ASA easily offended by innuendo in Rustlers adverts
 | 27th September 2012
| See article from
asa.org.uk |
Four ads, for Rustlers convenience food, appeared on a range of different platforms.
- a. The VOD ad was shown on 4oD and ITV Player. The ad featured a woman, wearing a short butcher's apron, stockings, suspenders and high heels, in a butcher's shop. A sign on the wall behind her stated FIT AS A BUTCHER'S DAUGHTER . The woman
said in a sultry voice, Hi there. I've something really satisfying to show you, so join me in my butcher's shop. Dad's left me in charge, which means we've got the place to ourselves. Just you, me and plenty of well-hung meat. The woman then
pointed at on-screen text which stated Click for more and said, You know you want to. Clicking on the text took viewers to the advertiser's website, www.rustlersonline.com.
- b. The ad appeared in an iPad game app.
- c. The ad
appeared on YouTube
- d. The ad appeared on the MailOnline website
- e. The ad on the MailOnline and the local news website, www.thisissouthwales.co.uk, appeared next to an article. Text, written on a blackboard, stated Rustlers
BOYS ARE ALWAYS COMPLIMENTING ME ON MY NICE RACK . The last two words were much larger than the preceding text. The woman from ad (a) danced into view with her back to the viewer, wiggling her bottom. She was wearing black knickers with the butcher's
apron, stockings and suspenders. She stopped, glanced suggestively over her shoulder towards the viewer, and winked. The text on the board changed to state FIT AS A BUTCHER'S DAUGHTER CLICK FOR MORE . The woman bent her knees and pointed at the
viewer, kicked her leg back and walked off camera.
- f. The first ad on www.rustlersonline.com featured the same woman in the butcher's shop, again speaking in a sultry voice, and emphasising certain words which could be taken as innuendo. She
said, Oh yes, you know how the script goes, don't you boys? Your starving mates keep coming over, so here's some ideas for mouth watering, tasty treats to give them. Rustlers subs, Rustlers burgers on my lovely baps, or Rustlers wraps are sure to go
down a storm and tackle their hunger. Containing no hydrogenated fat, we can trace your meat back to its farm of origin. She was shown stroking a large salami sausage. She continued, It's flame-grilled and coated in my creamy mayo salsa or
barbeque sauce, guaranteed to satisfy your drooling mouth. They're quick and easy to cook and if you offer a touch of liquid refreshment too, the shout from your mates will be 'I want some more'. A sign was shown which stated FIT AS A BUTCHER'S
DAUGHTER Rustlers . The ad also included an interactive element; when website users hit numbers on their keyboard, the ad skipped to certain points throughout the ad.
- g. The second ad on www.rustlersonline.com also featured the same woman in
the same setting, speaking in the same way and again emphasising certain words. She said, I want your full attention boys, because I'm going to tell you about what goes in to the great Rustlers range. We began in Ireland as a family butchers with a
deep passion for making quality meat products for those who want good food, fast. We take pride in all that we do, because before I put something in my mouth I want to know where it's been. The woman was shown stroking a sausage. She continued, So
we always know where your meat has been farmed and reared, and from the barbeque sauce we put over succulent ribs to our creamy mayonnaise, everything we touch is handled with care. Our baps are fluffy and delicious. I pop my buns in the toaster so they
don't go too soft in the microwave. Maybe you should try that too. A sign was shown which stated FIT AS A BUTCHER'S DAUGHTER Rustlers . The ad included the same interactive element as ad (f).
The ASA received 18 complaints.
- All the complainants challenged whether the ads were offensive, because they were sexist to women and presented them as merely sex objects.
- Four complainants challenged whether ads (a) and (b) were appropriate to be seen by children.
