Birmingham's Rocket Club lap dancing bar repossessed by bailiffs
 | 26th
November 2022
| See article from birminghammail.co.uk
The Rocket Club on Broad Street has been seized by bailiffs who reportedly arrived with dogs. A warning notice posted on the door headlined Bailiff Possession Notice said 258 Broad Street was now legally occupied by the Landlords. BirminghamLive
understands that the strip club was still trading in the run up to the action which took place during the morning of Tuesday, November 15 2022. It seems that the property landlord has gone to court to repossess the property and the baillifs were
enforcing that court action. |
When lap dancing licence renewals at least mean that a club has survived the lockdowns
22nd April 2021
| Thanks to Trog See
article from expressandstar.com
Members of Sandwell Council's licensing sub committee approved an application to renew the sexual entertainment venue licence for Angels Gentlemen's Club in the High Street for a year. Committee members heard how there were no objections to the
renewal of the licence or reports of any problems with the club since it opened. Angels has been closed for more than a year due to the coronavirus outbreak and licensee Kulwant Singh had requested the fee for the licence -- which costs more than
£3,000 be reduced. He did not get a very positive answer to the request though. |
Birmingham burlesque club seeks to convert to a standard bar
 | 15th
September 2020
| See article from birminghammail.co.uk
A Birmingham Burlesque show is giving up the format over coronavirus restrictions. The management of Tina Night Club on Broad Street explained that the format wasn't viable in a covid world. Managers are now seeking to convert the venue into a
standard bar. |
Birmingham Council refuses alcohol licence for venue plans for lap dancing
 | 9th
May 2019
| Thanks to Trog See article from
birminghammail.co.uk |
Birmingham City Council has refused an application for a premises alcohol licence for the former Zorbas restaurant on Olton Boulevard East in Acocks Green. Note that Acocks Green is a suburban location in MP Jess Phillips' Yardley constituency, so no
doubt she will be happy. Pure Gold had planned to apply for a Sexual Entertainment Venue (SEV) licence but now those plans have been cast into doubt. Around 1,200 people had lodged objections to the proposal citing the proximity of a
nursery and children's play centre. The council's decision came after a Licensing Sub Committee heard concerns from neighbours to the venue, West Midlands Police and the council's own environmental protection department. |
Council dismisses Birmingham Royal Ballet's moral and snobbish objections to lap dancing club
 | 23rd November 2018
| See article from birminghammail.co.uk
A city centre lap-dancing club has been allowed to re-open despite claims from the Birmingham Royal Ballet and Hippodrome that it is somehow 'inappropriate'. Birmingham City Council's Licensing and Public Protection Committee approved the application
for Scarlet's lap dancing licence. It was argued that the objection to Scarlets from the ballet and theatre was based on moral opposition to strip clubs as opposed to legitimate concerns. Sarah Clover, the barrister representing Scarlets, said:
What is really being said is that the Royal Ballet and Hippodrome are purveyors of a higher quality of artistry and entertainment than an SEV (Sexual entertainment venue). That is a moral judgement and objection
because the fact of the matter is SEVs are lawful and people are allowed to access entertainment in an SEV.
Birmingham Royal Ballet's health, safety, facilities and risk manager, Oliver Drain was a little sniffy about adult
entertainment saying: We don't feel an SEV is appropriate in that area due to the amount of children and young adults we have in the area and our building.
Scarlet's has been closed at certain
periods since then due to numerous issues and has not traded since April this year. Manager Michelle Monaghan said there had been staffing issues in recent months but in the main there had been structural problems with the building. |
Birmingham authorities assemble mass raiding party on the scent of trafficking at a lap dancing club...and inevitably can't find any trace but there are multiple complaints of overcharging
 | 4th
August 2017
| 10th July 2017. See article from birminghammail.co.uk
A report at a Birmingham Council licensing committee meeting claimed that a concerted, sophisticated and highly organised criminal operation was being run from the Broad Street branch of the Legs 11 lap dancing club.. This was said to include financial
fraud and human trafficking. A mass raid resulted comprising of a campaign group, Hope for Justice, city council officials, trading standards, Revenue and Customs officials, police and even the Red Cross. Inevitably the raid failed to find
evidence of trafficking. No arrests were made, and the campaign group Hope for Justice said no hard evidence of people trafficking was uncovered. A spokesman said that none of the girls wanted to engage with us, or with the police. Some of the girls
talked about having to 'pay to work', maybe £100 or something, but then potentially being able to earn more than that. Some of them earn very good money -- £1,000 a night perhaps, but others much much less. He added: In this particular case, we didn't see clear cases of girls being forced to be there.
