaigning against all things liberal. He is still at it in the Lords as we speak (albeit as a crossbencher). Most infamous for the Alton Amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill that would have removed all 15 and 18 videos from the home market. He suggested the award of the certificate "not suitable for home viewing". Even Michael Howard had to step in moderate this amendment on realisation that such films as Schindler's List would be banned. Unfortunately the compromise entailed even stricter censorship of UK videos with a new shopping list of new criteria of harm for the BBFC to consider. Another key sponsor of this amendment was Tony Blair . |
Janet Anderson | As films minister at the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, she has called for the banning of Eros TV. She said: Hard-core pornography is not acceptable in this country. |
Shiona Baird | Green Party MSP for North East Scotland, exaggerated somewhat about an Edinburgh showing of Deep Throat : This documentary of a film which is widely held to have no cultural or artistic merit is no more than an attempt to legitimise pornography and condone the abuse and degradation of women. |
Steve Bassam | Lord Bassam of Brighton |
Tony Blair | Key supporter of David Alton's repressive amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill. He displays incredibly bad taste by actually listening to the advice of the disgraced arch-moralist of the Daily Mail, Paul Johnson |
David Blunkett | Labour Home Secretary on the subject of allowing evidence obtained under torture to be used in British courts: Let me make it clear, we unreservedly condemn the use of torture and have worked hard with our international partners to eradicate this practice. BUT ... it would be irresponsible not to take appropriate account of any information that could help protect national security and public safety. |
Virginia Bottomley | Issued the proscription order for the satellite porn channels Rendez-Vous and Satisfaction Club Television. Clearly done for votes as she waited nearly a year until the Tory party conference before acting. |
Julien Brazier | One of the most vocal of the current unholy cross party alliance of parliamentary censors. He is a key spokesman of "The Conservative Family Campaign" who seem to believe that our freedom of choice should be limited to Teletubbies or the Wombles. |
Graham Bright | The sponsor of the Private Members Bill that became the Video Recordings Act of 1984 sanctioning state censorship of every video released in the UK. |
Gordon Brown |
Karen Buck | Labour MP for Regents Park and Kensington North. Sponsor of the motion to force phone companies to bar numbers found on cards in phone boxes. We are not trying to make London like Disneyland and pretend that prostitution does not exist, but this is now a serious issue. |
John Bull | Leading light in the Westminster Council decision to ban Crash from its local cinemas |
Andy Burnham |
George W Bush |
President of the United States of Warmongers. |
David Cameron | Prospective Tory leader who blames the world's ills on computer games saying they are fuelling the rise in anti-social behaviour. |
Vernon Coaker |
Graham Chapman | Leader of Nottingham Council. Seems to let his own views override the justification required by law and got duely criticised by the relvant ombudsman. |
Lorna Cohen | Leeds licensing committee chairman. |
Iain Coleman | Hammersmith and Fulham MP who worked unsuccessfully along side John Humphrys to rid their area of Secrets table dancing club. |
Jim Coleman |
John Cryer | Hornchurch MP joined the nutter opposition to an application to open a sex shop in Hornchurch This is the last thing the area needs. After losing a vital public service in the former post office, we now have someone wanting to replace selling stamps and processing pensions to peddling porn magazines and sleaze. |
Claire Curtis-Thomas | Claire Curtis-Thomas Crosby Labour MP |
Chris Demetriou | Pastor at the head of the fundamentalist Cornerstone Ministries group of churches based in Esher,joined other fundamentalist religious groups in the campaign against the video release of Crash. See also Yusuf Islam |
Fergus Ewing | Scottish Nationalist MSP seems to relish in the persecution of kerb crawlers: It seems to me the punter is going to escape scot free again and again and that's not what we want. He said he planned to table an amendment to shift the emphasis of the Bill to make it an offence to buy or attempt to buy sex. |
James Ferman | As director of the BBFC for 23 years, James Ferman did well to stay out of the Hall of Shame for a long time. Unfortunately in the last few weeks of office his place of shame was clinched by a statement in a Radio 4 documentary: |
Mark Fisher | Labour Minster for the Arts who supports censorship to protect human dignity |
Phil Gallie | Holier than thou Scottish Tory MP who believes that all group sex should be made illegal. |
Laurence Godfrey | Setting dangerous legal precedents by continually suing the messengers ie ISP's for the alleged libels by internet users. I don't wish to challenge anyone's right to freedom of speech but I have a right to damages if I'm damaged by their exercise of their right to free speech. |
Paul Goggins | Wythenshawe, Labour MP & Under Secretary of State, spoke about the 15 rated video game, Silent Hill: and "deplored" the company's tactics in trying to boost sales in a morbid way. He will ask Home Secretary Jackboots Straw what action he could take to prevent or restrict sales. |
Christine Grahame | Scottish Parliament shadow Social Justice Minister. |
Stephen Green | Leader of Christian Voice, aggressive nutters who have allowed threats and intimidation to be speak louder than tolerance and compassion. Hopefully this is down to Stephen Green, rather than Christianity as a whole |
David Hallam | Labour MEP who reckons: Sex and violence on television should be regulated by the Government to protect children, the 9PM watershed should be scrapped and all programmes should be checked for content. Many children watched TV unsupervised and ministers had a duty to protect 'TV orphans'. |
Earl of Halsbury | Hereditary peer who introduced A house of Lords amendment to the Obscene Publications Act that defines all depictions of sex as obscene and enables the imprisonment of anyone vaguely connected to the distribution chain. Clearly his hatred of porn over shadows his sense of justice, tolerance and civilisation. |