ASA Assessment 1. Not upheld in relation to ads (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) The ASA noted the woman in the ads was wearing revealing clothing, that in ads (a) to (d) she used mild innuendo to encourage viewers to follow the link to the
advertiser's website, and that in ad (e) mild innuendo appeared on the blackboard beside her. We acknowledged that some viewers might find the ads distasteful, in part because there was only a tentative link between the product and the use of a woman
wearing revealing clothing and using innuendo. However, we considered that the woman's clothing, the language used, and the dance in ad (e), were not sexually provocative or explicit, and the ads did not present women merely as sex objects. We concluded
ads (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) were unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence. Upheld in relation to ads (f) and (g) We acknowledged the ads were similar in theme and appearance to ads (a) to (e). However, we considered that some of
the innuendo in ads (f) and (g) was significantly stronger, particularly because it was emphasised by some of the woman's actions, it was sexually provocative, and it was the focus of the ad rather than the information she gave about the product. We
considered the overall effect of the ads was that the woman was presented as a sex object. We concluded the ads were likely to cause widespread offence as a result. Notwithstanding that, we noted the interactive element of the ads could be used by
website users to jump to certain words or phrases in the woman's speech which, although likely to be considered as innuendo when the ad was viewed in full, became sexually explicit when combined in different orders by the user. We considered the
interactivity therefore accentuated the presentation of the woman as merely a sex object. We concluded the interactive element to the ads was likely to cause both serious and widespread offence. On this point, we investigated ads (a), (b), (c),
(d) and (e) under CAP Code (Edition 12) rule 4.1 (Harm and offence), but did not find them in breach. On this point, ads (f) and (g) breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rule 4.1 (Harm and offence). 2. Not upheld in relation to ad (a) We
understood the complainants' concerns and agreed that the ad was not appropriate to be seen by children, because it contained sexual innuendo and the woman was wearing sexually suggestive clothing. However, we noted that none of the complainants had
stated that they were aware of children who had seen the ad on VOD, and we considered that both Channel 4 and ITV had taken appropriate steps to prevent the ad from being viewed by children. We concluded that the VOD ad was not socially irresponsible.
Upheld in relation to ad (b) For the reasons stated above, we considered the ad was not appropriate to be seen by children. We noted the audience to whom the ad had been targeted but were concerned it was likely that the ad had been served
to consumers outside the target audience; for example, we understood that the complainants who had seen the ad during the iPad game and on news websites, which were media targeted by Kepak's network advertising partner, were all female. We also
understood that where targeting was based on online behaviour or even demographic data provided by an internet user, ads could only be targeted to individual devices or logins on those devices, rather than to specific consumers. We considered it was
therefore likely that children, who often used devices owned by their parents, such as iPads, to play games or access the Internet, could have viewed the ad. We considered the advertiser should have taken greater care to ensure the ad could not be viewed
by children, and concluded the targeting of the ad during the iPad game was not responsible advertising. On this point, we investigated ad (a) under CAP Code (Edition 12) rule 1.3 (Responsible advertising), but did not find it in breach. On
this point, ad (b) breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rule 1.3 (Responsible advertising). |
Australian advert censor dismisses whinge about TV bra advert
 | 19th August 2012
| See article from nbr.co.nz
A television commercial showing female models struggling with their bras is fine for Australian daytime TV, say the local advert censors. The Advertising Standards Authority has dismissed two complaints against the Thin Lizzy Miracle Bra,
saying there are no grounds to proceed. A Complainant had whinged that the commercial should be aired at a later time, saying: It is fairly explicit and not suitable for children's viewing. One gets a good look
at women's breasts being adjusted and it is quite revealing. I would not have minded one bit if my kids weren't sitting next to me. Don't take it off the air, just view it later.
However, the judgment from the
ASA notes that models who were wearing a bra without a shirt were no more exposed than if there would have been in a bikini. ASA chairman Hilary Souter was sympathetic to the issue raised in the complaint but the advert was not
socially irresponsible and did not breach community standards. It had also been prepared with a due sense of social responsibility to consumers and society so there were no grounds for the complaint to proceed.