However the club has been closed anyway, with the authorities citing allegations of fraud. Update: Licence Lost 4th August 2017 See
article from bbc.co.uk A lap dancing club which allegedly drugged customers and took more than £90,000 in credit card overcharges has had its
alcohol licence revoked. Legs 11 on Broad Street, Birmingham, had the licence suspended on 3 July over police claims it was associated with serious crime. Barbara Dring, the city council's licensing sub-committee chair, said it was revoked
to protect public safety. In the committee's report, he said two men had claimed they were drugged, with one testing positive for methadone with a home testing kit. The club was being investigated over 17 fraud-related allegations since 2013,
police said. Some customers paid for dances in a private area but additional transactions were taking place that they had not authorised, Supt Parsons added. One victim claimed he had lost as much as £19,417. |
5th November 2014
The consultation for this massive and diverse population had a total of 52 responses, and of so determine lap dancing policy See
article from strippingtheillusion.blogspot.co.uk |
Council imposes a cap of 8 on city centre table dancing clubs
20th October 2014
| Thanks to Trog See article from
birminghammail.co.uk |
Birmingham City Council has imposed a cap of eight lap dancing clubs in Birmingham city centre, saying they will allow no more to open. The council's licensing committee claimed there are fears that any more strip clubs, particularly in the Broad
Street and pub and club areas, would lead to the city getting a sleazy reputation [to go with its reputation for letting schools get out of control?]. Four years ago the committee decided not to set a limit
on sexual entertainment venues, but now opinions have changed and they have decided to impose a limit of eight within the city centre ring road, the current number. There have been as many as 12 active strip club licences in Birmingham, although
not all businesses were active at the same time. Coun Gareth Moore (Cons, Erdington) threatened a further reduction, albeit without closing down operating clubs: Reducing it further would not be fair on existing
businesses which have been operating for a number of years given us no problems. If a sexual entertainment venue were to go out of business, we could then consider reducing the cap further.
Birmingham Council rejects table dancing licence application claiming that the city's night life street is somehow a family orientated location
 | 5th
July 2014
| See article from
birminghammail.co.uk See also article
from sevlicensing.wordpress.com |
Birmingham councillors have arbitrarily rejected plans for a table dancing club on Birmingham's Broad Street, claiming it would have been one sex establishment too many. Bosses at Eutony Ltd saw an application to open the venue, which would
have been called Paradise, turned down for the second time. Members of the Licensing and Public Protection Committee have now issued 'reasons' for refusal, claiming a fourth club along the street would alter the family orientated character of the
Golden Mile. [As if Birmingham's binge drinking street could be called a family orientated area?] Broad Street already has three lapdancing bars, the Rocket Club, Cyclone and Legs 11, and countless bars for young people who enjoy hitting town on
Friday and Saturday nights. Committee chairman Barbara Dring spouted: The committee accepted the clustering of a further sexual entertainment venue would be a powerful indication that the Broad Street area could
become or come to be perceived as an adults' only locality within the city, this was considered inappropriate. The committee also concluded a further sexual entertainment venue -- effectively a fourth in Broad Street -- would be
inappropriate with the developing family and cultural character of the locality. A fourth sexual entertainment venue in this locality would be one sex establishment too many.