David Hanson |
Harriet Harman | Labour solicitor general. |
Rev Malcolm Hathaway | Is leading an evangelical group in their campaign to get the recent cinema re-release of The Exorcist stopped. |
Hugh Henry | Labour MSP said about the idea of a topless barber shop: I'm glad to see the back of Bongheads but I'm outraged to see a sleazy attempt to exploit the drugs culture replaced by an attempt to exploit women. |
Patricia Hewitt | Labour Trade and Industry Secretary only to happy to join the blame bandwagon against Manhunt, a computer game caught up in the aftermath of the trial of a teenage murderer: As a mother myself I share her (Mrs Pakeerah’s) anxiety about the violent computer games that too many teenagers are exposed to. We all need to do more — manufacturers, retailers, parents and schools — to protect our young people from immersing themselves in images of extreme violence.” |
Geoff Hoon |
Angela Hooper | Chairman of Westminster's Planning and Licensing Committee |
Gerald Howarth | MP & chairman of the Lords and Commons Family and Child Protection Group, said: People will be asklng themselves why we bother with censorship if they let through this type of stuff (Romance) . It just sounds like pure pornography. I'm very worried about the insidious and coarsening effect this sort of material is having on society - and ultimately, reguardless of it's '18' certificate, children will see the film 'Small wonder that 12-year-old girls become pregnant when films like this are openly available. |
Lady Elspeth Howe | Chairman of the Broadcasting Standards Commission , the monitoring taste & decency on TV. |
Kim Howells | Labour Culture Minister |
Beverley Hughes |
Labour Child Protection Minister |
Simon Hughes | As soon as he was promoted to the LibDems role of Home Affairs spokesman he took up the soundbite bollox of Howard, Straw, Widdecombe etc |
John Humphrys | BBC news reader who feels that the Secrets strip club brings down the tone of his west London neighbourhood. He has been siding with the equally shameful Hammersmith and Fulham Council to try and get the club shut down. He is joined in his mean minded crusade by local MP Iain Coleman He remarked when Secrets opened: |
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath |
Yusuf Islam | A coalition of Christian and Muslim fundamentalists who campaign to get video stores not to stock Crash. The group, which includes Yusuf Islam, the former singer Cat Stevens, believes it can call on the support of up to 105,000 members across both faiths who will boycott any store that puts Crash on its shelves. The film should have been banned from the start, the coalition believes, because of its perverse depiction of human sexuality woven into the violent imagery of road carnage. See also Chris Demetriou |
Cathy Jamieson | Scottish Executive Minister for Injustice put her name to a repressive measure to criminalise the possession of violent pornography (even when consensual and staged) |
Paul Johnson | Daily Mail film critic always on hand to campaign for the banning of just about anything. |
Dave Johnston | Police (ACPO) spokesman on sexual crime |
Stefan Kasprzyk |
Gerald Kaufman |
Labour ex minister who frequently write pro-censorship articles. A recent column for the Mail On Sunday advocates fines for 'filth' on the BBC. |
David Lepper | Brighton MP for Labour. One of the main campaigners for the one of the most repressive censorship laws proposed for the UK for a long time. The Dangerous Pictures Act will see people locked up for 3 years merely for viewing pictures of staged violent porn. |
Liz Longhurst | Campaigner for the one of the most repressive censorship laws proposed for the UK for a long time. The Dangerous Pictures Act will see people locked up for 3 years merely for viewing pictures of staged violent porn. |
Peter Luff |
Mid Worcestershire MP whinging about Jerry Springer, The Opera: I do not believe in censorship, and I will defend robustly the right of a theatre to put on a play that some find offensive. BUT to show it on television where there is a danger children could see it is irresponsible. |
Fiona Mactaggart |
Labour Home Office minister said that it was wrong to regard those involved in prostitution as sex workers. She said tough measures were needed to tackle the markets for prostitution. I'm not tolerant of the view that prostitution is the oldest profession in the world and there's nothing we can do to reduce it. Prostitution blights communities. We will take a zero tolerance approach to kerb crawling. Men who choose to use prostitutes are indirectly supporting drug dealers and abusers. The power to confiscate driving licences already exists. We want the police to use that power more. |
Theresa May | Conservative Shadow Culture Secretary. |
Frank McAveety | Scottish Culture Minister who supports the ludicrously unproportionate penalty of losing a driving licence for the non crime of kerb crawling. |
Chris McGimpsey | Ulster Unionist Councillor in Belfast refused licenses to sex shops saying that they would have led to the setting up of virtually a red light district in the area . The areas of Gresham Street and North Queen Street in the city centre were designated as unsuitable for such shops, as people lived nearby and children could use neighbouring stores. (This is the weakest effort I have ever heard to cover up a gross abuse of power). |
Andrew McIntosh | Labour Broadcasting Minister Andrew at the Department of Censorship, Media and Shite. |
Malcolm McLean | Glasgow council's licensing applications sub-committee convener, said the decision to reject a sex shop licence application was in the best interests of its citizens. He said: This was not a hard decision to make. We have always said that the appropriate number of these kind of shops for Glasgow is zero. |
Margaret Moran | Labour MP, chairman of the all-party committee investigating domestic violence |
David Nettleton |
Independent St Edmundsbury borough councillor said about a sex shop licence awarded to a man with a 9 year old conviction: I am not trying to stamp out sex in the town, BUT we should support the local constabulary and the fact my colleagues have overridden them is absolutely disgusting. |
Mike Penning | Conserative MP for Hemel Hempstead |
Esther Rantzen | Television broadcaster who said: |
