Melon Farmers Original Version

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Tad The Lost Explorer And The Curse Of The Mummy...

2022 Spain children's cartoon by Enrique Gato is the latest film suffering BBFC category cuts for cinema release

Link Here 16th September 2022
Tad The Lost Explorer And The Curse Of The Mummy is a 2022 Spain animation comedy by Enrique Gato
Starring Óscar Barberán, (voice), Luis Posada, (voice), Michelle Jenner and (voice) BBFC link 2020 IMDb
BBFC category cuts were required for a U rated cinema release in 2022.

Summary Notes

Tad accidentally unleashes an ancient spell endangering the lives of his friends: Mummy, Jeff and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adventure, in order to put an end to the curse of the Mummy.


BBFC uncut
MPAA PGUS: Uncut and MPAA PG rated for:


BBFC cut
run: 89:03s
pal: 85:29s
UUK: Passed U for very mild threat, violence, rude humour, language after BBFC cuts:
  • 2022 cinema release

The BBFC commented:

The distributor chose to make changes to the film to achieve their preferred U category. Mild bad language ('crap') was removed.. An uncut PG classification was available.



Spider-man: No Way Home...

Released in a More Fun Stuff version

Link Here7th September 2022
Spider-man: No Way Home is a 2021 US/Iceland action adventure by Jon Watts
Starring Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Holland BBFC link 2020 IMDb
Exists as a Theatrical Version and an extended More Fun Stuff Version. Both were rated MPAA PG-13 in the US. Both were 12A/12 rated by the BBFC.

In the US: Rated PG-13 for sequences of action/violence, some language and brief suggestive comments

Summary Notes

With Spider-Man's identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help. When a spell goes wrong, dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear, forcing Peter to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.


BBFC uncut
run: 156:44s
pal: 150:28s
12AUK: The More Fun Stuff Version was passed 12A uncut for moderate violence, threat:
  • 2022 cinema release



Boarding House...

Researching the many versions of 1982 US comedy horror once banned by the BBFC

Link Here29th August 2022
Boarding House is a 1982 USA comedy horror by John Wintergate (as Johnn Wintergate).
Starring John Wintergate, Kalassu and Lindsay Freeman. Melon Farmers link  Youtube link  IMDb
Noted as the first horror film shot on video. The original video release from 1982 was a spoof comedy horror. This version was banned by the BBFC for 1983 UK VHS release. The  video was re-edited to create a more serious horror for an MPAA R rated Theatrical Version. An alternative version was created in 1984 titled Psycho Killer. A much longer fan based creation from 2013 has been labelled the Director's Cut

Summary Notes

Resembling a cross between "The Amityville Horror" and a Playboy Playmates video, this film tells the terrifying tale of a cheesy video special effect that stalks bikini-clad women. In between scenes of them playfully splashing each other and wrestling with each other's bathing suit tops, they're murdered and/or terrorized by horrific hallucinations. These hallucinations include seeing blood in the shower stalls (while they're trying to lather up), having giant monsters jump out of the hall closet, and seeing their faces temporarily turn into rubber halloween masks.

Fan Created Director's Cut

Director's Cut
run: 156:48s
pal: 150:32s
MPAA UnratedUS: The Director's Cut is MPAA Unrated for:
  • 2015 Olive Films DVD [Director's Cut + Original Video Version] R1 DVD at US Amazon  


Psycho Killer Version

Psycho Killer
run: 98:08s
pal: 94:12s
MPAA UnratedUS: The Psycho Killer Version is MPAA Unrated for:
  • 2021 American Genre Film [Original Version + Theatrical Version + Psycho Killer] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad

Theatrical Serious Horror Version

Theatrical Version
run: 87:57s
pal: 84:26s
MPAA RUS: The Theatrical Version  is MPAA R rated for:
  • 2021 American Genre Film [Original Version + Theatrical Version + Psycho Killer] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
  • 2015 Olive Films DVD [Director's Cut + Original Video Version] R1 DVD at US Amazon

Original Spoof Horror Video Version

Original Version
run: 98:46s
pal: 94:49s
MPAA UnratedUS: The Original Version is MPAA Unrated for:
  • 2021 American Genre Film [Original Version + Theatrical Version + Psycho Killer] R0 Blu-ray at US Amazon #ad
  • 2015 Olive Films DVD [Director's Cut + Original Video Version] R1 DVD at US Amazon
Rejected UK: The Original Version was banned by the BBFC for:
  • 1983 Intervision VHS



Carry on Nurse...

A continuing series to list BBFC cuts to Carry On films

Link Here22nd July 2022

Carry On Nurse is a 1959 UK comedy romance by Gerald Thomas
Starring Kenneth Williams, Hattie Jacques and Kenneth Connor BBFC link 2020 IMDb

Cut by the BBFC for U rated cinema release in 1959. Most of the cuts persisted onto PG rated home video releases.

Summary Notes

An idiosyncratic group of patients wreak havoc in the men's surgical ward of Haven Hospital. They decide to take their revenge on the frosty Matron, and there is even a spot of DIY surgery!


best available
best available 
run: 86:37s
pal: 83:09s
PG 1980UK: Passed PG for mild innuendo and slapstick violence: UK: Passed PG:
  • 2001 Warner video
  • 1988 Warner VHS

From IMDb. Part of the shaving scene cut from cinema release was restored but otherwise the cinema cuts persisted onto video.

BBFC cut
run: 85m
pal: 82m
U pre 1970UK: Passed U after BBFC category cuts:
  • 1959 cinema release

Thanks to Vince. The BBFC cuts list read:

Reel 1 - In the scene where the male patient is shaved, end the episode immediately after the words "I'm not going to shave your face" have been spoken.
Reel 2 - After the nurse's words "What a fuss about such a little thing", remove the shot of the patient peering under the sheet.
Reel 5 - Remove "Get the doctor to give you something to make you sleep."
Reel 7 - Remove "Yes, you can pick up Mr. Hickson's balls."



Treasure Of The Four Crowns...

BBFC category cuts revealed for a PG rated cinema release in 1983

Link Here19th July 2022
Treasure Of The Four Crowns is a 1983 Spain/US/Italy fantasy adventure by Ferdinando Baldi
Starring Tony Anthony, Ana Obregón and Gene Quintano BBFC link 2020 IMDb
BBFC category cuts were required for a PG rated cinema release in 1983. Then uncut and 15 rated on home video.

Summary Notes

A group of adventurers are gathered together to retrieve some mystical gems which are in the possession of a deadly cult.


BBFC uncut
run: 99:44s
pal: 95:45s
15 1980


UK: Passed 15 uncut:
  • 1987 Video Collection International VHS
US: Passed MPAA PG uncut for:
BBFC cut
run: 98m
pal: 94m
PG 1980UK: Passed PG after BBFC cuts:
  • 1983 cinema release

Thanks to Scott. The BBFC cuts list read:

  • 76 1/2 mins After long shot sight of man in red trousers clapping boards, remove both close shots of woman's forehead branded with steaming knife.
  • 79 mins Later in same sequence remove three close ups of woman's screaming face.
  • 88 3/4 mins After initial close shot of bearded man's face being burnt with laser, remove all subsequent close ups of his face disintegrating.
  • 89 mins Immediately following, reduce sight of guards on fire staggering towards door.

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