Birmingham Council agrees to a re-hearing for a licence application for Paradise table dancing club in the city's nightlife quarter
 | 12th
May 2014
| See article from
Under threat of having to justify their bollox excuse for a ban of Paradise Table Dancing Club to the High Court in a Judicial Review, Birmingham Council have agreed to hold a re-hearing for the bar's licence application. Paradise is a proposed club
on Broad Street, Birmingham's nightlife centre. Council moralists previously refused the licence ludicrously claiming that a 4th table dancing club would somehow change the dynamic of Birmingham's bar and nightlife quarter Eutony, the
company behind the club, vowed to fight the decision and wrote to the council asking them to reconsider before lodging papers for a judicial review at the High Court. They were told that the council had quashed their original decision and the
committee will hear their application again at a new hearing. It effectively puts the City in exactly the same position that we were in before receiving the original application, a report said. Update: Council meeting
delayed 16th May 2014. It seems that councillors are keener on electioneering than moralising and so have postponed consideration of the Paradise application until after the upcoming elections. |
Associating the general violence of Birmingham's bar areas with lap dancing clubs
 | 21st April 2014
| 20th April 2014. See article from
birminghammail.co.uk See also
mapping crime in Birmingham lap dance clubs associated with violence from
sevlicensing.wordpress.com |
The Birmingham Mail ran a report about the city council considering its policies for lap dancing. A lot of these clubs are located in the middle of the main bars and nightlife areas of Broad street and Bradford Street. Surely Friday and Saturday night
revelry will result in inevitable above average crime rates. And the Birmingham Mail decided to imply that all of this general violence was somehow related to the small percentage of lap dancing bars. The paper ran with the large font headline:
500 violent crimes in a year outside Birmingham lapdancing clubs
A few lines later the Mail reported the reality in the body of the article, but only after the damage was done:
Police recorded 90 cases of actual bodily harm within 50m of the nine lapdance clubs in the city between March 1, 2013 and February 28 this year A lap dancer at the Rocket Club in Birmingham More than 500
violent offences and sexual crimes, including rape and robbery, have taken place within close proximity of Birmingham lapdancing clubs in the last year. But West Midlands Police said just ten of the crimes
were directly linked to the venues. Disgraceful!
Comment: A culture of violence 21st April 2014. From Alan The Brum Mail's treatment of this story is ludicrous. I've never been to a lap-dancing club in my life, but I regularly attend two of the establishments responsible
for the violence in Broad Street. Whenever I stagger out, pissed as a newt, from listening to Mozart in Symphony Hall or watching Shakespeare at the Rep, I duff up some hapless victim. Then the violent thugs, inspired by the Oxford English Dictionary,
stagger out of the new Library of Birmingham and join the fray, while the yobs from the City Museum and Art Gallery rush to get stuck in to the mayhem......
8 letters 'pour in' objecting to a 4th table dancing venue in Birmingham's pubs and clubs area
14th February 2014
| 20th January 2014. See article from
birminghampost.co.uk |
Plans for a fourth lap dancing club in Birmingham's pubs and clubs area have been greeted by moralist objections. 8 letters have 'poured in' opposing the Broad Street venue, called Paradise, from businesses, the Repertory Theatre and an MP There are currently three established lap dancing clubs on the road, with the Rocket and Cyclone nightspots vying for trade with Legs 11.
The company behind the latest plan already runs two similar clubs in Manchester and submitted an application for a Sexual Entertainment Venue (SEV) licence in November. Ladywood Labour MP Shabana Mahmood ludicrously claimed without any
evidence whatsoever: This application for a SEV, if successful would drastically change the nature of the locality, especially as there are currently three other SEV's on Broad Street. A fourth club would be a further
indication that Broad Street was becoming the red light district area in Birmingham.
Update: Unbroadened Minds
21st January 2013. Thanks to Alan What planet do these people live on? Broad Street is a boozing area, full of piss artists
mingling with punters from the Rep, Symphony Hall and the NIA. One more lap dancing joint isn't going to make a scrap of difference. Update: Moralists prevail 14th February 2013. See
article from birminghammail.co.uk
Moralist councillors rejected an application by Eutony Limited to open the venue, which would have been called Paradise, after a handful of objectors raised unevidenced concerns about Broad Street supposedly becoming a red light district akin to Soho in
London. There are already three strip clubs on Broad Street; Legs 11, Cyclone and the Rocket Club, and there were supposed fears that a fourth would change the dynamics of the area ., Birmingham's nightlife and bar quarter. Eutony
pledged to take the matter further, saying that moral objections were not a valid reason for refusal. Councillor Barbara Dring, chairwoman of the Licensing and Public Protection Committee, spewed: Members were
of the opinion that it would be inappropriate to grant the licence having regard to the character of the relevant locality being Broad Street, due to the close vicinity of family orientated activities, entertainment, providing hotels, restaurants and
family accommodation.