Christian Radio political advertising case to go another round
 | 18th August 2012
| See article from
A Christian radio station has been given the go-ahead to appeal a court decision which upheld a ban on an advert asking Christians whether they are being sidelined at work. In its decision to grant the appeal, the court said the radio station's
case is Arguable and important . The legal wrangling centres on a 30 second advert, which was due to air at the time of the last general election. The ad quoted surveys showing that 60 per cent of active Christians were being increasingly
marginalised at work. The Radio Advertising Clearance Centre (RACC) stopped it from being aired, claiming that it was directed to a political end . But lawyers for Premier said: The advertisement was not a political message but a
request for information which could then be used as part of the normal democratic process, where ideas and views are expressed in public discussion, contradicted, answered and debated.
Australian advert censor extends remit to reader comments on Facebook brand pages
 | 6th August 2012
| See article from
Australia's Advertising Standards Board has issued a judgment in which it said comments made by fans of a vodka brand's Facebook page were ads and must therefore comply with industry self-regulatory codes and therefore consumer protection laws.
Advertisement The ruling will force companies to vet comments posted by the public to ensure they are not sexist, racist or factually inaccurate. Non compliant companies could be fined or publicly shamed for the comments that appear on
their Facebook brand pages. A media lawyer is warning that the Advertising Standards Board's ruling on Smirnoff's Facebook page will put the onus back on companies to be more vigilant about the nature of the comments people are posting to
their company pages. John Swinson, a partner at law firm King & Wood Mallesons, said the board's ruling turned people's opinions into statements of facts . Swinson said that if, for example, a member of the public posted a comment on
Smirnoff's site that claimed it was the purest Russian vodka and would lead to success with the opposite sex and Smirnoff failed to remove it, the company could be liable on a number of counts. Although the Advertising Standards Board dismissed
the original complaint about Smirnoff, which centred on sexism, under-age drinking and obscene language, it ruled industry codes applied not only to what a company was posting on its Facebook page but to the user-generated comments that followed. The board's determination also cited a recent case of a health company, Allergy Pathway, which was fined for allowing misleading and deceptive
testimonials to remain on its Facebook and Twitter pages.
ASA changes its mind about Agent Provocateur lingerie advert
 | 2nd August 2012
| 1st August 2012. See article from
asa.org.uk See advert from
youtube.com |
A video on the Agent Provocateur website www.agentprovocateur.com for their Soiree line of lingerie featured a woman in a nightgown, alone in her home. She was shown answering the telephone twice, the first time she answered, no one spoke. The second
time there was the sound of someone laughing at the other end. The woman looked anxiously out of her window before several women, who were wearing revealing lingerie with stockings and long boots, appeared at the window and then inside the house. The
women were shown dragging the other woman through the house who then adopted a series of poses, some sexual, alone and with the other women. During the course of the video, the woman looked visibly distressed and several times the position of her
nightgown revealed her breasts. The group of women then appeared to attack the woman's body; she then she re-appeared wearing similar revealing lingerie to the group. Issue The complainant objected that the ad was irresponsible as
it appeared on a website that could be seen by children because it had no age restriction. Agent Provocateur Ltd did not respond to the ASA's enquiries. ASA Assessment: Complaint Upheld
The ASA was concerned by Agent Provocateur's lack of response and apparent disregard for the Code, which was a breach of CAP Code (Edition 12) rule 1.7 (Unreasonable delay). We reminded them of their responsibility to respond promptly
to our enquiries and we told them to do so in future. The ad appeared in a section of Agent Provocateur's website relating to a specific line of lingerie and was not protected through age verification. Although we noted that the
website was designed to appeal to adults rather than children through its style, colour and graphics and it promoted products that were likely to be seen as niche within the wider lingerie market, we considered that it featured erotic and fetish type
scenes which some viewers would not find suitable to be seen by children. Because of the sexually graphic and at times distressing nature of the video and the potential for children to share a web-link relatively easily we
concluded that it was unsuitable for display on an openly-accessible website where it might be viewed by children. The ad breached CAP Code rule 1.3 (Social responsibility). The ad must not appear again
unless suitable precautions are taken to avoid it being seen by children. In fact the video is now presented on the website with the warning: Caution. Video contains sexy and provocative footage (not recommended
for under 18).
