| 27th March 2013
Welcome to a world where Google knows exactly what sort of porn you all like, and more about your interests than your spouse does. By Bruce Schneier See
article from schneier.com |
Boom in private investigators risks avoiding surveillance regulation
| 19th March 2013
| See article from
bigbrotherwatch.org.uk See report [pdf] from
Big Brother Watch writes: Our latest report highlights the growing use of private investigators by local and public authorities, particularly the number of times they are used without RIPA authorisation.
The law in the UK, particularly the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, is broadly drawn to allow evidence to be introduced in court that in other jurisdictions would not be deemed admissible. Contrasted with the fruit of the
poisonous tree provisions in the US, and broader protection offered by the Fourth Amendment, UK law risks failing to join up the evidential admissibility process and the regulation of surveillance. While the surveillance doesn't
come cheap, with some organisation spending thousands of pounds on a single operation, the primary finding of the report is the potential loophole in surveillance regulation that is being exploited following the passage of the Protection of Freedoms Act
2012. Accordingly, we are seriously concerned there is a gap in UK law emerging around surveillance and the ability of third parties to conduct surveillance operations without proper regulation. Some of these operations were
conducted at the request of insurers, raising concerns about conflicts of interest. The government has acted to control surveillance by local councils but this research shows more than ever before public bodies are using private
detectives to do their snooping. The law is at breaking point and public bodies shouldn't be able to dodge the legal checks on them by using private investigators. Commenting on our report, Secretary of State for Local Government,
Eric Pickles said: Such powers can only be used for serious crimes, and require a magistrates' warrant. It is totally unacceptable if councils are trying to sidestep these important new checks and they should be
held to account for acting outside the law.
Local council snoops on Facebook to determine marital status
| 15th March 2013
| See article from
Next time you change your Facebook relationship status, think twice about what your local council might think. As Tony Bell found, saying he was married led to his local council deciding he was no longer entitled to his
single person council tax discount, despite the marriage being a joke to wind up colleagues. If the council had sent someone out to see what was going on, they would have to seek a magistrates approval for surveillance under the Regulation
of Investigatory Powers Act. Yet doing it online appears to fall totally outside these rules.
| 12th March
The debate over the direction of the web has just started, and contradictory messages that need careful scrutiny are emerging from governments and corporations alike, says Kirsty Hughes See
article from indexoncensorship.org |
| 11th March
Smart technology and the sort of big data available to social networking sites are helping police target crime before it happens. But is this ethical? Book extract from To Save Everything by Evgeny Morozov See
article from guardian.co.uk |
Southampton Council found to be abusing Taxi passengers' right to privacy
| 21st February 2013
| See article from
Southampton Council's attempt to justify it's policy of requiring taxis to record audio and video of every journey took another blow when the First Tier Tribunal ruled against it. The case stems from a complaint made by Big Brother Watch
and others to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), and led to Oxford council abandoning it's policy and Southampton being given an enforcement notice -- essentially a prosecution for breaching the Data Protection Act. As reported by
the barrister's chambers 11KBW, who acted for the ICO in the case: What the Council disputed was (1) the conclusion that the policy involved the processing of sensitive personal data as well as personal data; and (2)
the ICO's finding that the recording and retention of audio data was a disproportionate interference with passengers' privacy rights under Article 8 of the European Convention.
On both points, the tribunal ruled against the council,
saying the policy was disproportionate and accepting the risk of function creep .
Authorities want to identify customers visiting sex shop
| 15th February 2013
| See article from
The owners of Mrs Palm, the licensed store in Truro, Cornwall, are appealing for help and advice from other licensed store owners in combating the latest condition Cornwall Council is attempting to impose upon the business. The council is now
saying that Mrs Palm is required to install very intrusive CCTV to record and retain for not less than 31 days recognisable facial features of all persons attempting to enter the shop, leaving the shop and also of persons in the shop. Mrs
Palm co-owner Braxton Reynolds is preparing an appeal against the condition and would welcome feedback from the industry: Our customers are particularly concerned that they are using a shop that is extremely discreet
but obviously there are serious implications for the whole industry about this, he said.
email sales@mrspalm.com
| 14th February 2013
MPs should be a bit more careful what they wish for when voting for the snooper's charter See article from
bigbrotherwatch.org.uk |
Canada abandons internet surveillance bill
| 13th February
| See article from rt.com
The Conservative Canadian government is abandoning its much-criticized internet surveillance bill, which would have allowed the government to keep tabs on its citizens and was disguised with bollox claims of fighting child pornographers. (The authorities
can already get all the warrants they need to investigate serious crimes) Justice Minister Rob Nicholson announced that Bill C-30, which caused public ire over privacy, is dead. Nicholson told reporters: We've
listened to the concerns of Canadians, We will not be proceeding with Bill C-30 ... including the warrantless mandatory disclosure of basic subscriber information, or the requirement for telecommunications service providers to build intercept
capabilities within their systems.