Barbara Roche | As Minister for Industry she announced that the Government is keeping an open mind on the possible need for future regulation of the Internet BUT it is keen to encourage further progress of the removal of illegal and harmful/offensive material. |
Martin Salter | Reading MP for Labour. One of the main campaigners for the one of the most repressive censorship laws proposed for the UK for a long time. The Dangerous Pictures Act will see people locked up for 3 years merely for viewing pictures of staged violent porn. |
Andrew Selous | Nutter Conservative MP (South-West Bedfordshire) tried to incite the Government to sack the BBC over the broadcast of Jerry Springer the Opera : What account she [Estelle Morris] will take of standards of public decency in programmes screened by the BBC as part of her decision on whether to renew the BBC charter |
Clare Short | Labour Ex-Cabinet Minister |
Chris Smith | A particularly hypocritical entry into the Hall of Shame. On one hand he rightfully expects tolerance for those that enjoy the minority sexual preference of being gay but on the other, he refuses to tolerate the minority sexual preference of those that like to watch porn. |
Elaine Smith | Labour member of the Scottish Parliament led calls for an inquiry into the "big business" of pornography: I think that since studies do exist showing the harmful effects they should signal to us the precautionary principle and they should be doing further research into it. I don't think we can ignore it any longer. |
Jack Straw | Has made an immediate impact by using his jackboots to stamp down hard on James Ferman's modest attempts to liberalise the guidelines for sex videos. This relaxation was a practical attempt to try and find a compromise between what the punter wants and what the law allows. Failure to find such a compromise is creating a very strong black market in completely uncensored material but Jack only seems to care about winning the vote of Daily Mail readers. |
Gisela Stuart | Labour MP for Edgbaston in Birmingham who is proposing extreme measures to deal with kerb crawling. |
Christopher Tookey | Daily Mail film critic and a true But head; Freedom of artistic expression is a great good, but not the only good - or the only freedom. None of the great defenders of free speech in the past 300 years would have imagined that in the 20th century their arguments would be used to enable the spread of paedophilia and child pornography (Neither would they imagine that their arguments would be used to enable such repressive rags as the Daily Mail but hey! shit happens) |
Thani Ulaga-Nathan | Hackney Licensing Committee Spokesperson
Thanks to James, May 2008: Not Possible
Keith Vaz |
November 2008: Nutter Bali Hoo
Alexander Walker | Evening Standard film critic who declared that Crash contained some of the most perverted acts of sexual deviance I have ever seen in mainstream cinema. A tad exaggerated maybe? |
Sandra White | SNP SMP for Glasgow on the cross-party group on violence against women and children. She said she was "disgusted" by the plans ato open a topless barber shop and vowed to picket the shop: I am appalled by this shop, it's degrading to women and is part of this laddish culture treating women as playthings. This objectifying is one reason why violence against women is going up. I and other campaigners will picket the shop every day to shame men who go there. |
Anne Widdecombe |
A former Conservative Home Office minister and long-standing opponent of screen violence quoted; I feel strongly about the feebleness of the censorship in this country. Promised to take David Alton 's amendment to the Crime and Disorder Bill to the Commons if the Lords had accepted it. |
Baroness Young | Currently collaborating with David Alton to table an amendment to the Crime & Disorder Bill to enable certain organisations to appeal against BBFC decisions. Of course this amendment ensures a one-sided right of appeal by only allowing appeals on grounds that the video work might incite viewers to antisocial behaviour, crime or disorder. |
Deidre Alden | Birmingham councillor who ineveitably whinged at sex related art exhibition. Supported by the ever censorial NSPCC. |
Wendy Alexander | Paisley North MSP |
George Allan | Islington Liberal Democrat Councillor and executive member for public protection, said: The recent prosecution [for selling unclassified videos] is another success for Islington Council's trading standards team, who are fighting a battle against retailers selling unclassified videos in the borough. We want to make it very clear that retailers must not sell unclassified videos. We will continue to prosecute those who break the law. |
Dave Allen | Liverpool campaigner against the theatre tour of Jerry Springer: The Opera. |
Bryan Appleyard | Pro-censorship writer for the Sunday Times |
Lord Ashbourne | Sponsored David Alton's Amendment to the Crime & Disorder Bill. Supported Halsbury's noxious 1999 Obscenity Bill |
Phil Attridge | Edinburgh licensing leader said on th esubject of imposing licensing control on adult entertainment: It's something we've been asking for years now. We're not trying to ban anything and we're not moralising, BUT... we just want to ensure there are not too many of these places in the one area and that they're not opening up next to schools and churches. |
Jezz Baker | Portsmouth Conservative councillor Jezz Baker who was on the committee that voted against a sex shop application said, This is a crazy decision. I am very concerned that youngsters will have access to hard-core pornographic filth. |
Tony Banks | Labour MP. Speaking on Richard and Judy on Channel 4 about violent videogames he said that these videogames were as bad as child pornography |
Steve Bassam | Lord Bassam of Brighton, now a Labour Home Office minister |
Roy Beggs |
News October 2009: Flaunting Flesh
John Beyer | National Viewers and Listeners Association general secretary always ready to give an obnoxious sound-bite to the Daily Mail. His response to the resignation of Ferman is typical; Without any question he has presided over a worsening situation. Films such as Lolita, Crash and Kissed ought never to be released because of the unhealthy, immoral and destructive lifestyle they portray. |
Dr. Esmond Birnie | Ulster Unionist MLA for South Belfast |
Graham Brady | MP who said about a sex shop application that : it would make the market quarter a "no-go area for families". |