A Distressing Change of Opinion by ASA See article from
melonfarmers.co.uk Strange that the ASA seemed to have changed their minds about the same video since they last investigated it in March of this year. In August 2012 ASA
noted: Because of the sexually graphic and at times distressing nature of the video...
In March 2012 ASA noted: We also considered the ad was unlikely to cause
fear or distress.
ASA's Assessment from March 2012 read: The ASA noted the online video appeared in the context of the website of a luxury lingerie retailer. We acknowledged some viewers might find
some of the scenes distasteful but considered the highly stylised nature and clearly fictional content of the video meant it was unlikely to be interpreted by most viewers in the way the complainant suggested. We considered the ads did not demean women
and were unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence to visitors to the Agent Provocateur website. We also considered the ad was unlikely to cause fear or distress without justifiable reason. We therefore concluded that the ad did not breach the
Code. We investigated the ad under CAP Code rules 4.1 and 4.2 (Harm and offence) but did not find it in breach.
You'd think that the censors would try and maintain a bit of consistency about their work. There
seems little point in having censors if their decisions are arbitrary. Update: Advert censors admit being 'distressed', not because the advert is 'distressing', but because Reg Bailey told them to be 'distressed' 2nd
August 2012. See article from
An ASA spokesman said it did not investigate the online advert's inappropriateness for children during the original investigation because it can't tack on its own challenges . [Although it often does!] The spokesman added that the decision was influenced by the Bailey Review into the sexualisation of childhood because it is now
taking a tougher line on concerns about advertising and children .
ASA claims that the public is as easily offended as it is
 | 31st July 2012
| From asa.org.uk
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has published the findings of research, conducted on its behalf by Ipsos MORI, into the public's views on what is harmful and offensive in UK advertising. Specific rules in the Advertising Codes require
the ASA to make judgements based on prevailing standards in society. The qualitative and quantitative research undertaken with the general public, parents, and children will help inform our decision making on matters relating to harm and offence. Encouragingly, the findings indicate that the ASA is broadly getting it right when it comes to judging where the line should be drawn in terms of inappropriate or harmful ads. However, the research also reveals some unexpected findings, which indicate some public concern about hard-hitting charity and public services ads.
Specifically, most children in the qualitative research spontaneously mentioned charity and public service ads as those that had upset or bothered them or younger siblings recently. Some felt upset by the ads themselves, while others were worried
because they wanted to help the cause but were unable to do so. Those ads were also a particular concern for parents. When it came to harm and offence more generally, other areas of concern spontaneously mentioned by participants were: sexual
content and nudity, body image, violent content and gender stereotypes. In summary, the research reveals that:
- Overall, participants' views of ads that had been the subject of complaints were broadly in line with the decisions taken by the ASA
- 16% said they had been personally offended by an ad or ads in the last twelve months, slightly lower than
the 19% who had been offended when similar ASA research was conducted in 2002
- Participants felt that the wider media showed stronger harmful and offensive content than advertising
- Protecting children from potential harm was a key
priority for both parents and non-parents alike, rather than just a concern for parents
- 30% of children aged 11-16 surveyed said they had been bothered by an ad in the last 12 months. Sexual, violent and scary content were their main reasons.