A spokesman for Eutony said: The decision to reject our application on the grounds that the character of the area ie Broad Street is not suitable is in our opinion most unjust
in view of the fact that three other lap-dancing clubs exist on the street. It is accepted that lap dancing venues are inherently safe and parliament has enacted legislation to regulate an industry where it recognizes a legitimate
demand. Moral objections are not for consideration. Our proposal was to convert derelict upper floors of a broad street property into a thriving nighttime business employing 15 permanent staff and bring this property back to life
and contribute to the councils purse as a business ratepayer. We are accepting legal advice with respect to moving the matter to the high court for a judicial review.
Lap dancing limits discussed by the local council
 | 6th February 2013
| See article from
Birmingham Council moralists want to limit the number of lap dancing clubs in Birmingham to 12, three more than the current nine. Labour Councillor Majid Mahmood spewed tired clich é ridden and unsubstantiated claptrap:
It's about time we limited the number of sexual entertainment venues in this city. I would hate to see Birmingham turning into another Soho.
However Labour Councillor Habib Rehman warned that
decisions based on moralising may be illegal: We need to ensure what we propose does not flout competition laws.
The restriction idea will now form part of a ten-week consultation on the council's
sexual entertainment venue policy. The consultation will also address concerns about the promotional methods used by adults-only venues after councillors last year called for a ban on the use of pornographic images on their websites. The
consultation, due to start next month, will ask members of the public to express their views through the council's website. A report on the consultation will be put before the committee in April.
For Coventry's bastion of public morals to propose an illegal ban on lap dancing?
 | 17th
August 2012
| See
article from
coventrytelegraph.net See more about the legalities of lap dancing licensing
Coventry could find itself at the centre of a huge national debate if it votes for a ban on lap dancing clubs, a meeting heard. The city council is looking at a possible ban on sex clubs and has launched a a 3 month public consultation to
supposedly find out what the public thinks. A council meeting heard the city could become a test case nationally and could be the subject of a judicial review if it decides on an outright city centre ban. Coun Phil Townshend, cabinet member
for community safety and a lawyer, told a cabinet meeting he was braced for a long legal battle.... BUT . ..he ludicrously claimed: I'm not setting myself up to be the bastion of public morality The current policy allows up to
two sexual entertainment venues in the city centre, and none in the rest of the city. There is currently only one, Heat, in the City Arcade. Update: Consultation Results 14th January 2013. See
article from strip-magazine.com Coventry's
consultation had 500 responses of which a small majority. 53% wanted a nil policy so the council looks like having one while allowing Heat the only actual club to continue operating.
27th January 2012 | |
| Birmingham councillor dreams up a wheeze to use club licensing requirements to restrict what lap dancing clubs can put on their websites
article from
Birmingham City councillor Nigel Dawkins has called for the sex establishments not to be allowed to use pornographic images on their websites. Since last January, lap dancing clubs have had to apply for a Sexual Entertainment Venue licence. The
committee has the power to refuse the licences and set the conditions under which they have to operate. Dawkins said he wanted another condition put on the licences: I think we should make it a condition that on
their websites they do not use porn to advertise their clubs because they are using pornography to sell their business and that's a scandal, he said. They wouldn't be allowed to use these images on their windows, but they are free to use them on their
Licensing committee chairman, Councillor Bruce Lines said they had no powers over the internet. But the committee agreed to ask its officers to prepare a report for a future meeting on the possiblity of restricting how
clubs advertised themselves on their websites.
23rd September 2011 |
| | Birmingham Royal ballet has a whinge at a local lap dancing proposal
18th September 2011. From birminghampost.net
The Birmingham Royal Ballet (BRB) is leading objections to an application to open a new strip club in the city, 150m from the side entrance to the Hippodrome Theatre. The ballet fears that young dancers, as well as children who take part in
workshops, will be exposed to undesirables by having lap dancing nearby at Scarlets Gentlemen's Club on Horsefair. In a letter to the council's licensing committee, the ballet said: We feel that the introduction of an sexual entertainment
venue in such close proximity presents an unnecessary danger to young people, many of whom are extremely vulnerable. And BRB chief executive Christopher Barron said: ort many forms of entertainment ...BUT... we feel an adult
entertainment establishment of this kind, so close to a venue that attracts family audiences and young people, would not be in keeping with the current environment that encourages people of Birmingham and their families to the area.