Stephen Bramley | Home Office legal adviser has been attributed with the idea that having lost the capability to prosecute porn under obscenity law then the notion of harm to children could be used instead. |
Viscount Brentford | When talking during the Lords Obscenity Bill he argued that pornography leads directly to serial killing: |
Garry Brown | Newport Councillor Garry Brown campaigning against a Rockbitch gig said: I think we should all get together - the council, the magistrates, the police - and stop this . |
Hugh Brown | From the Church of Scotland's Board of Social Responsibility, said that while he did not believe in total censorship, there are boundaries of decency which we think film producers have a moral duty not to cross and it appears that these film may be crossing those boundaries. |
Tom Buchanan |
Omagh councillor who said he was horrified to learn that a sex shop would open its doors in an area of town which is frequented by children. I will not rest until it is closed. It is absolute filth and there is no place for it in this town. |
Allison Bucknell | Conservative councillor for Lyneham, Wiltshire. |
John Butterfill | MP for Bournemouth, West |
Viscount Caldecote | Accused everyone who likes porn as being depraved. |
Chris Cullum | Haverhill Town Councillor objecting to the theatre presentation of Puppetry of the Penis: |
Menzies Campbell | Deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats blaming a tragic murder on Marilyn Manson |
Charlie_grrl | Nominated by
James, May 2008: Misandrist
Nominated by the Moron Farmers
Ronnie Convery | Catholic Church spokesnutter speaker on the subject of providing handicapped people with porn |
Ross Cranston | MP for Dudley. |
Lord Campbell of Croy | Seems to want all computer games involving car crime to be banned. |
Menzies Campbell |
News October 2009: Naturally Inclined Censor
Lord Cope of Berkeley | Supported the Earl of Halsbury's 1999 Obscenity Bill |
Claire Curtis-Thomas | Crosby MP feels so strongly about the Sport that she is urging parents to boycott WH Smith as part of her campaign to get the newsagent to recognise it as pornography. |
Jim Devine |
Lord Dholakia | Sponsored David Alton's Amendment to the Crime & Disorder Bill |
Anne Diamond |
Dilek Dogus |
4th April 2009: Crouch End Lap dancing
Iain Duncan-Smith |
Keith Farr | Councillor for Forton ward, Gosport, said about a sex shop licence application: It worries me that there is a sex shop almost opposite a park where children play. |
Lynne Featherstone |
March 2009: Crotchety
Joe Fitzpatrick | Tameside councillor with damning views on sex shops: The only place for a sex shop was in hell. |
Anna Ford |
Michael Foster | MP for Hastings who campaigns to ban the computer game Bully on the basis of the title and certainly before anyone has received a public copy |
Reverend Bruce Gardner | Minister at Banchory-Devenick in Aberdeenshire |
Rev Viv Gasteen | Reverend of the Central Methodist Church, in Warwick Road, Coventry said: What is the world coming to when we need one of these [sex] shops in Coventry? It is totally unnecessary. |
Marlyn Glen | Scottish MSP who supported Elaine Smiths inquiry into the supposed harm caused by porn. |
Rev Andy Glover |
Chairman of Churches Together in Chester. In a biblical and shameful statement about a new lap dancing venue said: There is a saying in the Bible that everything is permissible, BUT... not everything is beneficial. For the girls and men involved it is quite degrading, but is this really beneficial for the city of Chester? |
Peter Hain | The Welsh Secretary said that he found the location of a sex shop next to his constituency office "unacceptable". |
Bryan Hall | Councillor for Wickham Market who campaigned on behalf of a sex shop ban and couldn't even support a compromise to make the business a mail order operation only. |
David Hanson | Labour MP for Delyn |
Catherine Harper |
Rent-a-quote campaigner with Scottish Women Against Pornography. On the subject of providing porn to the handicapped she said: I'm appalled that people with learning difficulties are to be encouraged to access pornography. It has links with violence against women and children, including rape and sexual abuse.' |
Colin Hart | Director of the Christian Institute, said: Younger and younger children are being confronted with violent and sexual images they would not have been a generation ago. Television appears to be out of control. |
Isaac Hayes | US soul singer who previously voiced Chef in South Park , |
Norman Hazell | Holier than thou Wakefield councillor who spouted the following bollox about a prospective lap dancing club: |
Hugh Henry | Paisley South MSP |
Cardinal Basil Hume | Speaking at the 1999 LIFE annual conference |
Mahroof Hussain | Local councillor in Rotherham. Objecting to a sex shop, said: There are lot of people who are unhappy about this. It is just the wrong place - it is on a main road and will be there for everyone to see. |
Stewart Jackson |
David Johnson | Head of communications for Liverpool Diocese, said: We have grave concerns about the place of hardcore sex shops in a civilised society. It does not bode well for Liverpool when it is talking about being a city of culture, to be encouraging this kind of development. [The Melon Farmers have grave concerns about the place of intolerance in a civilised society] |
Peter Johnson | Stockport's Plaza Theatre box office manager whinging about a nearby sex shop: It’s not for the Plaza to be for or against sex shops, [BUT...] we just believe the location is not right. Hundreds of children walk past every day. |
Tessa Jowell |
Rev Tom Kant |
Minister at the Laigh Kirk branded a topless barber shop as 'sordid' and degrading to men and women. There is no place for this shop in Paisley , |
Frank Keegan |
June 2009: Re lap dancing in Wilmslow
Jane Kennedy | Labour Works & Pensions Minister & MP for Wavertree |
Ken King | York councillor on the subject of lap dancing licence applications: I don't have a problem in principle with these establishments, ...although... I do sometimes feel sorry for those people who feel they need to go to them. |
Joanne Kingsland | Human rights abuser on Gateshead council who sets her personal dislike of sex shops above the rights of those she represents. |
David Lammy |
Trish Law |
November 2008: Call That Upholding Freedom of Speech?