In more detail, the research reveals that:
- Charity and public service ads. Some participants argued that those ads can go too far, using distressing content to make people feel upset or guilty in a way that they considered inappropriate. Some parents felt that some charity ads were targeting
their children directly, which then put pressure on them to donate money. Others felt those ads should have more scope to shock because of their worthwhile aims
- Portrayal of body image. Despite widespread spontaneous concerns about the portrayal
of unrealistic body image - seen as both offensive and harmful by many participants, particularly women - only a minority felt that specific examples of those ads should be banned. Instead, advertising generally was seen as contributing to a broader
culture where women -- and particularly girls -- can be made to feel bad about themselves
- Sexual content and nudity. A few participants had concerns about sexual content and nudity in advertising, particularly where they could see no link
between sex and the product being advertised. However, many were not worried by the current level of sexual content and nudity in advertising, describing it as relatively inoffensive compared to other types of media
- Ads for sex shops and lap
dancing clubs. Those were not a spontaneous concern for participants. Most did not find the examples they were shown personally offensive, but views were more divided about whether or not they were harmful to children
- Ads that depict gender
stereotypes. Those were also mentioned spontaneously, with concerns about women being objectified and men being portrayed as stupid or engaging in juvenile behaviour
- Violent and scary content. Few adults reported having been offended by that in
advertising recently. Concerns were more focused on ads for violent films and computer games and their potentially harmful impact on children and young men. Adult participants mentioned public service ads that featured violence or peril and whether they
should be part of pre-watershed programming.
Chairman of the ASA, Lord Smith says: This research is invaluable in giving us the opportunity to listen to what the public thinks on matters of harm and offence in ads. While it is reassuring that we generally seem to be getting
things right, we cannot ignore the real concerns that have been raised, particularly around children. We will now reflect on the findings, for example making sure we consider the perspectives of children even more carefully in the future.
Taking a stand against a PC extremist that banned a sausage advert
 | 24th July 2012
| From thelocal.se
A Swedish Christian Democrat youth leader has protested the censorship of a sexually-suggestive food stand advertisement in southern Sweden by taking to the streets with red lips and painted nails to deliver her own sausages. The supposedly offensive
advert, with a close-up picture of a hotdog, two hands, and two red lips wrapped around the tip of the sausage, was taken down after a member of the local council responded to a complaint by the municipality's 'gender expert'. This move
prompted Felicia Lundqvist from Uppsala to protest against the local municipality in Simrishamn, which she claims is wasting tax money by employing a gender expert. She stood in a busy square in the town with a sign over her chest which
read: Felicia's hotdog stand. Suck on that gender experts! She said that she found nothing to be offensive about the original advert. Britten Dehlin was the 'gender expert' who had taken issue with the street vendor's initial
picture, causing its removal. She spouted: This is a sexualized picture. A prime example of an poorly-thought through act and a traditional gender approach with the aim of drawing in customers.
Lundqvist, however, was shocked that politicians could remove an ad for reasons of
gender equality without even reporting it first to the advertising ombudsman. Furthermore, Lundqvist says that she can't understand why gender experts are given such lofty platforms to speak, claiming that Simrishamn's gender expert's salary
should be donated towards preschools in the area instead.
20th July 2012
| South African advert censor appears to be in a spot of bother See article from bizcommunity.com
Australian advert censor finds woman shearing advert offensive
 | 18th July 2012
| From dailylife.com.au
This is an ad for a Tasmanian livestock and sheep shearing services company, ShearEwe. In fact the woman being sheared is the Norwegian skier Kari Traa. Perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly the Australian Advertising Standards Bureau received a
complaint saying: The objectification of women, the sexual positioning of the woman, the representation of a woman as an animal and the restraint used were offensive. I actually thought this was someone's idea of a
sick joke.