[What a load of bollox!, The 'current environment that encourages people of Birmingham and their families to the area', is in fact one of the binge drinking areas of Birmingham city centre, not to mention being the gay zone of
Birmingham too]. Also objecting on the same grounds are the Hippodrome Theatre and Dance Xchange. Hippodrome chief executive Stuart Griffiths is claiming that the site is the wrong place for a strip club: The proposed location in Thorp Street
is very close to public entrances to the theatre where children and families access the theatre, he said. For this reason we feel it would be inappropriate. Scarlets owner Michelle Monaghan is also hoping to secure permission to
introduce pole dancing, stripping and lap dancing at another venue, Mischkas at The Cyclone Club on Broad Street. Ms Monaghan said that she has eight years' experience running night spots, is well aware of her responsibilities and has consulted police on
crime and security matters for both venues. Scarlets is one of eight strip clubs hoping to secure a license under Birmingham City Council's new lap dancing policy. It is the only one to have attracted formal objections. The owners of all eight
clubs will appear before the licensing committee on Wednesday. Other applicants include established Legs 11 branches at the Arcadian and Broad Street, Medusa in Suffolk Street, The Rocket Club, Broad Street and Spearmint Rhino in Hagley Road. Club
Diamond, hopes to open in Holloway Head. Update: Licence Granted 23rd September 2011. See article from
The owner of Scarlets lapdancing club has been granted a licence, the 7th such club in Birmingham Michelle Monaghan said she would be surprised if people in the second city were against the idea of the lapdancing clubs because legislation
governing them was so strict. She said Birmingham and the Black Country were blighted by empty public houses and that lapdancing clubs were more profitable than normal clubs: We have found with lapdancing
clubs, we can open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and take as much as we could on a Saturday [at a standard nightclub].
22nd December 2010 | |
| Birmingham still unsure what arbitrary limits to set on lap dancing
Based on
article from
A deal on setting limits for lap dancing clubs in Birmingham has been struck – but city licensing chiefs are still unsure what, if any limit should be. Under the deal they agreed that there should be guideline limits for certain localities
such as Broad Street, Hurst Street or Moseley, but will set the limits in future. Nutters have lobbied hard for the committee to halve the number of clubs on Birmingham's Golden Mile from four to two. But the committee was warned by chairman David
Osborne that they face costly judicial review if they set an arbitrary limit. He said: These venues rake in money, enough to fund a judicial review whereas the council is cash-strapped. Councillor Bob Beauchamp thought that no limit was
needed as they already have unimaginable power to refuse clubs.
23rd November 2010 | |
| Council moralists want to destroy peoples livelihood over the arbitrary notion that lap dancing should be halved
| Thanks to Trog From birminghampost.net
A draft version of the new council policy to restrict and control strip clubs, or sexual entertainment venues as they are officially known, has rejected the chance to set a quota for Birmingham. But a significant number of committee members,
including Labour spokeswoman Barbara Dring and several Conservative members, support a cap. At present Birmingham has about a dozen licensed strip clubs, including five on Broad Street, but supporters of a cap would like to see that number halved.
Officials, backed by Liberal Democrat chairman David Osborne, believe that not setting a limit will give them greater control and allow them to judge each venue on its own merits. Coun Osborne (Lib Dem, South Yardley) said: I have been to a
conference with leading licensing lawyers who say that it is better to not set a cap, because it might fetter our future decisions. This way we have total discretion to judge each club on its own. Broad Street businesses pleaded for a limit on
the number of lap dancing and strip clubs allowed to operate in the city centre. They claim that a recent flurry of applications for new venues would deter investment and harm the city's reputation. But of course they have commercial interests in keeping
competition under control. They have called for a total limit of two clubs in Broad Street to be included in the city council's new policy on sexual entertainment venues even though there are currently four operating in the area. Birmingham's licensing committee was split over whether or not to set a city-wide limit, compromised on guideline limits for various localities including Broad Street and Hurst Street. A limit on the number of clubs will be set in the next few months
The new licensing powers, which will come into force on January 3, 2011, gives the committee greater freedom to reject strip club licenses and the ability to set higher license fees. The proposed fee for a new licence is £9,935 and
£5,070 for a renewal or variation. The draft policy states that sites near residential areas, shopping centres frequented by families, tourist attractions, places frequently visited by families such as schools, swimming pools and parks and
places of worship are inappropriate. The policy comes into force on January 3 and the new licenses will be decided and awarded in July 2011. Existing venues will be allowed to continue until January 3, 2012.