Robert Light | Kirklees Council Conservative Leader. |
Granville Lord | Burnley Councillor who said he considered it to be totally degrading to the community to have sex shops in the town. It is disgusting to the people of Burnley. I don't feel there is any room for them in this town, there is always mail order e-mail or the Internet for anyone who wants it, he added. |
Jo Lovelock | Reading Councillor objected to the transfer of a sex shop licence. She said: If there was an opportunity to remove this establishment, which is near to a primary school, it would be desirable. The council and police are working hard with local people to overcome the seedy image of Oxford Road and fewer sex shops would help towards that objective. |
Shahid Malik |
News September 2009: Forbidden Enjoyment of Life
Father Francis Martin | Moral theologian for Liverpool's Catholic Archdiocese, said he was disappointed about the granting of a sex shop license: Pornography degrades both those who make it and those who use it, and corrupts men's attitudes towards women. [Religion degrades both those who preach it and those abuse it, and corrupts men's attitudes towards tolerance of their fellow men] |
Paddy McGowan | Omagh councillor who has displayed arrogance beyond belief on the subject of a local sex shop. He rejected any notion that he was being narrow-minded: I do not think it is me who has the problem. The people with the problem are those who frequent shops like that. |
R Meads | Anti-Smuggling Manager at HM Thieves & Excise. |
Andrew Mitchell |
November 2008: Re Lap Dancing at Flint's
Chris Mole |
November 2008: Nutter Mole
Dave Nellis | Coventry councillor in the "social alliance". There always has to be a nutter when it comes to a sex shop licence application. |
Elizabeth Newson | Produced a report after the Jamie Bolger killing that is cited by many as evidence against violent videos. In this report she said: Many of us hold our liberal ideals of freedom of expression dear, BUT ... now begin to feel that we were naive in our failure to predict the extent of damaging material and its all too free availability to children. |
Lord Northbourne
| In supporting the Earl of Halsbury's 1999 Obscenity Bill he came up with the following to try and suggest that exposure to pornography produces an enhanced interest in deviant sexuality |
Stephen Ogden | Altrincham ward councillor wrote to a child protesting about a sex shop: I wrote to Georgia-May today on this matter. I share her sentiments. |
Mike Olley | Birmingham Councillor who whinged about humorous posters for lap dancing clubs: We allowed clubs self regulation, but it is clear some cannot behave in a responsible manner . |
Geraldine Ormonde | Human rights abuser on Gateshead council who sets her personal dislike of sex shops above the rights of those she represents. |
Abdul Osman | Vice Chair of the Leicester Council Licensing Committe who voted against a special one-off showing of the Last House on the Left. He was in the minority of one in an otherwise heroic effort from Leicester Council. |
Albert Owen |
Yinka Oyekan | Baptist minister of Grovelands Christian Fellowship, Reading: ulnerable youngsters need protection and we certainly don't need more sexual liberalism in our town. The problem with sex shops is that, by definition, they offer various materials of an adult content. That attracts men, and some women, we might not want in the area. |
Ricky Panter |
Anne Parry | Mayor of Llandudno expressed outrage at proposals for an adult store on Llandudno's main street: We don't want that sort of thing in Llandudno. We are a Victorian town, what would our ancestors think? The Victorians had good standards and principles. |
Ann Pearston | Founded the Dunblane Snowdrop Campaign in March 1996, said she was horrified at some of the graphic images in Club a Seal internet game. She said: I really question the benefits of the internet with children. Parents are not going to be able to stop the manufacturers of these games, so people in the industry must club together with the Government to try and regulate the web. |
Angela Perkins |
Prince Philip | The Internet is a fantastic development... but it is difficult to estimate the harm that it can do when it is exploited by peddlers of pornography and other crooks. I suggest that the greatest challenge before us is to find ways of combining high-quality technical training with a proper grounding in ethics and morality (Too true, if Prince Philip had a proper grounding in ethics he wouldn't be trying deny his own subjects their sexual pleasures) |
Rev Dr William Philip | From Glasgow's St George's Tron, said on the subject of a lap dancing licence application: We have objected in the past to a similar application elsewhere in the city centre. We will also object to this - not because it's on our doorstep but because this is not the kind of thing we should have in this city. |
Peter Pike | Burnley MP who sided with Mediawatch-UK to call for MTV's stunt show Jackass to be banned |
David Puttnam | Film producer (and ex-Hollywood film producer) |
Valerie Riches | Spokesperson for Family and Youth Concern accused the BBFC of being incapable of differentiating between what is corrupt and healthy. |
Jim Rodgers | Ulster Unionist who said about an appeal court ruling that Belfast Council were abusing human rights in their blanket ban on sex shops: a deeply worrying precedent had been set. The human rights excuse is being used left, right and centre. It is absolutely horrendous. Human rights has gone mad. I'm all for human rights being protected BUT.. I don't think this ruling is in the best interests of the city. |
John Rogers |
Feb 2009: Nursing Intolerance
Jim Ryan |
Bickenhill councillor whose ward covers the National Exhibition Centre |
Mohammed Sabir, | Peterborough councillor who selectively represents Central Ward |
Sir Iqbal Sacranie |
Head of the Muslim Council of Britain, said same-sex relationships risked damaging the very foundations of society. He said that homosexuality spread disease and was immoral. |
Joyce Sanders | Derbyshire County Council's cabinet member for community services who totally exaggerated the seriousness of a sale of legal R18 material to adults.: If pornography is sold from car boot sales there is no control over who can buy it which means it can get into the hands of children. This is a serious case and we will continue to scour Derbyshire for similar practices and prosecute where we find pornographic material being sold in this way. |
