Sausage Party is a 2016 USA animation comedy adventure by Greg Tiernan and Conrad Vernon.
Starring Kristen Wiig, Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd.

An animated fable about the delusion of religion. It is set in an American
supermarket, its characters are horny and often blasphemous foodstuffs who at one point engage in a mass sex party.
Catholic and right-wing have whinged about a Seth Rogen cartoon featuring lots of strong language and a foodstuffs
orgy scene.
France's film certification board, (Centre National de la Cinematographie: Commission de Classification, CNC) has now come under renewed censorship pressure by conservative organisations angry at what they perceive as an
overlenient rating given to a Hollywood cartoon.
In the US, the film was rated R for strong crude sexual content, pervasive language, and drug use. The film was cut in the US to avoid an NC-17 rating, with the censors asking for the
deletion of the hairy scrotum of a pita bread. This cut version has been distributed worldwide. In the UK, it had 15 for very strong language, strong sex references . In France it has been given a 12 certificate.
Jean-Frédéric Poisson,
president of France's Christian Democratic party whinged:
An orgy scene for 12-year-olds! Everything remains to be done to combat early exposure to pornography.
La Manif Pour Tours, which has
campaigned against same-sex marriage fired of an angry tweet:
Hello CNC, explain how you can authorise the screening of a giant orgy for the whole family?
The Association of Catholic Families warned
[The movie gives] the appearance of being intended for young people and children. its content is not only coarse, but also clearly pornographic, under cover of being 'politically incorrect'.
The French ratings board has traditionally been more lenient than its UK and US equivalents, but is not entirely out on a limb in Europe as Sweden awarded an even lower rating, 11A.