19th October 2010 | |
| Arbitrary moralists don't know where to draw their line
Thanks to Trog Based on
article from
The number of lap dancing and strip clubs in Birmingham could be halved under new powers adopted by Birmingham City Council licensing chiefs. It means that club owners could be put through what a licensing lawyer has described as a beauty
parade to see which ones get the licence and which ones have to cover up. Birmingham's 15-strong licensing committee is currently split over what limit to set on sex entertainment venues. It meets on November 17 to set the cap. Many
feel that the dozen or so currently allowed in Birmingham is too many and expect a limit of about six to be set. Others believe that quality gentlemen's clubs are part of a modern city nightlife. Labour group licensing spokeswoman Barbara Dring
(Oscott) thinks a cap is needed, but is unsure at which level. She said: We have just granted two licenses on Broad Street and there could be dozen more in the pipeline so this change has come at the right time. A cap is needed otherwise we could end
up with our own version of Soho. Other committee members are ready to push for half-a-dozen. One suggestion is a couple on Broad Street, a couple near the Arcadian and a couple elsewhere. Such a move would lead to the dozen strip clubs
competing for the six licenses next year. Solicitor Andrew Potts, at a recent licensing hearing likened the competition to a beauty parade . Committee chairman David Osborne (Lib Dem, South Yardley) does not believe that a limit is
necessary and wants to judge every club on its merits. He said: I am delighted that we have adopted this new legislation. I am not sure how happy the industry are going to be about it. We can now
consider moral objections, economic issues such as impact on other businesses and take representations from a wider area. I know there are those who would prefer no lap dancing clubs at all. My thoughts are that if we have a cap, we could box ourselves
in. It would be better to be flexible but I am willing to be persuaded otherwise.
5th July 2010 | |
| No substantive objections to a 4th lap dancing venue on Birmingham's nightlife street
Based on article
from birminghammail.net
A fourth lap dancing club will open along Birmingham's Golden Mile after city licensing chiefs dismissed supposed fears it would be a magnet for rowdy stag parties. The Boujee Rooms on Broad Street, currently an upstairs nightclub, can now put on
strip, pole and lap dancing shows 24 hours a day. Key to the club winning the approval of Birmingham City Council's licensing committee was the lack of police objection, making a claim it would increase anti-social behaviour hard to support.
Boujee Rooms now follows the established Rocket Club and Legs 11 nightspots and the recently opened Cyclone club next door offering lap dancing. Owner Sidney Taylor, who owns nine licensed premises including the Legs 11 club, said: I am
delighted. We work with police and council to ensure our clubs are well run and trouble-free. His lawyer, Sarah Clover, had earlier told the committee that there have never been formal complaints or objections to any of Taylor's other
premises. She said: There is no evidence for the objections. They are all based on the claim it will lower the tone. Business and residents groups including the City Centre Partnership, The Broad Street Bid and the City Centre Neighbourhood
Forum opposed the club. Gordon Keen, manager of the Walkabout bar and chairman of Broad Street Pubwatch, said: If you increase the number of lap dancing clubs, you increase the number of males coming to the Street. It might be good for business
in some ways but it will increase public order problems. We have tried to encourage more females and students and stopped promotions at weekends to reduce this element. Update:
Birmingham More Appealing 19th October 2010. See
article from birminghammail.net
Business leaders have lost a legal battle to stop another strip club on Birmingham's Broad Street. A judge decided the Boujee Rooms could continue to run a 24-hour lap dancing operation – the ninth sex establishment in the Golden Mile
entertainment quarter – after rejecting Birmingham City Council's appeal. The decision was condemned by directors of the Broad Street Business Improvement District (BID), who brought the appeal claiming the seedy nature of strip clubs
encouraged prostitution and crime. Already many of our members, who are made up of the bars, restaurants, offices and hotels, have told us they are dismayed at the decision. We have reconfirmed our opinion that any further matter will be
pursued within the framework of the current law.
29th November 2008 | |
| Council ban lap dancing in Sutton Coldfield
From birminghampost.net
Plans to open a strip club in Sutton Coldfield have been turned down because of the perception it would increase crime and seedy activity.