Phil Shaddock | Liberal Democrat Portsmouth Councillor |
Hamdy Shahein | Newsagent who campaigned against pre-packaged wholesale magazines that contained porn. |
Lorna Shiels | Edinburgh Labour councillor who was appointed to a Scottish Executive taskforce which will explore Scotland's lapdancing clubs and sex shops said about a possible Deep Throat screening: I don't see any reason why the Cameo should be showing it. There can't be any artistic or cultural reason for screening this. But of course she did not mention any justification for denying us our right to watch adult entertainment purely for sexual pleasure. |
Joan Skinner | Campaigner with Scottish Women Against Pornography: Although we are opposed to censorship, we urge the Parliament to take a lead in changing attitudes to pornography in Scotland. It can do that by introducing legislation that effectively addresses the issue of pornography and by developing a strategy for raising throughout the country public awareness of the harm that pornography does. |
Rev Martin Smyth | Belfast MP who spewed bollox about a local lap dancing club: |
Lord Stallard | Sponsored David Alton's Amendment to the Crime & Disorder Bill |
Christine Stewart | As a spokesperson of the Home Office who wrote to the BBFC that: |
Anthony Taylor |
Feb 2009: Nursing Intolerance
Lord Tenby | Supported David Alton's Amendment to the Crime & Disorder Bill |
Maggie Throup |
October 2009: Whingeing at Solihull lap dancing club
Stephen Venner | The Bishop of Dover on the subject of computer games and in particular Manhunt: Anybody playing these games is allowing some of the worst parts of their personality to come to the fore. I cannot see any justification for allowing these games to be on sale at all. It treats other human beings as objects simply to be despatched with, which is the worst sort of abuse imaginable. We are in a society where human rights and freedom seem to be the end of all we seek, and in any civilsed society there must be limits to the extent that people can degrade themselves and others |
Andrew Vessey | The vicar of St Mary's, in Swansea August 2009: Whinging at lap dancing at the Fantasy Lounge
Carol Vorderman | TV presenter who said she wanted to become a TV regulator and become a moral campaigner against sex and violence. She continued: There is a real backlash in this country against sex and violence. People have had enough. They're fed up with pushy young girls who want to take their tops off. |
Keith Wakefield | Leader of Labour Group on Leeds Council on the subject of a table dancing licence: |
John Walsh | Astley Bridge councillor on the subject of a sex shop application: I don't believe there's a right location for this kind of thing, but this is definitely the wrong one. |
Nigel Waterson | Eastbourne MP said about a sex shop application: I share residents' concerns as this will be bang in the middle of the town centre. It is the last thing we want. I will be writing to the council to express my concerns. If we have to have these sort of shops in Eastbourne I would rather they were tucked away in a back street somewhere instead of being in the middle of the town centre. It is not good for the town's image.' |
Steve Webb | Lib Dem spokesman on work and pensions, was the only Lib Dem MP to express reservations about the new liberal policy I am concerned about the widening availability of pornography to younger people. More pornography demeans us all. |
Ian Westwood | Deputy chairman of the Police Federation, said recently: We are not in the business of censorship. But we do have real concerns about the glamorisation of violence and crime in games. (so all the police raids in support of censorhip must be figments of the victim's imagination then) |
Sandra White | MSP, who has fought to stop several sex establishments opening in Scotland. After the rejection of a sex shop in Glasgow she said the decision reflected public opinion. She added: I am absolutely delighted the council has taken this stance. |
Tony Wilds | The archdeacon of Plymouth who shamefully spouted off about Jerry Springer: The Opera |
Reverend Geoffrey Willetts | West Street Baptist Church: Crewe already has one sex shop and we don't believe it needs any more. We also object on moral grounds, although we know the council cannot reject the application on that. Ladies are made in the image of God and they're not things or items, they need to be valued as more than that. We also believe it's awfully sad when people want to make money out of people's weaknesses . (Lets hope that that Willetts isn't made in the image of God, I would hate to think that God was a bitter individual who would deny sexual pleasure to others) |
David Winskill | Crouch End councillor Feb 2009:
Mike Winstanley |
July 2009:
Reverend Peter Wood | Of Newport's Summerhill Baptist Church campaigning a Rockbitch gig said: This is a challenge to the values of the whole of Western society. It's important we don't just dismiss these people and their views as a joke - it's actually very dangerous. |
Dr Tom Wright | The Bishop of Durham blamed the whole worlds evil on sex: |
Reverend Rob Wykes | Crewe Christian Concern. Said a Crewe sex shop would be "wholly inappropriate" on the busy Market Street. He said many families were concerned about the nature of goods planned to be sold in the shop, including restricted-sale pornographic videos. He said: Obviously, this would be in completely the wrong place. On one Saturday we counted that in just 45 minutes more than 450 people walked past the door of the proposed shop, and they included mums with young children. (So passers by is an adequate reason for denying sexual pleasures to his fellow man)) |
Sally Young | Human rights abuser on Gateshead council who sets her personal dislike of sex shops above the rights of those she represents. |
Raja Zarait | Slough Labour councillor |
Prudes : I'm not a prude... BUT ... | |
Maureen Bywater | Petition organiser against Rotherham sex shop said: I'm no prude BUT... dirty old men could be hanging around outside the shop and I have to go past it at least four times a day with my grandchildren. We'd rather have a fruit shop or a chemists shop round here. Anything other than a sex shop. |
Anne Dixon |
Marie Fitzpatrick |
Terry Follows |
Viv Gasteen | Coventry Methodist Central Hall minister, lodged an eleventh hour objection to plans to convert the Red bar in the City Arcade in to a pole and lap dancing venue. He said: I'm not a prude and none of my family are prudes. I have three grown up sons and six grandchildren aged between eight and 23 and so I know what young people enjoy. BUT ... there is a limit. |