Bill C-30 misleadingly known as the Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act was introduced in Parliament less than a year ago, and it was presented as a choice that Canadians must make: to
either support the bill or be on the side of child pornographers. He can either stand with us or stand with the child pornographers, argued Public Safety Minister Vic Toews in Parliament while attacking the opposition last February. This
comment led to public outrage, raising privacy concerns across the nation. What made the legislation dangerous was that it forced Internet service providers to have systems that allowed police to intercept and track online communications. Also, it
would have permitted authorities to have warrantless access to Internet subscriber information, including name, address, telephone number, email address and IP address. This is a great day, critic of the bill, Ontario Privacy Commissioner
Ann Couvukian told The Globe and Mail, This is a victory for privacy and for freedom.
Detailed information posted on social networks is a bountiful feast for government snoops
| 12th February 2013
| 11th February 2013. See article from telegraph.co.uk
New technology has been developed enabling governments to snoop on people using social networking websites and apps. The sophisticated technology relies on websites such as Facebook and Twitter to build a detailed picture of people's lives in a
move that raises concerns over breach of privacy and civil liberties. The system has been created by Raytheon, the US giant defence contractor. It is name Riot or Rapid Information Overlay Technology It was claimed that the
technology could be transformed into a Google for spies and used by governments as a means of monitoring and controlling people online. A video obtained by the Guardian newspaper reveals how the software system can gather personal
information about people, including their friends, interests and the places they visit, from social networking websites including Foursquare, Facebook and Twitter In the video, the software analyses the behaviour of a Raytheon employee Nick to
show the places he has used his smartphone, the day or time of most internet activity and the location of photos posted online. We know where Nick's going, we know what Nick looks like, now we want to try to predict where he may be in the future, says the video.
Ginger McCall, from the US-based Electronic Privacy Information Centre said:. Social networking sites are often not transparent about what information is shared and how it is shared. Users may be posting information that they believe will be viewed only by their friends, but instead, it is being viewed by government officials or pulled in by data collection services like the Riot search.
Offsite Comment: Why we should all worry about being tracked online 12th February 2013. See
article from guardian.co.uk
Surveillance is getting cheaper and easier by the day, which in turn proves almost irresistible -- for those with good and bad intentions -- to make more use of it. ...read the full
| 8th February 2013
| Big Brother Watch reports on the publication of the Intelligence and Security Committee's report into the Draft Communications Data Bill. See
article from bigbrotherwatch.org.uk |
| 1st February 2013
| This ruling may limit the disclosure of historic information, but what about its retention? See
article from independent.co.uk |
| 31st January 2013
| British internet users' personal information on major cloud storage services can be spied upon routinely by US authorities See
article from
independent.co.uk |
| 26th January 2013
| The overzealous criminal record vetting system has allowed old, minor and unreliable information to wreck the lives of too many hardworking people in the UK. See
article from bbc.co.uk |
Australian government considers allowing spies to hijack innocent people's PCs so that they can be used to help in hacking computers of suspected criminals
| 13th January 2013
| See article from news.com.au
The Australian Attorney-General's Department is pushing for new powers for the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (AISO) to hijack the computers of suspected terrorists. A spokesman said it was proposing that ASIO be authorised to use a third party computer for the specific purpose of gaining access to a target computer
: The purpose of this power is to allow ASIO to access the computer of suspected terrorists and other security interests. (It would be used) in extremely limited circumstances and only when
explicitly approved by the Attorney-General through a warrant. Importantly, the warrant would not authorise ASIO to obtain intelligence material from the third party computer.
The Attorney-General's Department
refused to explain yesterday how third-party computers would be used, as this may divulge operationally sensitive information and methods used by ASIO in sensitive national security investigations. But it said technological advances had made it
increasingly difficult for ASIO to execute search warrants directly on target computers, particularly where a person of interest is security conscious. But cyber specialist Andrew Pam, a board member of the Electronic Frontiers lobby
group, predicted ASIO could copy the tactics of criminal hackers to seize control of target computers. Australians' PCs might be used to send a malicious email with a virus attached, or to load malware onto a website frequently visited by the
target. Victoria's acting Privacy Commissioner, Dr Anthony Bendall, said that ASIO's proposed new powers are characteristic of a police state. To access a third party's computer, which has no connection with the target, is extraordinarily broad
and intrusive.
| 10th January 2013
| A report shows that the European Commission plans to force the UK to allow other member states access to personal details of every motorist in Britain as well as access to the national DNA database and
fingerprint records. See article from bigbrotherwatch.org.uk |