ShearEwe span a shaggy story about their 'work of art': The picture is in fact a work of art. It was used in a campaign to showcase her clothing brand during the Sponsership of the 2008
Golden Shears Competition held in Norway that year, and has gained some appreciation and fame. The lady in the picture is in fact the founder of the Norwegian clothing brand Kari Traa, (also her name) so I feel that this shows that shearers are
trustworthy, gentle and accommodating. Someone you would trust to give you a hair cut, I realise that hobby farmers treat their pet sheep like family. The picture also educates people where wool comes from, that it is a natural
resource and harvesting of wool is beneficial
But the advert censors were not impressed by the flippancy. The Board noted the image of the woman depicted as a sheep about to be shorn. The Board
noted that the woman is dressed but that she is posed in a mildly sexualised manner with the suggestion that she will soon be naked (from the shearing). The Board considered that the image makes use of the woman's sexual appeal and attractiveness. The
Board noted that advertiser's response that the image uses an artistic work which was used as part of promotional material during a shearing competition. The Board considered that the image depicts the man in a position of power
and the woman in a submissive position. The Board also considered that the image depicts the woman in a position in which she is compared to an animal, with a suggestion also of commodification (ie: that there is, as there is in shearing, many others to
be shorn). The Board considered that the representation of the woman as a sheep being shorn was irrelevant to the service advertised. The Board considered that the impact of the advertisement as a whole is exploitative of women
and is also degrading. The Board determined that the advertisement breached section 2.2 of the Code.
Australian advert censor recommends Lynx advert
 | 16th July 2012
| See article from
mumbrella.com.au See advert from
youtube.com |
Australia's advert censor has banned an ad for Unilever deodorant Lynx for demeaning older men, but it was cleared of degrading both sexes, racism and bad language. The part of the ad deemed unacceptable came at end, when an old man produced
two deflated medicine balls and asks, Can you help me with these saggy old balls? Nobody's played with them for years. The ad received around 150 complaints from the public. One of the complaints to the Adverstising Standards Bureau (ASB)
read: It is smutty and filled with crude innuendo of a sexual nature. It is not clever advertising but rather immature banter akin to schoolyard talk. It has nothing to do with the advertising of the product and is
totally unnecessary and demeaning to men. If the topic was woman's breasts there would be outrage. Not funny not clever just feral.
The ASB ruled that, with the exception of the depiction of the older man, the portrayals of the people
in the ad were not offensive. Update: Follow Up Press Conference 26th July 2012. See
article from mumbrella.com.au
See video from youtube.com Lynx responds to ad ban with fake press conference
boosting the double entendre Lynx responds to ad ban with fake press conference boosting the double entendre. In a move suggesting that a ban on Unilever's Lynx Clean Your Balls ad was a part of the company's advertising strategy from the outset,
the brand has immediately launched a new video featuring an unapologetic mock press conference.
Campaigners object to Transport for London accepting advertising from Lockheed Martin
 | 11th July 2012
| See article from
Transport for London (TfL) have been criticised by campaigners for accepting advertisements for Lockheed Martin. In particular the massive defence company is targeted for the continued production of cluster bombs. Director of Handicap
International UK Aleema Shivji told The Scoop: As long as cluster bombs continue to be produced, they will continue to kill and maim innocent people, with civilians representing a staggering 98% of recorded casualties.
Handicap International teams witness the terrible impact of cluster bombs every day and meet victims unable to access the support they need to rebuild their lives. We are therefore saddened to see that TfL is earning advertising money from a company that
makes cluster bombs, particularly when the UK banned these weapons in 2008 by signing the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Liberal Democrat London Assembly Member Caroline Pidgeon said: This sends
out the wrong message as to the type of business that London welcomes and the Mayor should instruct TfL to cancel Lockheed Martin's bookings of ad space on London's transport network.
Transport for London said:
Lockheed Martin is a legitimate company and as such is entitled to purchase advertising on public transport from TfL's advertising contractors.
Russia bans alcohol advertising
 | 8th July 2012
| See article
from timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Russia's lower house of parliament, the Duma, has approved a law that prohibits advertising alcohol drinks in the Russian locale of the internet and in print media. The law will come into force from Jan 1, 2013. Experts and market
participants polled by the Prime news agency said it would be hard to enforce the ban and it might result in an outflow of advertisers to foreign websites.