Susan Hall |
Menna Jones | A student union women's officer prude at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth said about a local club's first topless dancing show. I was shocked by what I saw. Some of the things these dancers were doing were very explicit. I'm not a prude by any means, BUT ... I just wasn't comfortable at all watching that. |
Terry Kelly | Ex Mayor of Lowestoft on the subject of a topless bar: I'm not a prude BUT ... I don't think sex shops and lap-dancing clubs are a good idea, and I don't think I would like to see Lowestoft going that way. |
Reverend Mark Sharpe | Former naval chaplain Reverend Mark Sharpe tells why a culture of hardcore pornography drove him from the service. |
Samantha Strudwick | Strudwick said about a Bognor sex shop proposal that the location was completely unsuitable for such a use: I'm no prude and I know there's a place for sex shops in society... BUT... this shop would be on the main route to two primary schools in the town centre. |
Michelle White |
Barry Wood |
Organised Crime : organisations with an attitude problem | |
American Express | Does not allow consensual adult porn sites to use their cards for payments |
Amnesty International | From the BBC |
Association for Payment Clearing Services | Sandra Quinn, a spokeswoman said: We are not setting ourselves up as moral arbiters. BUT we have to be sure we are doing all we can about preventing the spread of such extreme images. |
Association of Teachers and Lecturers | Urged the Government to test the law on internet pornography by prosecuting internet providers whose sites contained illegal material. Why is it that teachers tend to want to punish innocent parties for the perceived crimes of others? "Detention for the whole class until the culprit owns up" |
Ayr Council | Shameful Councillors; Alan Murray, Gordon McKenzie and Ian Fitsimmons voted to reject the application for a sex shop licence on some bollox grounds of unsuitable location. |
Barnado's |
A woman was suspended from work in a charity shop on the grounds that she had applied for a sex shop licence (unsuccessfully). The shameful charity eventually decided to sack the woman. Hopefully Barnado's are being taken to an industrial tribunal for unfair dismissal. |
Boots the Chemist | A Boots spokeswoman said that it was company policy to tip off police if staff thought that a film being developed contained pictures of activity that could be illegal. (And they do frequently, never trust them with your name and address, they are a bunch of no good snitches, ask Julia Summerville). |
BBC Radio 2 | Speaking of Linda McCartney's Light Comes From Within , a spokesman said: We haven't banned the song, but we don't consider it suitable |
Brighton & Hove Council | Pitiful prudes from New Censorial Labour have been picking on some terribly innocuous entertainment |
BBFC | Speaking about their idea of extension of their remit to Internet video: |
British Video Association | Their publicity pamphlet openly boasts of regulation: The UK video industry is proud of the standards that it maintains. It is the most regulated video industry in the free world and is subject to more legal and voluntary controls than broadcast television, cable or satellite in this country. (But its attitudes like this that make the word 'free' a lie) |
Broadcasting Standards Commission | Supposed monitor of standards of taste and decency who fundamentally believe that sex entertainment is bad. They are supposed to monitor public tastes and yet they ignore the popularity of sex entertainment proved via viewing figures in the millions. The BSC is lucky to have a particularly offensive chairman in the form of Lady Howe . |
Camden Council | Objected to posters from Virgin Cola, took them down and billed the company and suggested that the poster contravened the Obscene Publications Act. |
Cardiff Council | Cardiff council's licensing and public protection committee rejected a licence for an erotica fair on the grounds that the arena was near schools, several churches, hotels and a Toys R Us store. Perhaps next time the fair should try a more suitable venue well established as a den of iniquity...ie the townhall. |
Christian Congress for Traditional Values |
Christian Institute | Bunch of nutters in Newcastle who tried to stop an erotic fair via legal action in the form of a judicial review. Thankfully they were defeated. |
Christian Voice | Aggressive nutters who have allowed threats and intimidation to be speak louder than tolerance and compassion. Hopefully this is down to the organisation's leader, Stephen Green, rather than Christianity as a whole |
Curry's | Retail chain including Dixon's and PC World rather believed moralistic hype about the computer game Bully and decided to ban it. Of course they were left with egg on their faces when it turns out to mild game with a 15 certificate. |
Derry Council | In 2005 they put their own prejudices ahead of the law and decided that Derry may have no sex shops. They provide no justification of this policy as is required by the European Convention of Human Rights. |
Dublin Airport | In the business class airport lounge at Dublin airport the computer denies access to the melonfarmers site. A 'cyber patrol' sign pops up claiming that the site contains sex/violence. |
eBay |
Federation Against Copyright Theft | Pursue the interest of the bully boy multi-media companies well outside of the ideals suggested by their name. They have recently being pursuing disk importers even where there is no doubt that the film makers and artists have got their rightful share of the sales. |
Glasgow City Council | Have ridden roughshod over human rights laws and imposed a total ban on table dancing without justification beyond that of agreeing with Andrea Dworkin: The big, brave men who want lap-dancing could use some lap-slicing in its place. |
Received from Google reporting on the Melon Farmers | |
Hammersmith & Fulham Council | Currently wasting a ridiculous amount of tax payer's money trying to shield the customers at a table dancing club, Secrets, from seeing the girls' genitalia. This appears to be the direct result of a few well known influential residents such as John Humphrys feeling that the club brings down the tone of the neighbourhood. Of course this shameful council immediately sides with the whingers and give the club and their patrons no say in the matter. And just what is wrong with a bit of nudity anyway? It is a pretty mean minded low life that wants to unnecessarily deprive one's fellow humans of sexual pleasure. |