The bid by Flints wine bar in Belwell Lane, Mere Green, to re-brand itself as the Pussycats
Gentlemen's Club was thrown out by the city council after more than 100 nutters sent letters objecting to increases in late night noise, crime and nuisance as well as the moral decline of the area.
Licensing committee chairman David Osborne said:
The application is refused. We are particularly concerned at the increase in noise nuisance and anti-social behaviour.
In an attempt to appease protesters the licensee Deirdre O'Rourke, who has 35 years experience running pubs, offered to
cut back closing times from the initial suggested 3.30am to 1am weekdays and 2am at weekends, in line with other Mere Green nightspots.
But it was a late change of heart by local police, who at first had no formal objections, which swung the
three-strong licensing committee against the introduction of nude dancing in Mere Green.
Sutton Coldfield police inspector Tom Hadley told the committee that whether or not crime would in reality increase was not the issue. He argued there was a
widely held perception among locals that seedy activities such as prostitution, drug dealing and alcohol-fuelled disorder would soar. We not only measure reported crime, but also how safe people feel, and community harmony. It's about reassurance,
trust and confidence I believe that as a direct result of this application people in the area are more fearful of crime and more fearful of going out after dark.
He recognised that there were initially no objections from his licensing
officers, who had worked with Mrs O'Rourke to ensure it would be a well-run and discreet club. But added that the public reaction in recent weeks had persuaded him it would be a bad idea.
But retired police officer Sid Wood, speaking on behalf of
Mrs O'Rourke, had argued that the club would cause less nuisance than the existing Flints wine bar. He said: At the moment people drink outside, there is music playing all even-ing. Under the new licence this would stop at 8pm. The only activity
outside would be the occasional smoker.
Following the committee's decision he said that it was ‘likely' they would appeal against the decision. An appeal would be heard by magistrates. It is timely to recall
senior police evidence presented at a Commons culture committee investigation into lap dancing: Chief Inspector Adrian Studd, of the Metropolitan Police, said local residents often wanted officers to take action on moral
grounds. He told the Commons culture committee such clubs were usually well-run and had a high staff ratio to customers. Often people look for a moral decision, which is sometimes very difficult for police and local authorities to
make . It is true to say there is no evidence they cause any crime and disorder, or very rarely, because they tend to be fairly well-run, they tend to have a fairly high staff ratio to customers, the people who
tend to go there tend to be a bit older, so they don't tend to drink so excessively and cause... problems outside.
3rd November 2008 | |
| Whinging at lap dancing in Sutton Coldfield
Based on article from
Flints is a large wine bar in Sutton Coldfield. The owner, Deidre O'Rourke, wants to turn the pub in to a members only adult club called Pussy Cats and serve drinks until 3am in suburban Mere Green.
The landlady claims
upmarket dancing girls would attract wealthy footballers and businessmen and has rubbished claims that the club will be a brothel in disguise.
But nutters have predictably branded the plans seedy. Claire Hope said: It's
completely wrong for a suburban street like Belwell Lane and completely wrong for Sutton. There is no shortage of lapdancing clubs in Birmingham. Regardless of how well it is run, people will feel threatened by groups of men going there late at night.
The bar is on the school run.”
A few sgnatures have been collected on a 137 name petition.
Sutton Coldfield's nutter MP Andrew Mitchell has stated in a letter to residents: I am quite clear that Mere Green and Sutton Coldfield are
not appropriate locations for this sort of activity. Update: Protest 6th November 2008. Based on
article from
birminghammail.net Around 50 campaigners gathered outside Flints in Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield, to raise awareness of the proposals.
Slogans on some of the
placards being waved on Saturday included Sex in the city, not in the suburbs , Brothel in disguise and No to sleepless nights. Birmingham City Council will decide on the application on November 26.
Update: Petition 25th November 2008. See
article from
thisissuttoncoldfield.co.uk The case against turning Flints into an adult entertainment venue now includes:
- 120+ letters of objection.
- A 14 page petition.
- Strong opposition from Waitrose, Lloyds British and other local businesses.
- A blunder has resulted in official agenda papers stating West Midlands Police has 'no objections to
the application'. However chief superintendent Russell Smith gave his reassurance the licensing committee would be left in no doubt of the police's strong objections.
| |