But if they did... then one has to address the aggregation of posters, not the forum itself
4th July 2012
| See article from
A national press ad for Fathers4Justice, seen on Friday 16 March 2012 was headlined Say it with hate this Mother's Day . The ad showed a picture of a toddler with various negative words written all over his body including pig, rioter, wife beater,
etc. Text stated Fathers4Justice are writing to all advertisers this Mother's Day to inform them that the Mumsnet web site carries abusive and distressing anti-male content which promotes gender hatred against men and boys. We believe that the general
sexist labelling of men and boys as 'rapists', 'paedophiles' and 'wife beaters' is as unacceptable and offensive as racism and homophobia. Fathers4Justice are asking advertisers to suspend their advertising on Mumsnet until founder Justine Roberts adopts
a zero tolerance policy to gender hatred. Promote a message of love, not hate this Mother's Day. Join our boycott of Mumsnet at ... . Ten people complained about the ad.
Eight of the complainants challenged whether the claim Mumsnet web site carries abusive and distressing anti-male content which promotes gender hatred against men and boys was misleading and could be substantiated. -
Three of the complainants also challenged whether the claim that Mumsnet had unfairly generalised men and boys as rapists, paedophiles and wife beaters was misleading and could be substantiated. Five of
the complainants also challenged whether the picture of the toddler with various derogatory remarks written over his body was offensive.
1. & 2. Fathers4Justice (F4J) said in their view the ad underplayed the seriousness and gravity of the content they had seen on Mumsnet and supplied the ASA with a number of screenshots of the Mumsnet website which they believed
was evidence of highly offensive anti-male gender hatred. They said that they had complained about the content to Mumsnet and asked them to remove this content and commit to a zero tolerance policy on gender hatred but Mumsnet had refused and only some
of the content was removed. As such, F4J believed that Mumsnet were responsible for such content. F4J said that abusive, anti-male content continued to be posted on the site and considered that highlighting this was a matter of
public interest and that the ad was an entirely legitimate way of raising this matter. ASA Decision: Complaints 1. & 2. Upheld The ASA noted the response from F4J who understood that Mumsnet were
responsible for posts written by users on the website's forums. We also noted however that F4J had not sent us anything to suggest that Mumsnet endorsed any of the views expressed on its web forums or any editorial content from the Mumsnet website to
suggest that the website owners themselves harboured or promoted gender hatred against men or boys. We also considered that the claim the general sexist labelling of men and boys as 'rapists', 'paedophiles' and 'wife beaters' is as unacceptable and
offensive as racism and homophobia in the context of the ad implied that Mumsnet themselves had unfairly generalised men and boys in this way in their editorial content and yet we noted that F4J had also not provided us with any evidence to suggest
that this was the case. We considered that many online web forums and comments sections of websites were likely to feature a range of views from across society, with some views being more extreme than others.
Mumsnet said that their forums regularly received over 25,000 posts per day and while it was not possible to monitor all of these posts, they relied on users of the forum to report any content that they considered to be offensive, which Mumsnet would
then delete if it breached their terms of use. We contacted Mumsnet who reiterated that they did not tolerate any kind of prejudice on the site and this included any kind of gender bias but users did need to bring this to their attention if action was to
be taken. We considered that whilst some users of the website had made negative comments about men in its forums, it was misleading of F4J to imply through this ad that Mumsnet themselves had made or endorsed those comments. We therefore concluded that
the ad breached the code. On points 1. & 2., the ad breached CAP Code rule 3.1 (Misleading advertising) and 3.7 (Substantiation). 3. Not upheld
We noted the complainants' concerns about the image used in the ad. However, we considered that in the context of the ad it was clear what message F4J were trying to convey by using it, i.e. that the image was supposed to visually
represent unfair and offensive labelling of men. While we understood that the image had caused some distress to the complainants, we concluded that it was unlikely to cause serious or widespread offence On this point,
we investigated the ad under CAP Code rule 4.1 (Harm and offence) but did not find it in breach. Action The ad must not appear again in its current form. We asked F4J not to imply that forum postings on Mumsnet's
website indicated endorsement or support from the website itself.