Internet Vigilantes |
A bunch of nutters who seek to impose their views of morality on their fellow man. They operate mainly by in haranging mail order sales of R18 videos. |
Liberty |
Loughton Library | Thanks to John |
Maggies Centres |
Movement for Christian Democracy | From their own site...I thought Christianity preached against lies. |
MTV | Nominated by Col |
National Viewers and Listeners Association | A shadow of their former selves ever since Mary Whitehouse has ceased to be an active player. John Beyer is gamely trying to continue with the noxious soundbite about film censorship or internet porn. |
NCH Action for Children | Children's charity who are calling for more internet regulation and boast of a zero tolerance approach towards anything that is not child friendly. They seem to act as advisers to the Government on children's issues. |
Newcastle Under Lyme Licensing Committee | Banned male and female strippers from any audience contact. In addition they have put a time limit on nudity. Of course they deny that they are being killjoys, but that's expected from killjoys. |
Norwich City Council | A sex shop in Norwich, wanted the slogan Gifts, goodies & gadgets for yourself, your friends & your lovers emblazoned on the side of a Hackney cab. |
Nottingham Council | The nutters of the city council have a strict "no sex" policy. Last year the council banned nudity in city venues and pledged to fight any expansion of the sex industry. Their decisions have generally been overruled as they have been found dodgy when legally scrutinised |
Object |
Nominated by James, May 2008: Shoddy Object
Ofcom |
Orange | Mobile phone company who denies freedom of speech to those adults without a credit card. They refuse to accept the physical presence of an obvious adult as proof of age. Adult content is refused for those who have not got a credit card. |
PC World | Never return a PC to computer to PC World, they seem to routinely scan hard disks looking for dubious content and are more than happy to report their findings to the police. This obnoxious attitude recently had fatal consequences when the victim was driven to suicide. |
Consumer Association Of Penang |
The Porn Detectives |
Private Shops | I am still smarting from being mislead into buying softcore magazines, misleading dressed as hardcore, about 30 years ago. I have never bought anything from a Private Shop since. |
Royal and Sun Alliance | The Royal and Sun Alliance insurance company sacked 10 of its employees after they were caught distributing an email that showed cartoon character Bart Simpson flashing at his naked sister Lisa. (Wow that really sounds like a serious sackable offence) |
Sainsbury's | Supermarket Sainsbury's bowed to pressure from a tiny fringe Christian nutters group by withdrawing copies of a DVD of Jerry Springer: The Opera from stores around the UK because of "customer" concerns about the content of the musical. Sainsbury has admitted it received just 10 complaints. |
Scottish Executive | Organised a consultation about proposed legislation to criminalise the possession of extreme pornography. They accepted responses by email but their filter deemed some of the words used in bona fide responses to be inappropriate. These responses were not found until after the completion of the analysis. |
Suffolk Coast Council | Adopted a policy which states that all applications will be required to show the location of the establishment in relation to facilities used by vulnerable adults – for example, health centres, sheltered accomodation or mental health institutions. (Outrageously patronising! I am sure that users of health centres do not appreciate being treated as weak minded and vulnerable) |
Tesco | The British supermarket has recentlyissued guidelines governing taste and decency which have been sent to major distributors. An executive said: But it has been made clear that the onus is on publishers to ensure the content is appropriate, Circulation departments won't put up a fight because we need the sales. |
tinternet Cafe
Oxford Road Great Yarmouth | Thanks to Shaun: |
Tower Hamlets Trading Standards | Recently took it upon themselves to go and play raiding parties at a pub venue where table dancing was evolving into lap dancing. All sorts of stupid rules governing strip joints now seem to be coming in on the back of this action. |
Truly Everything Internet Lounges |
Hardly on honest self description for an internet cafe as they filter out both the Melon Farmers and the abridged, cleaned up version, at Censor Watch |
UK Protection of Children Online | Another bunch of nutters who hide behind 'child' banner but probably only seek to impose their views of morality on their fellow man. They join the Internet Vigilantes in haranging mail order sales of R18 videos. |
Vidshop | Dutch based adult DVD shop that failed to live up to the promises it makes about its affiliate scheme. The company never paid several thousand pounds owing to the Melon Farmers. |
Wal-mart | Wal-Mart banned Sheryl Crow's second album because on it she sings about gun control and mentions Wal-Mart by name: Watch out sister, watch out brother, watch our children while they kill each other with a gun they bought at Wal-mart discount stores |
Watford Council | Fuct by FACT. A Watford Movie Mart had been raided late in 1998 by the obnoxious FACT looking for region 1 DVD sellers. Watford council have succumbed to police pressure and have now banned all further events. Typically British bad attitude from Watford Council, have a little bother so totally close down the event, we wouldn't want people enjoying themselves now would we? |
Westminster Council | Westminster council said when installing Orewellian streetmicrophones said that they would not be used to snoop, BUT... would allow its inspectors to take prompt action against anti-social behaviour. |
Woolworths | Woolworths bowed to pressure from a tiny fringe Christian nutters group by withdrawing copies of a DVD of Jerry Springer: The Opera from stores around the UK because of "customer" concerns about the content of the musical. |
World Online | The ISP World Online have recently removed *all* of their binaries newsgroups on their Usenet feed. A spokesperson for World Online gave a classic shameful explanation |