Rammstein wins damages from German censors who effectively banned a 2009 CD from general sale
 | 17th
June 2016
| See article from www1.wdr.de
The regional court in Bonn has decided that the German censors who effectively banned Rammstein''s CD, Liebe ist für alle da , acted illegally and must pay the band 15,000 euros in damages. This assessment from the Bonn Regional Court upheld
the decision of the Cologne Administrative Court. The ban was triggered by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons in Bonn. The rock band had sued the Federal Republic of Germany for just under 70,000 euros. In 2009, the Federal
Department had put the CD on the index for youth-endangering media, because one of the songs titled I hurt you you was classified as brutalizing and immoral. The 'classification' banned all promotion and advertising for the CD and imposed
suffocating restrictions at the point of sale. The ban continued for 6 months until the Cologne Administrative Court lifted the ban. The Bonn judge said the censors had weighed insufficiently between artistic freedom and youth protection. However
the court downsized the amount of damages from that requested. The parties now have one month to consider this proposal. |
Rammstein sues German censors after they effectively banned a 2009 CD from general sale
12th April 2016
| See article from dw.com |
The heavy metal band Rammstein is well known for challenging magery and lyrics, but now they are challenging German censors who effectively banned general sales of the album L iebe ist für alle da. Rammstein has filed a lawsuit against
Germany for having temporarily indexed the album. The rock band is seeking 66,000 euros in damages. In November 2009, the album was indexed by the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien (Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young
Persons) in Germany for the lyrics to the single "Ich tu dir weh," as well as a booklet accompanying the album. The censors claimed that the album was brutalizing and immoral. Once a work is indexed by the organization, it
may not be advertised and can only be sold under strict conditions. Rammstein claims it had to destroy or store nearly 85,000 copies of the album following this classification. Now the band wants to recover the damages. However the album did not
remain on the index: The Administrative Court in Cologne removed the album from the list of morally harmful works after half a year, explaining that the classification was unlawful, as it neglected considerations of artistic freedom in its decision.
The case will be heard in court in the summer. |
25th February 2010 | |
| Council for Morality bans Rammstein gig in Belarus
From fearnet.com
According to Deutsche Welle, the metal band Rammstein has again managed to achieve worldwide infamy: this time, they've been declared a danger to the citizens of Belarus by that country's officials. The ominous-sounding Council for Morality
announced earlier this week their intent to ban Rammstein from entering the former Soviet republic – claiming that their music promotes violence, masochism, homosexuality and other abnormalities, and could potentially destroy the Belarusian
state system. This came despite assurances from the band's promoters that they do not intend to spread violent, perverse, cruel or Nazi ideology in their concerts.
21st January 2010 | | |
Rammstein banned from playing indexed songs at concert
| From shoutcastblog.com
German rock band Rammstein is having more than a bit of difficulty with German censorship authorities over what songs they can and cannot play at a couple of upcoming concerts. According to The Gauntlet, officials in the German Family Ministry
will not permit the group to play any of the songs that had already been specifically blacklisted when they perform at Dortmund's Westphalia Hall. In addition, the government agency is asking that each member of the group sign a written
explanation before the concerts that the indexed songs are not played. If Rammstein decides to call the ministry's bluff, they could face a fine of up to 10,000 €. In accordance with the country's Youth Protection Act, any fans under 18
must be accompanied by a parent or guardian of a person to attend the concert. Fans without a parent or guardian in attendance will be sent home. The concerts, part of the band's promotional tour for their album Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da, are both sold out, and organizers are expecting well over 10,000 fans to show up
28th November 2009 | |
| German chart topping Rammstein album indexed
From business.avn.com Available at
UK Amazon
Rammstein's much discussed and highly sought-after Liebe Ist Fr Alle Da box set, which features six sex toys, lubricant, handcuffs and a special album version packaged in a custom flight case, is now available to U.S. fans via
Rammstein-Deluxe.com. In keeping with the sexually charged nature of Liebe Ist Fr Alle Da , Rammstein's video for the first single, Pussy, made music history as the first major recording artist to create an adult-themed
video. Recently, the band has seen their album banned and/or available with age restrictions in their native Germany, Switzerland, and Australia.
9th November 2009 | |
| German chart topping Rammstein album indexed
Based on article from
Rammstein's latest album, Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da has been indexed as it is commonly referred to in Germany, meaning that the album cannot be sold to minors and cannot be displayed on store shelves. The album will now only be made
available for purchase behind the counter at shops that still carry the album. The ban is not proving too detrimental though, as the album is currently topping the album charts. Word is that the tracks Ich Tu Dir Weh and Pussy along with some promotional imagery featuring guitarist Richard Kruspe spanking a female were cause for the BPjM
( Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons ) to act. With the songs being indexed, the band will not be allowed to perform them live. Rammstein commented on the matter via Facebook, stating that German fans should
specifically ask for the album, and be sure to have their ID with them to prove that they can buy the CD. The album is also taking flak in Switzerland. The Evangelical People's Party (EPP) has stated that they will file a parliamentary request to
block the sale of the album to protect the youth from the album. EPP President Heiner Studer said the cover shows sadomasochistic practices. In addition, the single Pussy promotes unprotected sex. Note:
BPjM, Bundesprfstelle fr jugendge fäh rdende Medien ( Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons ) A board of 12 representatives consisting of 8 different social
organizations (e.g. artistic and literary community, entertainment industry, youth welfare, teachers, religious groups), 3 representatives of the federal states as well as the chairwoman of the BPjM, examines the respective object. If the board, with a
majority of 2/3 of the members, decides that the object has a content dangerous for young people, it enters its name into the list of youth-endangering media, generally referred to as the index. Distributors of that medium are then no longer
permitted to sell, rent out or even display this object in public or to broadcast it. The same goes for advertising for this object.
25th October 2009 | | |
Porn video hype gets Rammstein album noticed
| From undercover.com.au
Retailers in Australia cannot sell the new Rammstein album to anyone under the age of 18 because it has been rated R18+. Under Australian censorship laws, the R18+ rating is restricted to content with high impact and restricted to adults 18
years and older. Liebe ist fur alle da was released in Australia this week under somewhat controversial circumstances after the band pre-empted the album release with an X rated pornographic video of the first single Pussy. Swedish director Jonas Akerlund, who has worked with Metallica and The Prodigy, shot the
Pussy porn clip. The band will also release a limited edition of the album soon in a flight case packaged with six sex toys, handcuffs and lubricant.
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